Пример #1
    def executePut(self):
        Method for executing a POST requests that create a new SOS observed property
        if self.service == "default":
            raise Exception("observedproperties operation can not be done for default service instance.")
        elif self.observedproperty == None:
            raise Exception("destination observedproperty is not specified.")
            import json
            from walib import utils as ut

            servicedb = databaseManager.PgDB(
            sql = "SELECT id_opr FROM %s.observed_properties " % self.service
            sql += "WHERE  def_opr = %s"
            par = (self.observedproperty,)
            row = servicedb.select(sql, par)
            if not row:
                raise Exception("Original observed property '%s' does not exist." % self.observedproperty)
            oid = row[0]["id_opr"]

            sql = "UPDATE %s.observed_properties " % self.service

            if not self.json["constraint"] or self.json["constraint"] == {}:
                sql += "SET name_opr = %s, def_opr = %s, desc_opr=%s, constr_opr=NULL "
                par = (self.json["name"], self.json["definition"], self.json["description"], oid)
                except Exception as ex:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Constraint for observed property '%s' is not valid: %s" % (self.observedproperty, ex)
                sql += "SET name_opr = %s, def_opr = %s, desc_opr=%s, constr_opr=%s "
                par = (
            sql += "WHERE id_opr = %s"

            servicedb.execute(sql, par)
            self.setMessage("Update successfull")
Пример #2
    def executePut(self):
        Method for executing a POST requests that create a new SOS observed property
        if self.service == "default":
            raise Exception(
                "observedproperties operation can not be done for default service instance."
        elif self.observedproperty == None:
            raise Exception("destination observedproperty is not specified.")
            import json
            from walib import utils as ut
            servicedb = databaseManager.PgDB(
            sql = "SELECT id_opr FROM %s.observed_properties " % self.service
            sql += "WHERE  def_opr = %s"
            par = (self.observedproperty, )
            row = servicedb.select(sql, par)
            if not row:
                raise Exception(
                    "Original observed property '%s' does not exist." %
            oid = row[0]["id_opr"]

            sql = "UPDATE %s.observed_properties " % self.service

            if not self.json['constraint'] or self.json['constraint'] == {}:
                sql += "SET name_opr = %s, def_opr = %s, desc_opr=%s, constr_opr=NULL "
                par = (self.json['name'], self.json['definition'],
                       self.json['description'], oid)
                except Exception as ex:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Constraint for observed property '%s' is not valid: %s"
                        % (self.observedproperty, ex))
                sql += "SET name_opr = %s, def_opr = %s, desc_opr=%s, constr_opr=%s "
                par = (self.json['name'], self.json['definition'],
                       json.dumps(self.json['constraint']), oid)
            sql += "WHERE id_opr = %s"

            servicedb.execute(sql, par)
            self.setMessage("Update successfull")
Пример #3
    def executePost(self):
        Method for executing a POST requests that create a new SOS observed property
        if self.service == "default":
            raise Exception("observedproperties operation can not be done for default service instance.")
            import json
            from walib import utils as ut

            servicedb = databaseManager.PgDB(

            sql = "INSERT INTO %s.observed_properties(name_opr, def_opr, desc_opr, constr_opr)" % self.service

            if not self.json["constraint"] or self.json["constraint"] == {}:
                sql += " VALUES (%s, %s, %s, NULL);"
                par = (self.json["name"], self.json["definition"], self.json["description"])
                except Exception as ex:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Constraint for observed property '%s' is not valid: %s" % (self.observedproperty, ex)
                sql += " VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);"
                par = (

            servicedb.execute(sql, par)
            self.setMessage("Insert successfull")
Пример #4
    def executePost(self):
        Method for executing a POST requests that create a new SOS observed property
        if self.service == "default":
            raise Exception(
                "observedproperties operation can not be done for default service instance."
            import json
            from walib import utils as ut

            servicedb = databaseManager.PgDB(

            sql = "INSERT INTO %s.observed_properties(name_opr, def_opr, desc_opr, constr_opr)" % self.service

            if not self.json['constraint'] or self.json['constraint'] == {}:
                sql += " VALUES (%s, %s, %s, NULL);"
                par = (self.json['name'], self.json['definition'],
                except Exception as ex:
                    raise Exception(
                        "Constraint for observed property '%s' is not valid: %s"
                        % (self.observedproperty, ex))
                sql += " VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);"
                par = (self.json['name'], self.json['definition'],

