Пример #1
    async def test_multiple_files(self):

        file1 = ('file1.txt', streams.StringStream('[File One]'))
        file2 = ('file2.txt', streams.StringStream('[File Two]'))
        file3 = ('file3.txt', streams.StringStream('[File Three]'))

        files = AsyncIterator([file1, file2, file3])

        stream = streams.ZipStreamReader(files)

        data = await stream.read()

        zip = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(data))

        # Verify CRCs
        assert zip.testzip() is None

        # Check content of included files

        zipped1 = zip.open('file1.txt')
        assert zipped1.read() == b'[File One]'

        zipped2 = zip.open('file2.txt')
        assert zipped2.read() == b'[File Two]'

        zipped3 = zip.open('file3.txt')
        assert zipped3.read() == b'[File Three]'
Пример #2
    def download(self, path, revision=None, **kwargs):
        if revision and not revision.endswith(settings.DRIVE_IGNORE_VERSION):
            # Must make additional request to look up download URL for revision
            response = yield from self.make_request(
                expects=(200, ),
            data = yield from response.json()
            data = yield from self.metadata(path, raw=True)

        download_resp = yield from self.make_request(
            or drive_utils.get_export_link(data['exportLinks']),
            expects=(200, ),

        if 'fileSize' in data:
            return streams.ResponseStreamReader(download_resp,

        # google docs, not drive files, have no way to get the file size
        # must buffer the entire file into memory
        stream = streams.StringStream((yield from download_resp.read()))
        if download_resp.headers.get('Content-Type'):
            stream.content_type = download_resp.headers['Content-Type']
        return stream
Пример #3
    async def test_upload_parts(self, provider, root_provider_fixtures):

        responses = [{
        }, {

        session_url = 'https://upload.box.com/api/2.0/files/upload_sessions/fake_session_id'

        session_metadata = root_provider_fixtures['create_session_metadata']
        stream = streams.StringStream('tenbytestr'.encode() * 2)
        parts_metadata = await provider._upload_parts(stream, session_metadata)

        expected_response = [{
            'offset': 10,
            'part_id': '37B0FB1B',
            'sha1': '3ff00d99585b8da363f9f9955e791ed763e111c1',
            'size': 10
        }, {
            'offset': 20,
            'part_id': '1872DEDA',
            'sha1': '0ae5fc290c5c5414cdda245ab712a8440376284a',
            'size': 10

        assert parts_metadata == expected_response

        assert len(aiohttpretty.calls) == 2
        for call in aiohttpretty.calls:
            assert call['method'] == 'PUT'
            assert call['uri'] == session_url

        call_one = aiohttpretty.calls[0]
        assert call_one['headers'] == {
            'Authorization': 'Bearer wrote harry potter',
            'Content-Length': '10',
            'Content-Range': 'bytes 0-9/20',
            'Content-Type:': 'application/octet-stream',
            'Digest': 'sha={}'.format('pz4mZbOEOesBeUhR1THUF1Oq1bI=')

        call_two = aiohttpretty.calls[1]
        assert call_two['headers'] == {
            'Authorization': 'Bearer wrote harry potter',
            'Content-Length': '10',
            'Content-Range': 'bytes 10-19/20',
            'Content-Type:': 'application/octet-stream',
            'Digest': 'sha={}'.format('pz4mZbOEOesBeUhR1THUF1Oq1bI=')
Пример #4
    async def download(self, path, revision=None, range=None, **kwargs):
        if revision and not revision.endswith(settings.DRIVE_IGNORE_VERSION):
            metadata = await self.metadata(path, revision=revision)
            metadata = await self.metadata(path)

        download_resp = await self.make_request(
            or drive_utils.get_export_link(metadata.raw),
            expects=(200, 206),

        if metadata.size is not None:
            return streams.ResponseStreamReader(download_resp,

