def before_trading_start(context):"==> before_trading_start @ %s", str(context.current_dt)) g.fire_fd_now = 0 g.fire_fd_value_day = context.portfolio.total_value g.fire_fd_value = g.fire_fd_value_day g.stocks = GET_ALL_SECURITIES(context) Waver.refreshWaverPool(context, {}, g.l_pool_fd, g.stocks, True)
def open(self, filename): self.image = self.channels = list(self.image.split()) for i in range(len(self.channels)): self.channels[i] = np.array(self.channels[i]) self.wv = Waver(default_ms=self.default_ms, channels=2)
def after_trading_end(context): weekday = context.current_dt.isoweekday() day ="==> after_trading_end @ %s weekday %s", str(context.current_dt), weekday) indexscore = Waver.refreshWaverPool(context, {}, g.l_pool_fd, g.stocks, False, True) record(indexscore=indexscore)
def butcmdplaywave(self): """ Wave generator check button command to manage the wave generation thread to make a waveform on the DSP. If the button is not selected the thread is lunched. If the button is selected the thread is stopped. """ if self.ivarplaywv.get(): if not self.isconnected(): self.ivarplaywv.set(0) return if not self.dpsfwave: tkMessageBox.showinfo('No wave in memory', 'Load or create a wave file to modify') self.ivarplaywv.set(0) return if not self.ivaroutenab.get(): self.ivaroutenab.set(1) self.butcmdoutenable() self.waver = Waver(self.setvcdps, self.ivarplaywv, self.ivarpausewv, self.ivarloopwv, self.dpsfwave.getpoints()) else: self.waver.wake()
class DPSinterface: """ DSPinterface is a Tk graphical interface to drive a DPS power supplier. """ def __init__(self, root): """ Create a DSP interface instance. :param root: is the Tk() interface where the DPS will be drawedstring with the prot name i.e. /dev/ttyUSB0 or COM5 for Windows :returns: a new instance of DPS graphical interface """ self.root = root root.title("DPS power supplier interface") root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.wnwcmdclose) self.dps = None self.poller = None self.waver = None self.strtme = time() self.dpsfwave = None self.maxoutv = 5 self.maxoutc = 5 menubar = Menu(root) filemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) filemenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.wnwcmdclose) menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=filemenu) scopemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) scopemenu.add_command(label="Load sampled points...", command=self.mnucmdloadsmppts) scopemenu.add_command(label="Save sampled points as...", command=self.mnucmdsavesmppts) menubar.add_cascade(label="Scope", menu=scopemenu) wavemenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) wavemenu.add_command(label="New wave", command=self.mnucmdnewwve) wavemenu.add_command(label="Load wave...", command=self.mnucmdloadwve) wavemenu.add_command(label="Edit wave...", command=self.mnucmdedtwve) wavemenu.add_command(label="Save wave as...", command=self.mnucmdsavewve) menubar.add_cascade(label="Wave", menu=wavemenu) memmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) memmenu.add_command(label="Edit memories...", command=self.mnucmdedtmem) menubar.add_cascade(label="Memory", menu=memmenu) helpmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) helpmenu.add_command(label="Help...", command=self.mnucmdhelp) helpmenu.add_command(label="About...", command=self.mnucmdabout) menubar.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=helpmenu) root.config(menu=menubar) row = 0 col = 0 rowspan = 1 colspan = 1 insertlabelrow(root, row, col, ("Serial: ", None, "Addr,Baud: "), E) col += colspan self.svardpsport = StringVar() self.svardpsport.set('/dev/ttyUSB0') self.entryserport = Entry(root, textvariable=self.svardpsport, width=ENTRYWIDTH, justify='right') self.entryserport.grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=W) col += colspan col += colspan self.svardpsaddbrt = StringVar() self.svardpsaddbrt.set('1, 9600') self.entrydpsadd = Entry(root, textvariable=self.svardpsaddbrt, width=ENTRYWIDTH, justify='right') self.entrydpsadd.grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=W) col += colspan colspan = 2 self.ivarconctd = IntVar() self.ivarconctd.set(0) Checkbutton(root, variable=self.ivarconctd, text='Connect', command=self.butcmdconnect).grid(row=row, column=col, columnspan=colspan, sticky=E + W) row += rowspan col = 0 colspan = 1 Separator(root, orient='horizontal').grid(row=row, columnspan=8, sticky=E + W, pady=8) row += rowspan rowspan = 1 colspan = 2 col = 0 self.ivarbrghtnes = IntVar() s = Scale(root, label='Brightness', variable=self.ivarbrghtnes, from_=0, to=5, resolution=1, orient="horizontal") s.