def mdf_words(conn): cursor = conn.cursor() data = request.form nm, expl = escape_string(data['nm']), escape_string(data['expl']) if data['id'] == '新增': cursor.execute( 'insert into words(nm, c_tm, m_tm, expl, sound) VALUES("%s", current_time(), current_time(), "%s", "%s")' % (nm, expl, '')) conn.commit() cursor.execute('select last_insert_id()') words_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] re = gen_response('suc', {'id': words_id}) else: words_id = int(data['id']) cursor.execute( 'update words set nm="%s",m_tm=current_time(),expl="%s" where id=%d' % (nm, expl, words_id)) re = gen_response('suc', {}) if 'sound' not in data: # 存储mp3 file = request.files.get('sound') cursor.execute('select sound from words where id=%d' % words_id) # 删除旧的 old_path = cursor.fetchone()[0] folder = static_path + 'mp3' + sep if old_path and exists(folder + old_path): remove(folder + old_path) # 加上时间戳 sound_filename = str(words_id) + '_' + str(int(time())) + '.mp3' sound_path = folder + sound_filename # 存储并更新表 cursor.execute('update words set sound="%s" where id=%d' % (sound_filename, words_id)) return re
def get_config(): return gen_response( 'suc', { 'pwd': config['pwd'], 'home_btn': config['home_btn'], 'about': config['about'] })
def mdf_book(conn): cursor = conn.cursor() data = request.form nm, author, summary, expl, info = escape_string(data['nm']), escape_string( data['author']), escape_string(data['summary']), escape_string( data['expl']), escape_string(data['info']) weight = 0.3 for i in eval(data['info']): if i['key'] == '字数': weight = int(i['val'].replace('千', '')) / 800 if weight < 0.25: weight = 0.25 if weight > 1.25: weight = 1.25 break if data['id'] == '新增': cursor.execute( 'insert into book(nm, author, summary, c_tm, m_tm, expl, cover, info, weight) VALUES("%s", "%s", "%s", current_time(), current_time(), "%s", "%s", "%s", %s)' % (nm, author, summary, expl, '', info, str(weight))) conn.commit() cursor.execute('select last_insert_id()') book_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] re = gen_response('suc', {'id': book_id}) else: book_id = int(data['id']) cursor.execute( 'update book set nm="%s",author="%s",summary="%s",m_tm=current_time(),expl="%s",info="%s",weight=%s where id=%d' % (nm, author, summary, expl, info, str(weight), book_id)) re = gen_response('suc', {}) if 'cover' not in data: # 存储封面 file = request.files.get('cover') cursor.execute('select cover from book where id=%d' % book_id) # 删除旧的 old_path = cursor.fetchone()[0] folder = static_path + 'img' + sep + 'book' + sep if old_path and exists(folder + old_path): remove(folder + old_path) ''' 加上时间戳 ''' cover_filename = str(book_id) + '_' + str(int( time())) + '.' + file.content_type.replace('image/', '') cover_path = folder + cover_filename # 存储并更新表 cursor.execute('update book set cover="%s" where id=%d' % (cover_filename, book_id)) return re
def util_get_list(conn): cursor = conn.cursor(DictCursor) data = dict_post_data() what = data['what'] if what == 'words': args = '' elif what == 'book': args = ',cover,weight' else: args = ',cover' page, count = int(data['page']), int(data['count']) re = {} cursor.execute('select count(*) as c from ' + what) re['count'] = cursor.fetchone()['c'] cursor.execute('select id,nm%s from %s order by id desc limit %d,%d' % (args, what, page * count, count)) re['list'] = cursor.fetchall() return gen_response('suc', re)
def util_get_detail(conn): cursor = conn.cursor(DictCursor) data = dict_post_data() what = data['what'] if what == 'words': args = 'sound' elif what == 'book': args = 'cover,author,summary,info,weight' else: args = 'cover,summary,info,posters' if data['id'] != '': cursor.execute( 'select nm,date_format(c_tm, "%s") as c_tm,date_format(m_tm, "%s") as m_tm,expl,%s from %s where id=%d' % (data_format, data_format, args, what, int(data['id']))) else: cursor.execute( 'select nm,date_format(c_tm, "%s") as c_tm,date_format(m_tm, "%s") as m_tm,expl,%s from %s order by id desc limit 0,1' % (data_format, data_format, args, what)) return gen_response('suc', cursor.fetchone())
