import pyaudio import wave import json import random from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1 from watson_developer_cloud import TextToSpeechV1 from watson_developer_cloud import SpeechToTextV1 import watson_developer_cloud from os.path import join, dirname import sounddevice as sd import as wav conversation = ConversationV1(username='******', password='******', version='2017-04-21') workspace_id = '68e5659a-6135-4a80-962b-53e924eb4a66' text_to_speech = TextToSpeechV1( username='******', password='******', x_watson_learning_opt_out=True) # Optional flag #print(json.dumps(text_to_speech.voices(), indent=2)) speech_to_text = SpeechToTextV1( username='******', password='******', x_watson_learning_opt_out=False) print(json.dumps(speech_to_text.models(), indent=2)) print(json.dumps(speech_to_text.get_model('en-US_BroadbandModel'), indent=2))
break # sends the input to conversation and retrieves the json response. response = conversation.message(workspace_id=workspace_id, message_input={'text': input_content}, context=context) # sends the response to our functions data = parse_conversation_response(response) context = handle_conversation_data(data) if __name__ == '__main__': # BEGIN of python-dotenv section dotenv_path = join(dirname(__file__), '.env') load_dotenv(dotenv_path) # END of python-dotenv section # create an instance of the API ConversationV1 object conversation_apiobj = ConversationV1( username=os.environ.get("CONVERSATION_USERNAME"), password=os.environ.get("CONVERSATION_PASSWORD"), version='2016-09-20') # obtain the workspace id from dotenv workspace_id_env = os.environ.get("CONVERSATION_WORKSPACE_ID") main_loop(conversation_apiobj, workspace_id_env)
def get_watson_online_store(): load_dotenv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".env")) # Use these env vars first if set bot_id = os.environ.get("BOT_ID") slack_bot_token = os.environ.get('SLACK_BOT_TOKEN') conversation_username = os.environ.get("CONVERSATION_USERNAME") conversation_password = os.environ.get("CONVERSATION_PASSWORD") cloudant_username = os.environ.get("CLOUDANT_USERNAME") cloudant_password = os.environ.get("CLOUDANT_PASSWORD") cloudant_url = os.environ.get("CLOUDANT_URL") cloudant_db_name = os.environ.get("CLOUDANT_DB_NAME") # TODO: It looks like we'll want to make discovery required too. discovery_username = os.environ.get('DISCOVERY_USERNAME') discovery_password = os.environ.get('DISCOVERY_PASSWORD') discovery_environment_id = os.environ.get('DISCOVERY_ENVIRONMENT_ID') discovery_collection_id = os.environ.get('DISCOVERY_COLLECTION_ID') if not all((conversation_username, conversation_password, cloudant_username, cloudant_password, cloudant_url, discovery_username, discovery_password)): # If some of the service env vars are not set get them from VCAP vcap_env = None vcap_services = os.environ.get("VCAP_SERVICES") if vcap_services: vcap_env = json.loads(vcap_services) if vcap_env: conversation_creds = WatsonEnv.get_vcap_credentials( vcap_env, 'conversation') conversation_username = \ conversation_username or conversation_creds['username'] conversation_password = \ conversation_password or conversation_creds['password'] cloudant_creds = WatsonEnv.get_vcap_credentials( vcap_env, 'cloudantNoSQLDB') cloudant_username = \ cloudant_username or cloudant_creds['username'] cloudant_password = \ cloudant_password or cloudant_creds['password'] cloudant_url = cloudant_url or cloudant_creds['url'] discovery_creds = WatsonEnv.get_vcap_credentials( vcap_env, 'discovery') discovery_username = \ discovery_username or discovery_creds['username'] discovery_password = \ discovery_password or discovery_creds['password'] # If we still don't have all the above plus a few, then no WOS. if not all((slack_bot_token, conversation_username, conversation_password, cloudant_username, cloudant_password, cloudant_url, cloudant_db_name)): print(MISSING_ENV_VARS) return None if 'placeholder' in slack_bot_token: raise Exception("SLACK_BOT_TOKEN needs to be set correctly. " "It is currently set to 'placeholder'.") slack_client = SlackClient(slack_bot_token) # If BOT_ID wasn't set, we can get it using SlackClient and user ID. if not bot_id: bot_id = WatsonEnv.get_slack_user_id(slack_client) if not bot_id: print("Error: Missing BOT_ID or invalid SLACK_BOT_USER.") return None conversation_client = ConversationV1(username=conversation_username, password=conversation_password, version='2016-07-11') cloudant_online_store = CloudantOnlineStore( Cloudant(cloudant_username, cloudant_password, url=cloudant_url, connect=True), cloudant_db_name) # # Init Watson Discovery only if all the env vars are set. # discovery_client = None if all((discovery_username, discovery_password, discovery_environment_id, discovery_collection_id)): discovery_client = DiscoveryV1(version='2016-11-07', username=discovery_username, password=discovery_password) watsononlinestore = WatsonOnlineStore(bot_id, slack_client, conversation_client, discovery_client, cloudant_online_store) return watsononlinestore
