Пример #1
    def _resolve_single_arg(self, arg: Callable,
                            cache: FixtureCache) -> Union[Any, Fixture]:
        Get the fixture return value

        If the fixture has been cached, return the value from the cache.
        Otherwise, call the fixture function and return the value.

        if not hasattr(arg, "ward_meta"):
            return arg

        fixture = Fixture(arg)
        if cache.contains(fixture, fixture.scope,
            return cache.get(fixture.key, fixture.scope,

        children_defaults = self.get_default_args(func=arg)
        children_resolved = {}
        for name, child_fixture in children_defaults.items():
            child_resolved = self._resolve_single_arg(child_fixture, cache)
            children_resolved[name] = child_resolved

            args_to_inject = self._unpack_resolved(children_resolved)
            if fixture.is_generator_fixture:
                fixture.gen = arg(**args_to_inject)
                fixture.resolved_val = next(
                    fixture.gen)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            elif fixture.is_async_generator_fixture:
                fixture.gen = arg(**args_to_inject)
                awaitable = fixture.gen.__anext__()  # type: ignore[union-attr]
                fixture.resolved_val = asyncio.get_event_loop(
            elif fixture.is_coroutine_fixture:
                fixture.resolved_val = asyncio.get_event_loop(
                fixture.resolved_val = arg(**args_to_inject)
        except (Exception, SystemExit) as e:
            raise FixtureError(
                f"Unable to resolve fixture '{fixture.name}'") from e
        scope_key = self.test.scope_key_from(fixture.scope)
        cache.cache_fixture(fixture, scope_key)
        return fixture
Пример #2
def _(f=exception_raising_fixture):
    cache = FixtureCache()
    cache.cache_fixture(f, "test_id")

    assert cache.get(f.key, Scope.Test, "test_id") == f