def util_get_list_manager(conn): cursor = conn.cursor(DictCursor) data = dict_post_data() what = data['what'] s, page, count, orient = escape_string(data['s']), int(data['page']), int( data['count']), ('' if data['desc'] == 'unset' else (' order by ' + data['order'] + (' desc ' if data['desc'] == 'desc' else ' '))) where = (' ' if s == '' else ' where nm like "%s" ' % ("%%" + s + "%%")) re = {} cursor.execute('select count(*) as c from ' + what + where + orient) re['count'] = cursor.fetchone()['c'] cursor.execute(( 'select id,nm%s,date_format(c_tm, "%s") as c_tm,date_format(m_tm, "%s") as m_tm from %s ' + where + orient + ' limit %d,%d') % (('' if what == 'words' else ',cover'), data_format, data_format, what, page * count, count)) re['list'] = cursor.fetchall() return gen_response('suc', re)
def del_item(conn): data = dict_post_data() cursor = conn.cursor(DictCursor) what, id_ = data['what'], int(data['id']) if what == 'words': # 删除MP3 cursor.execute('select sound from words where id=%d' % id_) remove(static_path + 'mp3' + sep + cursor.fetchone()['sound']) else: # 删除封面 cursor.execute('select cover from %s where id=%d' % (what, id_)) remove(static_path + 'img' + sep + what + sep + cursor.fetchone()['cover']) if what == 'film': # 删除海报 cursor.execute('select posters from film where id=%d' % id_) for i in eval(cursor.fetchone()['posters']): remove(static_path + 'img' + sep + 'film' + sep + i) cursor.execute('delete from %s where id=%d' % (what, id_)) return gen_response('suc', {})
def get_info(): return gen_response('suc', config['home_btn'])
def submit_config(): data = dict_post_data() config.update(data) while not save_config(): sleep(1) return gen_response('suc', {})
def mdf_film(conn): cursor = conn.cursor() data = request.form nm, summary, expl, info, poster_list = escape_string( data['nm']), escape_string(data['summary']), escape_string( data['expl']), escape_string(data['info']), eval( data['poster_list']) if data['id'] == '新增': cursor.execute( 'insert into film(nm, summary, c_tm, m_tm, expl, cover, info, posters) VALUES("%s", "%s", current_time(), current_time(), "%s", "%s", "%s", "[]")' % (nm, summary, expl, '', info)) conn.commit() cursor.execute('select last_insert_id()') film_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] re = gen_response('suc', {'id': film_id}) else: film_id = int(data['id']) cursor.execute( 'update film set nm="%s",summary="%s",m_tm=current_time(),expl="%s",info="%s" where id=%d' % (nm, summary, expl, info, film_id)) re = gen_response('suc', {}) folder = static_path + 'img' + sep + 'film' + sep if 'cover' not in data: # 存储封面 file = request.files.get('cover') cursor.execute('select cover from film where id=%d' % film_id) # 删除旧的 old_path = cursor.fetchone()[0] if old_path and exists(folder + old_path): remove(folder + old_path) ''' 加上时间戳 ''' cover_filename = str(film_id) + '_' + str(int( time())) + '.' + file.content_type.replace('image/', '') # 存储并更新表 + cover_filename) cursor.execute('update film set cover="%s" where id=%d' % (cover_filename, film_id)) conn.commit() # 海报 cursor.execute('select posters from film where id=%d' % film_id) poster_old = eval(cursor.fetchone()[0]) poster_new = [] idx = 0 for i in poster_list: if i[0:7] == 'poster_': file = request.files.get(i) poster_name = str(film_id) + '_poster' + str(idx) + '_' + str( int(time())) + sub(r'^.*_', '_', i) + '.' + file.content_type.replace( 'image/', '') + poster_name) poster_new.append(poster_name) else: poster_new.append(i) idx += 1 # 删除 for i in poster_old: if i not in poster_new: if exists(folder + i): remove(folder + i) cursor.execute('update film set posters="%s" where id=%d' % (escape_string(str(poster_new).replace("'", '"')), film_id)) return re
def get_something(what): if what == 'tip': return gen_response('suc', config['tip']) elif what == 'views': return gen_response('suc', config['views'])
def login(): data = dict_post_data() is_equal = data['pwd'] == config['pwd'] if is_equal: session['login'] = True return gen_response('suc' if is_equal else 'err', [])
def get_about(): return gen_response('suc', config['about'])