def test_get_files_size_multi_page(self, mock_session):
     # Give the first of our two page responses a next page URL.
     p1 = WASAPI_TEXT.replace('"next":null',
     # The value for `count` is pulled from the last page. Though,
     # in actuality, `count` should be same on all pages.
     p2 = WASAPI_TEXT.replace('"count":2', '"count":4')
     responses = [MockResponse200(p1), MockResponse200(p2)]
     mock_session.return_value.get.side_effect = responses
     count, total = wc.get_files_size(WASAPI_URL)
     assert count == 4
     assert total == 949365581 * 2
 def test_get_files_size_no_files(self, mock_session):
     mock_session.return_value.get.return_value = MockResponse200(NO_FILES)
     count, total = wc.get_files_size(WASAPI_URL)
     assert count == 0
     assert total == 0
 def test_get_files_size(self, mock_session):
     mock_session.return_value.get.return_value = MockResponse200()
     count, total = wc.get_files_size(WASAPI_URL)
     assert count == 2
     assert total == 949365581