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.sclbndbrghtnss) s.grid(row=row, column=col, columnspan=colspan, sticky=E + W) col += colspan colspan = 1 Label(root, text="Model: ").grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=E) col += colspan self.ivarmodel = IntVar() Entry(root, textvariable=self.ivarmodel, state="readonly", width=ENTRYWIDTH, justify='right').grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=W) col += colspan colspan = 2 self.ivarsetmem = IntVar() s = Scale(root, label='Mem Recall', variable=self.ivarsetmem, from_=1, to=9, resolution=1, orient="horizontal") s.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.sclbndmemory) s.grid(row=row, column=col, columnspan=colspan, sticky=E + W) row += rowspan colspan = 1 col = 0 insertlabelrow( root, row, col, (("Vinp [V]: ", VCOL), None, "Out Mode: ", None, "Protection: "), E) self.dvarvinp = DoubleVar() self.svarwrmde = StringVar() self.setworkmode(0) self.svarprot = StringVar() self.setprotection(0) insertentryrow( root, row, col, (None, self.dvarvinp, None, self.svarwrmde, None, self.svarprot), 'right', W, 'readonly') colspan = 1 row += rowspan col = 0 insertlabelrow(root, row, col, (("Vmax [V]: ", VCOL), None, ("Cmax [A]: ", CCOL), None, ("Pmax [W]: ", PCOL)), E) self.dvarvmaxm0 = DoubleVar() self.dvarcmaxm0 = DoubleVar() self.dvarpmaxm0 = DoubleVar() entries = insertentryrow(root, row, col, (None, self.dvarvmaxm0, None, self.dvarcmaxm0, None, self.dvarpmaxm0), 'right', W) for e, f in zip(entries, (self.entbndvmax, self.entbndcmax, self.entbndpmax)): e.bind('<FocusOut>', f) e.bind('<Return>', f) row += rowspan col = 0 insertlabelrow(root, row, col, (("Vout [V]: ", VCOL), None, ("Cout [A]: ", CCOL), None, ("Pout [W]: ", PCOL)), E) self.dvarvout = DoubleVar() self.dvarcout = DoubleVar() self.dvarpout = DoubleVar() insertentryrow( root, row, col, (None, self.dvarvout, None, self.dvarcout, None, self.dvarpout), 'right', W, 'readonly') row += rowspan col = 0 self.scope = Scope(root, [], row, col) row += 9 col = 4 Label(root, text="Rte[s/Sa]: ").grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=E) col += colspan self.dvarsecsmp = DoubleVar() self.dvarsecsmp.set(self.scope.sampletime()) e = Entry(root, textvariable=self.dvarsecsmp, width=ENTRYWIDTH, justify='right').grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=W) row += rowspan col = 0 colspan = 2 self.ivaracquire = IntVar() self.ivaracquire.set(0) Checkbutton(root, variable=self.ivaracquire, text='Run Acquisition', command=self.butcmdacquire).grid(row=row, column=col, columnspan=2, sticky=E + W) col += colspan self.ivarkeylock = IntVar() self.ivarkeylock.set(0) Checkbutton(root, variable=self.ivarkeylock, text="Key Lock", command=self.butcmdkeylock).grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=E + W, columnspan=colspan) col += colspan self.ivaroutenab = IntVar() self.ivaroutenab.set(0) Checkbutton(root, variable=self.ivaroutenab, text="Output Enable", command=self.butcmdoutenable).grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=E + W, columnspan=colspan) row += rowspan col = 0 rowspan = 1 colspan = 3 self.dvarvscale = DoubleVar() self.voltscale = Scale(root, label='Vset [V]', foreground=VCOL, variable=self.dvarvscale, from_=0, to=self.maxoutv, resolution=1, orient="horizontal") #, label='Vset[V]' self.voltscale.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.sclbndvolt) self.voltscale.grid(row=row, column=col, columnspan=colspan, sticky=E + W) col += colspan self.dvarcscale = DoubleVar() self.curntscale = Scale(root, label='Cset[A]', foreground=CCOL, variable=self.dvarcscale, from_=0, to=self.maxoutc, resolution=1, orient="horizontal") #,label='Cset[A]' self.curntscale.