def follow_user(): """关注用户 (GET|POST&LOGIN) :uri: /user/opt/follow-user :param target_user_id: 被关注用户id :returns: {} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values target_uid = params.get('target_user_id', None) target_user = User.get_one(target_uid) if not target_user: return error.UserNotExist if target_uid == str(user._id): return error.FollowFailed("不能关注自己哦") fs = FriendShip.get_by_ship(str(user._id), target_uid) if not fs: key = 'lock:follow:%s:%s' % (str(user._id), target_uid) with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked: if locked: return error.FollowFailed fs = FriendShip.init() fs.source = ObjectId(str(user._id)) = ObjectId(target_uid) fs.create_model() # 关注主播任务检查 if user: UserTask.check_user_tasks(str(user._id), FOLLOW_USER, 1) return {}
def login(): """用户登录 (GET|POST) :uri: /users/login :param name: 用户名 :param password: 密码 :param type: 登陆类型(name, phone,) :returns: {'user': object, 'ut': string} """ params = request.values login_type = params.get('type', 'name') name = params.get("name", None) password = params.get("password", None) if name is None or password is None or login_type not in ['name', 'phone']: return error.InvalidArguments user = User.login(name, password, login_type=login_type) if not user: return error.LoginFailed # 初始化用户任务 UserTask.create_and_init_user_tasks(str(user._id)) token = User.gen_token(str(user._id)) return {'user': user.format(), 'ut': token}
def share_video(): """分享视频 (POST) :uri: /users/share :param platform: 分享平台(moments, qzone, qq, weixin, other) :param target_type:分享数据类型(video, game, live, url) :param target_value: 分享数据值 :returns: {} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values platform = params.get('platform', 'other') target_type = params.get('target_type', 'video') target_value = params.get('target_value') if not platform: return error.InvalidArguments rv = UserShare.init() rv.user = str(user._id) if user else None rv.platform = platform rv.target_type = target_type rv.target_value = target_value rv.create_model() # 分享视频任务检查 if user and target_type == 'video': UserTask.check_user_tasks(str(user._id), SHARE_VIDEO, 1) return {}
def game_download_finish(download_id): """游戏下载完成(POST) :uri: /games/<string:download_id>/finish_download :returns: {} """ gd = GameDownload.get_one(download_id) if gd: gd.update_model({'$set': {'finish': True}}) # 下载游戏任务检查 if request.authed_user: UserTask.check_user_tasks(str(request.authed_user._id), DOWNLOAD_GAME, 1, str( return {}
def get_or_create_user_credit(cls, user_id): uc, created = cls.get_or_create(user_id=user_id, defaults={ 'task_at':, 'gift_at': }) if created: # 初始化用户任务 from wanx.models.task import UserTask UserTask.init_tasks(user_id) # 初始化免费礼物 from wanx.models.product import UserProduct UserProduct.refresh_daily_free_gifts(user_id) return uc
def share_live(): """分享直播接口 (GET) :uri: /lives/share :param live_id: 直播ID :return: {'ret': bool} """ user = request.authed_user live_id = request.values.get('live_id') live = Xlive.get_live(live_id) if not live: return error.LiveError('直播不存在') if user: UserTask.check_user_tasks(str(user._id), SHARE_LIVE, 1) return {'ret': True}
def refresh_token(): """刷新用户token时间 (GET|POST&LOGIN) :uri: /users/refresh_token :returns: {'user': Object} """ ut = request.values.get("ut", None) user = request.authed_user token = User.set_token(ut, str(user._id)) if token: User.recommend_users(str(user._id)) # 更新用户活跃时间 user.update_model({'$set': {'update_at': time.time()}}) # 初始化用户任务 UserTask.create_and_init_user_tasks(str(user._id)) return {'user': user.format(include_fields=['passid'])}
def create_comment(): """创建评论 (GET|POST&LOGIN) :uri: /user/opt/submit-comment :param video_id: 被评论视频id :param content: 评论内容 :returns: {'comment': object} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values vid = params.get('video_id', None) content = params.get('content', None) if not vid or not content: return error.InvalidArguments if not Video.get_one(vid): return error.VideoNotExist # 敏感词检查 if Spam.filter_words(content, 'comment'): return error.InvalidContent comment = Comment.init() = ObjectId(str(user._id)) comment.content = content = ObjectId(vid) cid = comment.create_model() if cid: # 发送评论消息 Message.send_video_msg(str(user._id), str(vid), 'comment') # 任务检查 if user: UserTask.check_user_tasks(str(user._id), COMMENT_VIDEO, 1) # 更新活动评论数 avideos = ActivityVideo.get_activity_video(vid=vid) for avideo in avideos: ts = time.time() aconfig = ActivityConfig.get_one(str(avideo['activity_id']), check_online=False) if aconfig and aconfig.status == const.ACTIVITY_BEGIN \ and (aconfig.begin_at < ts and aconfig.end_at > ts): avideo = ActivityVideo.get_one(avideo['_id'], check_online=False) avideo.update_model({'$inc': {'comment_count': 1}}) return Comment.get_one(str(cid)).format()
