def read_wwm(filename_or_fileglob, file_format="netcdf", mapping=MAPPING, chunks={}): """Read Spectra from WWMII native netCDF format. Args: - filename_or_fileglob (str): filename or fileglob specifying multiple files to read. - file_format (str): format of file to open, one of `netcdf` or `zarr`. - mapping (dict): coordinates mapping from original dataset to wavespectra. - chunks (dict): chunk sizes for dimensions in dataset. By default dataset is loaded using single chunk for all dimensions (see xr.open_mfdataset documentation). Returns: - dset (SpecDataset): spectra dataset object read from ww3 file. Note: - If file is large to fit in memory, consider specifying chunks for 'time' and/or 'station' dims. """ dset = open_netcdf_or_zarr( filename_or_fileglob=filename_or_fileglob, file_format=file_format, mapping=mapping, chunks=chunks, ) return from_wwm(dset)
def read_wavespectra(filename_or_fileglob, file_format="netcdf", chunks={}): """Read Spectra from from netCDF or ZARR format in Wavespectra convention. Args: - filename_or_fileglob (str): filename or fileglob specifying multiple files to read. - file_format (str): format of file to open, one of `netcdf` or `zarr`. - chunks (dict): chunk sizes for dimensions in dataset. By default dataset is loaded using single chunk for all dimensions (see xr.open_mfdataset documentation). Returns: - dset (SpecDataset): spectra dataset object read from netcdf file Note: - Assumes frequency in :math:`Hz`, direction in :math:`degree` and spectral energy in :math:`m^{2}degree^{-1}{s}`. - If file is large to fit in memory, consider specifying chunks for 'time' and/or 'station' dims. """ dset = open_netcdf_or_zarr( filename_or_fileglob=filename_or_fileglob, file_format=file_format, chunks=chunks, ) set_spec_attributes(dset) return dset