Пример #1
class Main(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, hostname):
        self.queue = Queue.Queue()
        self.images_undistorted = Images(CAPTURES_PATH)
        self.products = Products()
        self.duplicate_filter = Duplicate_Filter(self.products)
        self.web_interface = WebInterface()
        self.inventory = Inventory()
        self.network = Network(hostname, self.network_message_handler, self.network_status_handler)
        self.gdrive_captures_directory = "0BzpNPyJoi6uoSGlhTnN5RWhXRFU"
        self.light_level = 10
        self.camera_capture_delay = 10
        self.object_detection_wait_period = 300
        self.whole_process_wait_period = 330
        self.soonest_run_time = time.time()
        self.camera_units = Camera_Units(self.network)
        self.response_accumulator = Response_Accumulator()
        self.detected_objects = Detected_Objects(CAPTURES_PATH, PARSED_CAPTURES_PATH, self.products)

        self.door_open = False

        self.door_log = [time.time()]         # hold timestamps of door closures since last scan
        self.scan_log = [time.time() - 1800]  # hold timestamps of scans since unit was rebooted

        self.label_lines = [line.rstrip() for line 
            in tf.gfile.GFile("/home/nvidia/supercooler/Roles/jetson/tf_files/retrained_labels.txt")]

        with tf.gfile.FastGFile("/home/nvidia/supercooler/Roles/jetson/tf_files/retrained_graph.pb", 'rb') as f:
            graph_def = tf.GraphDef()

        with tf.Graph().as_default() as imported_graph:
            tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='')
            self.imported_graph = imported_graph

        self.hostnames = [
        self.client_monitor_server = Thirtybirds_Client_Monitor_Server(self.network, self.hostnames)
        self.client_monitor_server.daemon = True

        #self.network.subscribe_to_topic("system")  # subscribe to all system messages

    def network_message_handler(self, topic_msg):
        # this method runs in the thread of the caller, not the tread of Main
        topic, msg =  topic_msg # separating just to eval msg.  best to do it early.  it should be done in TB.
        if topic not in  ["client_monitor_response"]:
            print "Main.network_message_handler", topic
        if len(msg) > 0: 
            msg = eval(msg)
        self.add_to_queue(topic, msg)

    def network_status_handler(self, topic_msg):
        # this method runs in the thread of the caller, not the tread of Main
        print "Main.network_status_handler", topic_msg

    def add_to_queue(self, topic, msg):
        self.queue.put((topic, msg))

    def quick_picture(self):
        "taking picture"
        timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")

        # turn on the lights
        self.network.thirtybirds.send("set_light_level", self.light_level)

        # send command to camera nodes to capture image
        self.camera_units.capture_image(self.light_level, timestamp)

        # turn off the lights
        self.network.thirtybirds.send("set_light_level", 0)

    def run(self):
        while True:

            # check and see if sufficient time has elapsed between inventory scan
            now = time.time()
            last_scan = self.scan_log[-1]
            last_close = self.door_log[-1]

            # trigger scan
            if not self.door_open and (((now - last_scan > 1800) and (now - last_close > 300)) or ((now - last_scan > 3600) and (now - last_close > 1))):

                timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
                print "initiating scan:", timestamp

                # update scan log with current time

                # turn on the lights
                self.network.thirtybirds.send("set_light_level", self.light_level)

                # send command to camera nodes to capture image
                self.camera_units.capture_image(self.light_level, timestamp)

                # turn off the lights
                self.network.thirtybirds.send("set_light_level", 0)
                # wait for cameras to capture images
                # set a timer, process receieved images
                object_detection_timer = threading.Timer(self.object_detection_wait_period, self.add_to_queue, ("object_detection_complete",""))

                topic, msg = self.queue.get(True)
                if topic not in ["client_monitor_response"]:
                    print "Main.run", topic
                if topic == "client_monitor_response":
                if topic == "door_closed":
                    self.door_open = False

