Пример #1
def find_idastar_route(source, target, roads=None):
    if roads is None:
        roads = load_map_from_csv()

    def weight(link):
        return utilities.cost_function(link)

    def heuristic(s):
        s_node = roads[s]
        t_node = roads[target]
        problem = utilities.RoutingProblem(s_node, t_node, roads,
        return tools.compute_distance(
            problem.roads.get(t_node.index).lon) / 110

    def edges(v):
        junction = roads[v]
        edges = list(junction.links)
        # now sort it
        edges.sort(key=lambda edge: weight(edge) + heuristic(edge.target))
        return junction.links

    def edge_target(link):
        return link.target

    def is_goal(junction):
        return junction == target

    G = Graph(edges, weight, edge_target, is_goal, heuristic)

    return idastar(source, target, G)
Пример #2
def data_set_experiment():
    files = {0.0025 : 'abstractSpace0025.pkl', 0.005: 'abstractSpace.pkl' ,
             0.01 : 'abstractSpace01', 0.05:'abstractSpace05'}
    roads = load_map_from_csv()

    # for k in K:
    #     print "for k=" + str(k) + "making abstract map..."
    #     # abstractMaps[k] = build_abstract_map(get_centrals_list(k),roads)
    #     pickle.dump(build_abstract_map(get_centrals_list(k),roads), open(files[k], "wb"))
    #     print "Done!"

    exp = open('experiment05.csv', 'w')
    import csv
    with open('dataSet.csv', 'rb') as f:
        spamreader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
        for row in spamreader:
            print "<------------ "+ row[0] +" to " + row[1] + "------------>"
            source = int(row[0])
            target = int(row[1])
            exp.write(str(source) + "," + str(target))
            ucCost , ucCreatedNodes = UC.ucs_expirement(roads[source],roads[target],roads)
            exp.write("," + str(ucCreatedNodes) + "," + str(ucCost))
            for k in K:
                print "loading pickle"
                import pickle as pkl
                abstractMap = pkl.load(open(files[k], 'rb'))
                absCost, absCreated = better_waze_experiment(source, target,abstractMap,roads,k)
                exp.write("," + str(absCreated) + "," + str(absCost))
Пример #3
def generate_tests(count, finder, h):
    paths = []
    times = []
    roadMap = load_map_from_csv()
    total_junctions = len(roadMap)
    f = open('results/AStarRuns_timed.txt', 'w')
    for i in range(0, count):
        result = []
        while not result:
            time = random.randint(1, 24*60)
            init_state_idx = random.randint(0, total_junctions-1)
            final_state_idx = random.randint(0, total_junctions-1)
            f.write('start: ' + str(init_state_idx) + ' end: ' + str(final_state_idx) + ' time: ' + str(time) + '\n')
            #print('start node: ' + str(roadMap[init_state_idx]))
            #print('end node: ' + str(roadMap[final_state_idx]))
            result = finder(roadMap, init_state_idx, final_state_idx, time)
        f.write('path: ' + str(result[1]) + '\n')
        f.write('actual time: ' + str(result[0]) + '\n')
        f.write('heuristic time: ' + str(h(roadMap[result[1][0]], roadMap[result[1][-1]])) + '\n\n')
        plot_path(roadMap, paths[-1])

    g = open('results/AStarRuns_timed_matlab.txt', 'w')
    for time in times:
        g.write(str(time) + ', ')

    for path in paths:
        heuristic_time = h(roadMap[path[0]], roadMap[path[-1]])
        g.write(str(heuristic_time) + ', ')

    return paths
def main(nproblems, output_filename='problems.csv'):
    roads = load_map_from_csv()

    junctions = roads.junctions()

    results = set()
    while len(results) < nproblems:
        start_junction = random.choice(junctions)
        nhops = random.randint(100, 10000)  # allow between 100 and 10000 hops

        curr_junction = start_junction
        for _ in range(nhops):
            neighbors = list(curr_junction.links)
            if len(neighbors) == 0:
                # no neighbors - we reached the target (because we cant move on.)

            random_link = random.choice(neighbors)
            curr_junction = junctions[random_link.target]

