def __init__(self,dbdir): """ Initialize the queue database connection and, if necessary, create the database. Also create the lock object that will be used to synchronize access """ self.logger = WLogger() self.theLock = threading.Lock() self.curDay = 0 self.curTSA = 0 ini_file = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__,'./database/wQueue.ini') config = configparser.ConfigParser()[ini_file]) tableDDL = config['queueDatabase']['table'] tsasDDL = config['queueDatabase']['control'] indexESDDL = config['queueDatabase']['indexES'] indexDBDDL = config['queueDatabase']['indexDB'] dbFile = os.path.join(dbdir,'wQueue.db') try: self.theConn = sqlite3.connect(dbFile,check_same_thread=False) self.theConn.isolation_level = 'IMMEDIATE' self.theConn.execute(tableDDL) self.theConn.execute(indexESDDL) self.theConn.execute(indexDBDDL) self.theConn.execute(tsasDDL) self.theConn.commit() self.logger.logMessage(level="INFO",message="Queue database opened at {0:s}".format(dbFile)) except: self.logger.logException('Error initializing queue database')
class WeatherES(object): """ WeatherES: Class to manage the connection to the ElasticSearch cluster Currently its only function is to initialize the ElasticSearch client """ _logger = WLogger() def __init__(self, hosts, retryDelay=5, elTimeout=10): """ Initialize the WeatherEL object. Parameters: - hosts: list of elasticsearch ingest nodes to try to connect to - retryDelay: delay between reconnection attempts - elTimeout: timeout for elasticsearch operations """ self.theHosts = hosts self.theDelay = retryDelay self.theTimeOut = elTimeout numHosts = len(self.theHosts) hostlist = [{ 'host': h, 'port': 9200, 'timeout': self.theTimeOut } for h in self.theHosts] self.theClient = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch(hosts=hostlist, max_retries=numHosts)
class QueueJanitorThread(threading.Thread): """ Class to implement a thread to do maintenance tasks in the queue database. It will awake itself periodically to delete the queue elements which have already been processed. """ _logger = WLogger() def __init__(self,queue,period=60): super(QueueJanitorThread, self).__init__() self.theQueue = queue self.thePeriod = period self._stopSwitch = False = 'QueueJanitorThread' self._pending = False QueueJanitorThread._logger.logMessage("Janitor configured to run every {0} seconds".format(period)) def stop(self): self._stopSwitch = True def run(self): """ Run method. It creates a timer object and schedules it according to the configured perdiod. The method runs an infinite loop with 1-second delays to check if the termination flag (_stopSwitch) has been raised. In this case it cancels the timer request (if pending) and ends. """ theTimer = None self._pending = False QueueJanitorThread._logger.logMessage("Starting thread {0}.".format(self.getName()), level="INFO") while not self._stopSwitch: if not self._pending: theTimer = threading.Timer(self.thePeriod,self.doCleanup) = "JanitorTimer" self._pending = True theTimer.start() sleep(1) theTimer.cancel() QueueJanitorThread._logger.logMessage("Thread {0} stopped by request.".format(self.getName()), level="INFO") def doCleanup(self): """ This method is scheduled inside a Timer object by the run() loop. """ self.theQueue.purgeQueue() self._pending = False
from weatherLib.weatherDoc import WeatherData from weatherLib.weatherUtil import WLogger __INSERT_OBS = "insert into weather_work " + \ "(tsa, time, temperature, humidity, pressure, " + \ "light, fwVersion, swVersion, version, " + \ "isThermometer, isBarometer, isHygrometer, isClock) " + \ "values (%(tsa)s, %(time)s, %(temperature)s, %(humidity)s, %(pressure)s, " + \ "%(light)s, %(fwVersion)s, %(swVersion)s, %(version)s, " + \ "%(isThermometer)s, %(isBarometer)s, %(isHygrometer)s, %(isClock)s); " host = 'localhost' user = '******' password = '******' database = 'weather' logger = WLogger(loggerName='') logger.logMessage("Starting...") hostlist = [{'host:': 'localhost', 'port': 9200}] #hostlist = [ # {'host':'elastic00','port':9200}, # {'host':'elastic01','port':9200}, # {'host':'elastic02','port':9200}, # ] def scanIndex(indexName, filtered): doc = WeatherData(using=client) s_filt =,index=indexName).\ filter('range', **{'tsa': {'lt':20180916001872}}) s_all =, index=indexName)
