def clientFilter(userid, args): """ Executed when a client command is issued from a player. Test to see if drop was the command; if so, then remove the weapon. @PARAM userid - the id of the user who issued the client command @PARAM args - a list of arguments, with index 0 being the command. """ if args and args[0].lower() == "drop": """ Player is about to issue the drop command """ player = sourcerpg.players[userid] level = player[skillName] if level: """ The player has recover weapons, get their active weapn and remove it """ weapon = weaponlib.getWeapon(playerlib.getPlayer(userid).get("weapon")) if weapon is None: # The user has no weapons, allow them to run the drop command return True weapon = # return formated weapon if level >= 3 and weapon in weaponlib.getWeaponNameList("#primary"): player['primary'] = None elif level >= 2 and weapon in weaponlib.getWeaponNameList("#secondary"): player['secondary'] = None return True
def item_pickup(event_var): """ Exeecuted when a player picks up a weapon. Store their current weapon so it remembers the value @PARAM event_var - an automatically passed event instance """ weapon = weaponlib.getWeapon(event_var['item']) if weapon is None: """ The item picked up is not a valid weapon, return early """ return weapon = # format the weapon name userid = event_var['userid'] player = sourcerpg.players[userid] if player is not None: level = player[skillName] if level: """ Player is at least level 1 in this skill """ if weapon in weaponlib.getWeaponNameList('#primary') and level >= 3: player['primary'] = weapon elif weapon in weaponlib.getWeaponNameList('#secondary') and level >= 2: if weapon != {2 : "weapon_glock", 3 : "weapon_usp"}[es.getplayerteam(userid)]: player['secondary'] = weapon elif weapon in weaponlib.getWeaponNameList('#grenade'): player[weapon] += 1
def player_hurt(event_var): """ When a player is damaged, check for team attacks, then if the weapon is a secondary weapon then freeze the player @PARAM event_var - an automatically passed event instance """ userid = event_var['userid'] attacker = event_var['attacker'] if int(attacker): """ The attacker did not hurt themselves """ player = sourcerpg.players[attacker] level = player[skillName] if level: """ The player has at least level 1 in this skill """ if event_var['es_userteam'] <> event_var['es_attackerteam']: """ It was not a team kill """ if event_var['weapon'] in map(lambda x: x.split('_')[-1], weaponlib.getWeaponNameList('#secondary')): victim = sourcerpg.players[userid] speed = victim['maxSpeed'] if not victim['slowed']: """ If they're frozen, there's no point (i,e Ice Stab) """ playerlibInstance = playerlib.getPlayer(userid) if not playerlibInstance.getFreeze(): """ Ensure that they're only slowed once """ victim['slowed'] = True speed /= 2.0 victim['maxSpeed'] = speed playerlibInstance.speed = speed playerlibInstance.setColor(0, 0, 255) gamethread.delayedname(float(freezeTime) * level, 'sourcerpg_slow_user%s' % userid, speedUp, (userid, speed * 2.0)) else: gamethread.cancelDelayed("sourcerpg_slow_user%s" % userid) gamethread.delayedname(float(freezeTime) * level, 'sourcerpg_slow_user%s' % userid, speedUp, (userid, speed * 2.0))
def player_hurt(event_var): """ Executed when a player is damaged. Retrieve the victims level and speed them up if they aren't already in the adrenaline mode @PARAM event_var - an automatically passed event instance """ userid = event_var['userid'] player = sourcerpg.players[userid] level = player[skillName] if level: """ Player is at least level 1 in this skill """ if not player['adrenalined'] and not player['slowed']: """ Player is not already in the adrenaline mode """ attacker = event_var['attacker'] if attacker and attacker.isdigit() and int(attacker) > 1: """ If the attacker is a valid attacker """ if event_var['es_attackerteam'] != event_var['es_userteam']: """ If the attacker is not on the user's team """ if "Frost Pistol" in sourcerpg.skills: """ If frost pistol is loaded check if the attack was a frost pistol attack """ if sourcerpg.players[attacker]['Frost Pistol']: """ If the attacker has a frost pistol level """ weapon = event_var['weapon'] weapon = weaponlib.getWeapon(weapon) if weapon is None: return weapon = # format the weapon name if weapon in weaponlib.getWeaponNameList( "#secondary"): """ The attack was a frost pistol attack, return early """ return player['adrenalined'] = True amount = level / 10. speed = player['maxSpeed'] + amount """ Set the speed and the delay """ playerlibInstance = playerlib.getPlayer(userid) playerlibInstance.speed = speed if int(refreshAmmo): currentWeapon = weaponlib.getWeapon( playerlibInstance.weapon) if currentWeapon is not None: if random.randint( 1, 100) <= float(clipRefreshPct) * level: playerlibInstance.clip[] = currentWeapon.clip gamethread.delayedname( float(length), 'sourcerpg_adrenaline_user%s' % userid, reset, (userid, speed - amount))