            servicedb.execute(sql, par)
            self.setMessage("Insert successfull")
Пример #5
    def toXML(self,indent=False):
        Return the SensorML that represent the self.data object as L{string}
        import sys
        ns = {
            'xsi': "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ,
            'sml': "http://www.opengis.net/sensorML/1.0.1", 
            'swe': "http://www.opengis.net/swe/1.0.1", 
            'xlink': "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", 
            'gml': 'http://www.opengis.net/gml'            
        #---map namespaces---
            register_namespace = et.register_namespace
            for key in ns:
        except AttributeError:
                for key in ns:
                    et._namespace_map[ns[key]] = key
            except AttributeError:
                    from xml.etree.ElementTree import _namespace_map
                except ImportError:
                        from elementtree.ElementTree import _namespace_map
                    except ImportError:
                        print >> sys.stderr, ("Failed to import ElementTree from any known place")
                for key in ns:
                    _namespace_map[ns[key]] = key
        root = et.Element("{%s}SensorML" % ns['sml'])
        root.attrib[ "{%s}schemaLocation" % ns['xsi'] ] = "http://www.opengis.net/sensorML/1.0.1 http://schemas.opengis.net/sensorML/1.0.1/sensorML.xsd"
        root.attrib["version"] = "1.0"
        member = et.SubElement(root, "{%s}member" % ns['sml'] )
        system = et.SubElement(member, "{%s}System" % ns['sml'] )
        system.attrib["{%s}id" % ns['gml'] ] = self.data["system_id"]

