Пример #1
def get(p):
    host = p['c']['host']
    index = p['c']['index']

    # init workflow
    wf = tools.get("wf", 'comment')
    p['workflow'] = workflow.init(wf, host, index)

    # for workflow actions
    p["post"] = es.get(host, index, 'post', tools.get("post_id"))
    if not p["post"]:
        return tools.alert('post id is not valid- {}'.format(

    # check condition
    if p['workflow'] and p['workflow'].get('condition'):
            exec(p['workflow']['condition'], globals())
            ret = condition(p)
            if ret != True and ret: return ret
        except SystemExit:
        except Exception, e:
            return "{}\n{}".format(e.message, traceback.format_exc())
Пример #2
def get(p):
    host = p['c']['host']; index = p['c']['index'];

    # load post
    post_id = p['nav'][-1]
    p['post'] = es.get(host, index, 'post', post_id)
    p['original'] = es.get(host, index, 'post', post_id)
    if not p['post']:
        return tools.alert('not valid post id - {}'.format(post_id))

    # init workflow
    wf = tools.get('wf', 'edit')
    p['workflow'] = workflow.init(wf, host, index)

    # field map
    fields = es.list(host, index, 'field')
    p['field_map'] = {}
    for field in fields:
        p['field_map'][field['id']] = field

    # check condition
    if p['workflow'] and p['workflow'].get('condition'):
            exec (p['workflow']['condition'], globals())
            ret = condition(p)
            if ret != True and ret: return ret
        except SystemExit: pass
        except Exception, e:
Пример #3
def get(p):
    host = p['c']['host']
    index = p['c']['index']

    # send out empty post to be compatible with edit form
    p['post'] = {}

    # init workflow
    wf = tools.get("wf", 'create')
    p['workflow'] = workflow.init(wf, host, index)

    # field map
    fields = es.list(host, index, 'field')
    p['field_map'] = {}
    for field in fields:
        p['field_map'][field['id']] = field

    # check condition
    if p['workflow'] and p['workflow'].get('condition'):
            exec(p['workflow']['condition'], globals())
            ret = condition(p)
            if ret != True and ret: return ret
        except SystemExit:
        except Exception, e:
Пример #4
def get(p):
    if p['c']['intro'] and not tools.get('q'):
        return render_template(app.jinja_env.from_string(p['c']['intro']), p=p)

    host = p['c']['host']
    index = p['c']['index']
    # debug
    p['debug'] = tools.get('debug', '')
    # search keyword
    p["q"] = tools.get('q', p['c']['query'])
    # pagination
    p["from"] = int(tools.get('from', 0))
    p["size"] = int(tools.get('size', p['c']['page_size']))
    # sort
    p['sort_field'] = tools.get('sort_field', p['c']['sort_field'])
    p['sort_dir'] = tools.get('sort_dir', p['c']['sort_dir'])

    # fields
    p['fields'] = tools.get('fields')

    # init workflow
    wf = tools.get('wf', 'search')
    p['workflow'] = workflow.init(wf, host, index)

    # check condition
    if p['workflow'] and p['workflow'].get('condition'):
            exec(p['workflow']['condition'], globals())
            ret = condition(p)
            if ret != True and ret: return ret
        except SystemExit:
        except Exception, e:
Пример #5
def get(p):
    host = p['c']['host']; index = p['c']['index'];

    # init workflow
    wf = tools.get("wf", 'comment_edit')
    p['workflow'] = workflow.init(wf, host, index)

    # load comment
    post_id = p['nav'][-1]
    p['post'] = es.get(host, index, 'post', post_id)
    if not p['post']:
        return tools.alert('not valid post id - {}'.format(post_id))

    # comment_id
    comment_id = tools.get("id")
    p['comment'] = next((x for x in p['post']['comment'] if x['id'] == comment_id), None)
    if not p['comment']:
        return tools.alert('not valid comment_id - {}'.format(comment_id))

    # field map
    fields = es.list(host, index, 'field')
    p['field_map'] = {}
    for field in fields:
        p['field_map'][field['name']] = field['id']

    # update comment
    p['comment']['updated'] = es.now()
    p['comment']['updated_by'] = p['login']
    p['comment']['comment'] = tools.get("comment")

    es.update(host, index, 'post', post_id, p['post'])
    es.flush(host, index)

    return tools.redirect(request.referrer)
Пример #6
def get(p):
    host = p['c']['host']
    index = p['c']['index']

    # load comment
    post_id = p['nav'][-1]
    p['post'] = es.get(host, index, 'post', post_id)
    if not p['post']:
        return tools.alert('not valid post id - {}'.format(post_id))

    # comment_id
    comment_id = tools.get("id")
    p['comment'] = next(
        (x for x in p['post']['comment'] if x['id'] == comment_id), {})
    if not p['comment']:
        return tools.alert('not valid comment_id - {}'.format(comment_id))

    # init workflow
    wf = tools.get('wf', 'comment_delete')
    p['workflow'] = workflow.init(wf, host, index)

    # remove comment

    es.update(host, index, 'post', post_id, p['post'])
    es.flush(host, index)

    return tools.redirect(request.referrer)
Пример #7
def get(p):
    host = p['c']['host']
    index = p['c']['index']

    # load post
    post_id = p['nav'][-1]
    p['post'] = es.get(host, index, 'post', post_id)
    if not p['post']:
        return tools.alert('not valid post id - {}'.format(post_id))

    # init workflow
    wf = tools.get('wf', 'delete')
    p['workflow'] = workflow.init(wf, host, index)

    # check condition
    if p['workflow'] and p['workflow'].get('condition'):
            exec(p['workflow']['condition'], globals())
        except SystemExit:
        except Exception, e:
            return str(e)