class WeatherDB(object): """ WeatherDB: Class to manage the storage of observations into a postgresql database. The class contains methods to reconnect to the database and to do the insertion of the rows containing the observations. """ _logger = WLogger() def __init__(self, host, user, password, database): """ Establish a postgresql connection and ready the WeatherDB object. It tries to connect once. If the connection is not posible it doesn't abort; the connection object is set to None it can be retried afterwards. Parameters: - host: machine hosting the pgsql instalce - user: connection username - password: connection password - database: database name """ try: cur = None self.theConn = None self._theHost = host self._theUser = user self._thePassword = password self._theDatabase = database self.theConn = pg.connect(host=host, user=user, password=password, database=database) cur = self.theConn.cursor() cur.execute('set search_path to \'weather\';') WeatherDB._logger.logMessage(level="INFO", message="Connection to database {0:s} on host {1:s} established." \ .format(database,host)) except: WeatherDB._logger.logException(message="Connection to database {0:s} on host {1:s} failed." \ .format(database,host)) finally: if cur is not None: cur.close() def close(self): """ Close the connection. """ if self.theConn is not None: self.theConn.close() self.theConn = None def reconnect(self): """ reconnect: try to connect to the postgres database Returns: True if the connection was made False otherwise """ try: cur = None self.theConn = pg.connect(host=self._theHost, user=self._theUser, password=self._thePassword, database=self._theDatabase) cur = self.theConn.cursor() cur.execute('set search_path to \'WEATHER\';') WeatherDB._logger.logMessage(level="INFO", message="Connection to database {0:s} on host {1:s} established." \ .format(self._theDatabase,self._theHost)) return True except: WeatherDB._logger.logException(message="Connection to database {0:s} on host {1:s} failed." \ .format(self._theDatabase,self._theHost)) return False finally: if cur is not None: cur.close() def insertObs(self, theObservation): if self.theConn is not None: with self.theConn as conn: with self.theConn.cursor() as c: dic = theObservation.to_dict() dic['esDocId'] = if dic['temperature'] == -999: dic['temperature'] = None if dic['pressure'] == -999: dic['pressure'] = None if dic['humidity'] == -999: dic['humidity'] = None c.execute(_INSERT_OBS, dic) conn.commit() WeatherDB._logger.logMessage( level="DEBUG", message="Inserted row: {0}".format(theObservation.tsa)) else: raise pg.InterfaceError()
class WeatherDBThread(threading.Thread): """ Database updating thread """ _logger = WLogger() def __init__(self, weatherQueue, weatherDb, event, retryInterval=5): super(WeatherDBThread, self).__init__() self.theDb = weatherDb self.theQueue = weatherQueue self.theEvent = event = 'WeatherDBThread' self._stopSwitch = False self.theRetryInterval = retryInterval def stop(self): self._stopSwitch = True def run(self): WeatherDBThread._logger.logMessage("Starting thread {0}.".format( self.getName()), level="INFO") while not self._stopSwitch: self.theEvent.wait() q = self.theQueue.getDbQueue() WeatherDBThread._logger.logMessage( level='DEBUG', message="{0} items to insert in database".format(len(q))) for item in q: line = item[1] newTsa = item[0] stamp,temp,humt,pres,lght,firmware,hardware,devName,clock,\ thermometer,hygrometer,barometer = parseLine(line) doc = WeatherData() doc.init(_tsa=newTsa, _time=stamp, _temperature=temp, _humidity=humt, _pressure=pres, _light=lght, _fwVersion=firmware, _hwVersion=hardware, _devName=devName, _isBarometer=barometer, _isClock=clock, _isThermometer=thermometer, _isHygrometer=hygrometer) try: self.theDb.insertObs(doc) self.theQueue.markDbQueue(newTsa) except pg.IntegrityError as ie: WeatherDBThread._logger.logMessage( level="ERROR", message="Can't store tsa {0}: {1}".format(newTsa, ie)) except pg.InterfaceError as ex: WeatherDBThread._logger.logException( message="Can't talk to postgresql ({0})".format(ex)) connected = False while not self._stopSwitch and not connected: WeatherDB._logger.logMessage( level="INFO", message="Waiting {0} seconds to retry".format( self.theRetryInterval)) time.sleep(self.theRetryInterval) connected = self.theDb.reconnect() except: WeatherDBThread._logger.logException( 'Exception trying to store observation {0}'.format( newTsa)) self.theEvent.clear() WeatherDBThread._logger.logMessage( "Thread {0} stopped by request.".format(self.getName()), level="INFO")