from sttClient import * # speech-to-text object credentials credentials = ['67d89d3e-94d7-4232-8c87-0b588f60cc49', 'ibvlcVN5HH3x'] model = 'en-US_BroadbandModel' fileInput = './recordings.txt' dirOutput = './output' contentType = 'audio/wav' threads = '1' optOut = True tokenauth = True # New conversation object - add to the library on # conversation = ConversationV1(username='******', password='******', version='2016-09-20') # Text to speech module text_to_speech = TextToSpeechV1( username='******', password='******', x_watson_learning_opt_out=True) # Optional flag # Replace with the context obtained from the initial request context = {} # Create a new workspace for useful conversations workspace_id = '6846ffc4-07eb-45d9-a517-abe54e9f2dae' # generate filename for audio output unique_filename = uuid.uuid4()
@author: tatianarominahartinger """ #%% import json #import watson_developer_cloud from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1 #para obtener las credenciales, dentro de un workspace ir a deploy->credentials user = '******' pass_ = 'Lw8yNivJxfCF' ver = '2018-02-01' wks_id = 'c8a68520-766f-4be9-a771-278502091801' conversation = ConversationV1(username=user, password=pass_, version=ver) #%% from py2neo import Graph from py2neo import Node, Relationship from py2neo import cypher # graph_1 = Graph() # graph_2 = Graph(host="localhost") graph = Graph(password='******') #%% #Creamos los nodos: def que(nombre): query = "match(p:Pregunta),(x:" + categoria + ") where p.pregunta='" + categoria.lower( ) + "' merge (p)-[:ES]->(x)"
import os, requests from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1, LanguageTranslatorV2 from flask import Flask, jsonify, json, request, render_template import infermedica_api infermedica_api.configure(app_id='8eab6cb8', app_key='ff87a9caf26433944a6236f19e70173f') conversation = ConversationV1( username= '******', password= '******', version= '2017-05-26' ) workspace_id = '957755fd-3d4c-4b76-854e-92154d6887d0' language_translator = LanguageTranslatorV2( url= "", username= "******", password= "******" ) app = Flask(__name__) global context context = {} @app.route('/') def Welcome(): return app.send_static_file('webpage.html') @app.route('/conversation', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def execute_dialog(self, inbound_message, outbound_message,context_chamada): if self.API_KEY: conversation = ConversationV1( version=self.VERSION_API, iam_apikey=self.API_KEY, url=self.API_URL ) else: conversation = ConversationV1( version=self.VERSION_API, username=self.API_USER, password=self.API_PASS, url=self.API_URL ) # Obtem o response try: self.logger.debug('[%s]INPUT - Workspace: [%s]', inbound_message.session_verbio, self.API_WORKSPACE) self.logger.debug('[%s]INPUT - Text: [%s]', inbound_message.session_verbio, inbound_message.user_message) # valida os objetos dict dentro do dicionário context inicio = response = conversation.message( workspace_id=self.API_WORKSPACE, input = { "text": inbound_message.user_message }, context = eval(context_chamada.context_watson) ) # Verificando tempo de resposta do watson fim = diff = fim-inicio #response = response.result # LOG FUNCIONAL funcional_logger = logging.getLogger('funcional')" ")"[%s] PROCESSADO PELO WATSON:", inbound_message.session_verbio)"[%s] Tempo de processo do Watson: %f:", inbound_message.session_verbio, diff.total_seconds()) self.logger.debug("[%s]OUTPUT - Secs: [%f]", inbound_message.session_verbio, diff.total_seconds()) self.logger.debug("[%s]OUTPUT - Watson Response: [%s]", inbound_message.session_verbio, response) # Verificando se o watson retornou alguma frase para a sequência if len(response["output"]["text"]) <= 0:"[%s] Erro Watson: Nenhum texto retornado", inbound_message.session_verbio) # Caso o watson não responda nada, solicita que o cliente repita. Representa uma falha no watson #Obtem uma resposta aleatoria de nao entendimento. misunderstood = get_list_on_redis('nao-entendimento') misunderstood = misunderstood.get(str(randint(1, len(misunderstood))),'Não entendi, você pode repetir') response = self.