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.sclbndcrnt) self.curntscale.grid(row=row, column=col, columnspan=colspan, sticky=E + W) row += rowspan col = 0 self.dvarvscalef = DoubleVar() sc = Scale(root, foreground=VCOL, variable=self.dvarvscalef, from_=0, to=0.99, resolution=0.01, orient="horizontal") sc.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.sclbndvolt) sc.grid(row=row, column=col, columnspan=colspan, sticky=E + W) col += colspan self.dvarcscalef = DoubleVar() sc = Scale(root, foreground=CCOL, variable=self.dvarcscalef, from_=0, to=0.99, resolution=0.01, orient="horizontal") sc.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.sclbndcrnt) sc.grid(row=row, column=col, columnspan=colspan, sticky=E + W) row += rowspan col = 0 colspan = 1 Separator(root, orient='horizontal').grid(row=row, columnspan=6, sticky=E + W, pady=8) row += rowspan colspan = 1 col = 0 Label(root, text="Waveform: ").grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=E) col += colspan colspan = 2 self.svarwave = StringVar() Entry(root, textvariable=self.svarwave, width=ENTRYWIDTH, justify='right', state='readonly').grid(row=row, column=col, columnspan=colspan, sticky=E + W) col += colspan colspan = 1 self.ivarplaywv = IntVar() self.ivarplaywv.set(0) Checkbutton(root, variable=self.ivarplaywv, text='Play', command=self.butcmdplaywave).grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=E + W) col += colspan self.ivarpausewv = IntVar() self.ivarpausewv.set(0) Checkbutton(root, variable=self.ivarpausewv, text='Pause', command=self.butcmdpausewave).grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=E + W) col += colspan self.ivarloopwv = IntVar() self.ivarloopwv.set(0) Checkbutton(root, variable=self.ivarloopwv, text='Loop').grid(row=row, column=col, sticky=E + W) self.scope.update() self.scope.redraw() def sclbndvolt(self, event): """ Voltage scale bind command to set the voltage on the DSP. :param event: the event describing what changed """ if self.isconnected(): self.dps.set(['vset'], [self.getvscale()]) def sclbndcrnt(self, event): """ Current scale bind command to set the current on the DSP. :param event: the event describing what changed """ if self.isconnected(): self.dps.set(['cset'], [self.getcscale()]) def sclbndmemory(self, event): """ Memory-set bind command to set the memory on the DSP. :param event: the event describing what changed """ if self.isconnected(): m = self.ivarsetmem.get() self.dps.set(['mset'], [m]) self.updatefields(True) def sclbndbrghtnss(self, event): """ Brightness bind command to set the brightness on the DSP. :param event: the event describing what changed """ if self.isconnected(): b = self.ivarbrghtnes.get() self.dps.set(['brght'], [b]) def mnucmdnewwve(self): """ New wave menu command to initialize a new wave. """ self.dpsfwave = Dpsfile() self.svarwave.set('unnamed') def mnucmdloadwve(self): """ Load wave menu command to load a wave file. """ fname = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=".", title="Select wave file to load", filetypes=(("dps files", "*.dps"), ("all files", "*.*"))) if fname: self.svarwave.set(os.path.basename(fname)) self.dpsfwave = Dpsfile() self.dpsfwave.load(fname) def mnucmdedtwve(self): """ Edit wave menu command to open the edit wave window. """ if self.dpsfwave is not None: Wveinterface(self.root, self.dpsfwave.getpoints()) else: tkMessageBox.showinfo('No wave loaded', 'Load or create a new wave file to modify') def mnucmdsavewve(self): """ Save wave menu command to save the current wave in memory. """ if self.dpsfwave is not None: fname = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename( initialdir=".", title="Select wave file to save", filetypes=(("dps files", "*.dps"), ("all files", "*.*"))) if fname: self.svarwave.set(os.path.basename(fname)) else: tkMessageBox.showinfo('No wave in memory', 'Load or create a wave file to modify') def mnucmdloadsmppts(self): """ Load sampled points menu command to load in the graphical view sampled before. """ fname = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=".", title="Select data file to load", filetypes=(("dps files", "*.dps"), ("all files", "*.