def topic_data_page_(where, sort, pageable, model, name) -> DataPage:
    if name == "topic_raw_pipeline_monitor":
        return raw_pipeline_monitor_page_(where, sort, pageable, model, name)
        count = count_topic_data_table(name)
        table = get_topic_table_by_name(name)
        stmt = select(table).where(build_oracle_where_expression(table, where))
        orders = build_oracle_order(table, sort)
        for order in orders:
            stmt = stmt.order_by(order)
        offset = pageable.pageSize * (pageable.pageNumber - 1)
        # stmt = stmt.offset(offset).limit(pageable.pageSize)
        stmt = text(
            str(stmt.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True})) +
            " OFFSET :offset ROWS FETCH NEXT :maxnumrows ROWS ONLY")
        result = []
        with engine.connect() as conn:
            cursor = conn.execute(stmt, {
                "offset": offset,
                "maxnumrows": pageable.pageSize
            columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
            cursor.rowfactory = lambda *args: dict(zip(columns, args))
            res = cursor.fetchall()
        for row in res:
            if model is not None:
                result.append(parse_obj(model, row, table))
        return build_data_pages(pageable, result, count)
def alter_topic_data_table(topic):
    topic_dict: dict = convert_to_dict(topic)
    if topic_dict.get("type") == "raw":
        topic_name = topic_dict.get('name')
        table_name = 'topic_' + topic_name
        table = Table(table_name, metadata, extend_existing=True,
                      autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
        table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)
        factors = topic_dict.get('factors')
        existed_cols = []
        for col in table.columns:
        for factor in factors:
            factor_name = factor.get('name').lower()
            factor_type = get_datatype_by_factor_type(factor.get('type'))
            if factor_name in existed_cols:
                column = Column(factor_name, factor_type)
                column_name = column.compile(dialect=engine.dialect)
                column_type = column.type.compile(engine.dialect)
                stmt = 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s' % (table_name, column_name,
                with engine.connect() as conn:
def topic_data_find_by_id(id_: str, topic_name: str) -> any:
    table = Table('topic_' + topic_name, metadata,
                  extend_existing=True, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)

    start_time = time.time()
    table_name = 'topic_' + topic_name
    table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)

    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    # print("elapsed_time topic_data_update_one", elapsed_time)

    stmt = select(table).where(eq(table.c['id_'], id_))
    with engine.connect() as conn:

        cursor = conn.execute(stmt).cursor
        columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
        cursor.rowfactory = lambda *args: dict(zip(columns, args))
        result = cursor.fetchone()

    if result is None:
        return None
        # return capital_to_lower(result)
        return convert_dict_key(result, topic_name)
def drop_topic_data_table(topic_name):
    table_name = 'topic_' + topic_name
    table = Table(table_name, metadata, extend_existing=True,
                  autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
    table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)
def topic_find_one_and_update(where, updates, name):
    table = Table('topic_' + name, metadata, extend_existing=True,
                  autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
    table_name = 'topic_' + name
    table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)
    data_dict: dict = convert_to_dict(updates)

    select_for_update_stmt = select(table). \
        with_for_update(nowait=False). \
        where(build_oracle_where_expression(table, where))

    # if "id_" not in updates:
    #     updates["id_"] = get_surrogate_key()
    insert_stmt = insert(table).values(
        build_oracle_updates_expression_for_insert(table, data_dict))

    update_stmt = update(table).where(
        build_oracle_where_expression(table, where)).values(
            build_oracle_updates_expression_for_update(table, data_dict))

    select_new_stmt = select(table). \
        where(build_oracle_where_expression(table, where))

    with engine.connect() as conn:
        with conn.begin():
            row = conn.execute(select_for_update_stmt).fetchone()
            if row is not None:
    with engine.connect() as conn:
        with conn.begin():
            cursor = conn.execute(select_stmt).cursor
            columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
            cursor.rowfactory = lambda *args: dict(zip(columns, args))
            result = cursor.fetchone()
            if result is not None:
    with engine.connect() as conn:
        with conn.begin():
            cursor = conn.execute(select_new_stmt).cursor
            columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
            cursor.rowfactory = lambda *args: dict(zip(columns, args))
            result = cursor.fetchone()