def register(): """用户注册 (GET|POST) :uri: /users/register :param name: 用户名 :param password: 密码 :param nickname: 昵称 :returns: {'user': object, 'ut': string} """ params = request.values.to_dict() name = params.get("name", None) # delete password from data so that we don't save it to mongo password = str(params.pop("password", None)) nickname = params.get('nickname', None) if not name or not password or not nickname: return error.InvalidArguments invalid_error = User.invalid_password(password) if invalid_error: return invalid_error invalid_error = User.invalid_nickname(nickname) if invalid_error: return invalid_error if User.get_by_name(name): return error.UserExists user = User.init() user.update(params) salt = os.urandom(const.PWD_HASH_LEN) pwd = User.gen_pwd_hash(password, salt) user._salt = Binary(salt) user._password = Binary(pwd) uid = user.create_model() new_user = User.get_one(uid) # 初始化用户任务 UserTask.create_and_init_user_tasks(str(new_user._id)) token = User.gen_token(str(uid)) return {'user': new_user.format(), 'ut': token}
def activity_create_video(aid): """创建活动视频 (POST&LOGIN) :uri: activity/<string:aid>/new-video :param video_id: 原始视频id :returns: object """ user = request.authed_user vid = request.values['video_id'] video = Video.get_one(str(vid)) if not video: return error.VideoNotExist if str(user._id) != str( return error.AuthFailed activity_video = ActivityVideo.get_activity_video_by_vid(vid) if activity_video: return error.ActivityVideoExist activity_video = ActivityVideo.init() activity_video.title = video.title activity_video.video_id = ObjectId(vid) activity_video.like_count = activity_video.comment_count = video.comment_count activity_video.vv = video.vv = ObjectId(str(user._id)) activity_video.activity_id = ObjectId(str(aid)) activity_video.cover = video.cover activity_video.duration = video.duration = avid = activity_video.create_model() video.update_model({'$set': {'activity_ids': [avid]}}) # 任务检查 if user: UserTask.check_user_tasks(str(user._id), JOIN_COLLECT, 1, str(, str(aid)) return ActivityVideo.get_one(avid, check_online=False).format()
def play_video(vid): """播放视频 (GET) :uri: /videos/<string:vid>/play :returns: redirect(real_url) """ ut = request.values.get("ut", None) uid = User.uid_from_token(ut) start = int(time.time() * 1000) video = Video.get_one(vid) if not video: result = { 'status': error.VideoNotExist.errno, 'errmsg': error.VideoNotExist.errmsg, 'data': {}, 'time': int(time.time() * 1000) - start, } return jsonify(result) video.update_model({'$inc': {'vv': 1}}) # 如果是栏目视频,给对应频道增加播放量 channel = ShowChannel.get_one( channel and channel.update_model({'$inc': {'play_count': 1}}) # 观看视频任务检查 if uid: UserTask.check_user_tasks(uid, PLAY_VIDEO, 1) # 更新活动播放量 avideos = ActivityVideo.get_activity_video(vid=vid) for avideo in avideos: ts = time.time() aconfig = ActivityConfig.get_one(str(avideo['activity_id']), check_online=False) if aconfig and aconfig.status == const.ACTIVITY_BEGIN \ and (aconfig.begin_at < ts and aconfig.end_at > ts): avideo = ActivityVideo.get_one(avideo['_id'], check_online=False) avideo.update_model({'$inc': {'vv': 1}}) return redirect(video.real_url())
def create_video(): """创建视频 (POST&LOGIN) :uri: /videos/new-video :param game_id: 视频所属游戏id :param title: 视频标题 :param duration: 视频时长 :param ratio: 视频尺寸 :returns: object """ user = request.authed_user gid = request.values['game_id'] game = Game.get_one(gid) if not game: return error.GameNotExist video = Video.init() = ObjectId(user._id) = ObjectId(gid) video.title = request.values['title'] # 敏感词检查 if Spam.filter_words(video.title, 'video'): return error.InvalidContent try: duration = int(request.values['duration']) except: return error.InvalidArguments video.duration = duration video.ratio = request.values['ratio'] # 设置为文件上传状态, 文件上传成功之后更改为上线状态 video.status = const.UPLOADING vid = video.create_model() # 任务检查 if user: UserTask.check_user_tasks(str(user._id), CREATE_VIDEO, 1) return Video.get_one(vid, check_online=False).format()