        #--- System Description
        system.append(et.Comment("System Description"))        
        if ("keywords" in self.data) and (not self.data["description"]==""):
            desc = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}description" % ns['gml'] )
            desc.text = self.data["description"]
        name = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}name" % ns['gml'] )
        name.text = self.data["system"]
        #--- System Search Keywords
        if ("keywords" in self.data) and (not self.data["keywords"]==""):
            system.append(et.Comment("System Search Keywords"))
            keys = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}keywords" % ns['sml'] )
            keylist = et.SubElement(keys, "{%s}KeywordList" % ns['sml'] )
            for k in self.data["keywords"].split(","):
                key = et.SubElement(keylist, "{%s}keyword" % ns['sml'] )
                key.text = k
        #--- System Identifiers
        if ("identification" in self.data) and (not self.data["identification"]==[]):
            system.append(et.Comment("System Identifiers"))
            identification = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}identification" % ns['sml'] )
            IdentifierList = et.SubElement(identification, "{%s}IdentifierList" % ns['sml'] )
            uniqueidPresent = False
            for i in  self.data["identification"]:
                if i["definition"] == 'urn:ogc:def:identifier:OGC:uniqueID':
                    uniqueidPresent = True
                identifier = et.SubElement(IdentifierList, "{%s}identifier" % ns['sml'] )
                identifier.attrib["name"] = i["name"]
                term = et.SubElement(identifier, "{%s}Term" % ns['sml'] )
                term.attrib["definition"] = i["definition"]
                value = et.SubElement(term, "{%s}value" % ns['sml'])
                value.text = i["value"]
            if not uniqueidPresent:
                raise Exception("self.data['identification']: 'uniqueID' is mandatory")
        #--- System Classifiers
        system.append(et.Comment("System Classifiers"))
        classification = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}classification" % ns['sml'] )
        ClassifierList = et.SubElement(classification, "{%s}ClassifierList" % ns['sml'])
        for c in self.data["classification"]:
            classifier = et.SubElement(ClassifierList, "{%s}classifier" % ns['sml'] )
            classifier.attrib["name"] = c["name"]
            term = et.SubElement(classifier, "{%s}Term" % ns['sml'] )
            term.attrib["definition"] = c["definition"]
            value = et.SubElement(term, "{%s}value" % ns['sml'] )
            value.text = c["value"]
            if c["name"]=="System Type":
                systype = True
            elif c["name"]=="Sensor Type":
                senstype = True
        if not systype == True and senstype == True:
            raise Exception("self.data['classification']: 'System Type' and 'Sensor Type' are mandatory")
        #--- System Characteristics 
        if ("characteristics" in self.data) and ( not self.data["characteristics"] == ""):
            system.append(et.Comment("System Characteristics"))
            characteristics = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}characteristics" % ns['sml'])
            characteristics.attrib[ "{%s}href" % ns['xlink'] ] = self.data["characteristics"]
        #--- System Capabilities 
        system.append(et.Comment("System Capabilities"))
        capabilities = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}capabilities" % ns['sml'])
        DataRecord = et.SubElement(capabilities, "{%s}DataRecord" % ns['swe'])
        stres = False
        atres = False
        for f in self.data["capabilities"]:
            field = et.SubElement(DataRecord, "{%s}field" % ns['swe'])
            field.attrib[ "name" ] =f["name"]
            Quantity = et.SubElement(field, "{%s}Quantity" % ns['swe'])
            Quantity.attrib[ "definition" ] =f["definition"]
            if "uom" in f and "value" in f :
                uom = et.SubElement(Quantity, "{%s}uom" % ns['swe'])
                uom.attrib[ "code" ] =f["uom"]
                value = et.SubElement(Quantity, "{%s}value" % ns['swe'])
                value.text =f["value"]
            if c["name"]=="Sampling time resolution":
                stres = True
            elif c["name"]=="Acquisition time resolution":
                atres = True
        if not stres == True and atres == True:
            raise Exception("self.data['capabilities']: 'Sampling time resolution' and 'Acquisition time resolution' are mandatory")
        #--- Relevant Contacts 
        if  ("contacts" in self.data) and (not self.data["contacts"] == []):
            system.append(et.Comment("Relevant Contacts"))
            for c in self.data["contacts"]:
                contact = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}contact" % ns['sml'])
                contact.attrib["{%s}role" % ns['xlink']] = c["role"]
                ResponsibleParty = et.SubElement(contact, "{%s}ResponsibleParty" % ns['sml'])
                if not c["individualName"] == "":
                    individualName = et.SubElement(ResponsibleParty, "{%s}individualName" % ns['sml'])
                    individualName.text = c["individualName"]
                organizationName = et.SubElement(ResponsibleParty, "{%s}organizationName" % ns['sml'])
                organizationName.text = c["organizationName"]
                phonetag = not c["voice"] == c["fax"] == ""
                addresstag = not c["deliveryPoint"] == c["city"] == c["administrativeArea"] == c["postalcode"] == c["country"] == c["email"] == ""
                onlineResourcetag = not c["web"] == ""
                if not phonetag == addresstag == onlineResourcetag == False:
                    contactInfo = et.SubElement(ResponsibleParty, "{%s}contactInfo" % ns['sml'])
                    if not phonetag==False:
                        phone = et.SubElement(contactInfo, "{%s}phone" % ns['sml'])
                        if not c["voice"] == "":
                            voice = et.SubElement(phone, "{%s}voice" % ns['sml'])
                            voice.text = c["voice"]
                        if not c["fax"] == "":
                            facsimile = et.SubElement(phone, "{%s}facsimile" % ns['sml'])
                            facsimile.text = c["fax"]
                    if not addresstag==False:
                        address = et.SubElement(contactInfo, "{%s}address" % ns['sml'])
                        if not c["deliveryPoint"] == "":
                            deliveryPoint = et.SubElement(address, "{%s}deliveryPoint" % ns['sml'])
                            deliveryPoint.text = c["deliveryPoint"]
                        if not c["city"] == "":
                            city = et.SubElement(address, "{%s}city" % ns['sml'])
                            city.text = c["city"]
                        if not c["administrativeArea"] == "":
                            administrativeArea = et.SubElement(address, "{%s}administrativeArea" % ns['sml'])
                            administrativeArea.text = c["administrativeArea"]
                        if not c["postalcode"] == "":
                            postalCode = et.SubElement(address, "{%s}postalCode" % ns['sml'])
                            postalCode.text = c["postalcode"]
                        if not c["country"] == "":
                            country = et.SubElement(address, "{%s}country" % ns['sml'])
                            country.text = c["country"]
                        if not c["email"] == "":
                            electronicMailAddress = et.SubElement(address, "{%s}electronicMailAddress" % ns['sml'])
                            electronicMailAddress.text = c["email"]
                    if not onlineResourcetag==False:
                        onlineResource = et.SubElement(contactInfo, "{%s}onlineResource" % ns['sml'])
                        onlineResource.attrib["{%s}href" % ns['xlink'] ] = c["web"]
        #--- System Documentation 
        if ("documentation" in self.data) and (not self.data["documentation"] == []):
            system.append(et.Comment("System Documentation"))
            for d in self.data["documentation"]:
                documentation = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}documentation" % ns['sml'])
                Document = et.SubElement(documentation, "{%s}Document" % ns['sml'])
                description = et.SubElement(Document, "{%s}description" % ns['gml'])
                description.text = d["description"]
                if not d["date"]=="":
                    date = et.SubElement(Document, "{%s}date" % ns['sml'])
                    date.text = d["date"]
                if not d["format"]=="":
                    format = et.SubElement(Document, "{%s}format" % ns['sml'])
                    format.text = d["format"]    
                onlineResource = et.SubElement(Document, "{%s}onlineResource" % ns['sml'])
                onlineResource.attrib["{%s}href" % ns['xlink'] ] = d["link"]
        #--- System Location
        system.append(et.Comment("System Location"))
        location = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}location" % ns['sml'])
        for item in self.data["classification"]:
            if item["name"] == "System Type":
                if item["value"].find("mobile")>0:
                    location.attrib[ "{%s}role" % ns['xlink'] ] = "urn:ogc:def:dataType:x-istsos:1.0:lastPosition"
        Point = et.SubElement(location, "{%s}Point" % ns['gml'])

