Пример #1
if read_temperature_fromfile == 'True':
    ab = np.loadtxt(datadir + infile1, skiprows=1)
    lats = ab[:, 0]
    T1a = ab[:, 1]
    # You need to read in the July temperature profile here

    [refind] = np.where(lats == reference_latitude)
    T1 = np.arange(-40, 41, 0.25) + 273.15  # Virtual temperatures
    T1a = T1
    [refind] = np.where(T1a == 273.15)

# weather_modules.py has a function to compute saturation vapor pressure.
# If weather_modules.py does not work for you, then use that function as a
# guide for placing the calculation below.
es1 = wm.claus_clap(T1a)  # saturation vapor pressure.
ws1a = (epsi * es1) / (pres1 - es1)  # saturation mixing ratio
es1 = wm.claus_clap(T1b)  # saturation vapor pressure
ws1b = (epsi * es1) / (pres1 - es1)  # saturation mixing ratio

# Compute moist adiabatic lapse rate, first in z-coords
# You need to compute fa and fb
sat_lapse_a = gammad * fa
sat_lapse_b = gammad * fb

Rho_a = pres1 / (Rv * T1a)  # Density, moist air
Rho_b = pres1 / (Rv * T1b)

deltap = pres2 - pres1
deltaz_a = (-1.0 * deltap) / (Rho_a * g)
deltaz_b = (-1.0 * deltap) / (Rho_b * g)
Пример #2
        titlestring = "Total diabatic heating rate " + date_string

        cmap_opt = plt.cm.RdBu_r

        figname = "wrf_cross_section_ttendf"

        if dlat_dlon[0] == 0:
            figname = "wrf_cross_section_ew_latent"
        if dlat_dlon[1] == 0:
            figname = "wrf_cross_section_ns_latent"
elif plot_option == 16:
    temp = nc.variables['TEMP'][timeindex, :, :, :].squeeze()
    pres = nc.variables['PRES'][timeindex, :, :, :].squeeze() * 100
    relh = nc.variables['RELH'][timeindex, :, :, :].squeeze()
    hght = nc.variables['HEIGHT'][timeindex, :, :, :].squeeze()
    es = wm.claus_clap(temp)
    qvs = wm.satur_mix_ratio(es, pres)
    qv = (relh / 100) * qvs
    dewpt = wm.mixrat_to_td(qv, pres)

    temp_cross = temp[:, xx, yy]
    pres_cross = pres[:, xx, yy]
    relh_cross = relh[:, xx, yy]
    hght_cross = hght[:, xx, yy]
    dewpt_cross = dewpt[:, xx, yy]

    [iz, ix] = np.shape(temp_cross)

    startp = 100000.
    capearr = np.zeros_like(temp_cross).astype('f')
    cinarr = np.zeros_like(temp_cross).astype('f')
Spd = windspeed_kt*0.514444

# To compute relative humidity, will need saturation mixing ratio.  
# Saturation mixing ratio depends on saturation vapor pressure and total pressure.
es = wm.claus_clap(temp+273.15)
esi = wm.claus_clap_ice(temp+273.15)
ws = wm.satur_mix_ratio(es, pres*100)
wsi = wm.satur_mix_ratio(esi,pres*100)

# Calculate vertical derivatives.  If you didn't know how to do this, there are numerous resources, including examples within weather_modules.py.  
# A quick search in Google will also give you some ways to do it. Be resourceful!
# Below, I am using forward differencing in z
dtemp_dz = ((temp[1::]-temp[0:-1]) / (hght[1::]-hght[0:-1])*10**3)*-1 # K km-1
dtheta_dz = (theta[1::]-theta[0:-1]) / (hght[1::]-hght[0:-1])*10**3 # K km-1
dthetae_dz = (thetae[1::]-thetae[0:-1]) / (hght[1::]-hght[0:-1])*10**3 # K km-1
dws_dz = (ws[1::]-ws[0:-1]) / (hght[1::]-hght[0:-1])
des_dz = (es[1::]-es[0:-1]) / (hght[1::]-hght[0:-1])