script_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) sys.path.append(script_path) from weatherLib.weatherQueue import WeatherQueue, QueueJanitorThread from weatherLib.weatherBT import WeatherBTThread from weatherLib.weatherUtil import WLogger from weatherLib.weatherDB import WeatherDB, WeatherDBThread from weatherLib.weatherES import WeatherES, WeatherESThread from weatherLib.watchdog import WatchdogThread dbThread = None esThread = None janitorThread = None watchdogThread = None logger = WLogger() dataEvent = threading.Event() dataEvent.clear() config = configparser.ConfigParser() cf =[ '/etc/weartherClient.ini', '/usr/local/etc/weatherClient.ini', 'weatherClient.ini' ]) logger.logMessage( level="INFO", message="Configuration loaded from configuration files [{l}]".format(l=cf)) data_dir = config['data']['directory'] w_address = config['bluetooth']['address']
class WeatherBT(object): _logger = WLogger() def __init__(self, addr, serv): """ Setup the bluetooth connection object Parameters: - address: BT address of the device, in hex form (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) - service: UUID of the RFCOMM service in the device """ WeatherBT._logger.logMessage( level="DEBUG", message="Service: {0:s}, address:{1:s}".format(serv, addr)) srvlist = bt.find_service(uuid=serv, address=addr) if len(srvlist) == 0: msg = "BT service not available." WeatherBT._logger.logMessage(level="WARNING", message=msg) raise ConnError else: srv = srvlist[0] port = srv["port"] name = srv["name"] host = srv["host"] sock = bt.BluetoothSocket(bt.RFCOMM) sock.connect((host, port)) self.theSocket = sock self.theName = name def getLine(self): """ Read a line from a socket connection. It reads characters from a socket until it gets a CR+LF combination. The CR+LF is *not* returned as part of the read line. If a line does not include the LF (the terminator is just a CR, it's discarded. Returns: Received string """ line = "" onLoop = True # End of loop switch while onLoop: byte = self.theSocket.recv(1) # Get byte from socket if byte == b'\r': # Carriage return? byte = self.theSocket.recv(1) # Consume LF if byte != b'\n': # IF not LF, big trouble: discard line line = "" else: onLoop = False # End of loop, line ready else: try: line = line + byte.decode( ) # Add character to current working line except UnicodeDecodeError as e: msg = "Error decoding received byte: {0:s}".format(repr(e)) WeatherBT._logger.logMessage(level="WARNING", message=msg) return line # The line is complete def send(self, line): """ Send a string to the underlying BT socket Parameters: - line: string to send """ self.theSocket.send(line) self.theSocket.send("\r\n") def waitAnswer(self, answer, retries=5): """ Wait for a specific answer, discarding all the read lines until that answer is read or the number of retries is exhausted. Parameters: - answer: text (6 characters) to expect - retries: Number of lines to read until leaving Returns: Boolean (true = anwer found, false = retries exhausted) """ answ = "" remain = retries while answ != answer[0:6] and remain > 0: line = self.getLine() self._logger.logMessage(level="INFO", message=line) answ = line[0:6] remain -= 1 return answ == answer[0:6] def close(self): self.theSocket.close() self.theName = None
class WeatherBTThread(threading.Thread): """ This class implements a thread to read the data coming from the Bluetooth device. """ _logger = WLogger() def __init__(self, address, service, queue, event, directory, pollInterval=15): super(WeatherBTThread, self).__init__() = 'WeatherBTThread' self.theDirectory = directory self.theEvent = event self.theAddress = address self.theService = service self.thePollInterval = pollInterval self.theQueue = queue self._stopSwitch = False def stop(self): self._stopSwitch = True def connect_wait(self, times=10): """ Connect (create) a BT object, with timed retries Parameters: - address: BT address of the device, in hex form (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) - service: UUID of the RFCOMM service in the device Returns: The created object """ numTries = 0 delay = 5 while numTries < times and not self._stopSwitch: try: theBT = WeatherBT(addr=self.theAddress, serv=self.theService) WeatherBT._logger.logMessage(level="INFO",message="Connected to weather service at {0:s} : {1:s}" \ .format(theBT.theName,self.theAddress)) return theBT except: self._logger.logMessage( level="WARNING", message="BT Connection atempt {0} failed".format(numTries + 1)) tm.sleep(delay) numTries += 1 return None def run(self): self._logger.logMessage("Starting thread {0}.".format(self.getName()), level="INFO") gizmo = None gizmo = self.connect_wait() if gizmo == None and not self._stopSwitch: raise ConnError currentDay = datetime.strptime( '1970-01-01', '%Y-%m-%d').date() # Initialize