__change_answer_and_context__(response, misunderstood) self.logger.critical("[%s]OUTPUT - Empty text from Watson", inbound_message.session_verbio) self.logger.debug("[%s]OUTPUT - Code Response: [%s]", inbound_message.session_verbio, response) else: text_response = response["output"]["text"]"[%s] Resposta do Watson: %s", inbound_message.session_verbio, text_response) etapa_anterior = context_chamada.etapa if len(response["intents"]) <= 0:"[%s] Erro Watson: Intent não identificada", inbound_message.session_verbio) else: intent = response["intents"][0]["intent"] if "intent" in response["intents"][0] else "" confidence = response["intents"][0]["confidence"] if "confidence" in response["intents"][0] else """[%s] Intenção identificada: %s", inbound_message.session_verbio, intent)"[%s] Confiança: %f", inbound_message.session_verbio, confidence) # Valida confiaça retornada da intent dentro dos thresholds configurados # e muda a resposta se for necessário #response = self.__check_intent_confidence__(response, context_chamada,etapa_anterior) # Constrói o outbound_message e atualiza o contexto outbound_message = self.__create_outbound_message__(outbound_message,response) outbound_message = self.set_registrar_chamada(outbound_message, inbound_message, context_chamada) outbound_message = self.set_flag_anatel(outbound_message, inbound_message) # TODO: Verificar se tem status no retorno da mensagem: if response.status != 200: except HTTPError as err: # TODO: lançar exception correta raise err except BaseException as err: raise err return outbound_message
# Get Conversation Credentials if 'VCAP_SERVICES' in os.environ: import json vcap_services = json.loads(os.environ['VCAP_SERVICES']) conversation_creds = vcap_services['conversation'][0]['credentials'] USERNAME = conversation_creds['username'] PASSWORD = conversation_creds['password'] else: from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) USERNAME = os.environ.get("CONVERSATION_USERNAME") PASSWORD = os.environ.get("CONVERSATION_PASSWORD") # Set conversation service conversation = ConversationV1(username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD, version='2017-02-03') def workspaces(): return conversation.list_workspaces()['workspaces'] def workspace_info(workspace_id): ws = cache.get(workspace_id) if ws is None: ws = update_workspace(workspace_id) else: min_ws = conversation.get_workspace(workspace_id) if min_ws['updated'] != ws['updated']: ws = update_workspace(workspace_id)
for row in readCSV: temp = [] temp.append(row[1]) temp.append(row[2]) movies.append(temp) emotion = "p" y_value = 75 y1 = 75 text1 = "Start conversation with greeting!" EMOTION_TONE_LABEL = 'emotion_tone' THRESHOLD = 0.5 conversation = ConversationV1(username="******", password="******", version="2017-04-25") tone_analyser = ToneAnalyzerV3( username="******", password="******", url="", version="2017-04-25") workspace_id = "b3f9b097-f794-4dd9-8575-8fdb7180e1db" payload = {'workspace_id': workspace_id, 'input': {'text': ""}} root = Tk() root.title("Mood-Based Activity Recommendation System") frame = Frame(root, width=900, height=1000, bg='white') frame.grid(row=0, column=0)
import json from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1 from ay_news_api import * import pickle from flask import Flask, render_template, request from mySportsFeedAPI import * app = Flask(__name__) with open('credentials.json') as js: credentials = json.load(js) conversation = ConversationV1(username=str(credentials['username']), password=str(credentials['password']), version='2017-04-21') workspace_id = '73a74624-91c6-447c-86df-b0a8a3eb6724' class Team: def __init__(self, city, nfl, mlb, nba, nhl): self.leagues = {} self.leagues['NFL'] = nfl self.leagues['MLB'] = mlb self.leagues['NBA'] = nba self.leagues['NHL'] = nhl teams = {} teams['Boston'] = Team("Boston", [], ["Red Sox"], ["Celtics"], ["Bruins"]) teams['New England'] = Team("New England", ["Patriots"], [], [], []) teams['Chicago'] = Team("Chicago", ["Bears"], ["White Sox", "Cubs"], ["Bulls"],
from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1 import json conversation = ConversationV1(username='******', password='******', version='2017-05-26') #response = conversation.list_workspaces() workspaceID = 'c76dde4b-deb6-4e10-87df-08778b85ce53' response = conversation.message(workspace_id=workspaceID, input={'text': 'S'}) print(json.dumps(response, indent=2))