def sub_game(): """订阅游戏 (GET|POST&LOGIN) :uri: /user/opt/subscribe-game :param game_id: 游戏id(批量订阅游戏id以逗号隔开) :returns: {} """ user = request.authed_user gids = request.values.get('game_id', None) if not gids: return error.GameNotExist gids = [gid.strip() for gid in gids.split(',')] games = Game.get_list(gids, check_online=False) if not games: return error.GameNotExist key = 'lock:subgame:%s' % (str(user._id)) with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked: if locked: return error.SubGameFailed sub_num = 0 for game in games: usg = UserSubGame.get_by_ship(str(user._id), str(game._id)) if not usg: usg = UserSubGame.init() usg.source = ObjectId(str(user._id)) = ObjectId(str(game._id)) usg.create_model() sub_num += 1 # 订阅游戏任务检查 if user: UserTask.check_user_tasks(str(user._id), SUB_GAME, sub_num) return {}
def upload_small_file(): """文件上传(POST&LOGIN) :uri: /upload/upload-small-file :param type: 类型(videos.cover, videos.url, users.logo,, teams.logo, user_certify.ID_photo) :param target_id: 对象id :param file: 上传文件 :returns: {'target_id': string, 'type': string, 'url': string} """ _type = request.form.get("type", None) target_id = request.form.get("target_id", None) if _type not in { "videos.cover", "videos.url", "users.logo", "", "teams.logo", "user_certify.ID_photo", "user_certify.ID_photo_2" }: return error.InvalidArguments try: ObjectId(target_id) except: return error.InvalidArguments user = request.authed_user if _type.startswith("users.") and str(user._id) != target_id: return error.AuthFailed if _type.startswith("videos."): video = Video.get_one(str(target_id), check_online=False) if str(user._id) != str( return error.AuthFailed if _type.startswith("teams."): team = Team.get_one(str(target_id), check_online=False) if not user and not team: return error.AuthFailed if _type.startswith("user_certify."): user_certify = UserCertify.get_one(str(target_id), check_online=False) if not user and not user_certify: return error.AuthFailed # 上传文件 _path = 'videos' if _type == 'videos.url' else 'images' if _type == 'user_certify.ID_photo' or _type == 'user_certify.ID_photo_2': _path = 'user_certify' _file = Media(app.config.get("STATIC_BASE"), _path, request.files['file']) try: url = _file.upload_file() except: return error.UploadFailed # 更新对象 obj, attr = _type.split(".") data = {attr: url} if obj == 'videos': if attr == 'url': data['status'] = const.ONLINE model = Video.get_one(target_id, check_online=False) elif obj == 'users': model = User.get_one(target_id, check_online=False) elif obj == 'teams': model = Team.get_one(target_id, check_online=False) elif obj == 'user_certify': model = UserCertify.get_one(target_id, check_online=False) model.update_model({"$set": data}) # 设置头像任务检查 if obj == 'users' and user: UserTask.check_user_tasks(str(user._id), SET_HEADER, 1) abs_url = urljoin(app.config.get('STATIC_URL'), url) return {'target_id': target_id, 'type': _type, 'url': abs_url}
def do_task(worker, job): from wanx.base.log import print_log from wanx.base import const, util, jpush from wanx.models.user import User from import Game from import Live_Activity from wanx.models.activity import ActivityConfig from import GameActivity from wanx.models.task import BEGIN_LIVE, UserTask from wanx.base.xredis import Redis from wanx.base.xmysql import MYDB from wanx.platforms.xmatch import Xmatch data = # 记录日志 print_log('create_live_activity', data) data = json.loads(data) # 记录日志 print_log('create_live_activity', '%s ==========================> Start' % (data['event_id'])) user = User.get_one(data['user_id'], check_online=False) if not user: return '' # 主播上线push推送 push_content = u"您关注的主播 {0} 正在直播,点击围观".format(user.nickname) message_content = u"您关注的主播 {0} 正在直播,速速去围观吧!".format(user.nickname) an_link = "playsdk://video_live/{0}/".format(data['event_id']) ios_link = "playsdk://live/{0}".format(data['event_id']) jpush.jpush_schedule_create(data['event_id'], user, push_content, message_content, an_link, ios_link) # 赛事预约直播上线推送 battle = Xmatch.getbattle(user._id, data['name']) if battle: battle = battle['data']['battle'] push_title = u'您预约的比赛正在进行' push_content = u"{0} vs {1}正在直播,点击围观".format(battle['team_1'], battle['team_2']) message_content = u"您预约的比赛{0} vs {1}正在直播!".format( battle['team_1'], battle['team_2']) if battle.get('players', '') != "": push_content = message_content = battle['live_name'] an_link = "playsdk://video_live/{0}/".format(data['event_id']) ios_link = "playsdk://live/{0}".format(data['event_id']) jpush.jpush_withtitle_create(data['event_id'], battle['_id'], push_title, push_content, message_content, an_link, ios_link) game = Game.get_one(data['game_id'], check_online=False) if not game: return '' aid = None aids = ActivityConfig.get_by_type(const.FROM_LIVE) for a in ActivityConfig.get_list(aids): gids = GameActivity.game_activity_ids(a['_id']) if gids and data['game_id'] not in gids: continue aid = a['_id'] break if not aid: return '' print_log('create_live_activity', '%s ==========================> activity_id' % (aid)) activity_live = Live_Activity.get_activity_live(str(user._id), aid) if not activity_live: key = 'lock:activity:live:%s:%s' % (str(user._id), aid) with util.Lockit(Redis, key) as locked: if locked: return '' activity_live = Live_Activity.init() = ObjectId(data['user_id']) = ObjectId(data['game_id']) activity_live.event_id = data['event_id'] activity_live.activity_id = ObjectId(aid) activity_live.create_model() # 如果没有活动任务则创建 UserTask.create_and_init_user_tasks(str(user._id)) if not MYDB.is_closed(): MYDB.close() try: UserTask.check_user_tasks(user._id, BEGIN_LIVE, 1, data['game_id'], aid) except Exception as e: print_log('create_live_activity', '%s ========' % e) if not MYDB.is_closed(): MYDB.close() # 记录日志 print_log('create_live_activity', '%s ==========================> Finished' % (data['event_id'])) return ''
def after_model_delete(self, model): super(TaskAdmin, self).after_model_delete(model) UserTask.delete().where(UserTask.task_id==model.task_id).execute() Redis.delete(TASK_KEY)
def play_live(): """观看直播接口 (GET) :uri: /lives/play :param live_id: 直播ID :param os: 平台 :param channels: 渠道(可选) :param version_code: 版本 :return: {'ret': bool} """ user = request.authed_user params = request.values live_id = params.get('live_id', None) os = params.get('os', None) channels = params.get('channels', None) version_code = int(params.get('version_code', 0)) if not os or not version_code or live_id is None: return error.InvalidArguments live = Xlive.get_live(live_id) if not live: return error.LiveError('直播不存在') uid = None province = None if user: uid = str(user._id) UserTask.check_user_tasks(uid, PLAY_LIVE, 1) task_ids = WatchLiveTask.get_user_tids(uid) phone = str( if user.province: province = user.province if not user.province and util.is_mobile_phone(phone): province = Migu.get_user_info_by_account_name(phone) if not isinstance(province, error.ApiError): user.update_model({'$set': {'province': province}}) else: province = None else: task_ids = WatchLiveTask.get_live_tids() task = None for b in WatchLiveTask.get_list(task_ids): if b.os and b.os not in ['all', os]: continue if (b.version_code_mix and b.version_code_mix > version_code) or \ (b.version_code_max and b.version_code_max < version_code): continue if channels and b.channels and channels not in b.channels: continue if b.login == 'login' and (not uid or not b.user_in_group(str(, uid)): continue if b.province and not province: continue if b.province and province and province not in b.province: continue task = b.format(uid) break red_packet, red_packet_count = None, 0 _ids = UserRedPacket.user_red_packets(uid) lrp_ids = [] for urp in UserRedPacket.get_list(_ids): lrp_ids.append(str(urp.active_id)) if not LiveRedPacket.get_one(urp.active_id): continue if urp.source == 0: # 过滤掉所有直播间抽奖机会 continue if urp.chance <= 0: continue if red_packet is None or red_packet.expire_at > urp.expire_at: red_packet = urp red_packet_count += 1 red_packet = red_packet.format( red_packet_count) if red_packet else red_packet cdrp = None rp_ids = LiveRedPacket.all_ids() for rp in LiveRedPacket.get_list(rp_ids): # 过滤非观看时长红包 if rp.mode != 2: continue # 过滤已参与的红包活动id if str(rp._id) in lrp_ids: continue if rp.os and rp.os not in ['all', os]: continue if (rp.version_code_mix and rp.version_code_mix > version_code) or \ (rp.version_code_max and rp.version_code_max < version_code): continue if channels and rp.channels and channels not in rp.channels: continue if rp.login == 'login' and (not uid or not rp.user_in_group(str(, uid)): continue if rp.province and not province: continue if rp.province and province and province not in rp.province: continue # 过滤主播 live_authors = [] if not rp.live_authors else rp.live_authors.split( '\r\n') if live_authors and live['user_id'] not in live_authors: continue # 过滤游戏 live_games = [] if not rp.live_games else rp.live_games.split('\r\n') if live_games and live['game_id'] not in live_games: continue # 过滤关键字 key_words = [] if not rp.keyword else rp.keyword.split(u',') if key_words and not any(map(lambda x: x in live['name'], key_words)): continue cdrp = rp.format() break return {'ret': True, 'task': task, 'red_packet': red_packet, 'cdrp': cdrp}