        # if somehow we ended up on the same junction - retry
        if start_junction.index == curr_junction.index:

        results.add((start_junction.index, curr_junction.index))
        print('Finished {0} out of {1}'.format(len(results), nproblems))

    with open(output_filename, 'w') as f:
        f.write('\n'.join('{0},{1}'.format(source, target)
                          for source, target in results))
Пример #5
def dispatch(argv):
    from sys import argv
    source, target = int(argv[2]), int(argv[3])
    if argv[1] == 'ucs':
        roads = load_map_from_csv()
        path = find_ucs_rout(source, target, roads)
    elif argv[1] == 'astar':
        roads = load_map_from_csv()
        path = find_astar_route(source, target,roads)
    elif argv[1] == 'idastar':
        roads = load_map_from_csv()
        path = find_idastar_route(source, target, roads)
    if path is not None:
        print(' '.join(str(j) for j in path))
        return 0
Пример #6
def run_twenty_paths():
    roads = load_map_from_csv('israel.csv')
    roads.generation = 0
    i = 0
    while i < 20:
        path = run_astar_random(roads)
        if path:
            i += 1
Пример #7
def find_ucs_rout(source, target):
    roads = ways.load_map_from_csv(start=0, count=100)
    problem = Problem(source, target, roads)

    def g(node):
        def g(node):
            return lambda node: node.cost

    return best_first_graph_search(source, target, g)
Пример #8
def buildCentrality():
    roads = load_map_from_csv()
    allNodes = []
    for i in range(PATHS):
        print str((float(i) / PATHS) * 100) + "% percent done... Now in path number: " + str(i)
        node = random_node(roads)
        build_path(node, roads, allNodes)
    f = open('centrality.csv', 'w');
    for t in collections.Counter(allNodes).most_common():
        f.write(str(t[0]) + "," + str(t[1]) + "\n")
Пример #9
def print_astar_costs():
    roads = load_map_from_csv()
    with open("problems.csv") as problems_file:
       read_file = csv.reader(problems_file,delimiter=',')
       for splited_line in read_file:
           source = int(splited_line[0])
           target = int(splited_line[1])
           cost = find_astar_cost(source, target, utilities.g,utilities.h,roads)
           with open('results/AStarRuns.txt', 'a') as output:
               problem = utilities.RoutingProblem(source,target,roads,utilities.cost_function)
               cost_h = utilities.h(problem,utilities.Node(problem.source),utilities.Node(problem.target))
               output.write(str(cost) +","+ str(cost_h) + '\n')
Пример #10
def createlist():
    #file = open(RESULTASTAR,"r")
    file = open(RESULTIDASTAR, "r")
    lines = file.readlines()
    roads = load_map_from_csv()
    # real_result = []
    # heuristic_result = []
    # for line in lines:
    #     line = line.strip("\n")
    #     line = line.split(",")
    #     real_result.append(float(line[0]))
    #     heuristic_result.append(float(line[1]))
    # build_real_vs_heuristic(real_result,heuristic_result)
    build_path(lines, roads)
Пример #11
def find_astar_route(source, target):
    roads = ways.load_map_from_csv(start=0, count=100)
    problem = Problem(source, target, roads)

    def g(node):
        return node.cost

    def h(node):
        node_junction = node.junction
        target_junction = target.junction
        return ways.compute_distance(node_junction.lat, node_junction.lon,
                                     target_junction.lat, target_junction.lon)

    return best_first_graph_search(source, target, lambda n: g(n) + h(n))
Пример #12
def dispatch(argv):
    from sys import argv
    source, target = int(argv[2]), int(argv[3])
    roads = load_map_from_csv()

    if argv[1] == 'ucs':
        path = algorithms.find_ucs_route(roads, source, target)
    elif argv[1] == 'astar':
        path = algorithms.find_astar_route(roads, source, target)
    elif argv[1] == 'idastar':
        path = algorithms.find_idastar_route(roads, source, target)
        print("wrong arg1, must be one of: ucs, astar, idastar")