def get_watson_online_store(): load_dotenv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".env")) # Use these env vars first if set bot_id = os.environ.get("BOT_ID") slack_bot_token = os.environ.get('SLACK_BOT_TOKEN') conversation_username = os.environ.get("CONVERSATION_USERNAME") conversation_password = os.environ.get("CONVERSATION_PASSWORD") cloudant_username = os.environ.get("CLOUDANT_USERNAME") cloudant_password = os.environ.get("CLOUDANT_PASSWORD") cloudant_url = os.environ.get("CLOUDANT_URL") cloudant_db_name = os.environ.get("CLOUDANT_DB_NAME") discovery_username = os.environ.get('DISCOVERY_USERNAME') discovery_password = os.environ.get('DISCOVERY_PASSWORD') if not all((conversation_username, conversation_password, cloudant_username, cloudant_password, cloudant_url, discovery_username, discovery_password)): # If some of the service env vars are not set get them from VCAP vcap_env = None vcap_services = os.environ.get("VCAP_SERVICES") if vcap_services: vcap_env = json.loads(vcap_services) if vcap_env: conversation_creds = WatsonEnv.get_vcap_credentials( vcap_env, 'conversation') conversation_username = \ conversation_username or conversation_creds['username'] conversation_password = \ conversation_password or conversation_creds['password'] cloudant_creds = WatsonEnv.get_vcap_credentials( vcap_env, 'cloudantNoSQLDB') cloudant_username = \ cloudant_username or cloudant_creds['username'] cloudant_password = \ cloudant_password or cloudant_creds['password'] cloudant_url = cloudant_url or cloudant_creds['url'] discovery_creds = WatsonEnv.get_vcap_credentials( vcap_env, 'discovery') discovery_username = \ discovery_username or discovery_creds['username'] discovery_password = \ discovery_password or discovery_creds['password'] # If we still don't have all the above plus a few, then no WOS. if not all( (slack_bot_token, conversation_username, conversation_password, cloudant_username, cloudant_password, cloudant_url, cloudant_db_name, discovery_username, discovery_password)): print(MISSING_ENV_VARS) return None # Instantiate Watson Conversation client. conversation_client = ConversationV1(username=conversation_username, password=conversation_password, version='2017-05-26') # Instantiate Cloudant DB. cloudant_online_store = CloudantOnlineStore( Cloudant(cloudant_username, cloudant_password, url=cloudant_url, connect=True), cloudant_db_name) # Instantiate Watson Discovery client. discovery_client = DiscoveryV1(version='2017-09-01', username=discovery_username, password=discovery_password) # Instantiate Slack chatbot. if 'placeholder' in slack_bot_token: print("SLACK_BOT_TOKEN needs to be set correctly. " "It is currently set to 'placeholder'.") slack_client = None else: slack_client = SlackClient(slack_bot_token) # If BOT_ID wasn't set, we can get it using SLACK_BOT_USER. if not bot_id: bot_id = WatsonEnv.get_slack_user_id(slack_client) if not bot_id: print("Error: Missing BOT_ID or invalid SLACK_BOT_USER.") return None # Start Watson Online Store app. watsononlinestore = WatsonOnlineStore(bot_id, slack_client, conversation_client, discovery_client, cloudant_online_store) return watsononlinestore
import numpy as np from flask import session from flask import render_template from flask import request, url_for, make_response,redirect from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1 from os.path import join, dirname from flask import Flask import csv from random import shuffle #import pysolr #from watson_developer_cloud import RetrieveAndRankV1 conversation = ConversationV1( username='******', password='******', version='2017-02-03') print("inside global application") #conv_workspace_id = '72e3ba4d-5ca3-4fa4-b696-4b790d55cf5d' # conv_workspace_id = '5c2446b9-28a3-40f9-906e-b46350f494b3' conv_workspace_id = '5e685fd6-a971-47f1-af9b-ab409f4c5a36' app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='/static') app.secret_key = os.urandom(24) @app.route("/") def get():
import json import rospy from std_msgs.msg import String from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1 answer = "a" conversation = ConversationV1(username='******', password='******', version='2017-05-26') def callback(data): pub = rospy.Publisher('Robot_response', String, queue_size=10) #rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + "I heard %s", context = {} workspace_id = 'b862e7b6-82f8-4e50-9ebd-e3be4c07d9a9' response = conversation.message(workspace_id=workspace_id, message_input={'text':}, context=context) #print(json.dumps(response, indent=2)) answer = response[u'output'][u'text'][0] pub.publish(String(answer)) print answer