*"))) if fname: self.scope.load(fname) def mnucmdsavesmppts(self): """ Save sampled points menu command to save the last points sampled showed in the graphical view. """ fname = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename( initialdir=".", title="Select data file to save", filetypes=(("dps files", "*.dps"), ("all files", "*.*"))) if fname: def mnucmdedtmem(self): """ Memory menu command to edit the values of preset memories on DSP. """ if self.isconnected(): Meminterface(self.root, self.dps, self.updatefields) def mnucmdabout(self): """ About menu command to show the window with program information. """ Txtinterface( self.root, 'About', """DPS interface is designed by Simone Pernice That project was born as a textual driver to interface any DPS device. After the driver I made also a graphical interface to manage DPS devices. This project was born because I was not able to find any Linux application to manage DPS devices via USB. For question email to me: [email protected] Version {} relesed on {} First release on 3rd February 2019 Turin Italy DPS interface is under licence {} If you like this program please make a donation with PayPal to [email protected]""" .format(__version__, __date__, __license__)) def mnucmdhelp(self): """ Help menu command to show basic help on usage. """ Txtinterface( self.root, 'Help', """This is an interface to remote controll a power supplier of DPS series. The white fields can be edited, the gray are read only. To connect to DPS power supplier first link it to the PC through an USB cable. The data required to connect is on the first row of the graphical interface. Write the serial address on the first field (COMxx for Windows or /dev/ttyUSBx for Linux). Address and baudrate do not require update because they are the default for DPS power supplier. Turn on DPS with up key pressed to change those values. Press 'Connect' check button and if the device is present it is linked. Press again the same check button to disconnect the DPS. Once the link to DPS is in place all the data on the interface are updated and on the DPS the keylock is set. The second block of graphical interface contains all data about DPS. The brightness set which can be changed through the scale regulation. The model number. The memory from which recall the preset parameters. The input voltage, the output mode cv (constant voltage) or cc (constant current). The protection mode: none (no protection triggered), ovp (over voltage protection), ocp (over current protection), opp (over power protection). The maximum voltage, current and power to provide before triggering the self protection. The next row contains output voltage, current and power in textual form. A time diagram of the DPS output voltage, current and power is avaiable. It is possible to play with the mouse on that screen: - wheel press to fit in the screen all the enabled drawings - wheel to zoom in time - shift+wheel to zoom on Y for the highlighted curves - ctrl+wheel to change the enabled curves - left button drag to move the highlighted curve The same mouse functions are available in the fields below the diagram: - voltage per division, current per division and watt per division - zero position for voltage, current and power - check button to view voltage, current and power - time: second per divisions and zero position for time The sample time is used for the acquisition. DPS is quite slot, the minimum read time is around 1 second. The suggested rate is to have a sample for displayed pixel. The next buttons are: - Run acquisition: starts a thread that read the DPS status, update the interface fields as well as the time diagram. The acquisition points can be saved and loaded to be showed lated with menu commands on DPS scope load/save. They can be also edited through the wave edit window and played. - Key lock: set or reset the DPS key lock. It should be on in order to have faster communication. If key lock is on less fields of DPS are read since