    print(' '.join(str(j) for j in path))
Пример #13
def simple(source, target):
    source = int(source)
    target = int(target)
    roads = load_map_from_csv('israel.csv')
    problem = Problem(init_state=source, goal_func=(lambda x: (x == target)), expand=expand_gen(roads), id_func=1)
    start_time = clock()
    path = run_astar(problem, simple_h_func_gen(roads, target), simple_cost_func_gen(roads))
    end_time = clock()
    print ("# of nodes:", len(path))
    print ("Run time:", end_time - start_time)
    print ("Path time:", calc_path_time(roads, path))
    print ("Huristic time:", simple_h_func_gen(roads, target)(source))
    print ("Path:", path)
    return path
Пример #14
def better_waze(source,target,abstractMap,K):
    roads = load_map_from_csv()
    centralsLst = get_centrals_list(K)
    nearestCentral = utils.nearest_central(roads[int(source)], centralsLst, roads)
    path_a = UC.ucs(roads[int(source)], roads[int(nearestCentral)], roads)
    nearestCentralAir = int(utils.nearest_central_air(roads[int(target)], centralsLst, roads))
    path_b = UC.ucs(roads[int(nearestCentralAir)], roads[int(target)], roads)
    path_c = UC.ucs(abstractMap[nearestCentral], abstractMap[nearestCentralAir], abstractMap)
    if path_a and path_b and path_c:
        del path_a[-1]
        del path_c[0]
        del path_c[-1]
        del path_b[0]
        return path_a + path_c + path_b
        return UC.ucs(roads[int(source)], roads[int(target)], roads)
Пример #15
def assured_gens(source, target, time, confidence, generations, time_limit=2**100, roads=None):
    source = int(source)
    target = int(target)
    time = int(time)
    confidence = float(confidence)
    print ("Have %d generations. confidence set to %f" % (len(generations), confidence))
    print ("Generations:", ",".join([str(gen) for gen in sorted(generations)]))
    if roads is None:
        roads = load_map_from_csv('israel.csv')
    # calculate best path for each given generation
    paths = []
    for gen in sorted(generations):
        roads.generation = gen
        problem = Problem(init_state=source, goal_func=(lambda x: (x == target)), expand=expand_gen(roads), id_func=1)
        start_time = clock()
        path = run_astar(problem, simple_h_func_gen(roads, target), simple_cost_func_gen(roads), time_limit)
        print ("gen %d: %f seconds" % (gen, clock() - start_time))
        if path:
    print ("")
    # for each path calculate all the N times
    paths_times = {}
    for i, path in enumerate(paths):
        for j in range(100):
            roads.generation = j
            paths_times[i] = paths_times.setdefault(i, []) + [calc_path_time(roads, path)]
        print ("paths_times[%d] = %s" % (i, paths_times[i]))
    # leave only the ones who are assuring        
    good_gens_number_for_path = {i:len([t for t in paths_times[i] if t < time * 60]) for i in paths_times}  # i : number of generations path is safe
    print ("good_gens_number_for_path:")
    print ("\n".join(("%d: %d" % (i, good_gens_number_for_path[i]) for i in good_gens_number_for_path)))
    confident_ids = [i for i in good_gens_number_for_path if good_gens_number_for_path[i] >= confidence]
    print ("Confident ids:", ",".join([str(i) for i in confident_ids]))
    print ("Found %d confident ids" % (len(confident_ids,)))
    if not confident_ids:
        return None
    # return the assured path with the best average
    return paths[min(confident_ids, key=lambda x: sum(paths_times[x]))]
Пример #16
def find_astar_route(source,
    # Get the junctions.
    global roads
    roads = load_map_from_csv()
    global roads_junctions
    roads_junctions = roads.junctions()
    start = roads_junctions[source]
    goal = roads_junctions[target]
    # Create an open list and two dictionaries to store the previous node and cost of current node.
    frontier = MyPriorityQueue()
    frontier.put(start, 0)
    came_from = {start: None}
    cost_so_far = {start: 0}
    # While the open list in not empty.
    while not frontier.empty():
        current = frontier.get()
        # If we reached the goal.
        if current == goal:
        # Go over all the child never.
        for edge in current.links:
            child = roads_junctions[edge.target]
            # Calculate cost using distance in link.
            new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + cost_func(edge)
            # Update the child if needed.
            if child not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[child]:
                cost_so_far[child] = new_cost
                priority = new_cost + heuristic_func(goal, child)
                frontier.put(child, priority)
                # Set the previous node of the child to the current.
                came_from[child] = current
    # Find the path by going through the previous nodes of the goal node.
    path = []
    curr_node = goal
    while curr_node != start:
        curr_node = came_from[curr_node]
    # Return the path.
    return path
Пример #17
def find_ucs_route(source, target, cost_func=my_price):
    global roads
    roads = load_map_from_csv()
    global junctions
    junctions = roads.junctions()
    # Set as the starting node.
    start_junction = junctions[source]
    # Set as the target junction.
    target_junction = junctions[target]
    # Create a priority queue.
    working_on = PriorityQueue()
    # Insert the first one with a cumulative cost of 0.
    working_on.put((0, start_junction))
    # Create list to house the path.
    path = []
    # To recreate the path when we are done.
    global came_from
    came_from = []
    came_from = {start_junction: None}
    # While we're not done.
    while True:
        if working_on.empty():
            raise Exception("Something went wrong.")
        # Get the current node and cost.
        current_cost, current_junction = working_on.get()
        # Set it as explored.
        # If we reached the target, return the path and finish.
        if current_junction == target_junction:
            return path
        # Go over all the edges to find their target node.
        for edge in current_junction.links:
            # Get the target node.
            child = junctions[edge.target]
            # If we had not explored the child yet insert it and it's cumulative cost using the given cost function.
            if child not in path:
                # Calculate cost, save the previous node.
                came_from[child] = current_junction
                new_cost = current_cost + cost_func(edge)
                working_on.put((new_cost, child))
Пример #18
def print_idastar_costs():
    roads = load_map_from_csv()
    with open("problems.csv") as problems_file:
        read_file = csv.reader(problems_file, delimiter=',')
        counter = 0
        for splited_line in read_file:
            if counter >= 5:
            counter += 1
            source = int(splited_line[0])
            target = int(splited_line[1])
            path = find_idastar_route(source, target, roads)
            path_cost = path_idastar_cost(path, roads)
            with open('results/IDAstarRuns.txt', 'a') as output:
                problem = utilities.RoutingProblem(source, target, roads,
                cost_h = utilities.h(problem, utilities.Node(problem.source),
                output.write(str(path_cost) + "," + str(cost_h) + '\n')

