Пример #1
class Application(object):
    """The Main application class.

    The Application class is responsible for holding global data that will be
    shared between the whole application. It also provides a message dispatching
    system for intercommunication. Methods for loading resources are also avail-

    This class is a singleton so the constructor will be called just once by
    the `imagem_cinematica` module. The instance can be retrived by the function
    get_app avaible in the module `application`.


    # Singleton instance
    _INSTANCE = None

    # This option tells the application to pump raw frames to the preview queue
    OPT_PREVIEW_RAW            = 0x1
    # This options tells the application to pump frames right after they got
    # processed by the analysis plugin
    def __init__(self, argv):
        # Assert that there is no previous created instance
        assert Application._INSTANCE is None

        # Set this instance to the singleton _INSTANCE constant
        Application._INSTANCE = self

        # Create a new QApplication instance
        self._qapp = QApplication(argv)

        pjoin = os.path.join

        # Save the application main path (the local where the main script was
        # invoked by the interpreter)
        self.PATH = sys.path[0]

        # Create a default settings dictionary
        self.settings = {
            # The max frames that can be put in the raw queue
            'raw_queue_len' : 1,
            # The max frames that can be put in the preview queue
            'preview_queue_len' : 1,
            # The directory of the installed plugins
            'plugins_dir' : pjoin(self.PATH, 'plugins')  ,
            # The directory of the application resources (imgs, icons, ui, etc.)
            'resources_dir' : pjoin(self.PATH, 'resources'),
            # Max time to wait for a worker thread to finish
            'thread_wait_timeout': 500,
            'lang_dir' : pjoin(self.PATH, 'lang')

        # This dictionary holds all the ui files loaded by calling the method
        # load_ui. They can be retrived by calling the method get_ui
        self._loaded_ui_objects = {}

        # A thread-safe queue that contains the messages to be dispatched
        self._messages = Queue()
        # A set containing all the objects that can receive messages. To insert
        # an object to the list, the method register_message_listener must be
        # used. The objects must have a `receive_message` method.
        # Each element of this set will be a tuple containing a unique identifier
        # and the object itself.
        self._message_listeners = WeakValueDictionary()
        # The timer that will be responsible for dispatching the messages
        self._message_timer = QTimer()
        # Connect the timeout signal to the method responsible for dispatching
        # the messages in the queue

        # A dictionary containing options the user can change by interacting with
        # the GUI
        self.user_options = {
            "preview_source": Application.OPT_PREVIEW_POST_ANALYSIS,
            "filter_group"  : "Raw"

        #Current installed translator
        self._translator = None

        #Start the message-system timer

    def get_ui(self, name):
        """Return the instance of a previously loaded ui file.

        The ui object will be a QObject. To load a new a new ui file use the
        `load_ui` method.

        name : str
            The ui object's name/alias.


        KeyError : If there is no ui object with the given name.

        if name not in self._loaded_ui_objects:
            raise KeyError("There is no ui object with name '{}'".format(name))
            return self._loaded_ui_objects[name]

    def load_ui(self, name, ui_file, base_instance = None):
        """Load a ui_file from the resources directory and return it.

        This method loads a QtDesigner `.ui` file from the resources directory
        using the `uic` module and returns the instance. A name must be given
        for saving the instance in the application's dictionary. The name must
        be an alias, like 'main_window' or `console_window` so it can be shared
        across the application

        name : str
            The name that will be used to share the object between the appli-
        cation modules. If the string is empty, the ui object will not be saved.

        ui_file : str
            The name of the ui file located in the resources directory.
        The `.ui` extension is optional.

        base_instance : QObject, None
            The base instance to load the ui file. The default value
        is None. When its `None`, the uic module will created a new instance,
        when an proper QWidget is given, the uic will use it as a base.


        IOError : If the file was not found or has an invalid format/extension.

        KeyError : If there is an already loaded ui instance with the same name

        TypeError : If the base_instance is not the same as the one in the ui

        UILoadError : If the `uic` module raises any exception
        #Check if there is a loaded ui with the given name
        if name in self._loaded_ui_objects:
            raise KeyError("A ui with name '{}' is already loaded.".format(name))

        join = os.path.join
        isfile = os.path.isfile
        splitext = os.path.splitext

        #Extract the file extension
        fname, ext = splitext(ui_file)

        #If there is no extension, append the right one to the end
        if ext == "":
            ui_file = fname + ".ui"
        #If there is an extensions, check if its right, else raised the IOError
            if ext != ".ui":
                raise IOError(("The file name has an invalid extension"

        #Expand the file to the absolute path
        ui_path = join(self.settings["resources_dir"], "ui", ui_file)

        #Check if the file exists
        if not isfile(ui_path):
            raise IOError("The file '{}' does not exist.".format(ui_file))

            if base_instance:
                instance = uic.loadUi(ui_path, base_instance)
                if hasattr(instance, "setupUi"):

                if hasattr(instance, "retranslateUi"):
                instance = uic.loadUi(ui_path)

            if name.strip() != '':
                self._loaded_ui_objects[name] = instance
            return instance
            print "------------------------------------------------------------"
            print "------------------------------------------------------------"
            raise UILoadError()

    def register_message_listener(self, listener):
        """Register a object so the application dispatch messages to it.