# input in Python 2.7 evals(), so lets not use it. try: input = raw_input except NameError: pass ### Conversation variables ### # ctx you copy and paste straight from the conversation service credentials (if using new layout) ctx = { "url": "", "password": "******", "username": "******" } # workspace id can be gotten by "view details" in the drop down menu of the conversation tile. workspaceId = '24541008-3420-4a39-ba7d-b2ebf4337e2b' ############################## conv = ConversationV1(version='2016-09-20', username=ctx.get('username'),password=ctx.get('password')) context = {} i = '' while i != '...': i = input() message = { 'text': i } if i != '...': response = conv.message(workspace_id = workspaceId, message_input = message, context = context) context = response['context'] print(json.dumps(response)) #print(json.dumps(response['output']['text']))
def message(bot, update): # print(places) print('Received an update') global context # conversation = ConversationV1(username='******', # TODO # password='******', # TODO # version='2018-02-16') conversation = ConversationV1(version='2018-07-10', iam_api_key='ypiFBBkjolaveQQBhjg6yIFnLZAZzxO7KY7dJ29Mc41F', url='') print('Message' + update.message.text) msg=update.message.text # get response from watson response = conversation.message( workspace_id='62b52706-21b5-428d-9bba-780ccd785b6e', # TODO input={'text': update.message.text}, context=context) #print('hello123') s=0 #update.message.reply(img=urllib2.urlopen('index.jpeg').read()) context = response['context'] print(context) if "places" in context.keys() and "category" in context.keys(): pl=context["places"] ct=context["category"] print(ct) str="" print(context["places"]) conn=sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db') c=conn.cursor() print("Entered SQL") try: c.execute("SELECT place FROM cat WHERE state=? and category=?",(pl,ct)) rows=c.fetchall() update.message.reply_text("You can visit these places") for row in rows: update.message.reply_text(str.join(row)) #update.message.reply_text(row) c.execute("SELECT name FROM images WHERE st=? and category=?",(pl,ct)) rows=c.fetchall() for row in rows: #update.message.reply_text(str.join(row)) print(row) print(stt+stt.join(row)) bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=599070941,photo=open(stt+stt.join(row), 'rb')) conn.commit() conn.close() except: print("Fail") #del context["places"] del context["category"] #insert the details of booking id1=" " name="" if "person" in context.keys() and "number" in context.keys() and "date" in context.keys(): person=context["person"] number=context["number"] date=context["date"] conn=sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db') c=conn.cursor() print("Enter sql") # c.execute("SELECT person from booking") #print("hat man") #rows=c.fetchall() #print("am ") #print(rows) #for row in rows: # if person==name.join(row): # update.message.reply_text("This name already exists..Try with different one!") c.execute("INSERT INTO booking(person,number,date) values(?,?,?) ",(person,number,date)) print("hhhhhhiiiiiii") conn.commit() conn.close() conn=sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db') c=conn.cursor() print("kk") c.execute("SELECT rowid FROM booking WHERE person=? and number=? and date=?",(person,number,date)) rows=c.fetchall() print("gggg") #update.message.text("Thank you for booking" ) for row in rows: print(row) update.message.reply_text(row) #update.message.reply_text(row) print(id1) del context["person"] del context["number"] del context["date"] conn.commit() conn.close() #cancellation if "cancel" in context.keys() and "person" in context.keys() and "ask" in context.keys(): cancel="" person=context["person"] conn=sqlite3.connect('mydatabase.db') c=conn.cursor() print("Enter sql for delete") # c.execute("SELECT rowid from booking where person=?",(person,)) #rows=c.fetchall() #for row in rows: # update.message.reply_text(cancel.join(row)) ask=context["ask"] if ask=="Yes": c.execute("DELETE FROM booking where person=? ",(person,)) update.message.reply_text("Thank you") conn.commit() conn.close() # sql(pl) # build response resp = '' for text in response['output']['text']: print("Execute1") resp += text print('Resp',resp) update.message.reply_text(resp) if resp=="Please enter the state you want to visit..": flag=1 print("after flag=",flag) print("Bad") print(ref) if (ref==20): sql() if ((flag==1) and (ref==10)): ref=20 print('ref=',ref) return print("after2 flag=",flag)