temp_k = temp + 273.15 # Convert to Kelvin
theta_k = theta + 273.15
indat = np.loadtxt(datadir+infile2, skiprows=1)       
lats2 = indat[:,0]
T2a = indat[:,months2compare[0]]
T2b = indat[:,months2compare[1]]
[refind2] = np.where(lats==reference_latitude)  

for ii in range(1,5):
    if ii == 1:
        Tnow = T1a
    if ii == 2:
        Tnow = T1b
    if ii == 3:
        Tnow = T2a
    if ii == 4:
        Tnow = T2b
    esnow = wm.claus_clap(Tnow) # saturation vapor pressure
    wsnow = (epsi*esnow)/(pres1-esnow) # saturation mixing ratio
    rhonow = pres1/(Rv*Tnow) # Density
    # Compute moist adiabatic lapse rate
    fnow = (( (1 + (Lv*wsnow)/(Rd*Tnow))) / (1.0 + (wsnow*(Lv**2)/(cp*Rv*Tnow**2.0)) ) )
    sat_lapse_now = gammad*fnow
    # Vertical velocity, hydrostatic
    wnow = -omega/(rhonow*g)
    print('w in profile %d is %8.5f m s-1' %(ii,wnow[refind]))   
    deltaz_now = (-1.0*deltap)/(rhonow*g)
    print('Cloud depth is %7.2f m in profile %d' % (deltaz_now[refind],ii))
Пример #5
# The below says to import all functions inside weather_modules.py as wm.  So you must use "wm" to access them.
import weather_modules as wm

# <codecell>

T = 10  # degrees Celsius
p = 1000  # hPa
Rd = 287.0  # The dot makes it a floating point value
Rv = 461.0

# <codecell>

T = T + 273.15  # Convert to Kelvin
p = p * 100  # Convert to Pa
# Saturation mixing ratio is a function of saturation vapor pressure and total pressure.  Given temperature, we know we can compute saturation vapor pressure:
es = wm.claus_clap(T)  # Pa
print "Saturation vapor pressure is ", es / 100, " hPa"
# Now we can compute saturation mixing ratio:
epsi = Rd / Rv
ws = epsi * (es / (p - es)) * 1000  # Convert to g/kg
print "The saturation mixing ratio at ", T - 273.15, " degrees Celsius and ", p / 100, " hPa is ", ws, " g/kg"

# <codecell>

# Just for fun, let's check to see what the error in saturation mixing ratio is by the approximation we made to the formula.
# ws = 0.622*(es/p).
ws_approx = epsi * (es / p) * 1000
ws_err = ws - ws_approx
print "The error in making the approximation at ", T - 273.15, " degrees Celsius and ", p / 100, " hPa is ", ws_err, " g/kg"

# <codecell>
Пример #6
T = 10.  # degrees Celsius
p = 1000  # hPa
Rd = 287.  # The dot makes it a floating point value
Rv = 461.
epsi = Rd / Rv

A = (2.53 * 10**(8.0)) * 10**(3.0)  # convert to Pa
B = 5.42 * 10**(3.0)  # Kelvin

# In[4]:

T = T + 273.15  # Convert to Kelvin
p = p * 100.  # Convert to Pa
# Saturation mixing ratio
es = wm.claus_clap(T)  # Pa

# Let's try the way we computed in class:
es_alt = A * np.exp(-B / T)  # Calculation in SI units
    'Saturation vapor pressure is %7.2f hPa from function and %7.2f hPa from above'
    % (es / 100., es_alt / 100.))

