Пример #1
def filter_tables_by_topic(topic_id, tables, order):
    Filter tables on topic.

    :param topic_id: Topic id.
    :param tables: List of tables.
    :return: Tables that belong to topic.
    if tables is None or len(tables) == 0:
        return tables

    tables_str = "'" + "','".join(tables) + "'"
    query = "SELECT a.nome from tabelle a join argomenti_tabelle b \n"
    query += "on (b.id = a.id) "
    query += "WHERE b.argomento=%d " % topic_id
    query += "and a.nome IN (%s) \n" % tables_str
    if not order is None:
        query += "ORDER BY %s" % order

    new_tables = []
    rows = execute_query_on_main_db(query)
    if rows is not None:
        for row in rows:
            table_name = row[0]

    return new_tables
Пример #2
def execute_topics_query():
    Execute a query that returns the topics.

    :return: The rows result set.
    query = "SELECT * FROM argomenti"
    rows = execute_query_on_main_db(query)
    return rows
Пример #3
def get_topic_id(table):
    Get the topic number id of the selected table.

    :param table: Table name.
    :return: The topic id.
    query = "SELECT b.argomento from tabelle a join argomenti_tabelle b "
    query += "on (b.id = a.id) WHERE a.nome='%s'" % table
    rows = execute_query_on_main_db(query)
    if rows is not None:
        for row in rows:
            return row[0]
    return 999
Пример #4
def get_topic_description(table):
    Get the topic description of the selected table.

    :param table: Table name.
    :return: The topic description.
    query = "SELECT c.descrizione "
    query += "FROM tabelle a, argomenti_tabelle b, argomenti c "
    query += "WHERE b.id = a.id and a.nome='%s' " \
             "and c.argomento=b.argomento" % table

    rows = execute_query_on_main_db(query)
    if rows is not None:
        for row in rows:
            return "%s" % row[0]
    return ""
Пример #5
def build_topics_dict(tables):
    Build a dictionary with key table name and as value topic.

    :param tables:
    ret = dict()
    tables_s = "'" + "','".join(tables) + "'"
    query = "SELECT a.nome, b.argomento from tabelle \n"
    query += "a join argomenti_tabelle b \n"
    query += "on (b.id = a.id) WHERE a.nome IN (%s)" % tables_s
    rows = execute_query_on_main_db(query)
    if not rows is None:
        for row in rows:
            table_name = row[0]
            topic = row[1]
            ret[table_name] = topic
    return ret
Пример #6
def build_desc_to_code_mapping(fk):
    Build an hash table with key description and code as value.

    :param fk:  Foreign key.
    :return: Dictionary <description, code>.
    ret = dict()
    table = fk[0]
    code_column = fk[1]
    desc_column = find_table_description_column(table)
    query = "SELECT %s, %s " % (code_column, desc_column)
    query += "FROM %s" % table
    rows = execute_query_on_main_db(query)
    if not rows is None:
        for row in rows:
            code = row[0]
            desc = row[1]
            ret[desc] = code
    return ret
Пример #7
def build_topics_counter_dict(tables):
    Build a dictionary with key topic_id and value the number of table
    belong to the topic.

    :return: Dictionary with key the topic id
             and as value the number of items in topic.
    table_names = "'" + "','".join(tables) + "'"
    topics_counter_dict = dict()
    query = "SELECT c.argomento, COUNT(*)\n"
    query += "FROM tabelle a, argomenti_tabelle b, argomenti c\n"
    query += "WHERE b.id = a.id and c.argomento=b.argomento\n"
    query += "and a.nome IN(%s)" % table_names
    query += "GROUP BY c.argomento"

    rows = execute_query_on_main_db(query)
    if rows is not None:
        for row in rows:
            topics_counter_dict[row[0]] = row[1]
    return topics_counter_dict