workspace_id = '55981191-57ee-4cdb-8402-e586a126f174' print('Environment Variable VCAP_SERVICES') vcap_services = os.getenv('VCAP_SERVICES') print(json.dumps(vcap_services, indent=2)) vcap = json.loads(os.getenv("VCAP_SERVICES"))['conversation'] print('VCAP Services vcap %s' %vcap ) cl_username = vcap[0]['credentials']['username'] print('VCAP Services cl_username %s' %cl_username ) cl_password = vcap[0]['credentials']['password'] print('VCAP Services cl_password %s' %cl_password ) # Call Conversation Service conversation = ConversationV1( username = cl_username, password = cl_password, version='2016-09-20') logging.debug('Checked Conversation Service is working') response = conversation.message(workspace_id=workspace_id, message_input={'text': 'Hello.'}) print(json.dumps(response, indent=2)) ask = Ask(app, "/") @ask.launch def new_game(): welcome_msg = render_template('welcome') return question(welcome_msg)
from souschef.graph_recipe_store import GraphRecipeStore from souschef.recipe import RecipeClient from souschef.sns_client import SNSClient from souschef.souschef import SousChef if __name__ == "__main__": try: # load environment variables load_dotenv(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ".env")) slack_bot_id = os.environ.get("SLACK_BOT_ID") slack_client = SlackClient(os.environ.get('SLACK_BOT_TOKEN')) conversation_workspace_id = os.environ.get("CONVERSATION_WORKSPACE_ID") conversation_client = ConversationV1( username=os.environ.get("CONVERSATION_USERNAME"), password=os.environ.get("CONVERSATION_PASSWORD"), version='2016-07-11' ) recipe_client = RecipeClient(os.environ.get("SPOONACULAR_KEY")) recipe_store = GraphRecipeStore( IBMGraphClient( os.environ.get("GRAPH_API_URL"), os.environ.get("GRAPH_USERNAME"), os.environ.get("GRAPH_PASSWORD") ), os.environ.get("GRAPH_ID") ) sns_client = SNSClient( os.environ.get("SNS_API_URL"), os.environ.get("SNS_API_KEY") )
from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1 from watson_developer_cloud import ToneAnalyzerV3 # import tone detection import tone_detection # load the .env file containing your environment variables for the required # services (conversation and tone) load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) # replace with your own conversation credentials or put them in a .env file conversation = ConversationV1(username=os.environ.get('CONVERSATION_USERNAME') or 'YOUR SERVICE NAME', password=os.environ.get('CONVERSATION_PASSWORD') or 'YOUR PASSWORD', version='2016-09-20') # replace with your own tone analyzer credentials tone_analyzer = ToneAnalyzerV3( username=os.environ.get('TONE_ANALYZER_USERNAME') or 'YOUR SERVICE NAME', password=os.environ.get('TONE_ANALYZER_PASSWORD') or 'YOUR SERVICE NAME', version='2016-02-11') # replace with your own workspace_id workspace_id = os.environ.get('WORKSPACE_ID') or 'YOUR WORKSPACE ID' # This example stores tone for each user utterance in conversation context. # Change this to false, if you do not want to maintain history maintainToneHistoryInContext = True
app.config['MAIL_PORT'] = 465 app.config['MAIL_USERNAME'] = '******' app.config['MAIL_PASSWORD'] = '******' app.config['MAIL_USE_TLS'] = False app.config['MAIL_USE_SSL'] = True mail = Mail(app) # SocketIO socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode='eventlet') thread = None # Watson Conversation conversation = ConversationV1( username="******", password="******", version='2017-05-26' ) workspace_id = '87e1fc89-276d-4acb-a691-74e6469b38db' context = {} last_response = "" # DashDB #Enter the values for you database connection dsn_driver = "IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER" dsn_database = "BLUDB" dsn_hostname = "" dsn_port = "50000" dsn_protocol = "TCPIP"
def message(bot, update): print('Received an update') global context conversation = ConversationV1( username='******', # TODO password='******', # TODO version='2018-02-16') response = conversation.message(workspace_id='workspace_ID', input={'text': update.message.text}, context=context) print(json.dumps(response, indent=2)) context = response['context'] if not response['intents']: pass else: global y try: if response['intents'][-1]['intent'] == 'greetings' and response[ 'entities'][-1]['entity'] == 'yes': global skey global akey skey = response['context']['secret_key'] akey = response['context']['access_key'] global client client = boto3.client( 'ec2', aws_access_key_id=akey, aws_secret_access_key=skey, region_name='ap-south-1', ) global abcdef abcdef = try: if response['context']['no_of_instances'] is not None: y = response['context']['no_of_instances'] except KeyError: pass try: if response['intents'][-1]['intent'] == 