# print_idastar_costs()
Пример #19
def run_astar(
    source_junction_index, target_junction_index, t0, price_func=price_function, heuristic_func=heuristic_function
    global roads
    roads = load_map_from_csv()
    global roads_junctions
    roads_junctions = roads.junctions()
    source_junction = roads_junctions[source_junction_index]
    target_junction = roads_junctions[target_junction_index]
    closed_list = dict()
    open_pqdict = pqdict(precedes=comparator_f)

    source_h_value = heuristic_func(source_junction, target_junction)
    open_pqdict.additem(source_junction_index, Node(source_junction, None, 0, source_h_value, source_h_value))

    while open_pqdict:  # while pqdict is not empty
        best_node = open_pqdict.popitem()[1]
        closed_list[best_node.junction.index] = best_node
        if best_node.junction.index == target_junction_index:
            return format_result(best_node)
        for lnk_to_son in best_node.junction.links:
            son = roads_junctions[lnk_to_son.target]
            son_g_value = price_func(lnk_to_son, t0) + best_node.g_value
            son_h_value = heuristic_func(son, target_junction)
            if son.index in open_pqdict.keys():
                if open_pqdict[son.index].g_value > son_g_value:
                    son_copy = Node(son, best_node, son_g_value, son_h_value, son_h_value + son_g_value)
                    open_pqdict.updateitem(son.index, son_copy)

            if son.index in closed_list:
                if closed_list[son.index].g_value > son_g_value:
                    son_copy = Node(son, best_node, son_g_value, son_h_value, son_h_value + son_g_value)
                    del closed_list[son.index]
                    open_pqdict.additem(son_copy.junction.index, son_copy)
            open_pqdict.additem(son.index, Node(son, best_node, son_g_value, son_h_value, son_g_value + son_h_value))
    return None
Пример #20
def find_idastar_route(source, target, heuristic_func=heuristic):
    global came_from
    # Get the junction.
    global roads
    roads = load_map_from_csv()
    global junctions
    junctions = roads.junctions()
    start = junctions[source]
    goal = junctions[target]
    # Will be used to re-create the path.
    came_from = {}
    came_from = {start: None}
    bound = heuristic_func(start, goal)
    # The frontier.
    path = [start]
    # While we have not found the path.
    while 1:
        # Search.
        t = search(path, goal, 0, bound)
        # If goal, return.
        if t == goal:
            return t
        # Otherwise change the bound.
        bound = t
Пример #21
def print_stats():
    r = load_map_from_csv()
    for k, v in map_statistics(r).items():
        print('{}: {}'.format(k, v))
    return r
Пример #22
def print_stats():
    for k, v in map_statistics(load_map_from_csv()).items():
        print('{}: {}'.format(k, v))
Пример #23
from consts import Consts
from ways import load_map_from_csv
from problems import BusProblem
from path import Path
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from ways.draw import plotPath, plotOrders
from ways.tools import compute_distance
import numpy as np

# Read files
roads = load_map_from_csv(Consts.getDataFilePath("israel.csv"))
prob = BusProblem.load(Consts.getDataFilePath("TLV_5.in"))

