def pytest_runtest_setup(item): # Find if platform applies supported_platforms = PLATFORMS.intersection( for mark in item.iter_markers()) plat = sys.platform if supported_platforms and plat not in supported_platforms: pytest.skip("Cannot run on platform {}".format(plat)) host_type = 'agent' if 'agent' in get_service() else 'server' supported_types = HOST_TYPES.intersection( for mark in item.iter_markers()) if supported_types and host_type not in supported_types: pytest.skip("Cannot run on wazuh {}".format(host_type)) # Consider only first mark levels = [mark.kwargs['level'] for mark in item.iter_markers(name="tier")] if levels and len(levels) > 0: tiers = item.config.getoption("--tier") if tiers is not None and levels[0] not in tiers: pytest.skip(f"test requires tier level {levels[0]}") elif item.config.getoption("--tier-minimum") > levels[0]: pytest.skip(f"test requires a minimum tier level {levels[0]}") elif item.config.getoption("--tier-maximum") < levels[0]: pytest.skip(f"test requires a maximum tier level {levels[0]}")
def check_daemon_status(daemon=None, running=True, timeout=10, extra_sockets=None): """Check Wazuh daemon status. Args: daemon (str, optional): Wazuh daemon to check. Default `None` running (bool, optional): True if the daemon is expected to be running False if it is expected to be stopped. Default `True` timeout (int, optional): Timeout value for the check. Default `10` extra_sockets (list, optional): Additional sockets to check. They may not be present in default configuration Raises: TimeoutError: If the daemon status is wrong after timeout seconds. """ if extra_sockets is None: extra_sockets = [] for _ in range(3): # Check specified daemon/s status daemon_status =['service', get_service(), 'status'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode() if f"{daemon if daemon is not None else ''} {'not' if running else 'is'} running" not in daemon_status: # Construct set of socket paths to check if daemon is None: socket_set = {path for array in WAZUH_SOCKETS.values() for path in array} else: socket_set = {path for path in WAZUH_SOCKETS[daemon]} # We remove optional sockets and add extra sockets to the set to check socket_set.difference_update(WAZUH_OPTIONAL_SOCKETS) socket_set.update(extra_sockets) # Check specified socket/s status for socket in socket_set: if os.path.exists(socket) is not running: break else: # Finish main for loop if both daemon and socket checks are ok break time.sleep(timeout / 3) else: raise TimeoutError(f"{'wazuh-service' if daemon is None else daemon} " f"{'is not' if running else 'is'} running")
test_data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'data') configurations_path = os.path.join(test_data_path, 'wazuh_basic_configuration.yaml') if sys.platform == 'win32': location = r'C:\testing\files*' wazuh_configuration = 'ossec.conf' prefix = AGENT_DETECTOR_PREFIX else: prefix = LOG_COLLECTOR_DETECTOR_PREFIX location = '/tmp/testing/files*' wazuh_configuration = 'etc/ossec.conf' wazuh_component = get_service() parameters = [{ 'LOCATION': f'{location}', 'LOG_FORMAT': 'syslog', 'IGNORE_BINARIES': 'yes' }, { 'LOCATION': f'{location}', 'LOG_FORMAT': 'syslog', 'IGNORE_BINARIES': 'no' }, { 'LOCATION': f'{location}', 'LOG_FORMAT': 'syslog', 'IGNORE_BINARIES': 'yesTesting' }, { 'LOCATION': f'{location}',
def control_service(action, daemon=None, debug_mode=False): """Perform the stop, start and restart operation with Wazuh. It takes care of the current OS to interact with the service and the type of installation (agent or manager). Args: action ({'stop', 'start', 'restart'}): Action to be done with the service/daemon. daemon (str, optional): Name of the daemon to be controlled. None for the whole Wazuh service. Default `None` debug_mode (bool, optional) : Run the specified daemon in debug mode. Default `False` Raises: ValueError: If `action` is not contained in {'start', 'stop', 'restart'}. ValueError: If the result is not equal to 0. """ valid_actions = ('start', 'stop', 'restart') if action not in valid_actions: raise ValueError(f'action {action} is not one of {valid_actions}') if sys.platform == 'win32': if action == 'restart': control_service('stop') control_service('start') result = 0 else: command =["net", action, "WazuhSvc"], stderr=subprocess.PIPE) result = command.returncode if command.returncode != 0: if action == 'stop' and 'The Wazuh service is not started.' in command.stderr.decode(): result = 0 print(command.stderr.decode()) else: # Default Unix if daemon is None: if sys.platform == 'darwin' or sys.platform == 'sunos5': result =[f'{WAZUH_PATH}/bin/wazuh-control', action]).returncode else: result =['service', get_service(), action]).returncode action == 'stop' and delete_sockets() else: if action == 'restart': control_service('stop', daemon=daemon) control_service('start', daemon=daemon) elif action == 'stop': processes = [] for proc in psutil.process_iter(): if daemon in try: processes.append(proc) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass try: for proc in processes: proc.terminate() _, alive = psutil.wait_procs(processes, timeout=5) for proc in alive: proc.kill() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass delete_sockets(WAZUH_SOCKETS[daemon]) else: daemon_path = os.path.join(WAZUH_PATH, 'bin') subprocess.check_call([f'{daemon_path}/{daemon}', '' if not debug_mode else '-dd']) result = 0 if result != 0: raise ValueError(f"Error when executing {action} in daemon {daemon}. Exit status: {result}")