        if ut.valid_NCName(self.data["location"]["properties"]["name"]):
            Point.attrib[ "{%s}id" % ns['gml'] ] = self.data["location"]["properties"]["name"]
            raise Exception ("Invalid location name (gml:id only allows alphanumeric characters")
        Point.attrib[ "srsName" ] = "EPSG:"+str(self.data["location"]["crs"]["properties"]["name"])
        coordinates = et.SubElement(Point, "{%s}coordinates" % ns['gml'])
        coordinates.text = ",".join([ str(a) for a in self.data["location"]["geometry"]["coordinates"] ])
        #--- System Interfaces
        if ("interfaces" in self.data) and (not self.data["interfaces"]==""):
            system.append(et.Comment("System Interfaces"))
            interfaces = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}interfaces" % ns['sml'])
            InterfaceList = et.SubElement(interfaces, "{%s}InterfaceList" % ns['sml'])
            for i in self.data["interfaces"].split(","):
                interface = et.SubElement(InterfaceList, "{%s}interface" % ns['sml'])
                interface.attrib["name"] = i
        #--- System Inputs # Not yet supported in waAdmin !!
        if ("inputs" in self.data) and (not self.data["inputs"]==[]):
            system.append(et.Comment("System Inputs"))
            inputs = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}inputs" % ns['sml'])
            InputList = et.SubElement(inputs, "{%s}InputList" % ns['sml'])
            for inp in self.data["inputs"]:
                inputml = et.SubElement(InputList, "{%s}input" % ns['sml'])
                inputml.attrib["name"] = inp["name"]
                Quantity = et.SubElement(inputml, "{%s}Quantity" % ns['swe'])
                Quantity.attrib["definition"] = inp["definition"]
                if not inp["description"]=="":
                    description = et.SubElement(Quantity, "{%s}description" % ns['gml'])
                    description.text = inp["description"]
        #--- System Outputs
        timetag = False
        system.append(et.Comment("System Outputs"))
        outputs = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}outputs" % ns['sml'])
        OutputList = et.SubElement(outputs, "{%s}OutputList" % ns['sml'])
        output = et.SubElement(OutputList, "{%s}output" % ns['sml'])
        output.attrib["name"] = "output data"
        DataRecord = et.SubElement(output, "{%s}DataRecord" % ns['swe'])
        DataRecord.attrib["definition"] = "urn:ogc:def:dataType:x-istsos:1.0:timeSeries"
        oid = 0
        for o in self.data["outputs"]:
            oid += 1
            field = et.SubElement(DataRecord, "{%s}field" % ns['swe'])
            field.attrib["name"] = o["name"]
            if o["name"] == "Time":
                timetag = True
                item = et.SubElement(field, "{%s}Time" % ns['swe'])
                item.attrib["{%s}id" % ns['gml']] = "IDT_" + str(oid)
                item.attrib["definition"] = o["definition"]
                if not o["description"]=="":
                    description = et.SubElement(item, "{%s}description" % ns['gml'])
                    description.text = o["description"]
                uom = et.SubElement(item, "{%s}uom" % ns['swe'])
                uom.attrib["code"] = o["uom"]
                # The constraint object is not mandatory
                if "constraint" in o and o["constraint"]!={}: # and o["constraint"]["role"]!="" and o["constraint"]["role"]!=None:
                    constraint = et.SubElement(item, "{%s}constraint" % ns['swe'])
                    # Role attribute is not mandatory
                    if "role" in o["constraint"] and o["constraint"]["role"]!="" and o["constraint"]["role"]!=None:
                        constraint.attrib[ "{%s}role" % ns['xlink'] ] = o["constraint"]["role"]
                    AllowedTimes = et.SubElement(constraint, "{%s}AllowedTimes" % ns['swe'])
                    interval = et.SubElement(AllowedTimes, "{%s}interval" % ns['swe'])
                    interval.text = " ".join([ str(a) for a in o["constraint"]["interval"] ])
                item = et.SubElement(field, "{%s}Quantity" % ns['swe'])
                item.attrib["{%s}id" % ns['gml']] = "IDQ_" + str(oid)
                item.attrib["definition"] = o["definition"]
                if not o["description"]=="":
                    description = et.SubElement(item, "{%s}description" % ns['gml'])
                    description.text = o["description"]
                uom = et.SubElement(item, "{%s}uom" % ns['swe'])
                uom.attrib["code"] = o["uom"]
                # The constraint object is not mandatory
                if "constraint" in o and o["constraint"]!={}: # and o["constraint"]["role"]!="" and o["constraint"]["role"]!=None:
                    print >> sys.stderr, o['constraint']                    
                    except Exception as ex:
                        raise Exception("Constraint for observed property '%s' is not valid: %s" % (o["definition"],ex))
                    constraint = et.SubElement(item, "{%s}constraint" % ns['swe'])
                    # Role attribute is not mandatory
                    if "role" in o["constraint"] and o["constraint"]["role"]!="" and o["constraint"]["role"]!=None:
                        constraint.attrib[ "{%s}role" % ns['xlink'] ]= o["constraint"]["role"]
                    AllowedValues = et.SubElement(constraint, "{%s}AllowedValues" % ns['swe'])
                    # Factory on constraint min/max/interval/valuelist
                    if "interval" in o["constraint"]:
                        interval = et.SubElement(AllowedValues, "{%s}interval" % ns['swe'])
                        interval.text = " ".join([ str(a) for a in o["constraint"]["interval"] ])
                    elif "valueList" in o["constraint"]:#.has_key("valueList"):
                        valueList = et.SubElement(AllowedValues, "{%s}valueList" % ns['swe'])
                        valueList.text = " ".join([ str(a) for a in o["constraint"]["valueList"] ])
                    elif "min" in o["constraint"]:#.has_key("min"):
                        amin = et.SubElement(AllowedValues, "{%s}min" % ns['swe'])
                        amin.text = str(o["constraint"]["min"])
                    elif "max" in o["constraint"]:#.has_key("max"):
                        amax = et.SubElement(AllowedValues, "{%s}max" % ns['swe'])
                        amax.text = str(o["constraint"]["max"])
        if timetag == False:
            raise Exception("self.data['outputs']: Time is mandatory")
        #--- System History
        if ("history" in self.data) and (not self.data["history"]==[]):
            system.append(et.Comment("System History"))
            history = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}history" % ns['sml'])
            EventList = et.SubElement(history, "{%s}EventList" % ns['sml'])
            for h in self.data["history"]:
                member = et.SubElement(EventList, "{%s}member" % ns['sml'])
                member.attrib["name"] = h["type"]
                Event = et.SubElement(member, "{%s}Event" % ns['sml'])
                date = et.SubElement(Event, "{%s}date" % ns['sml'])
                date.text = h["date"]
                if not h["description"]=="":
                    description = et.SubElement(Event, "{%s}description" % ns['gml'])
                    description.text = h["description"]
                contact = et.SubElement(Event, "{%s}contact" % ns['sml'])
                contact.attrib["{%s}href" % ns['xlink'] ] = h["reference"]["username"]
                contact.attrib["{%s}arcrole" % ns['xlink'] ] = h["reference"]["role"]
        return et.tostring(root, encoding="UTF-8")
Пример #6
    def toXML(self, indent=False):
        Return the SensorML that represent the self.data object as L{string}
        import sys
        ns = {
            'xsi': "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
            'sml': "http://www.opengis.net/sensorML/1.0.1",
            'swe': "http://www.opengis.net/swe/1.0.1",
            'xlink': "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
            'gml': 'http://www.opengis.net/gml'