# Print details of a random order
order = prob.orders[np.random.choice(np.arange(len(prob.orders)))]
print("One of the orders is from junction #{} at ({}, {}) to #{} at ({}, {})".
      format(order[0], roads[order[0]].lat, roads[order[0]].lon, order[1],
             roads[order[1]].lat, roads[order[1]].lon))
    "A lower bound on the distance we need to drive for this order is: {:.2f}km"
                         roads[order[1]].coordinates) / 1000))

# Create hard coded example path
examplePath = Path(roads, [
    2744, 2745, 2746, 2747, 85561, 62583, 46937, 42405, 19096, 17273, 46582,
    43933, 465367, 57190, 819204, 819205, 47816, 16620, 819206, 465324, 3421,
    819207, 19950, 819208, 529485, 646688, 646689, 646690, 646691, 646692,
    646693, 646694, 47335, 646695, 646696, 522500, 646680, 646681, 646682,
    646683, 7372, 867063, 867064, 867065, 867066, 867067, 867068, 867069,
Пример #24
def find_idastar_route(source, target):
    roads = ways.load_map_from_csv()
    problem = Problem(source, target, roads)
    'call function to find path, and return list of indices'
    raise NotImplementedError
Пример #25
def print_stats():
    for k, v in map_statistics(load_map_from_csv()).items():
        print('{}: {}'.format(k, v))
Пример #26
def loadData():
  return  load_map_from_csv()
Пример #27
def loadData():
    roads = load_map_from_csv()
Пример #28
def base(source,target):
    roads = load_map_from_csv()
    return UC.ucs(roads[int(source)],roads[int(target)],roads)
Пример #29
    print ("Found %d confident ids" % (len(confident_ids,)))
    if not confident_ids:
        return None
    # return the assured path with the best average
    return paths[min(confident_ids, key=lambda x: sum(paths_times[x]))]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    'self test your code' 
    'note: assigning variables here make them global! use functions instead.'
#     run_twenty_paths()
    roads = load_map_from_csv('israel.csv')

# this is for question 10. show path with and w/o lights
#     simple_path = simple(171154, 123198)
#     lights_path = lights(171154, 123198)
#     draw.plot_path(roads, simple_path, color='g')
#     draw.plot_path(roads, lights_path, color='r')
#     draw.plot_lights()
#     draw.plt.show()
    # 20 assured problems
    problems = [('171154', '123198', '2559.85192632'),
               ('495228', '89206', '5142.67398152'),
               ('341367', '238100', '6752.41353903'),
               ('833329', '224195', '14132.4098235'),
               ('795682', '891696', '1929.33995947'),
Пример #30
from etc.Problem import Problem
from ways import load_map_from_csv
from etc.best_first_graph_search import best_first_graph_search
from etc.ComputingFunc import get_succesors

roads = load_map_from_csv()
from etc.ComputingFunc import h
This function returns the solution for UCS algorithm
given the problem

def find_ucs_rout(source, target, cost_func):
    problem = Problem(source, target, roads)
    solution = best_first_graph_search(problem, cost_func)
    return solution

This function returns the solution for A* algorithm
given the problem

def find_astar_route(source, target, cost_func, heuristic_function):
    problem = Problem(source, target, roads)
    solution = best_first_graph_search(
        problem, f=lambda node: cost_func(node) + heuristic_function(node))
    return solution
Пример #31
def find_astar_route(source,target,g,h,roads=None):
  if roads is None:
      roads = load_map_from_csv()
  problem = utilities.RoutingProblem(source,target,roads,utilities.cost_function)
  path , cost = utilities.best_first_graph_search(problem, f=lambda n: utilities.g(n)+utilities.h(problem,n,utilities.Node(problem.target)))
  return path
Пример #32
 def __init__(self):
     # Virtually private constructor.
     if MapData.__instance is None:
         MapData.__instance = load_map_from_csv()
Пример #33
            for j in range(loop_number):
                prev2 = prev
                prev = end
                if_random = 0
                temp = end
                for k in range(len(roads.junctions()[end].links)):
                    if if_random == 0:
                        temp = roads.junctions()[temp].links[random.randint(
                            len(roads.junctions()[temp].links) - 1)].target
                        temp = roads.junctions()[temp].links[k].target
                    if temp != prev2:
                        end = temp
                        if if_random == 0:
                            if_random = 1
                        temp = end
                if len(roads.junctions()[end].links) == 0:
            if start == end:
                end = roads.junctions()[start].links[0].target
            row = [start, end]

if __name__ == '__main__':