    return convert_dict_key(result, name)
def topic_data_delete_(where, topic_name):
    table_name = 'topic_' + topic_name
    table = Table(table_name, metadata, extend_existing=True,
                  autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
    table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)
    if where is None:
        stmt = delete(table)
        stmt = delete(table).where(build_oracle_where_expression(table, where))
    with engine.connect() as conn:
def topic_data_find_(where, topic_name):
    table_name = 'topic_' + topic_name
    table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)
    stmt = select(table).where(build_oracle_where_expression(table, where))
    with engine.connect() as conn:
        cursor = conn.execute(stmt).cursor
        columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
        cursor.rowfactory = lambda *args: dict(zip(columns, args))
        result = cursor.fetchall()
    if result is None:
        return None
        # return capital_to_lower(result)
        return convert_dict_key(result, topic_name)
def raw_topic_data_insert_one(one, topic_name):
    if topic_name == "raw_pipeline_monitor":
        raw_pipeline_monitor_insert_one(one, topic_name)
        table = Table('topic_' + topic_name, metadata,
                      extend_existing=True, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
        table_name = 'topic_' + topic_name
        table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)
        one_dict: dict = convert_to_dict(one)
        value = {'id_': get_surrogate_key(), 'data_': dumps(one_dict)}
        stmt = insert(table)
        with engine.connect() as conn:
            conn.execute(stmt, value)
def raw_topic_data_insert_(data, topic_name):
    table = Table('topic_' + topic_name, metadata, extend_existing=True, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)

    table_name = 'topic_' + topic_name
    table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)

    values = []
    for instance in data:
        instance_dict: dict = convert_to_dict(instance)
        value = {'id_': get_surrogate_key(), 'data_': dumps(instance_dict)}
    stmt = insert(table)
    with engine.connect() as conn:
        conn.execute(stmt, values)
def topic_data_find_one(where, topic_name) -> any:
    table = Table('topic_' + topic_name, metadata,
                  extend_existing=True, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
    table_name = 'topic_' + topic_name
    table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)
    stmt = select(table).where(build_oracle_where_expression(table, where))
    with engine.connect() as conn:
        cursor = conn.execute(stmt).cursor
        columns = [col[0] for col in cursor.description]
        cursor.rowfactory = lambda *args: dict(zip(columns, args))
        result = cursor.fetchone()
    if result is None:
        return None
        # return capital_to_lower(result)
        return convert_dict_key(result, topic_name)
def topic_data_update_(topic_name, query_dict, instance):
    table = Table('topic_' + topic_name, metadata,
                  extend_existing=True, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
    table_name = 'topic_' + topic_name
    table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)
    stmt = (update(table).where(
        build_oracle_where_expression(table, query_dict)))
    instance_dict: dict = convert_to_dict(instance)
    values = {}
    for key, value in instance_dict.items():
        if key != 'id_':
            if key.lower() in table.c.keys():
                values[key.lower()] = value
    stmt = stmt.values(values)
    with engine.begin() as conn:
def topic_data_insert_one(one, topic_name):
    if check_topic_type_is_raw(topic_name):
        raw_topic_data_insert_one(one, topic_name)
        table = Table('topic_' + topic_name, metadata,
                      extend_existing=True, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
        table_name = 'topic_' + topic_name
        table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)
        # one_dict: dict = convert_to_dict(one)
        one_dict: dict = capital_to_lower(convert_to_dict(one))
        value = {}
        for key in table.c.keys():
            if key == "id_":
                value[key] = get_surrogate_key()
                value[key] = one_dict.get(key)
        stmt = insert(table)
        with engine.connect() as conn:
            conn.execute(stmt, value)
def topic_data_update_one(id_: str, one: any, topic_name: str):
    table = Table('topic_' + topic_name, metadata,
                  extend_existing=True, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)

    start_time = time.time()
    table_name = 'topic_' + topic_name
    table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)

    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    # print("elapsed_time topic_data_update_one", elapsed_time)
    stmt = update(table).where(eq(table.c['id_'], id_))
    one_dict = convert_to_dict(one)
    one_dict_lower = capital_to_lower(one_dict)
    value = {}
    for key in table.c.keys():
        if key != 'id_':
            value[key] = one_dict_lower.get(key)
    stmt = stmt.values(value)
    with engine.begin() as conn:
def raw_pipeline_monitor_insert_one(one, topic_name):
    table_name = 'topic_' + topic_name
    table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)
    one_dict: dict = convert_to_dict(one)
    one_lower_dict = capital_to_lower(one_dict)
    value = {}
    for key in table.c.keys():
        if key == "id_":
            value[key] = get_surrogate_key()
        elif key == "data_":
            value[key] = dumps(one_dict)
            if isinstance(table.c[key].type, CLOB):
                if one_lower_dict.get(key) is not None:
                    value[key] = dumps(one_lower_dict.get(key))
                    value[key] = None
                value[key] = one_lower_dict.get(key)
    stmt = insert(table)
    with engine.connect() as conn:
        conn.execute(stmt, value)
def topic_data_insert_(data, topic_name):
    if check_topic_type_is_raw(topic_name):
        raw_topic_data_insert_(data, topic_name)
        table = Table('topic_' + topic_name, metadata,
                      extend_existing=True, autoload=True, autoload_with=engine)
        start_time = time.time()
        table_name = 'topic_' + topic_name
        table = get_topic_table_by_name(table_name)
        elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time

        values = []
        for instance in data:
            instance_dict: dict = convert_to_dict(instance)
            value = {}
            for key in table.c.keys():
                value[key] = instance_dict.get(key)
        stmt = insert(table)
        with engine.connect() as conn:
            conn.execute(stmt, values)