Пример #1
    def _decode_transaction(self, data: Union[bytes, str]) -> Tuple[str, List[Tuple[str, str, Any]]]:
        Decode tx data
        :param data: Tx data as `hex string` or `bytes`
        :return: Tuple with the `function name` and a List of sorted tuples with
        the `name` of the argument, `type` and `value`
        :raises: CannotDecode if data cannot be decoded. You should catch this exception when using this function
        :raises: UnexpectedProblemDecoding if there's an unexpected problem decoding (it shouldn't happen)

        if not data:
            raise CannotDecode(data)

        data = HexBytes(data)
        selector, params = data[:4], data[4:]
        if selector not in self.supported_fn_selectors:
            raise CannotDecode(data.hex())

            contract_fn = self.supported_fn_selectors[selector]
            names = get_abi_input_names(contract_fn.abi)
            types = get_abi_input_types(contract_fn.abi)
            decoded = self.dummy_w3.codec.decode_abi(types, cast(HexBytes, params))
            normalized = map_abi_data(BASE_RETURN_NORMALIZERS, types, decoded)
            values = map(self._parse_decoded_arguments, normalized)
        except ValueError as exc:
            raise UnexpectedProblemDecoding from exc

        return contract_fn.fn_name, list(zip(names, types, values))
Пример #2
def decode_log(log_data, events):
    topic_inputs = get_indexed_event_inputs(log_data['abi'])
    topic_types = get_abi_input_types({'inputs': topic_inputs})
    topic_names = get_abi_input_names({'inputs': topic_inputs})
    topic_data = [HexBytes(topic) for topic in log_data['topics'][1:]]
    decoded_topics = [
        decode_single(topic_type, topic_data)
        for topic_type, topic_data in zip(topic_types, topic_data)
    data_inputs = exclude_indexed_event_inputs(log_data['abi'])
    data_types = get_abi_input_types({'inputs': data_inputs})
    data_names = get_abi_input_names({'inputs': data_inputs})
    decoded_data = decode_abi(data_types, HexBytes(log_data['data']))
    return dict(
            zip(topic_names, decoded_topics),
            zip(data_names, decoded_data),
    def decode_function_input(self, data):
        data = HexBytes(data)
        selector, params = data[:4], data[4:]
        func = self.get_function_by_selector(selector)

        names = get_abi_input_names(func.abi)
        types = get_abi_input_types(func.abi)

        decoded = self.web3.codec.decode_abi(types, params)
        normalized = map_abi_data(BASE_RETURN_NORMALIZERS, types, decoded)

        return func, dict(zip(names, normalized))
Пример #4
def decode_func_with_fallback(abis_to_try, data):
    for abi in abis_to_try:
            selector, params = data[:4], data[4:]
            names = get_abi_input_names(abi)
            types = get_abi_input_types(abi)
            decoded = w3.codec.decode_abi(types, params)
            normalized = map_abi_data(BASE_RETURN_NORMALIZERS, types, decoded)
            return abi['name'], dict(zip(names, normalized))
        except DecodingError:
            logger.debug('trying fallback fn input decoder')
    raise DecodingError('could not decode fn input')
Пример #5
    def _decode_data(
        data: Union[bytes, str],
        address: Optional[ChecksumAddress] = None
    ) -> Tuple[str, List[Tuple[str, str, Any]]]:
        Decode tx data

        :param data: Tx data as `hex string` or `bytes`
        :param address: contract address in case of ABI colliding
        :return: Tuple with the `function name` and a List of sorted tuples with
            the `name` of the argument, `type` and `value`
        :raises: CannotDecode if data cannot be decoded. You should catch this exception when using this function
        :raises: UnexpectedProblemDecoding if there's an unexpected problem decoding (it shouldn't happen)

        if not data:
            raise CannotDecode(data)

        data = HexBytes(data)
        params = data[4:]
        fn_abi = self.get_abi_function(data, address)
        if not fn_abi:
            raise CannotDecode(data.hex())
            names = get_abi_input_names(fn_abi)
            types = get_abi_input_types(fn_abi)
            decoded = self.dummy_w3.codec.decode_abi(types,
                                                     cast(HexBytes, params))
            normalized = map_abi_data(BASE_RETURN_NORMALIZERS, types, decoded)
            values = map(self._parse_decoded_arguments, normalized)
        except (ValueError, DecodingError) as exc:
            logger.warning("Cannot decode %s", data.hex())
            raise UnexpectedProblemDecoding(data) from exc

        return fn_abi["name"], list(zip(names, types, values))
Пример #6
def get_event_data(abi_codec: ABICodec, event_abi: ABIEvent, log_entry: LogReceipt) -> EventData:
    Given an event ABI and a log entry for that event, return the decoded
    event data
    if event_abi['anonymous']:
        log_topics = log_entry['topics']
    elif not log_entry['topics']:
        raise MismatchedABI("Expected non-anonymous event to have 1 or more topics")
    # type ignored b/c event_abi_to_log_topic(event_abi: Dict[str, Any])
    elif event_abi_to_log_topic(event_abi) != log_entry['topics'][0]:  # type: ignore
        raise MismatchedABI("The event signature did not match the provided ABI")
        log_topics = log_entry['topics'][1:]

    log_topics_abi = get_indexed_event_inputs(event_abi)
    log_topic_normalized_inputs = normalize_event_input_types(log_topics_abi)
    log_topic_types = get_event_abi_types_for_decoding(log_topic_normalized_inputs)
    log_topic_names = get_abi_input_names(ABIEvent({'inputs': log_topics_abi}))

    if len(log_topics) != len(log_topic_types):
        raise LogTopicError("Expected {0} log topics.  Got {1}".format(

    log_data = hexstr_if_str(to_bytes, log_entry['data'])
    log_data_abi = exclude_indexed_event_inputs(event_abi)
    log_data_normalized_inputs = normalize_event_input_types(log_data_abi)
    log_data_types = get_event_abi_types_for_decoding(log_data_normalized_inputs)
    log_data_names = get_abi_input_names(ABIEvent({'inputs': log_data_abi}))

    # sanity check that there are not name intersections between the topic
    # names and the data argument names.
    duplicate_names = set(log_topic_names).intersection(log_data_names)
    if duplicate_names:
        raise InvalidEventABI(
            "The following argument names are duplicated "
            f"between event inputs: '{', '.join(duplicate_names)}'"

    decoded_log_data = abi_codec.decode_abi(log_data_types, log_data)
    normalized_log_data = map_abi_data(

    decoded_topic_data = [
        abi_codec.decode_single(topic_type, topic_data)
        for topic_type, topic_data
        in zip(log_topic_types, log_topics)
    normalized_topic_data = map_abi_data(

    event_args = dict(itertools.chain(
        zip(log_topic_names, normalized_topic_data),
        zip(log_data_names, normalized_log_data),

    event_data = {
        'args': event_args,
        'event': event_abi['name'],
        'logIndex': log_entry['logIndex'],
        'transactionIndex': log_entry['transactionIndex'],
        'transactionHash': log_entry['transactionHash'],
        'address': log_entry['address'],
        'blockHash': log_entry['blockHash'],
        'blockNumber': log_entry['blockNumber'],

    return cast(EventData, AttributeDict.recursive(event_data))