        # google docs, not drive files, have no way to get the file size
        # must buffer the entire file into memory
        stream = streams.StringStream(await download_resp.read())
        if download_resp.headers.get('Content-Type'):
            stream.content_type = download_resp.headers['Content-Type']
        stream.name = metadata.export_name
        return stream
Пример #5
    def test_chunking(self):
        for chunk_size in range(1, 10):
            data = b'the ode to carp'
            expected = streams.StringStream(base64.b64encode(data))
            stream = streams.Base64EncodeStream(streams.StringStream(data))

            hoped = yield from expected.read(chunk_size)

            while hoped:
                actual = yield from stream.read(chunk_size)
                assert actual == hoped
                hoped = yield from expected.read(chunk_size)

            left_overs = yield from stream.read()

            assert left_overs == b''
Пример #6
    async def test_1_at_a_time_many_stream(self, blob):
        count = 4
        stream = streams.MultiStream(
            *[streams.StringStream(blob) for _ in range(count)])

        for _ in range(count):
            for i in range(len(blob)):
                assert blob[i:i + 1] == (await stream.read(1))
Пример #7
    def test_read(self):
        data = b'this is a test'
        expected = base64.b64encode(data)
        stream = streams.Base64EncodeStream(streams.StringStream(data))

        actual = yield from stream.read()

        assert expected == actual
Пример #8
    def test_other_streams(self):
        stream = streams.JSONStream({
            'justAStream': streams.StringStream('These are some words')

        read = yield from stream.read()

        assert json.loads(read.decode('utf-8')) == {
            'justAStream': 'These are some words'
Пример #9
    async def download(
            self,  # type: ignore
            path: GitLabPath,
        """Return a stream to the specified file on GitLab.

        There is an endpoint for downloading the raw file directly, but we cannot use it because
        GitLab requires periods in the file path to be encoded.  Python and aiohttp make this
        difficult, though their behavior is arguably correct. See
        https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/31470 for details. (Update: this is due to
        be fixed in the GL 10.0 release)

        API docs: https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/api/repository_files.html#get-file-from-repository

        This uses the same endpoint as `_fetch_file_contents`, but relies on the response headers,
        which are not returned by that method.  It may also be replaced when the above bug is

        :param str path: The path to the file on GitLab
        :param dict \*\*kwargs: Ignored
        :raises: :class:`waterbutler.core.exceptions.DownloadError`

        url = self._build_file_url(path)
        resp = await self.make_request(
            expects=(200, ),

        raw_data = (await resp.read()).decode("utf-8")
        data = None
            data = json.loads(raw_data)
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            # GitLab API sometimes returns ruby hashes instead of json
            # see: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/31790
            # fixed in GL v9.5
            data = self._convert_ruby_hash_to_dict(raw_data)

        raw = base64.b64decode(data['content'])

        mdict_options = {}
        mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(path.full_path)[0]
        if mimetype is not None:
            mdict_options['CONTENT-TYPE'] = mimetype

        mdict = aiohttp.multidict.MultiDict(resp.headers)
        resp.headers = mdict
        resp.content = streams.StringStream(raw)

        return streams.ResponseStreamReader(resp, len(raw))
Пример #10
    def test_github_at_once(self):
        stream = streams.JSONStream({
            'encoding': 'base64',
            'content': streams.Base64EncodeStream(streams.StringStream('These are some words')),

        buffer = yield from stream.read()

        assert json.loads(buffer.decode('utf-8')) == {
            'encoding': 'base64',
            'content': 'VGhlc2UgYXJlIHNvbWUgd29yZHM='
Пример #11
    def test_download_stream(self):
        data = b'freddie brian john roger'
        stream = streams.StringStream(data)
        stream.content_type = 'application/octet-stream'
        self.mock_provider.download = utils.MockCoroutine(return_value=stream)

        resp = yield self.http_client.fetch(
            self.get_url('/file?provider=queenhub&path=/freddie.png'), )
        assert resp.body == data
        calls = self.mock_provider.download.call_args_list
        assert len(calls) == 1
        args, kwargs = calls[0]
        assert kwargs.get('action') == 'download'
Пример #12
    def test_upload_create(self, provider):
        file_name = 'upload.txt'
        file_folder = '/'
        file_path = os.path.join(file_folder, file_name)
        file_content = b'Test Upload Content'
        file_stream = streams.StringStream(file_content)

        path = yield from provider.validate_path(file_path)
        metadata, created = yield from provider.upload(file_stream, path)

        assert metadata['name'] == file_name
        assert metadata['path'] == file_path
        assert metadata['size'] == len(file_content)
        assert created is True
Пример #13
    async def test_upload_create(self, provider):
        file_name = 'upload.txt'
        file_folder = '/'
        file_path = os.path.join(file_folder, file_name)
        file_content = b'Test Upload Content'
        file_stream = streams.StringStream(file_content)

