def create_outfiles(options): ''' creates all parent directories given in the output prefix and returns the resulting file paths for the summary, plot and rdata file ''' wutils.make_parent_dirs(options.outPrefix) # summary file, plot file, data file return (options.outPrefix + '.txt', options.outPrefix + '.pdf', options.outPrefix + '.Rdata')
def get_and_create_outfiles(cmdl_options): ''' creates all parent folders for writing the output ''' wutils.make_parent_dirs(cmdl_options.outPrefix) if (cmdl_options.outCirc is not None): wutils.make_parent_dirs(cmdl_options.outCirc)
def copy_file(source_path, target_path): ''' copies file of 'source_path' to 'target_path' (folder and filename) ''' # check if file to copy really exists if (os.path.exists(source_path) and os.path.isfile(source_path)): # create directory of the target location wutils.make_parent_dirs(target_path) # copy file shutil.copy(source_path, target_path)
def create_outfiles(options): ''' creates parent directories and full filenames for the given file name prefix''' # create parent directories wutils.make_parent_dirs(options.outPrefix) # full output paths bedgraph_file = options.outPrefix+'.bedgraph' tdf_file = options.outPrefix+'.bedgraph.tdf' return bedgraph_file, tdf_file
def create_outfiles(options): ''' creates all parent folders for the output files if they do not exist''' wutils.make_parent_dirs(options.out1) wutils.make_parent_dirs(options.sam) if(options.out2 is not None): wutils.make_parent_dirs(options.out2)
def main(): ''' main method for calling removeLinearReads from commandline ''' print('Program call:') print(' '.join(sys.argv)) _,o = get_command_line_options() wutils.make_parent_dirs(o.circOut) t_start = wutils.get_current_time() print(t_start[1]+'Start Removal of Linearly Mappable Reads') algo.remove_linearly_mappable_reads(o.circRNAPrediction, o.mapping, o.circOut, o.minReads, o.paired) t_end = wutils.get_current_time() print(t_end[1]+'Finished. Check out the results in '+o.circOut) wutils.print_resources(t_end[0]-t_start[0], child_processes=False) if(o.returnFilePath is not None): returnVars = [('filteredCircs', o.circOut)] wutils.write_watchdog_return_file(o.returnFilePath, returnVars)
def get_and_create_outfiles(cmdl_options): ''' creates all parent folders for writing the output ''' wutils.make_parent_dirs(cmdl_options.countTable) # parent directories for optional plots if (cmdl_options.countPlot is not None): wutils.make_parent_dirs(cmdl_options.countPlot) if (cmdl_options.groupPlot is not None): wutils.make_parent_dirs(cmdl_options.groupPlot)
def get_and_create_outfiles(parser, cmdl_options): ''' check output options and create output files ''' outfiles = ['', '', ''] # 3 separate paths for output file if (cmdl_options.outPrefix is None): for pos, (oname, option) in enumerate([ ('outReads1', cmdl_options.outReads1), ('outReads2', cmdl_options.outReads2), ('outSingletons', cmdl_options.outSingletons) ]): # check if option is used if (option is None): parser.error('Missing argument: outPrefix or ' + oname + ' option is required!') outfiles[pos] = option # 1 shared prefix for the output else: for pos, (oname, option) in enumerate([ ('outReads1', cmdl_options.outReads1), ('outReads2', cmdl_options.outReads2), ('outSingletons', cmdl_options.outSingletons) ]): if (option is not None): parser.error('Argument clash: use only outPrefix or ' + oname + '!') outfiles[0] = cmdl_options.outPrefix + '1.fastq' outfiles[1] = cmdl_options.outPrefix + '2.fastq' outfiles[2] = cmdl_options.outPrefix + 'singleton.fastq' # make parent folders for every outfile for ofile in outfiles: wutils.make_parent_dirs(ofile) return outfiles
def create_output_dirs(options): ''' create all directories for writing the combined circRNA predictions''' wutils.make_parent_dirs(options.outUnion) wutils.make_parent_dirs(options.outIntersection) wutils.make_parent_dirs(options.outIntersectedUnion)
def create_outfiles(options): ''' create all parent directories of the sam file with the aligned reads ''' wutils.make_parent_dirs(options.outSam)
def create_outfiles(options): ''' creates all parent directories of the resulting bed file that do not exist ''' wutils.make_parent_dirs(options.outBed)
def create_outfiles(options): ''' create all parent directories of the sai file with the output of bwa aln ''' wutils.make_parent_dirs(options.outSai)
def create_outfiles(options): ''' create all parent directories of the resulting bigwig file ''' wutils.make_parent_dirs(options.outBw)
def create_outfiles(options): ''' create all parent directories of the sam/bam file with the remaining reads ''' wutils.make_parent_dirs(options.outSamBam)
def create_output_dirs(cmdl_options): ''' create parent directories of concatenated output file ''' wutils.make_parent_dirs(cmdl_options.outFile)
def get_and_create_outfiles(cmdl_options): ''' creates all parent folders for writing the output ''' wutils.make_parent_dirs(join(cmdl_options.outdir, ''))