'start_instance': global tree tree = response['context']['ec2'] except KeyError: pass try: if response['context']['os'] is not None: version = response['context']['os'] print('OS version : ', version) if version == 'windows': imageid = 'ami-ae1627c1' else: imageid = 'ami-d783a9b8' except KeyError: pass try: if response['intents'][-1]['intent'] == "terminate": global unicorn unicorn = response['context']['instance'] except KeyError: pass try: if response['intents'][-1]['intent'] == "stop_instance": global unicorn1 unicorn1 = response['context']['ec2id'] except KeyError: pass except IndexError: pass except NameError: pass x = str(response['intents'][-1]['intent']) try: if x == 'create_ec2': try: if y: b.create(ima=imageid, abcd=y) except NameError: print(NameError) pass elif x == 'start_instance': b.describe() showa(bot, update) b.start(tree) elif x == 'stop_instance': b.describe() showa(bot, update) b.stop(unicorn1) elif x == 'terminate': b.describe() showa(bot, update) b.terminate(unicorn) elif x == 'describe_instance': b.describe() showa(bot, update) except NameError: print(NameError) resp = '' for text in response['output']['text']: resp += text update.message.reply_text(resp)
def message(bot, update): print('Received an update') global context conversation = ConversationV1(username='******', # TODO password='******', # TODO version='2018-02-16') print(conversation) print(type(context)) print(context) print('hello' + update.message.text) # get response from watson response = conversation.message( workspace_id='d3c60545-4cd6-48d6-a853-ad2de1682988', # TODO input={'text': update.message.text}, context=context) # print('hello thw response is ::::::::::::::::;', response) s = 0 num_intents = len(response['intents']) num_entities = len(response['entities']) if num_intents != 0 and response['intents'][0]['intent'] == 'get_menu': s = 1 conn = sqlite3.connect('test1.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT * FROM menu") rows = c.fetchall() for row in rows: update.message.reply_text("Item: " + row[0] + "\t Price:" + str(row[1])) update.message.reply_text("select from above list only") conn.commit() conn.close() #if len(response['entities']) > 0 and response['entities'][0]['entity'] == 'sys-number': #if num_entities > 0: #user_contact_num = response['entities'][0]['value'] #if len(response['entities']) != 0 and response['entities'][0]['entity'] == 'sys-number': # update.message.reply_text("Thank you") #print(json.dumps(response, indent=2)) context = response['context'] # c.execute("INSERT INTO address(address,pincode) VALUES(?,?)") # c.execute("SELECT * FROM address") # rows=c.fetchall() # for row in rows: # update.message.reply_text("Address: " + row[0] + "\t Pincode:" + str(row[1]) # print(json.dumps(response, indent=2)) # build response resp = '' for text in response['output']['text']: resp += text if s != 1: update.message.reply_text(resp)
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize import random import tensorflow as tf import json import tflearn import pickle import pyttsx3 import numpy as np from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1 lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() with open('./cred.txt', 'r') as f: cred = json.loads( conversation = ConversationV1(username=cred['username'], password=cred['password'], version='2018-06-10') context = {} def initVoice(): engine = pyttsx3.init() rate = engine.getProperty('rate') engine.setProperty('rate', rate - 20) voices = engine.getProperty('voices') engine.setProperty('voice', voices[2].id) return engine def setVoice(engine, voice=1): voices = engine.getProperty('voices')
"apiKey": "AIzaSyAS-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "authDomain": "", "databaseURL": "", "storageBucket": "", } firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(config) db = firebase.database() app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object('config.ProductionConfig') socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode='eventlet') thread = None conversation = ConversationV1(username='******', password='******', version='2016-07-11') workspace_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' context = {} last_response = "" response = conversation.message(workspace_id=workspace_id) context = response["context"] @app.route('/') def index(): user_ip = request.remote_addr user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent') session['unique_conversation_id'] = str(user_ip) + "__" + str(user_agent) context["conversation_id"] = str(