                    # if time.time() >= self.soonest_run_time:
                    #     self.soonest_run_time = time.time() + self.whole_process_wait_period
                    #     timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
                    #     #dir_captures_now = self.network.make_directory_on_gdrive(self.gdrive_captures_directory, 'captures_' + timestamp)
                    #     #dir_unprocessed = self.network.make_directory_on_gdrive(dir_captures_now, 'unprocessed')
                    #     #dir_annotated = self.network.make_directory_on_gdrive(dir_captures_now, 'annotated')
                    #     #dir_parsed = self.network.make_directory_on_gdrive(dir_captures_now, 'parsed')
                    #     self.network.thirtybirds.send("set_light_level", self.light_level)
                    #     time.sleep(1)
                    #     self.camera_units.capture_image(self.light_level, timestamp)
                    #     time.sleep(self.camera_capture_delay)
                    #     self.network.thirtybirds.send("set_light_level", 0)
                    #     self.response_accumulator.clear_potential_objects()
                    #     self.images_undistorted.clear()
                    #     time.sleep(self.camera_capture_delay)
                    #     object_detection_timer = threading.Timer(self.object_detection_wait_period, self.add_to_queue, ("object_detection_complete",""))
                    #     object_detection_timer.start()
                    #     self.camera_units.process_images_and_report()
                    # else:
                    #     print "too soon.  next available run time:", self.soonest_run_time

                if topic == "door_opened":
                    self.door_open = True
                    print "Door is open.  Dammit, Fudge!"
                if topic == "receive_image_data":
                    shelf_id =  msg["shelf_id"]
                    camera_id =  int(msg["camera_id"])
                    potential_objects =  msg["potential_objects"]
                    print shelf_id, camera_id
                    print potential_objects

                    undistorted_capture_png = msg["undistorted_capture_ocv"]

                    # decode image to test classifier                    
                    nparr = np.fromstring(undistorted_capture_png, np.uint8)
                    undistorted_capture_ocv = cv2.imdecode(nparr, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR)
                    #classifier.classify_images(potential_objects, undistorted_capture_ocv)

                    self.response_accumulator.add_potential_objects(shelf_id, camera_id, potential_objects, True)
                    filename = "{}_{}.png".format(shelf_id, camera_id)
                    self.images_undistorted.store(filename, undistorted_capture_png)

                if topic == "object_detection_complete":
                    print "OBJECT DETECTION COMPLETE ( how's my timing? )"
                    print self.response_accumulator.print_response_status()
                    print self.images_undistorted.get_filenames()
                    potential_objects = self.response_accumulator.get_potential_objects()

                    print "OBJECT DETECTION COMPLETE"
                    with tf.Session(graph=self.imported_graph) as sess:

                        for shelf_id in ['A','B','C','D']:
                            for camera_id in range(12):
                                potential_objects_subset = filter(lambda d: d['shelf_id'] == shelf_id and int(d['camera_id']) == camera_id,  potential_objects)
                                #print shelf_id, camera_id, potential_objects_subset

                                # if no objects were detected, skip
                                if len(potential_objects_subset) == 0: continue

                                # get undisotrted image and begin classification. use first object to grab shelf+cam
                                first_object = potential_objects_subset[0]
                                lens_corrected_img = self.images_undistorted.get_as_nparray(

                                #with tf.Session() as sess:
                                self.crop_and_classify_images(potential_objects_subset, lens_corrected_img, sess)
                            #print potential_objects_subset


                    confident_objects =  self.detected_objects.filter_out_unconfident_objects(potential_objects)

                    confident_objects = self.duplicate_filter.tag_all_duplicates(confident_objects)



                    simplest_inventory = self.detected_objects.tabulate_inventory()


                    # ----------- WEB INTERACE ---------------------------------------------------

                    # Filter out duplicates, return list of objects with normalized global coords
                    objects_for_web = self.duplicate_filter.filter_and_transform(self.detected_objects.confident_objects)
                    #print objects_for_web