user can change them only through the PC interface. - Output enable to enable the DPS output Eventually there are the voltage and current scale. Thery are split in two: - the first is for coarse (1 unit/step) adjustment the unit of voltage/current - the second is for fine (0.01 unit/step) adjustament of voltage/current On the last block of interface there is a waveform field showing the wave loaded. Wave is a set of required output voltage and current at give timings. It is possible play and pause it through the respective commands of the interface. If loop is set when the wave play is completed it restarts. The acquisition may slow the wave player, use low acquisition sample time to avoid delays.""") def butcmdconnect(self): """ Connect check button command to connect to the DSP. It reads: serial port address, DPS address and serial speed from other interface fields. If it is capable to link to the DPS: - the maximum voltage and current are read and scale maximums set accordingly - the DPS current data are read and set accordingly in the interface - the localDPS interface is locked so that the user cannot change them but has to go through the graphical interface if the DPS is locked the polling is faster because less data needs to be read from DPS - the input fields are disabled """ if self.ivarconctd.get(): try: flds = self.svardpsaddbrt.get().split(',') if len(flds) > 0: ch = int(flds[0]) else: ch = 1 if len(flds) > 1: br = int(flds[1]) else: br = 9600 self.dps = DPSdriver(self.svardpsport.get(), ch, br) except Exception as e: tkMessageBox.showerror('Error', 'Cannot connect: ' + str(e)) self.ivarconctd.set(0) self.dps = None return m = self.dps.get(['model']) m = m[0] self.ivarmodel.set(m) to = m / 100 self.voltscale.config(to=to) self.maxoutv = to to = m % 100 self.curntscale.config(to=to) self.maxoutv = to self.scope.resetpoints() self.ivarkeylock.set(1) self.butcmdkeylock() self.updatefields(True) self.entryserport.config(state='readonly') self.entrydpsadd.config(state='readonly') else: # Stop polling self.ivaracquire.set(0) if self.poller: self.poller.wake() time.sleep(1.) # Wait to be sure the thread exits # Stop waveform generation self.ivarplaywv.set(0) if self.waver: self.waver.wake() time.sleep(1.) # Wait to be sure the thread exits self.dps = None self.entryserport.config(state=NORMAL) self.entrydpsadd.config(state=NORMAL) def butcmdacquire(self): """ Acquire check button command to manage the acquisition thread to read the DSP data. If the button is not selected the thread is lunched. If the button is selected the thread is stopped. """ if self.ivaracquire.get(): if not self.isconnected(): self.ivaracquire.set(0) return self.scope.resetpoints() self.strtme = time() self.poller = Poller(self.ivaracquire, self.dvarsecsmp, self.updatefields) else: self.poller.wake() def butcmdkeylock(self): """ Key lock button command to enable or disable the key lock on DPS remote interface. """ if self.isconnected(): self.dps.set(['lock'], [self.ivarkeylock.get()]) else: self.ivarkeylock.set(0) def butcmdoutenable(self): """ DPS output button command to enable or disable the DPS output power. """ if self.isconnected(): self.dps.set(['onoff'], [self.ivaroutenab.get()]) else: self.ivaroutenab.set(0) def butcmdplaywave(self): """ Wave generator check button command to manage the wave generation thread to make a waveform on the DSP. If the button is not selected the thread is lunched. If the button is selected the thread is stopped. """ if self.ivarplaywv.get(): if not self.isconnected(): self.ivarplaywv.set(0) return if not self.dpsfwave: tkMessageBox.showinfo('No wave in memory', 'Load or create a wave file to modify') self.ivarplaywv.set(0) return if not self.ivaroutenab.get(): self.ivaroutenab.set(1) self.butcmdoutenable() self.waver = Waver(self.setvcdps, self.ivarplaywv, self.ivarpausewv, self.ivarloopwv, self.dpsfwave.getpoints()) else: self.waver.wake() def butcmdpausewave(self): """ Wave generator pause check button command to temporary pause the wave generations. """ self.waver.wake() def wnwcmdclose(self): """ DPS main window close. Before