from ws4py.client.threadedclient import WebSocketClient from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1 import sys, signal, snowboydecoder, re, base64, json, ssl, subprocess, threading, time # Initialising TTS global variables speech_received = False # has speech been returned by Watson? transcript = "silence" # default value for speech if nothing returned # Initialise snowboy global variables model = "./K9.pmdl" interrupted = False # Initialise conversation global variables conversation = ConversationV1(username='******', password='******', version='actual conversation version here') workspace_id = 'your conversation workspace id here' def signal_handler(signal, frame): global interrupted interrupted = True def interrupt_callback(): global interrupted return interrupted signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1 import json import re conversation = ConversationV1( username = '******', password = '******', version = '2018-02-16' ) workspace_name = 'Chatbot' workspace_id = '0053d8c4-64cc-4f83-b0b3-39be8c6e5a0f' def sendInitialMessage(): inputMessage = {'text': ''} response = conversation.message(workspace_id = workspace_id, input = inputMessage) #context = response['context'] #print(response) return response def sendMessage(message, context): message = re.sub('[\r\t\n]', '', message) inputMessage = {'text': message} response = conversation.message(workspace_id = workspace_id, input = inputMessage, context = context) #print(response) return response ''' context = sendInitialMessage() while(True): message = input("")
from flask import Flask, render_template import os from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1 import random from random import randint app = Flask(__name__) conversation = ConversationV1(username='******', password='******', version='2017-05-26') context_val = {} @app.route('/') @app.route('/index') def chat(): return render_template('chat.html') @app.route('/send_message/<message>') def send_mesage(message): global context_val response = conversation.message( workspace_id='913aef7a-8ec6-4dfd-a3d4-9f92ea7a9b54', input={'text': str(message)}, context=context_val) print(context_val.keys()) context_val = response['context'] if ('nearest_pizza_restaurant' not in context_val.keys()): context_val['nearest_pizza_restaurant'] = find_nearest_restaurants()
# except psycopg2.DatabaseError: # if con: # con.rollback() # print('Error') # finally: # if con: # con.close() app = Flask(__name__) CONVERSATION_WORKSPACE_ID = "229647e2-25a3-446c-9050-09eeda995c2d" conversation = ConversationV1(username='******', password='******', version='2017-04-21') # Statuses for each action STATUS_ERROR = 400 STATUS_SUCCESS = 200 api = Api(app) CORS(app, resources={r"/*": {"origins": "*"}}) class Hello(Resource): def get(self, text): if os.getenv("conversation_workspace_id") is not None: workspace_id = os.getenv("conversation_workspace_id")
import json from watson_developer_cloud import ConversationV1 ######################### # message ######################### conversation = ConversationV1( username='******', password='******', version='2016-09-20') # replace with your own workspace_id workspace_id = '0a0c06c1-8e31-4655-9067-58fcac5134fc' response = conversation.message(workspace_id=workspace_id, message_input={ 'text': 'What\'s the weather like?'}) print(json.dumps(response, indent=2)) # When you send multiple requests for the same conversation, include the # context object from the previous response. # response = conversation.message(workspace_id=workspace_id, message_input={ # 'text': 'turn the wipers on'}, # context=response['context']) # print(json.dumps(response, indent=2)) ######################### # workspaces ######################### response = conversation.create_workspace(name='test_workspace',
key = 'key-0335ffc6179bb9f65d104cf06eb11aae' sandbox = '' request_url = '{0}/messages'.format(sandbox) #Opening Files with open('config.json') as data_file: config = json.load(data_file) with open('users.json') as data_file: users = json.load(data_file) # Setting up Watson API's conversation = ConversationV1(username=config['conversation']['username'], password=config['conversation']['password'], version='2017-02-03') tone_analyzer = ToneAnalyzerV3(username=config['watson']['username'], password=config['watson']['password'], version='2016-05-19') # Variables global context context = {} workspace_id = 'fba7b3e5-6881-416c-9cf1-578fce2a9fee' def analyseTone(chatMessage): toneData = tone_analyzer.tone( text=chatMessage)['document_tone']['tone_categories']