                    # prep for web interface (scale coordinates and lookup product ids) and send
                    res = self.web_interface.send_report(self.web_interface.prep_for_web(objects_for_web, self.duplicate_filter.x_max, self.duplicate_filter.y_max))

                    #print res, res.text

                    #print confident_objects
            except Exception as e:
                exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
                print e, repr(traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value,exc_traceback))

    def reboot_system(self):
        # send reboot command to camera nodes + hardware controller
        print "sending reboot command to nodes..."


        print "rebooting..."
        os.system("sudo reboot now")

    def crop_and_classify_images(self, potential_objects, image, sess, threshold=0.6):

        # if the best guess falls below this threshold, assume no match
        confidence_threshold = threshold

        print "crop_and_classify_images"
        for i, candidate in enumerate(potential_objects):

            # report progress every ten images
            if (i%10) == 0:
                print 'processing %dth image' % i

            # crop image and encode as jpeg (classifier expects jpeg)
            #print "cropping..."

            r  = candidate['radius']
            (img_height, img_width) = image.shape[:2]

            x1 = max(candidate['camera_x']-r, 0)
            y1 = max(candidate['camera_y']-r, 0)
            x2 = min(x1 + r*2, img_width )
            y2 = min(y1 + r*2, img_height)

            img_crop = image[y1:y2, x1:x2]
            img_jpg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img_crop)[1].tobytes()

            #print "cropped image, w,h = ", x2-x1, y2-y1

            # get a list of guesses w/ confidence in this format:
            # guesses = [(best guess, confidence), (next guess, confidence), ...]
            #print "running classifier..."

            guesses = self.guess_image(sess, img_jpg)
            best_guess, confidence = guesses[0]

            candidate["classification"] = guesses

            #print guesses

    def guess_image(self, tf_session, image):
        # Feed the image_data as input to the graph and get first prediction
        softmax_tensor = tf_session.graph.get_tensor_by_name('final_result:0')
        #print "run tf session..."
        predictions = tf_session.run(softmax_tensor, {'DecodeJpeg/contents:0': image})
        # Sort to show labels of first prediction in order of confidence
        #print "sort labels.."
        top_k = predictions[0].argsort()[-len(predictions[0]):][::-1]

        scores = [(self.label_lines[node_id], predictions[0][node_id]) for node_id in top_k]
        return scores
Пример #2
class Main():  # rules them all
    def __init__(self, network):
        self.network = network
        self.capture_path = "/home/pi/supercooler/Captures/"
        self.parsed_capture_path = "/home/pi/supercooler/ParsedCaptures/"
        self.web_interface = WebInterface()
        self.lights = Lights()
        self.door = Door(self.door_close_event_handler,
        self.door.daemon = True
        self.camera_units = Camera_Units(self.network)
        self.camera_capture_delay = 15
        self.classifier = Classifier()
        self.last_closure = time.time()

        hostnames = [
            "supercoolerA0", "supercoolerA1", "supercoolerA2", "supercoolerA3",
            "supercoolerA4", "supercoolerA5", "supercoolerA6", "supercoolerA7",
            "supercoolerA8", "supercoolerA9", "supercoolerA10",
            "supercoolerA11", "supercoolerB0", "supercoolerB1",
            "supercoolerB2", "supercoolerB3", "supercoolerB4", "supercoolerB5",
            "supercoolerB6", "supercoolerB7", "supercoolerB8", "supercoolerB9",
            "supercoolerB10", "supercoolerB11", "supercoolerC0",
            "supercoolerC1", "supercoolerC2", "supercoolerC3", "supercoolerC4",
            "supercoolerC5", "supercoolerC6", "supercoolerC7", "supercoolerC8",
            "supercoolerC9", "supercoolerC10", "supercoolerC11",
            "supercoolerD0", "supercoolerD1", "supercoolerD2", "supercoolerD3",
            "supercoolerD4", "supercoolerD5", "supercoolerD6", "supercoolerD7",
            "supercoolerD8", "supercoolerD9", "supercoolerD10",
        self.client_monitor_server = Thirtybirds_Client_Monitor_Server(
            network, hostnames)
        self.client_monitor_server.daemon = True