def foreach_weapon(variable, identifier, command): if '#' in identifier: identifier = identifier.replace('#hand', '#melee').replace('#nade', '#grenade') identifier = identifier.replace('#', ',#')[1:] weapons = [] for weapon in identifier.split(","): weapons.extend(weaponlib.getWeaponNameList(weapon)) while weapons: weapon = weapons[0] variable.set(str(weapon)) es.server.cmd(command) while weapon in weapons: weapons.remove(weapon) else: es.dbgmsg(0, 'foreach weapon: The identifier "%s" does not exists' % identifier)
def player_hurt(event_var): """ Executed when a player is damaged. Retrieve the victims level and speed them up if they aren't already in the adrenaline mode @PARAM event_var - an automatically passed event instance """ userid = event_var['userid'] player = sourcerpg.players[userid] level = player[skillName] if level: """ Player is at least level 1 in this skill """ if not player['adrenalined'] and not player['slowed']: """ Player is not already in the adrenaline mode """ attacker = event_var['attacker'] if attacker and attacker.isdigit() and int(attacker) > 1: """ If the attacker is a valid attacker """ if event_var['es_attackerteam'] != event_var['es_userteam']: """ If the attacker is not on the user's team """ if "Frost Pistol" in sourcerpg.skills: """ If frost pistol is loaded check if the attack was a frost pistol attack """ if sourcerpg.players[attacker]['Frost Pistol']: """ If the attacker has a frost pistol level """ weapon = event_var['weapon'] weapon = weaponlib.getWeapon(weapon) if weapon is None: return weapon = # format the weapon name if weapon in weaponlib.getWeaponNameList("#secondary"): """ The attack was a frost pistol attack, return early """ return player['adrenalined'] = True amount = level / 10. speed = player['maxSpeed'] + amount """ Set the speed and the delay """ playerlibInstance = playerlib.getPlayer(userid) playerlibInstance.speed = speed if int(refreshAmmo): currentWeapon = weaponlib.getWeapon(playerlibInstance.weapon) if currentWeapon is not None: if random.randint(1, 100) <= float(clipRefreshPct) * level: playerlibInstance.clip[] = currentWeapon.clip gamethread.delayedname( float(length), 'sourcerpg_adrenaline_user%s' % userid, reset, (userid, speed - amount))
def setDefaultAttributes(userid): """ A function to assign the default attributes and values to the players object within SourceRPG. We need to delay by 0 seconds to ensure that 1 tick is passed so we can be sure that the Player's object has been created. @PARAM userid - the id of the user we wish to assign the values to """ player = sourcerpg.players[userid] if player is not None: player['recover'] = False player['primary'] = None player['secondary'] = None for weaponName in weaponlib.getWeaponNameList("#grenade"): player[weaponName] = 0
def foreach_weapon(variable, identifier, command): if '#' in identifier: identifier = identifier.replace('#hand', '#melee').replace('#nade', '#grenade') identifier = identifier.replace('#', ',#')[1:] weapons = [] for weapon in identifier.split(","): weapons.extend(weaponlib.getWeaponNameList(weapon)) while weapons: weapon = weapons[0] variable.set(str(weapon)) es.server.cmd(command) while weapon in weapons: weapons.remove(weapon) else: es.dbgmsg( 0, 'foreach weapon: The identifier "%s" does not exists' % identifier)
def player_hurt(event_var): """ When a player is damaged, check for team attacks, then if the weapon is a secondary weapon then freeze the player @PARAM event_var - an automatically passed event instance """ userid = event_var['userid'] attacker = event_var['attacker'] if int(attacker): """ The attacker did not hurt themselves """ player = sourcerpg.players[attacker] level = player[skillName] if level: """ The player has at least level 1 in this skill """ if event_var['es_userteam'] <> event_var['es_attackerteam']: """ It was not a team kill """ if event_var['weapon'] in map( lambda x: x.split('_')[-1], weaponlib.getWeaponNameList('#secondary')): victim = sourcerpg.players[userid] speed = victim['maxSpeed'] if not victim['slowed']: """ If they're frozen, there's no point (i,e Ice Stab) """ playerlibInstance = playerlib.getPlayer(userid) if not playerlibInstance.getFreeze(): """ Ensure that they're only slowed once """ victim['slowed'] = True speed /= 2.0 victim['maxSpeed'] = speed playerlibInstance.speed = speed playerlibInstance.setColor(0, 0, 255) gamethread.delayedname( float(freezeTime) * level, 'sourcerpg_slow_user%s' % userid, speedUp, (userid, speed * 2.0)) else: gamethread.cancelDelayed("sourcerpg_slow_user%s" % userid) gamethread.delayedname( float(freezeTime) * level, 'sourcerpg_slow_user%s' % userid, speedUp, (userid, speed * 2.0))
