Пример #1
def test_cwt_torch_multi_channel():
    # create random data
    n_samples = 100
    n_channels = 12
    signal_length = 42
    X = np.random.rand(n_samples, n_channels, signal_length)

    # execute wavelet transformation
    wa = WaveletTransformTorch(dt=1.0,
    cwt = wa.cwt(X)
    assert cwt.shape == (n_samples, n_channels, len(wa.scales), signal_length)
Пример #2
def test_cwt_scipy_vs_torch_single_channel():
    # create random data
    n_samples = 100
    signal_length = 42
    X = np.random.rand(n_samples, signal_length)

    # SciPy and PyTorch based wavelet transformation
    wa_scipy = WaveletTransform(dt=1.0, dj=0.125)
    wa_torch = WaveletTransformTorch(dt=1.0, dj=0.125, cuda=False)
    cwt_scipy = wa_scipy.cwt(X)
    cwt_torch = wa_torch.cwt(X)

    # ensure that the exact same scales were used
    assert np.array_equal(wa_scipy.scales, wa_torch.scales)
    assert np.allclose(cwt_torch, cwt_scipy, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6)

    # test correct sizes
    assert cwt_torch.shape == (n_samples, len(wa_scipy.scales), signal_length)
    assert cwt_scipy.shape == (n_samples, len(wa_torch.scales), signal_length)
Пример #3
# Author: Tom Runia
# Date Created: 2018-04-16

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
from wavelets_pytorch.transform import WaveletTransform  # SciPy version
from wavelets_pytorch.transform import WaveletTransformTorch  # PyTorch version

dt = 0.1  # sampling frequency
dj = 0.125  # scale distribution parameter
batch_size = 32  # how many signals to process in parallel

t = np.linspace(0., 10., int(10. / dt))

# Sinusoidals with random frequency
frequencies = np.random.uniform(-0.5, 2.0, size=batch_size)
batch = np.asarray([np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * t) for f in frequencies])

# Initialize wavelet filter banks (scipy and torch implementation)
wa_scipy = WaveletTransform(dt, dj)
wa_torch = WaveletTransformTorch(dt, dj, cuda=True)

# Performing wavelet transform (and compute scalogram)
cwt_scipy = wa_scipy.cwt(batch)
cwt_torch = wa_torch.cwt(batch)

# For plotting, see the examples/plot.py function.
# ...
Пример #4
class Attention_WCC(nn.Module):
    Attention model with sliding window Wavelet coherence
    def get_code(self):
        return 'WCC'

    def __init__(self, window, dt=0.1, dj=0.125, f0=6):
        super(Attention_WCC, self).__init__()
        self.window_size = window * 3 - 2  # practical window size, keep in accordance with the other models
        self.wavelet = WaveletTransformTorch(dt, dj, cuda=True)
        self.dt = dt
        self.dj = dj

    def _set_f0(self, f0):
        # Sets the Morlet wave number, the degrees of freedom and the
        # empirically derived factors for the wavelet bases C_{\delta},
        # \gamma, \delta j_0 (Torrence and Compo, 1998, Table 2)
        self.f0 = f0  # Wave number
        self.dofmin = 2  # Minimum degrees of freedom
        if self.f0 == 6:
            self.cdelta = 0.776  # Reconstruction factor
            self.gamma = 2.32  # Decorrelation factor for time averaging
            self.deltaj0 = 0.60  # Factor for scale averaging
            self.cdelta = -1
            self.gamma = -1
            self.deltaj0 = -1

    def smooth(self, W, dt, dj, scales):
        """Smoothing function used in coherence analysis.
        W :
        dt :
        dj :
        scales :
        T :
        # The smoothing is performed by using a filter given by the absolute
        # value of the wavelet function at each scale, normalized to have a
        # total weight of unity, according to suggestions by Torrence &
        # Webster (1999) and by Grinsted et al. (2004).
        m, n = W.shape

        # Filter in time.
        k = 2 * np.pi * fft.fftfreq(fft_kwargs(W[0, :])['n'])
        k2 = k**2
        snorm = scales / dt
        # Smoothing by Gaussian window (absolute value of wavelet function)
        # using the convolution theorem: multiplication by Gaussian curve in
        # Fourier domain for each scale, outer product of scale and frequency
        F = np.exp(-0.5 * (snorm[:, np.newaxis]**2) * k2)  # Outer product
        smooth = fft.ifft(
            F * fft.fft(W, axis=1, **fft_kwargs(W[0, :])),
            axis=1,  # Along Fourier frequencies
            **fft_kwargs(W[0, :], overwrite_x=True))
        T = smooth[:, :n]  # Remove possibly padded region due to FFT

        if np.isreal(W).all():
            T = T.real

        # Filter in scale. For the Morlet wavelet it's simply a boxcar with
        # 0.6 width.
        wsize = self.deltaj0 / dj * 2
        win = rect(np.int(np.round(wsize)), normalize=True)
        T = convolve2d(T, win[:, np.newaxis], 'same')  # Scales are "vertical"

        return T

    def sliding_window(self, x, step_size=1):
        # unfold dimension to make the sliding window
        return x.unfold(0, self.window_size, step_size)

    def wavelet_coherence_correlation(self, y1, y2):
        # Calculate the continous wavelet tranform
        y1_normal = (y1 - y1.mean()) / y1.std()
        y2_normal = (y2 - y2.mean()) / y2.std()

        [W1, W2] = self.wavelet.cwt(np.array([y1_normal, y2_normal]))

        sj = self.wavelet.scales

        scales1 = np.ones([1, y1.size]) * sj[:, None]
        scales2 = np.ones([1, y2.size]) * sj[:, None]
        S1 = self.smooth(np.abs(W1)**2 / scales1, self.dt, self.dj, sj)
        S2 = self.smooth(np.abs(W2)**2 / scales2, self.dt, self.dj, sj)
        W12 = W1 * W2.conj()
        scales = np.ones([1, y1.size]) * sj[:, None]
        S12 = self.smooth(W12 / scales, self.dt, self.dj, sj)
        WCT = np.abs(S12)**2 / (S1 * S2)
        return torch.from_numpy(WCT.sum(axis=0))

    def attention_generation(self, x):
        result = []
        for y in x:
            y = y.data.cpu().numpy()
            coherence = self.wavelet_coherence_correlation(y[0], y[1])
            s_out = self.sliding_window(coherence)
        return torch.stack(result, dim=0)

    returns: attention, sectors score

    def forward(self, x):
        attentions = self.attention_generation(x)
        return Variable(attentions.float()).cuda(), None