        The message listener is registered using a Weak Reference, so the
        messages system will not keep the objects alive when all the other
        references are deleted.

        listener : obj
            The object that will receive the message.

            An unique identifier to use when referencing the this listener in
            the messages system.

        ValueError : If the listener object is already registered

        #Check if the listener is in the list already
        for r in self._message_listeners.itervaluerefs():
            if r() is listener:
                raise ValueError("The object is already registered")

        id_ = find_free_key(self._message_listeners)
        self._message_listeners[id_] = listener
        return id_

    def unregister_message_listener(self, identifier):
        """Tell the pplication to stop dispatching messages to a listener.

        identifier : int
            The identifier of the listener that will stop receiving messages.

        ValueError : If there is no listener with the given identifier

            del self._message_listeners[identifier]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("There is no listener with id '{}'".format(identifier))

    def get_message_listener_instance(self, identifier):
        """Return a registered message listener with the given identifier.

        identifier: int
            The identifier of the listener.

            The instance of the listener.

        Value : If there is no listener with the given identifier.

            return self._message_listeners[identifier]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(("There is no message listener"
                            "registered with id {}").format(identifier))

    def post_message(self, message_type, message_data, sender):
        """Post a message to the messages system.

        message_type : str
            A string containing a name/tag/alias for the message type. It should
            be lowercase and have no leading/trailing spaces. The string will
            be trimmed and changed to lower case.

        message_data :
            Any kind of object

        sender_id : int, class instance or None
            The id or reference of the sender. This will prevent the sender to
            receiving this message. If the type is int, it should be the identi-
            fier of the listener in the messages system. Can also be a reference
            to the sender instead of it's id. If None, the sender is considered
            anonymous, and will receive the message.
            If the id provided is invalid, it will be ignored.

        self._messages.put((message_type.lower().strip(), message_data, sender))

    def _dispatch_messages(self):
        """Dispatch all the messages in the queue to the registered listeners.

        #Create strong references to the listeners
        items = self._message_listeners.items()

        while not self._messages.empty():
            mtype, mdata, sender = self._messages.get(False)
            if _DEBUG_MESSAGES:
                print "<{}, {}>: {}".format(sender, mtype, mdata)
            #Assign an invalid identifier
            sender_id = -1
            #If the sender is an int it should be the sender identifier
            if isinstance(sender, int):
                sender_id = sender
            #If the sender is not an int, it should be a ref to a listener, so
            #try to locate it's id
            elif sender is not None:
                for (identifier, instance) in items:
                    if instance is sender:
                        sender_id = identifier

            for (identifier, instance) in items:
                #Dont dispatch the message to the sender
                if identifier == sender_id:
                    #Call the receive_message method
                    instance.receive_message(mtype, mdata, sender_id)
                    print ("!! A message listener raised an exception when "
                    "receiving a message and will be removed from the list.")
                    del self._message_listeners[identifier]

    def import_resources(self):
        """Load the resource files contained in the gui package path.

        #Get the path to the `gui` package, where the resource files will be
        _1, path, _3 = imp.find_module("gui")

        if path not in sys.path:

        #Import all the files that end with `_rc.py`
        for m in [f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith("_rc.py")]:

    def load_plugin_ui(self, plugin_id, name, ui_file, base_instance = None):
        """Load a ui_file from the `ui` directory of the given plugin id.

        This method loads a QtDesigner `.ui` file from the resources directory
        using the `uic` module and returns the instance. A name must be given
        for saving the instance in the plugin's dictionary. The name must
        be an alias, like 'tools', so it can be shared across the application.

        plugin_id : int
            The plugin's identifier

        name : str
            The name that will be used to share the object.

        ui_file : str
            The name of the ui file located in the resources directory.
        The `.ui` extension is optional.

        base_instance : QObject, None
            The base instance to load the ui file. The default value
        is None. When its `None`, the uic module will created a new instance,
        when an proper QWidget is given, the uic will use it as a base.


        IOError : If the file was not found or has an invalid format/extension.