def giveObject(adminid, userid): command = admins[adminid]['command'] if command.startswith(('health_', 'cash_')): prop = 'CBasePlayer.m_iHealth' if command.startswith('health_') else 'CCSPlayer.m_iAccount' amount = int(command.replace('health_', '').replace('cash_', '')) currentAmount = es.getplayerprop(userid, prop) es.setplayerprop(userid, prop, currentAmount + amount) # issue #70 :: value formatting error strInt = str(amount) thousands = [] while strInt: thousands.append(strInt[-3:]) strInt = strInt[:-3] formattedAmount = ",".join(reversed(thousands)) tokens = {} tokens['admin'] = es.getplayername(adminid) tokens['user'] = es.getplayername(userid) tokens['item'] = '#green%s #lightgreen%s' % (formattedAmount, 'cash' if command.startswith('cash_') else 'health') for tellplayer in playerlib.getPlayerList('#human'): es.tell(int(tellplayer), '#multi', xalanguage('admin give', tokens, tellplayer.get("lang"))) xaadmingive.logging.log("has given player %s %s" % (tokens['user'], tokens['item']), adminid, True) else: weaponName = _remove_prefix(command) fullName = _prepend_prefix(command) if int(admingive_stripfirst) == 1: if fullName in weaponlib.getWeaponNameList('#secondary'): weapon = playerlib.getPlayer(userid).get('secondary') else: weapon = playerlib.getPlayer(userid).get('primary') if weapon: _remove_weapon(userid, weapon) es.delayed(0.1, 'es_xgive %s %s' % (userid, fullName)) if str(admingive_anonymous) == '0': tokens = {} tokens['admin'] = es.getplayername(adminid) tokens['user'] = es.getplayername(userid) for tellplayer in playerlib.getPlayerList('#human'): tokens['item'] = '#greena #lightgreen%s' % weaponName es.tell(int(tellplayer), '#multi', xalanguage('admin give', tokens, tellplayer.get("lang"))) xaadmingive.logging.log("has given player %s %s" % (tokens['user'], tokens['item']), adminid, True)
def player_spawn(event_var): """ Executed automatically when a player spawns. Test to see if their recover key is active, if so, activate their weapons and give them back their previous weapons. @PARAM event_var - an automatically passed event instance """ userid = event_var['userid'] if es.getplayerprop(userid, ''): """ The player is dead so we ignore this event, return early """ return player = sourcerpg.players[userid] if player is not None: if player['recover']: level = player[skillName] if level: currentDelay = 0.1 """ Player is at least level one in this skill """ for weaponName in weaponlib.getWeaponNameList("#grenade"): while player[weaponName] > 0: gamethread.delayed(currentDelay, giveWeapon, (userid, weaponName)) player[weaponName] -= 1 if level >= 2: """ Player has at least level 2, give them back their secondary """ if player["secondary"]: handle = es.getplayerhandle(userid) for index in weaponlib.getIndexList({2 : "weapon_glock", 3 : "weapon_usp"}[es.getplayerteam(userid)]): if es.getindexprop(index, 'CBaseEntity.m_hOwnerEntity') == handle: safeRemove(index) break gamethread.delayed(currentDelay, giveWeapon, (userid, player["secondary"])) if level >= 3: """ Player has at least level 3, give them back their primary """ if player["primary"]: gamethread.delayed(currentDelay, giveWeapon, (userid, player["primary"])) player['recover'] = False
def player_hurt(event_var): """ When a player is damaged, check for team attacks, then if the wepapon is a hegrenade, then set the player on fire, and delay and extinguish @PARAM event_var - an automatically passed event instance """ userid = event_var['userid'] attacker = event_var['attacker'] if attacker and int(attacker) and attacker not in frozen: """ The attacker did not hurt themselves """ player = sourcerpg.players[attacker] level = player[skillName] if level: """ The player has at least level 1 in this skill """ if event_var['es_userteam'] != event_var['es_attackerteam']: """ It was not a team kill """ damage = 0 if event_var['damage'].isdigit(): damage = int(event_var['damage']) elif event_var['dmg_health'].isdigit(): damage = int(event_var['dmg_health']) if event_var['weapon'] in map(lambda x: x.split('_')[-1], weaponlib.getWeaponNameList("#melee")): if damage > 30: """ The attack was a hard hit from one of the weapons """ if userid not in frozen: frozen.append(userid) gamethread.cancelDelayed('sourcerpg_freeze_user%s' % userid) es.emitsound('player', userid, 'physics/glass/glass_impact_bullet%s.wav' % random.randint(1,4), '1.0', '0.5') player = playerlib.getPlayer(userid) player.freeze(True) player.setColor(0, 0, 255) gamethread.delayedname(float(iceTime) * level, 'sourcerpg_freeze_user%s' % userid, unFreeze, userid) elif bool(int(damageReduction)) and userid in frozen: """ Damage reduction """ if not es.getplayerprop(userid, ''): player = playerlib.getPlayer(userid) += int(damage / 100. * damageReduction)