#Now we can compute saturation mixing ratio:
ws = epsi * (es / (p - es)) * 1000.  # Convert to g/kg
print('The saturation mixing ratio at ', T - 273.15, ' degrees Celsius and ',
      p / 100, ' hPa is ', ws, ' g/kg')

# In[5]:

# Just for fun, let's check to see what the error in saturation mixing ratio is by the approximation we made to the formula.
Пример #7
            cmap_opt = plt.cm.RdBu
        figname = "erainterim_cross_section_analysis_omega_" + orient

    elif plot_option == 11:
        f = netCDF4.Dataset(fpath, 'r')
        temp_cross = t_plot[:, latinds, loninds].squeeze()
        pres_cross = p_in[:, latinds, loninds].squeeze() * 100
        relh_cross = np.zeros_like(temp_cross).astype('f')
        relh_cross[2:, :] = f.variables['R_H_3_ISBL_10'][record_num, 1:,
        hght_cross = f.variables['HGT_3_ISBL_10'][record_num, :, latinds,

        es = wm.claus_clap(temp_cross)
        qvs = wm.satur_mix_ratio(es, pres_cross)
        qv = (relh_cross / 100) * qvs
        dewpt_cross = wm.mixrat_to_td(qv, pres_cross)

        #dewpt_cross = np.zeros_like(temp_cross).astype('f')
        plot_cross = np.zeros_like(temp_cross).astype('f')

        [iz, ix] = np.shape(temp_cross)

        startp = 100000.
        capearr = np.zeros_like(temp_cross).astype('f')
        cinarr = np.zeros_like(temp_cross).astype('f')

        pres_cross2 = pres_cross[::-1, :]
        temp_cross2 = temp_cross[::-1, :]
# Read file, compute stuff
if read_temperature_fromfile == 'True':
    ab = np.loadtxt(datadir+infile1, skiprows=0)       
    lats = ab[:,0]
    T1 = ab[:,1]
    [refind] = np.where(lats==reference_latitude)
    print refind
    T1 = np.arange(-40,41,0.25)+273.15 # Virtual temperatures
    [refind] = np.where(T1 == 273.15)
# Check to make sure it read in correctly
es1 = wm.claus_clap(T1) # saturation vapor pressure
ws1 = (epsi*es1)/(pres1-es1) # saturation mixing ratio

# Compute moist adiabatic lapse rate, first in z-coords
sat_lapse = (9.81/cp)*(( (1 + (Lv*ws1)/(Rd*T1))) / (1 + (ws1*(Lv**2)/(cp*Rv*T1**2.0)) ) )
Rho=pres1/(Rv*T1) # Density, moist air
sat_lapse_isobaric = -sat_lapse/(Rho*9.81) # Convert to p-coords

# Temperature at top of ascent layer (T2) is equal to what it was initially (T1) plus slope (-gamma_m) * deltap
T2 = T1 - (sat_lapse_isobaric)*(pres2-pres1) 

# Convert to Celsius (needed for plot if not reading from file)
T1C = T1 - 273.15
T2C = T2 - 273.15

# Convert to K/km and K/hundred hPa
	    cbar_labels = 'Pa s-1'
	    titlestring = "Vertical velocity " + date_string

	    cmap_opt = plt.cm.RdBu 	
	figname = "erainterim_cross_section_analysis_omega_" + orient	        

    elif plot_option == 11:                 
        f = netCDF4.Dataset(fpath,'r')
	temp_cross = t_plot[:,latinds,loninds].squeeze()
	pres_cross = p_in[:,latinds,loninds].squeeze()*100    
	relh_cross = np.zeros_like(temp_cross).astype('f')   
	relh_cross[2:,:] = f.variables['R_H_3_ISBL_10'][record_num,1:,latinds,loninds].squeeze()
	hght_cross = f.variables['HGT_3_ISBL_10'][record_num,:,latinds,loninds].squeeze()

	es = wm.claus_clap(temp_cross)
	qvs = wm.satur_mix_ratio(es, pres_cross)
	qv = (relh_cross/100)*qvs
	dewpt_cross = wm.mixrat_to_td(qv, pres_cross)

        #dewpt_cross = np.zeros_like(temp_cross).astype('f')   
	plot_cross = np.zeros_like(temp_cross).astype('f')   

	[iz,ix] = np.shape(temp_cross)

	startp = 100000.    
	capearr = np.zeros_like(temp_cross).astype('f')   
	cinarr = np.zeros_like(temp_cross).astype('f')  
	pres_cross2 = pres_cross[::-1,:]