        #---map namespaces---
            register_namespace = et.register_namespace
            for key in ns:
                register_namespace(key, ns[key])
        except AttributeError:
                for key in ns:
                    et._namespace_map[ns[key]] = key
            except AttributeError:
                    from xml.etree.ElementTree import _namespace_map
                except ImportError:
                        from elementtree.ElementTree import _namespace_map
                    except ImportError:
                        print >> sys.stderr, (
                            "Failed to import ElementTree from any known place"
                for key in ns:
                    _namespace_map[ns[key]] = key

        root = et.Element("{%s}SensorML" % ns['sml'])
        root.attrib["{%s}schemaLocation" % ns[
            'xsi']] = "http://www.opengis.net/sensorML/1.0.1 http://schemas.opengis.net/sensorML/1.0.1/sensorML.xsd"
        root.attrib["version"] = "1.0"

        member = et.SubElement(root, "{%s}member" % ns['sml'])

        system = et.SubElement(member, "{%s}System" % ns['sml'])
        system.attrib["{%s}id" % ns['gml']] = self.data["system_id"]

        #--- System Description
        system.append(et.Comment("System Description"))

        if ("keywords" in self.data) and (not self.data["description"] == ""):
            desc = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}description" % ns['gml'])
            desc.text = self.data["description"]

        name = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}name" % ns['gml'])
        name.text = self.data["system"]

        #--- System Search Keywords
        if ("keywords" in self.data) and (not self.data["keywords"] == ""):
            system.append(et.Comment("System Search Keywords"))
            keys = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}keywords" % ns['sml'])
            keylist = et.SubElement(keys, "{%s}KeywordList" % ns['sml'])
            for k in self.data["keywords"].split(","):
                key = et.SubElement(keylist, "{%s}keyword" % ns['sml'])
                key.text = k

        #--- System Identifiers
        if ("identification"
                in self.data) and (not self.data["identification"] == []):
            system.append(et.Comment("System Identifiers"))
            identification = et.SubElement(system,
                                           "{%s}identification" % ns['sml'])
            IdentifierList = et.SubElement(identification,
                                           "{%s}IdentifierList" % ns['sml'])
            uniqueidPresent = False
            for i in self.data["identification"]:
                if i["definition"] == 'urn:ogc:def:identifier:OGC:uniqueID':
                    uniqueidPresent = True
                identifier = et.SubElement(IdentifierList,
                                           "{%s}identifier" % ns['sml'])
                identifier.attrib["name"] = i["name"]
                term = et.SubElement(identifier, "{%s}Term" % ns['sml'])
                term.attrib["definition"] = i["definition"]
                value = et.SubElement(term, "{%s}value" % ns['sml'])
                value.text = i["value"]
            if not uniqueidPresent:
                raise Exception(
                    "self.data['identification']: 'uniqueID' is mandatory")