exiting the supplier is disconnected the external supplier. """ if self.ivarconctd.get(): self.ivarconctd.set(0) self.butcmdconnect() self.root.destroy() def entbndvmax(self, event): """ Maximum voltage entry bind to set the protection maximum ouput voltage of the DSP. :param event: the event describing what changed """ if self.isconnected(): if self.dvarvmaxm0.get() > self.maxoutv * PROTEXCEED: self.dvarvmaxm0.set(self.maxoutv * PROTEXCEED) elif self.dvarvmaxm0.get() < 0.: self.dvarvmaxm0.set(0.) self.dps.set(['m0ovp'], [self.dvarvmaxm0.get()]) def entbndcmax(self, event): """ Maximum current entry bind to set the protection maximum output curret of the DSP. :param event: the event describing what changed """ if self.isconnected(): if self.dvarcmaxm0.get() > self.maxoutc * PROTEXCEED: self.dvarcmaxm0.set(self.maxoutc * PROTEXCEED) elif self.dvarcmaxm0.get() < 0.: self.dvarcmaxm0.set(0.) self.dps.set(['m0ocp'], [self.dvarcmaxm0.get()]) def entbndpmax(self, event): """ Maximum power entry bind to set the protection maximum output power of the DSP. :param event: the event describing what changed """ if self.isconnected(): if self.dvarpmaxm0.get( ) > self.maxoutv * self.maxoutc * PROTEXCEED * PROTEXCEED: self.dvarpmaxm0.set(self.maxoutv * self.maxoutc * PROTEXCEED * PROTEXCEED) elif self.dvarpmaxm0.get() < 0.: self.dvarcmaxm0.set(0.) self.dps.set(['m0opp'], [self.dvarpmaxm0.get()]) def setvcdps(self, v, c): """ Set the DPS output voltage and current moving their scales accordingly. :param v: the required voltage, if negative it is not changed :param c: the required current, if negative it is not changed """ if v >= 0: if c >= 0: self.setvscale(v) self.setcscale(c) self.dps.set(['vset', 'cset'], [v, c]) else: self.setvscale(v) self.dps.set(['vset'], [v]) elif c >= 0: self.setcscale(c) self.dps.set(['cset'], [c]) def isconnected(self): """ Check if the DPS is connected, if not display a message. :returns: True if connected, False if not """ if self.dps is None: tkMessageBox.showinfo('Not connected', 'Enstablish a connection before') return False return True def setvscale(self, v): """ Set the voltage scale, nothing is changed on the DPS. :param v: the voltage to set """ if v > self.maxoutv: v = self.maxoutv elif v < 0: v = 0 self.dvarvscale.set(int(v)) self.dvarvscalef.set(round(v - int(v), 2)) def getvscale(self): """ Get the voltage scale set value. :returns: the voltage set """ return self.dvarvscale.get() + self.dvarvscalef.get() def setcscale(self, c): """ Set the current scale, nothing is changed on the DPS. :param c: the current to set """ if c > self.maxoutc: c = self.maxoutc elif c < 0: c = 0 self.dvarcscale.set(int(c)) self.dvarcscalef.set(round(c - int(c), 2)) def getcscale(self): """ Get the current scale set value. :returns: the current set """ return self.dvarcscale.get() + self.dvarcscalef.get() def updatefields(self, forcereadall=False): """ Reads data stored in DPS and updates the interface fields accordingly. In order to be as fast as possible, if keylock is enabled, reads only the fields that can change without uses access. If keylock is disabled all the fields are read because user may have changed something from the interface. :param forcereadall: if True read and update all the DPS fields regardless of the keylock status :returns: the point read. A point is made by (time, voltage, current, power) """ if not forcereadall and self.ivarkeylock.get( ): # If user keep locked fewer data are read, otherwise all data = self.dps.get( ['vout', 'cout', 'pout', 'vinp', 'lock', 'prot', 'cvcc']) self.dvarvout.set(data[0]) self.dvarcout.set(data[1]) self.dvarpout.set(data[2]) self.dvarvinp.set(data[3]) self.ivarkeylock.set(data[4]) self.setprotection(data[5]) self.setworkmode(data[6]) vcp = data[0:3] else: # All data is read data = self.dps.get([ 'vset', 'cset', 'vout', 'cout', 'pout', 'vinp', 'lock', 'prot', 'cvcc', 'onoff', 'brght', 'mset', 'm0ovp', 'm0ocp', 