# >> ADDON REGISTRATION/INFORMATION # ============================================================================= info = AddonInfo() = 'gg_dead_strip' info.title = 'GG Dead Strip' = 'GG Dev Team' info.version = "5.1.%s" % "$Rev: 592 $".split('$Rev: ')[1].split()[0] # ============================================================================= # >> GLOBAL VARIABLES # ============================================================================= # Get the es.ServerVar() instance of "gg_nade_bonus" gg_nade_bonus = es.ServerVar('gg_nade_bonus') # Retrieve a list of all available weapon names list_weaponNameList = getWeaponNameList() gg_map_strip_exceptions = es.ServerVar('gg_map_strip_exceptions') # ============================================================================= # >> LOAD & UNLOAD # ============================================================================= def load(): # Register the drop command to prevent it from being used. es.addons.registerClientCommandFilter(drop_filter) #Start the idle weapon removal loop gamethread.delayedname(5, "gg_removeIdleLoop", removeIdleLoop) # Make sure that all owned weapons can NOT be picked up = 'gg_nade_bonus' info.title = 'GG Grenade Bonus' = 'GG Dev Team' info.version = "5.1.%s" % "$Rev: 571 $".split('$Rev: ')[1].split()[0] info.translations = ['gg_nade_bonus'] # ============================================================================= # >> GLOBAL VARIABLES # ============================================================================= # Server Vars gg_nade_bonus = es.ServerVar('gg_nade_bonus') gg_nade_bonus_mode = es.ServerVar('gg_nade_bonus_mode') gg_nade_bonus_reset = es.ServerVar('gg_nade_bonus_reset') # Weapon list list_Weapons = getWeaponNameList('#all') # ============================================================================= # >> LOAD & UNLOAD # ============================================================================= def load(): # Adding attributes create_attributes('#all') # ============================================================================= # >> GAME EVENTS # ============================================================================= def player_spawn(event_var): userid = int(event_var['userid']) = 'Admin Give' info.version = '1.1' = 'freddukes' info.basename = 'xaadmingive' # Register with XA xaadmingive = xa.register('xaadmingive') xalanguage = xaadmingive.language.getLanguage() admingive_anonymous = xaadmingive.setting.createVariable('admingive_anonymous' , 0, 'Whether or not giving a player a weapon is anonymous... 1 = Anonymous, 0 = Global') admingive_stripfirst = xaadmingive.setting.createVariable("admingive_stripfirst", 1, 'Whether or not the target is striped of their weapon before being gave another.\n // Will only strip the same slot as their being given.') # ============================================================================== # GLOBALS # ============================================================================== weapons = {} weapons['pistols'] = set(weaponlib.getWeaponNameList('#pistol')) weapons['shotguns'] = set(weaponlib.getWeaponNameList('#shotgun')) weapons['smgs'] = set(weaponlib.getWeaponNameList('#smg')) weapons['snipers'] = set(weaponlib.getWeaponNameList('#sniper')) weapons['rifles'] = set(weaponlib.getWeaponNameList('#rifle')) weapons['rifles'] = weapons['rifles'].difference(weapons['snipers']) weapons['grenades'] = set(weaponlib.getWeaponNameList('#grenade')) weapons['all'] = set(weaponlib.getWeaponNameList("#all")) weapons['others'] = weapons['all'].difference(weapons['pistols']).difference(weapons['shotguns']).difference(weapons['smgs']).difference(weapons['rifles']).difference(weapons['snipers']).difference(weapons['grenades']) weaponsOrder = ('pistols', 'shotguns', 'smgs', 'snipers', 'rifles', 'grenades', 'all', 'others') admins = {} gamename = str(es.ServerVar('eventscripts_gamedir')).replace('\\', '/').split('/')[~0] # ============================================================================== # GAME EVENTS # ==============================================================================