        #--- System Classifiers
        system.append(et.Comment("System Classifiers"))
        classification = et.SubElement(system,
                                       "{%s}classification" % ns['sml'])
        ClassifierList = et.SubElement(classification,
                                       "{%s}ClassifierList" % ns['sml'])
        for c in self.data["classification"]:
            classifier = et.SubElement(ClassifierList,
                                       "{%s}classifier" % ns['sml'])
            classifier.attrib["name"] = c["name"]
            term = et.SubElement(classifier, "{%s}Term" % ns['sml'])
            term.attrib["definition"] = c["definition"]
            value = et.SubElement(term, "{%s}value" % ns['sml'])
            value.text = c["value"]
            if c["name"] == "System Type":
                systype = True
            elif c["name"] == "Sensor Type":
                senstype = True
        if not systype == True and senstype == True:
            raise Exception(
                "self.data['classification']: 'System Type' and 'Sensor Type' are mandatory"

        #--- System Characteristics
        if ("characteristics"
                in self.data) and (not self.data["characteristics"] == ""):
            system.append(et.Comment("System Characteristics"))
            characteristics = et.SubElement(system,
                                            "{%s}characteristics" % ns['sml'])
            characteristics.attrib["{%s}href" %
                                   ns['xlink']] = self.data["characteristics"]

        #--- System Capabilities
        system.append(et.Comment("System Capabilities"))
        capabilities = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}capabilities" % ns['sml'])
        DataRecord = et.SubElement(capabilities, "{%s}DataRecord" % ns['swe'])
        stres = False
        atres = False
        for f in self.data["capabilities"]:
            field = et.SubElement(DataRecord, "{%s}field" % ns['swe'])
            field.attrib["name"] = f["name"]
            Quantity = et.SubElement(field, "{%s}Quantity" % ns['swe'])
            Quantity.attrib["definition"] = f["definition"]
            if "uom" in f and "value" in f:
                uom = et.SubElement(Quantity, "{%s}uom" % ns['swe'])
                uom.attrib["code"] = f["uom"]
                value = et.SubElement(Quantity, "{%s}value" % ns['swe'])
                value.text = f["value"]
            if c["name"] == "Sampling time resolution":
                stres = True
            elif c["name"] == "Acquisition time resolution":
                atres = True
        if not stres == True and atres == True:
            raise Exception(
                "self.data['capabilities']: 'Sampling time resolution' and 'Acquisition time resolution' are mandatory"

        #--- Relevant Contacts
        if ("contacts" in self.data) and (not self.data["contacts"] == []):
            system.append(et.Comment("Relevant Contacts"))
            for c in self.data["contacts"]:
                contact = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}contact" % ns['sml'])
                contact.attrib["{%s}role" % ns['xlink']] = c["role"]
                ResponsibleParty = et.SubElement(
                    contact, "{%s}ResponsibleParty" % ns['sml'])
                if not c["individualName"] == "":
                    individualName = et.SubElement(
                        ResponsibleParty, "{%s}individualName" % ns['sml'])
                    individualName.text = c["individualName"]
                organizationName = et.SubElement(
                    ResponsibleParty, "{%s}organizationName" % ns['sml'])
                organizationName.text = c["organizationName"]
                phonetag = not c["voice"] == c["fax"] == ""
                addresstag = not c["deliveryPoint"] == c["city"] == c[
                    "administrativeArea"] == c["postalcode"] == c[
                        "country"] == c["email"] == ""
                onlineResourcetag = not c["web"] == ""
                if not phonetag == addresstag == onlineResourcetag == False:
                    contactInfo = et.SubElement(ResponsibleParty,
                                                "{%s}contactInfo" % ns['sml'])
                    if not phonetag == False:
                        phone = et.SubElement(contactInfo,
                                              "{%s}phone" % ns['sml'])
                        if not c["voice"] == "":
                            voice = et.SubElement(phone,
                                                  "{%s}voice" % ns['sml'])
                            voice.text = c["voice"]
                        if not c["fax"] == "":
                            facsimile = et.SubElement(
                                phone, "{%s}facsimile" % ns['sml'])
                            facsimile.text = c["fax"]
                    if not addresstag == False:
                        address = et.SubElement(contactInfo,
                                                "{%s}address" % ns['sml'])
                        if not c["deliveryPoint"] == "":
                            deliveryPoint = et.SubElement(
                                address, "{%s}deliveryPoint" % ns['sml'])
                            deliveryPoint.text = c["deliveryPoint"]
                        if not c["city"] == "":
                            city = et.SubElement(address,
                                                 "{%s}city" % ns['sml'])
                            city.text = c["city"]
                        if not c["administrativeArea"] == "":
                            administrativeArea = et.SubElement(
                                address, "{%s}administrativeArea" % ns['sml'])
                            administrativeArea.text = c["administrativeArea"]
                        if not c["postalcode"] == "":
                            postalCode = et.SubElement(
                                address, "{%s}postalCode" % ns['sml'])
                            postalCode.text = c["postalcode"]
                        if not c["country"] == "":
                            country = et.SubElement(address,
                                                    "{%s}country" % ns['sml'])
                            country.text = c["country"]
                        if not c["email"] == "":
                            electronicMailAddress = et.SubElement(
                                "{%s}electronicMailAddress" % ns['sml'])
                            electronicMailAddress.text = c["email"]
                    if not onlineResourcetag == False:
                        onlineResource = et.SubElement(
                            contactInfo, "{%s}onlineResource" % ns['sml'])
                        onlineResource.attrib["{%s}href" %
                                              ns['xlink']] = c["web"]