        path = await provider.validate_path(file_path)
        metadata, created = await provider.upload(file_stream, path)

        assert metadata.name == file_name
        assert metadata.path == file_path
        assert metadata.size == len(file_content)
        assert created is True
Пример #14
    def test_other_streams_1_at_a_time(self):
        stream = streams.JSONStream({
            'justAStream': streams.StringStream('These are some words')

        buffer = b''
        chunk = yield from stream.read(1)

        while chunk:
            buffer += chunk
            chunk = yield from stream.read(1)

        assert json.loads(buffer.decode('utf-8')) == {
            'justAStream': 'These are some words'
Пример #15
    def test_single_file(self):
        file = ('filename.extension', streams.StringStream('[File Content]'))

        stream = streams.ZipStreamReader(file)

        data = yield from stream.read()

        zip = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(data))

        # Verify CRCs
        assert zip.testzip() is None

        result = zip.open('filename.extension')

        # Check content of included file
        assert result.read() == b'[File Content]'
Пример #16
    def test_download_content_type_does_not_switch(self):
        """mime_types should not override file extension not in the dict
        data = b'freddie brian john roger'
        stream = streams.StringStream(data)
        stream.content_type = 'application/octet-stream'
        self.mock_provider.download = utils.MockCoroutine(return_value=stream)

        resp = yield self.http_client.fetch(
            self.get_url('/file?provider=queenhub&path=/freddie.png'), )
        assert resp.body == data
        assert resp.headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/octet-stream'
        calls = self.mock_provider.download.call_args_list
        assert len(calls) == 1
        args, kwargs = calls[0]
        assert kwargs.get('action') == 'download'
    async def test_multi_chunk(self, blob):
        stream = streams.StringStream(blob)

        cutoff_stream_one = streams.CutoffStream(stream, 10)
        data_one = await cutoff_stream_one.read()
        assert len(data_one) == 10
        assert data_one == blob[0:10]

        cutoff_stream_two = streams.CutoffStream(stream, 10)
        data_two = await cutoff_stream_two.read()
        assert len(data_two) == 10
        assert data_two == blob[10:20]

        remainder = await stream.read()
        assert len(remainder) == 30
        assert remainder == blob[20:50]
Пример #18
    async def test_file(self):
        stream = streams.FormDataStream(
            file=streams.StringStream('Empty chairs at empty tables'))

        data = await stream.read()

        expected = sorted([
            '--thisisaknownvalue', 'Content-Disposition: file; name="file"',
            'Content-Type: application/octet-stream',
            'Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary', '',
            'Empty chairs at empty tables', '--thisisaknownvalue--', ''

        actual = sorted(data.decode('utf-8').split('\r\n'))

        assert expected == actual
Пример #19
    async def download(
            self,  # type: ignore
            path: GoogleDrivePath,
            revision: str = None,
            range: Tuple[int, int] = None,
            **kwargs) -> streams.BaseStream:
        """Download the file at `path`.  If `revision` is present, attempt to download that revision
        of the file.  See **Revisions** in the class doctring for an explanation of this provider's
        revision handling.   The actual revision handling is done in `_file_metadata()`.


        Google docs don't have a size until they're exported, so WB must download them, then
        re-stream them as a StringStream.

        :param GoogleDrivePath path: the file to download
        :param str revision: the id of a particular version to download
        :param tuple(int, int) range: range of bytes to download in this request
        :rtype: streams.ResponseStreamReader
        :rtype: streams.StringStream
        :returns: For GDocs, a StringStream.  All others, a ResponseStreamReader.

        metadata = await self.metadata(path, revision=revision)

        download_resp = await self.make_request(
            or utils.get_export_link(metadata.raw),  # type: ignore
            expects=(200, 206),

        if metadata.size is not None:  # type: ignore
            return streams.ResponseStreamReader(
                download_resp, size=metadata.size_as_int)  # type: ignore