to "zero" date f = None self._logger.logMessage(message="Start weather processing.", level="INFO") while not self._stopSwitch: # Check date change and open new file if necessary thisDay = datetime.utcnow().date() if thisDay != currentDay: currentDay = thisDay if (f != None): f.close() f = openFile(self.theDirectory) self._logger.logMessage( f'Opened raw log file for date {thisDay} : {}') try: line = gizmo.getLine() cmd = line[0:5] if cmd == "DATA ": # It is a data line so... f.write(line + '\n') # ... write it! f.flush() # Don't wait, write now! self.theQueue.pushLine(line) self.theEvent.set() # Send event: data received elif cmd == "DEBUG": self._logger.logMessage(level="DEBUG", message=line) elif cmd == "INFO:": self._logger.logMessage(level="INFO", message=line) elif cmd == "ERROR": self._logger.logMessage( level="WARNING", message="Error in firmware/hardware: {0:s}".format( line)) elif cmd == "HARDW": self._logger.logMessage(level="CRITICAL", message=line) elif cmd == "TIME?": self._logger.logMessage( level="INFO", message="Setting time as requested by the device.") now = tm.gmtime() # So send current time to set RTC... timcmd = "TIME " + tm.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", now) self._logger.logMessage( level="INFO", message="Setting time, command: {0:s}".format(timcmd)) gizmo.send(timcmd) gizmo.waitAnswer("OK-000") elif cmd == "BEGIN": now = tm.gmtime() # So send current time to set RTC... timcmd = "TIME " + tm.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", now) self._logger.logMessage( level="INFO", message="Setting time, command: {0:s}".format(timcmd)) gizmo.send(timcmd) gizmo.waitAnswer("OK-000") dlycmd = f"DLAY {self.thePollInterval:d}" self._logger.logMessage( (f"Setting the poll interval, command: {dlycmd}")) gizmo.send(dlycmd) gizmo.waitAnswer("OK-000") else: self._logger.logMessage( level="WARNING", message="Non-processable line: {0:s}".format(line)) except: self._logger.logMessage(level="CRITICAL", message="Error while reading gizmo") raise if not gizmo == None: gizmo.send(b'BYE ') gizmo.waitAnswer("OK-BYE") gizmo.close() if self._stopSwitch: self._logger.logMessage("Thread {0} stopped by request.".format( self.getName()), level="INFO")
class WeatherESThread(threading.Thread): _logger = WLogger() def __init__(self, weatherQueue, weatherES, event): super(WeatherESThread, self).__init__() self.theES = weatherES self.theQueue = weatherQueue self.theEvent = event = 'WeatherESThread' self._stopSwitch = False def stop(self): self._stopSwitch = True def run(self): WeatherESThread._logger.logMessage("Starting thread {0}.".format( self.getName()), level="INFO") templname = 'weather-' + VERSION + '-*' while not self._stopSwitch: try: ic = elasticsearch.client.IndicesClient(self.theES.theClient) if not ic.exists_template(templname): templFileName = 'weather-' + VERSION + '-template.json' with open(templFileName) as templFile: templateBody = ic.put_template(name=templname, body=templateBody) WeatherESThread._logger.logMessage( level="INFO", message="Template {0} created.".format(templname)) else: WeatherESThread._logger.logMessage( level="INFO", message="Template {0} already exists.".format( templname)) break except: WeatherESThread._logger.logException( message='Error trying to create the document template.') tm.sleep(5) if self._stopSwitch: WeatherESThread._logger.logMessage( "Thread {0} stopped by request.".format(self.getName()), level="INFO") else: WeatherESThread._logger.logMessage( level="INFO", message="ES template established.") while not self._stopSwitch: self.theEvent.wait() q = self.theQueue.getESQueue() WeatherESThread._logger.logMessage( level='DEBUG', message="{0} docs to index".format(len(q))) for item in q: line = item[1] newTsa = item[0] stamp, temp, humt, pres, lght, firmware, hardware, devName, clock, thermometer, hygrometer, barometer = parseLine( line) doc = WeatherData() doc.init(_tsa=newTsa, _time=stamp, _temperature=temp, _humidity=humt, _pressure=pres, _light=lght, _fwVersion=firmware, _hwVersion=hardware, _devName=devName, _isBarometer=barometer, _isClock=clock, _isThermometer=thermometer, _isHygrometer=hygrometer) try: WeatherES._logger.logMessage( level="DEBUG", message="Indexed doc: {0}".format(doc.tsa)) self.theQueue.markESQueue(newTsa) except: WeatherESThread._logger.logException( 'Exception trying to push observation {0}'.format( newTsa)) self.theEvent.clear() WeatherESThread._logger.logMessage( "Thread {0} stopped by request.".format(self.getName()), level="INFO")