        #--- System Documentation
        if ("documentation"
                in self.data) and (not self.data["documentation"] == []):
            system.append(et.Comment("System Documentation"))
            for d in self.data["documentation"]:
                documentation = et.SubElement(system,
                                              "{%s}documentation" % ns['sml'])
                Document = et.SubElement(documentation,
                                         "{%s}Document" % ns['sml'])
                description = et.SubElement(Document,
                                            "{%s}description" % ns['gml'])
                description.text = d["description"]
                if not d["date"] == "":
                    date = et.SubElement(Document, "{%s}date" % ns['sml'])
                    date.text = d["date"]
                if not d["format"] == "":
                    format = et.SubElement(Document, "{%s}format" % ns['sml'])
                    format.text = d["format"]
                onlineResource = et.SubElement(
                    Document, "{%s}onlineResource" % ns['sml'])
                onlineResource.attrib["{%s}href" % ns['xlink']] = d["link"]

        #--- System Location
        system.append(et.Comment("System Location"))
        location = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}location" % ns['sml'])
        for item in self.data["classification"]:
            if item["name"] == "System Type":
                if item["value"].find("mobile") > 0:
                    location.attrib["{%s}role" % ns[
                        'xlink']] = "urn:ogc:def:dataType:x-istsos:1.0:lastPosition"
        Point = et.SubElement(location, "{%s}Point" % ns['gml'])

        if ut.valid_NCName(self.data["location"]["properties"]["name"]):
                "{%s}id" %
                ns['gml']] = self.data["location"]["properties"]["name"]
            raise Exception(
                "Invalid location name '%s' (gml:id only allows alphanumeric characters)"
                % self.data["location"]["properties"]["name"])
        Point.attrib["srsName"] = "EPSG:" + str(
        coordinates = et.SubElement(Point, "{%s}coordinates" % ns['gml'])
        coordinates.text = ",".join(
            [str(a) for a in self.data["location"]["geometry"]["coordinates"]])

        #--- System Interfaces
        if ("interfaces" in self.data) and (not self.data["interfaces"] == ""):
            system.append(et.Comment("System Interfaces"))
            interfaces = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}interfaces" % ns['sml'])
            InterfaceList = et.SubElement(interfaces,
                                          "{%s}InterfaceList" % ns['sml'])
            for i in self.data["interfaces"].split(","):
                interface = et.SubElement(InterfaceList,
                                          "{%s}interface" % ns['sml'])
                interface.attrib["name"] = i

        #--- System Inputs # Not yet supported in waAdmin !!
        if ("inputs" in self.data) and (not self.data["inputs"] == []):
            system.append(et.Comment("System Inputs"))
            inputs = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}inputs" % ns['sml'])
            InputList = et.SubElement(inputs, "{%s}InputList" % ns['sml'])
            for inp in self.data["inputs"]:
                inputml = et.SubElement(InputList, "{%s}input" % ns['sml'])
                inputml.attrib["name"] = inp["name"]
                Quantity = et.SubElement(inputml, "{%s}Quantity" % ns['swe'])
                Quantity.attrib["definition"] = inp["definition"]
                if not inp["description"] == "":
                    description = et.SubElement(Quantity,
                                                "{%s}description" % ns['gml'])
                    description.text = inp["description"]

        #--- System Outputs
        timetag = False
        system.append(et.Comment("System Outputs"))
        outputs = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}outputs" % ns['sml'])
        OutputList = et.SubElement(outputs, "{%s}OutputList" % ns['sml'])
        output = et.SubElement(OutputList, "{%s}output" % ns['sml'])
        output.attrib["name"] = "output data"
        DataRecord = et.SubElement(output, "{%s}DataRecord" % ns['swe'])
            "definition"] = "urn:ogc:def:dataType:x-istsos:1.0:timeSeries"
        oid = 0
        for o in self.data["outputs"]:
            oid += 1
            field = et.SubElement(DataRecord, "{%s}field" % ns['swe'])
            field.attrib["name"] = o["name"]

            if o["name"] == "Time":
                timetag = True
                item = et.SubElement(field, "{%s}Time" % ns['swe'])
                item.attrib["{%s}id" % ns['gml']] = "IDT_" + str(oid)
                item.attrib["definition"] = o["definition"]

                if not o["description"] == "":
                    description = et.SubElement(item,
                                                "{%s}description" % ns['gml'])
                    description.text = o["description"]

                uom = et.SubElement(item, "{%s}uom" % ns['swe'])
                uom.attrib["code"] = o["uom"]