'm0opp' ]) self.setvscale(data[0]) self.setcscale(data[1]) self.dvarvout.set(data[2]) self.dvarcout.set(data[3]) self.dvarpout.set(data[4]) self.dvarvinp.set(data[5]) self.ivarkeylock.set(data[6]) self.setprotection(data[7]) self.setworkmode(data[8]) self.ivaroutenab.set(data[9]) self.ivarbrghtnes.set(data[10]) self.ivarsetmem.set(data[11]) self.dvarvmaxm0.set(data[12]) self.dvarcmaxm0.set(data[13]) self.dvarpmaxm0.set(data[14]) vcp = data[2:5] vcp.insert(TPOS, time() - self.strtme) self.scope.addpoint(vcp) return vcp def setprotection(self, p): """ Set the protection field with an user readable string explaining the DPS protection status. :param p: the protection statu returned by the DPS """ self.svarprot.set({0: 'none', 1: 'ovp', 2: 'ocp', 3: 'opp'}[p]) def setworkmode(self, wm): """ Set the workmode field with an user readable string explaining the DPS work mode. :param wm: the working mode returned by the DPS """ self.svarwrmde.set({0: 'cv', 1: 'cc'}[wm])
class WaveImageEncoder: def __init__(self, default_ms=10): self.channels = None self.image = None self.default_ms = default_ms self.wv = None def open(self, filename): self.image = self.channels = list(self.image.split()) for i in range(len(self.channels)): self.channels[i] = np.array(self.channels[i]) self.wv = Waver(default_ms=self.default_ms, channels=2) def _encode_header(self): # Formato (1: grises, 2: rgb, 3: rgba) mode = self.image.mode print("Modo: %s" % mode) formato = 0 try: formato = intmode_by_mode[mode] except KeyError: print("No prometo nada") nota_formato = self.uint6_to_note(formato) self.wv.append_sinewave_single_channel(nota_formato) #self.wv.append_sinewave_single_channel(nota_formato) print("Canal: %d - Modo %s - Nota: %.2f (L), [mute] (R)" % (0, mode, nota_formato)) # Tamaño for ch in [0, 1]: a, b, c = self.uint16_to_note_triplet(self.image.size[ch]) self.wv.append_sinewave(a, channel=ch) self.wv.append_sinewave(b, channel=ch) self.wv.append_sinewave(c, channel=ch) print("Canal: %d - Notas: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f" % (ch, a, b, c)) def encode(self): if self.image is None: raise Exception("No hay imagen para codificar") self._encode_header() for c in range(len(self.channels)): print("Codificando el canal (de color) %d" % c) matriz = self.channels[c] pixel_old = None width = self.image.size[0] height = self.image.size[1] print("height, width: %s, %s" % tuple((height, width))) for i, j in itertools.product(range(height), range(width)): pixel = matriz[i][j] if j == width-1 and pixel_old is None: # fila de largo impar pixel_old = pixel # este pixel va a estar duplicado if pixel_old is not None: freq_l = self.color_to_note(pixel_old) freq_r = self.color_to_note(pixel) print("Canal: %d - Pixel %s,%s - Notas: %d (L), %d (R)" % (c, i, j, freq_l, freq_r)) self.wv.append_sinewave(freq_l, channel=0) self.wv.append_sinewave(freq_r, channel=1) pixel_old = None else: pixel_old = pixel self.wv.append_silence(ms=500, channel=0) # Por si se trunca self.wv.append_silence(ms=500, channel=1) def save_wav(self, filename): self.wv.save_wav(filename) @staticmethod def color_to_note(n): """ n es un color entre 0 y 255 n se divide en 3 (0 - 85) y se mapea en una frecuencia entre C1 y A#7 retorna la frecuencia (0 = silencio) """ n//=3 # dividir entre 3 if n == 85: return 0 if n > 83: n = 83 # justo me faltó 1 nota print("c2n - color %d - note %.2f" % (n, used_notes[n][1])) return used_notes[n][1] @staticmethod def uint6_to_note(n): """ n es un numero entre 0 y 64 (bueno, hasta 83). Se codifica en una sola nota retorna la frecuencia """ return used_notes[n][1] @staticmethod def uint16_to_note_triplet(n): """ n es un entero entre 0 y 65536 (bueno, hasta 592703) n se codifica en 3 notas (12*7 = 84 notas distintas), dando 84**3 valores posibles retorna la frecuencia de las 3 notas que corresponden al numero """ c = n % 84 n = n // 84 b = n % 84 n = n // 84 a = n % 84 return used_notes[a][1], used_notes[b][1], used_notes[c][1]
def end_trading(context): curdata = get_current_data()"==> end_trading @ %s", str(context.current_dt)) Waver.handleWaverPoolEnd(context, curdata, g.l_pool_fd)
def begin_trading(context):"==> begin_trading @ %s", str(context.current_dt)) curdata = get_current_data() Waver.handleWaverPoolBegin(context, curdata, g.l_pool_fd, g.stocks)