        # google docs, not drive files, have no way to get the file size
        # must buffer the entire file into memory
        stream = streams.StringStream(await download_resp.read())
        if download_resp.headers.get('Content-Type'):
            # TODO: Add these properties to base class officially, instead of as one-off
            stream.content_type = download_resp.headers[
                'Content-Type']  # type: ignore
        stream.name = metadata.export_name  # type: ignore
        return stream
Пример #20
    async def test_github(self):
        stream = streams.JSONStream({
            'encoding': 'base64',
            'content': streams.Base64EncodeStream(streams.StringStream('These are some words')),

        buffer = b''
        chunk = await stream.read(1)

        while chunk:
            buffer += chunk
            chunk = await stream.read(1)

        assert json.loads(buffer.decode('utf-8')) == {
            'encoding': 'base64',
            'content': 'VGhlc2UgYXJlIHNvbWUgd29yZHM='
Пример #21
    def test_download_stream(self):
        data = b'freddie brian john roger'
        stream = streams.StringStream(data)
        stream.content_type = 'application/octet-stream'

        zipstream = streams.ZipStreamReader(('file.txt', stream))

        self.mock_provider.zip = utils.MockCoroutine(return_value=zipstream)

        resp = yield self.http_client.fetch(
            self.get_url('/zip?provider=queenhub&path=/freddie.png'), )

        zip = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(resp.body))

        assert zip.testzip() is None

        assert zip.open('file.txt').read() == data
Пример #22
    def test_download_content_type_switches(self):
        """waterbutler.core.mime_types contains content type
        data = b'freddie brian john roger'
        stream = streams.StringStream(data)
        stream.content_type = 'application/octet-stream'
        self.mock_provider.download = utils.MockCoroutine(return_value=stream)

        resp = yield self.http_client.fetch(
            self.get_url('/file?provider=queenhub&path=/freddie.md'), )
        assert resp.body == data
        assert resp.headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/x-markdown'
        calls = self.mock_provider.download.call_args_list
        assert len(calls) == 1
        args, kwargs = calls[0]
        assert kwargs.get('action') == 'download'
Пример #23
    def test_download_stream_range(self):
        data = b'freddie brian john roger'
        stream = streams.StringStream(data)
        stream.name = 'foo'
        stream.partial = True
        stream.content_range = '0-{}/{}'.format(len(data) - 1, len(data))
        stream.content_type = 'application/octet-stream'

        self.mock_provider.download = utils.MockCoroutine(return_value=stream)

        resp = yield self.http_client.fetch(
            headers={'Range': 'bytes=0-'})

        assert resp.code == 206
        assert resp.body == data
        calls = self.mock_provider.download.call_args_list
        assert len(calls) == 1
        args, kwargs = calls[0]
        assert kwargs.get('action') == 'download'
        assert kwargs.get('range') == (0, None)
    async def test_subchunk(self, blob):
        stream = streams.StringStream(blob)
        cutoff_stream = streams.CutoffStream(stream, 20)

        subchunk_one = await cutoff_stream.read(7)
        assert len(subchunk_one) == 7
        assert subchunk_one == blob[0:7]

        subchunk_two = await cutoff_stream.read(7)
        assert len(subchunk_two) == 7
        assert subchunk_two == blob[7:14]

        subchunk_three = await cutoff_stream.read(7)
        assert len(subchunk_three) == 6
        assert subchunk_three == blob[14:20]

        subchunk_four = await cutoff_stream.read(7)
        assert len(subchunk_four) == 0
        assert subchunk_four == b''

        remainder = await stream.read()
        assert len(remainder) == 30
        assert remainder == blob[20:50]
Пример #25
 async def test_1_at_a_time_single_stream(self, blob):
     stream = streams.MultiStream(streams.StringStream(blob))
     for i in range(len(blob)):
         assert blob[i:i + 1] == (await stream.read(1))
Пример #26
 async def test_double_same_stream(self, blob):
     stream = streams.MultiStream(streams.StringStream(blob),
     data = await stream.read()
     assert data == (blob * 2)
Пример #27
 async def test_single_stream(self, blob):
     stream = streams.MultiStream(streams.StringStream(blob))
     data = await stream.read()
     assert data == blob
Пример #28
 async def test_works(self):
     data = b'This here be a string yar'
     stream = streams.StringStream(data)
     read = await stream.read()
     assert data == read
 def test_no_cutoff_exception(self, blob):
     stream = streams.StringStream(blob)
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
 async def test_one_chunk(self, blob):
     stream = streams.StringStream(blob)
     cutoff_stream = streams.CutoffStream(stream, len(blob))
     data = await cutoff_stream.read()
     assert len(data) == len(blob)
     assert data == blob