        KeyError : If there is an already loaded ui instance with the same name

        TypeError : If the base_instance is not the same as the one in the ui

        UILoadError : If the `uic` module raises any exception
        # Temporary solution for resolving circular dependencies
        engine = sys.modules["ic.engine"]
        plugin = engine.get_plugin(plugin_id)

        #Check if there is a loaded ui with the given name
        if name in plugin.loaded_ui_objects:
            raise KeyError("A ui with name '{}' is already loaded.".format(name))

        join = os.path.join
        isfile = os.path.isfile
        splitext = os.path.splitext

        #Extract the file extension
        fname, ext = splitext(ui_file)

        #If there is no extension, append the right one to the end
        if ext == "":
            ui_file = fname + ".ui"
        #If there is an extensions, check if its right, else raised the IOError
            if ext != ".ui":
                raise IOError(("The file name has an invalid extension"

        #Expand the file to the absolute path
        ui_path = join(plugin.root_path, "ui", ui_file)

        #Check if the file exists
        if not isfile(ui_path):
            raise IOError("The file '{}' does not exist.".format(ui_file))

            if base_instance:
                instance = uic.loadUi(ui_path, base_instance)
                if hasattr(instance, "setupUi"):

                if hasattr(instance, "retranslateUi"):
                instance = uic.loadUi(ui_path)

            plugin.loaded_ui_objects[name] = instance
            return instance
            raise UILoadError()

    def get_plugin_ui(self, plugin_id, name):
        """Return the instance of a previously loaded ui file of a plugin.

        The ui object will be a QObject. To load a new a new ui file use the
        `load_plugin_ui` method.

        plugin_id : int
            The identifier of the plugin

        name : str
            The ui object's name/alias.


        KeyError : If there is no ui object with the given name.

        # Temporary solution for resolving circular dependencies
        engine = sys.modules["ic.engine"]
        plugin = engine.get_plugin(plugin_id)
        if name not in plugin.loaded_ui_objects:
            raise KeyError("There is no ui object with name '{}'".format(name))
            return plugin.loaded_ui_objects[name]

    def set_language(self, locale_str):
        """Remove the current translator and install one based on the locale_str.

        This method will look for an installed qm file with the locale str pro-
        vided. If one is found it will remove the current one and install the
        new. After the installation it will call the retranslateUi for all the
        loaded ui objects. If a loaded ui object does not have the retranslateUi
        method, it will just ignore it.

        locale_str : str
            A str containing the locale, i.e. "pt_BR", "en_US". It can also be
            "default" and if so, the current translator will be removed and the
            language will be send to default.
        # Temporary solution for resolving circular dependencies
        engine = sys.modules["ic.engine"]
        join = os.path.join
        isfile = os.path.isfile

        #This the path where the qm file should be located if installed
        qm_file = join(self.settings["lang_dir"], "qm", locale_str+".qm")

        #Check if the locale is "default" or if the qm file for the given str
        #does exist.
        if isfile(qm_file) or locale_str == "default":
            #Remove the current translator if there is one installed
            if self._translator is not None:
                self._translator = None

            #If the qm file exists, load it and install the translator to the
            #QApplication instance
            if isfile(qm_file):
                self._translator = QTranslator()

            #Call the retranslanteUi method of all the loaded ui objects that
            #have it.
            for ui in self._loaded_ui_objects.values():
                if hasattr(ui, "retranslateUi"):

            #Translate the loaded ui objects of the plugins
            for plugin in engine.loaded_plugins().values():
                for ui in plugin.loaded_ui_objects:
                    if hasattr(ui, "retranslateUi"):

                if plugin.gui_interface is not None:
            #Post an anonymous message signaling the language change
            self.post_message("language_changed", {"locale_str": locale_str}, -1)

        #If the file does not exist nor the string is equals to "default", raise
        #an error
            raise ValueError("There is no locale '{}' installed".format(locale_str))

    def exec_(self):
        """Just wrappers the QApplication instance `exec_` method.

        return self._qapp.exec_()

    def release(self):
Пример #2
# #         pass
# #         d['c'] = c
#     print 'i', i.key
#     print 'i', dir(i)

min_info = {}
weakdict = WeakValueDictionary()

for k, v in {'a': 1, 'b': 0, 'c': 3}.iteritems():
    inst = A(v)
    min_info[k] = inst
    weakdict[k] = inst

print 'min_info', min_info
print 'weakdict', [x() for x in weakdict.itervaluerefs()]
print 'weakdict', weakdict.iteritems()

for x in weakdict.itervaluerefs():
    print 'x', dir(weakdict.itervaluerefs())

# 10
# del a                       # удалить одну ссылку
# gc.collect()                # произвести сборку мусора
# 0
# d['primary']                # запись была автоматически удалена
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
#     d['primary']
#   File "C:/python31/lib/weakref.py", line 46, in __getitem__