                # The constraint object is not mandatory
                if "constraint" in o and o[
                        "constraint"] != {}:  # and o["constraint"]["role"]!="" and o["constraint"]["role"]!=None:

                    constraint = et.SubElement(item,
                                               "{%s}constraint" % ns['swe'])

                    # Role attribute is not mandatory
                    if "role" in o["constraint"] and o["constraint"][
                            "role"] != "" and o["constraint"]["role"] != None:
                            "{%s}role" % ns['xlink']] = o["constraint"]["role"]

                    AllowedTimes = et.SubElement(
                        constraint, "{%s}AllowedTimes" % ns['swe'])
                    interval = et.SubElement(AllowedTimes,
                                             "{%s}interval" % ns['swe'])
                    interval.text = " ".join(
                        [str(a) for a in o["constraint"]["interval"]])

                item = et.SubElement(field, "{%s}Quantity" % ns['swe'])
                item.attrib["{%s}id" % ns['gml']] = "IDQ_" + str(oid)
                item.attrib["definition"] = o["definition"]

                if not o["description"] == "":
                    description = et.SubElement(item,
                                                "{%s}description" % ns['gml'])
                    description.text = o["description"]

                uom = et.SubElement(item, "{%s}uom" % ns['swe'])
                uom.attrib["code"] = o["uom"]

                # The constraint object is not mandatory
                if "constraint" in o and o[
                        "constraint"] != {}:  # and o["constraint"]["role"]!="" and o["constraint"]["role"]!=None:
                    #print >> sys.stderr, o['constraint']
                    except Exception as ex:
                        raise Exception(
                            "Constraint for observed property '%s' is not valid: %s"
                            % (o["definition"], ex))

                    constraint = et.SubElement(item,
                                               "{%s}constraint" % ns['swe'])

                    # Role attribute is not mandatory
                    if "role" in o["constraint"] and o["constraint"][
                            "role"] != "" and o["constraint"]["role"] != None:
                            "{%s}role" % ns['xlink']] = o["constraint"]["role"]

                    AllowedValues = et.SubElement(
                        constraint, "{%s}AllowedValues" % ns['swe'])

                    # Factory on constraint min/max/interval/valuelist
                    if "interval" in o["constraint"]:
                        interval = et.SubElement(AllowedValues,
                                                 "{%s}interval" % ns['swe'])
                        interval.text = " ".join(
                            [str(a) for a in o["constraint"]["interval"]])

                    elif "valueList" in o[
                            "constraint"]:  #.has_key("valueList"):
                        valueList = et.SubElement(AllowedValues,
                                                  "{%s}valueList" % ns['swe'])
                        valueList.text = " ".join(
                            [str(a) for a in o["constraint"]["valueList"]])

                    elif "min" in o["constraint"]:  #.has_key("min"):
                        amin = et.SubElement(AllowedValues,
                                             "{%s}min" % ns['swe'])
                        amin.text = str(o["constraint"]["min"])

                    elif "max" in o["constraint"]:  #.has_key("max"):
                        amax = et.SubElement(AllowedValues,
                                             "{%s}max" % ns['swe'])
                        amax.text = str(o["constraint"]["max"])

        if timetag == False:
            raise Exception("self.data['outputs']: Time is mandatory")

        #--- System History
        if ("history" in self.data) and (not self.data["history"] == []):
            system.append(et.Comment("System History"))
            history = et.SubElement(system, "{%s}history" % ns['sml'])
            EventList = et.SubElement(history, "{%s}EventList" % ns['sml'])
            for h in self.data["history"]:
                member = et.SubElement(EventList, "{%s}member" % ns['sml'])
                member.attrib["name"] = h["type"]
                Event = et.SubElement(member, "{%s}Event" % ns['sml'])
                date = et.SubElement(Event, "{%s}date" % ns['sml'])
                date.text = h["date"]
                if not h["description"] == "":
                    description = et.SubElement(Event,
                                                "{%s}description" % ns['gml'])
                    description.text = h["description"]
                contact = et.SubElement(Event, "{%s}contact" % ns['sml'])
                contact.attrib["{%s}href" %
                               ns['xlink']] = h["reference"]["username"]
                contact.attrib["{%s}arcrole" %
                               ns['xlink']] = h["reference"]["role"]

        return et.tostring(root, encoding="UTF-8")