        # initialize inventory -- this will be recalculated on door close events
        self.inventory = []

        # map watson labels to corresponding ints for web interface
        self.label_lookup = {
            "bottlebecks": 1,
            "bottlebudamerica": 2,
            "bottlebudlight": 3,
            "bottleplatinum": 4,
            "bottlecorona": 5,
            "bottlehoegaarden": 6,
            "bottleultra": 7,
            "bottleshocktopraspberry": 8,
            "bottleshocktoppretzel": 9,
            "bottlestella": 10,
            "canbudamerica": 11,
            "canbudlight": 12,
            "canbusch": 13,
            "canbusch": 14,
            "cannaturallight": 15,
            "canbudamerica": 16,
            "canbudice": 17,
            "canbudlight": 18
        self.classification_accumulator = Classification_Accumulator(
        self.classification_accumulator.daemon = True

        self.camera_specific_offsets = {
            'A': {
                0: (0, 0),
                1: (0, 0),
                2: (0, 0),
                3: (0, 0),
                4: (0, 0),
                5: (0, 0),
                6: (0, 0),
                7: (0, 0),
                8: (0, 0),
                9: (0, 0),
                10: (0, 0),
                11: (0, 0)
            'B': {
                0: (0, 0),
                1: (0, 0),
                2: (0, 0),
                3: (0, 0),
                4: (0, 0),
                5: (0, 0),
                6: (0, 0),
                7: (0, 0),
                8: (0, 0),
                9: (0, 0),
                10: (0, 0),
                11: (0, 0)
            'C': {
                0: (0, 0),
                1: (0, 0),
                2: (0, 0),
                3: (0, 0),
                4: (0, 0),
                5: (0, 0),
                6: (0, 0),
                7: (0, 0),
                8: (0, 0),
                9: (0, 0),
                10: (0, 0),
                11: (0, 0)
            'D': {
                0: (0, 0),
                1: (0, 0),
                2: (0, 0),
                3: (0, 0),
                4: (0, 0),
                5: (0, 0),
                6: (0, 0),
                7: (0, 0),
                8: (0, 0),
                9: (0, 0),
                10: (0, 0),
                11: (0, 0)

        self.camera_resolution = [1280, 720]
        self.product_specific_confidence_thresholds = {
            "bottlebecks": 0.99,
            "bottlebudamerica": 0.99,
            "bottlebudlight": 0.99,
            "bottleplatinum": 0.99,
            "bottlecorona": 0.95,
            "bottlehoegaarden": 0.99,
            "bottleultra": 0.98,
            "bottleshocktopraspberry": 0.99,
            "bottleshocktoppretzel": 0.98,
            "bottlestella": 0.99,
            "canbudamerica": 0.95,
            "canbudlight": 0.99,
            "canbusch": 0.94,
            "cannaturallight": 0.95,
            "canbudamerica": 0.99,
            "canbudice": 0.99,
            "canbudlight": 0.99

    def map_camera_coords_to_shelf_coords(self, shelf_id, camera_id, x, y):

        # standard x and y distances between camera origins. adjust as necessary
        delta_x = 1200
        delta_y = 600

        # start by doing a rough transformation with standard offsets
        x_prime = x + delta_x * (camera_id // 4)
        y_prime = y + delta_y * (3 - camera_id % 4)

        # now apply specific offsets as defined in self.camera_specific_offsets
        x_prime = float(x_prime +
        y_prime = float(y_prime +

        # full-scale x and y in terms of camera coordinates, for scaling (adjust as necessary)
        x_full_scale = float(delta_x * 2 + 1280)
        y_full_scale = float(delta_y * 3 + 720)

        # scale to web coordinates
        x_full_scale_web = 492.0
        y_full_scale_web = 565.0
        x_offset_web = 120
        y_offset_web = -80

        # scale and swap x and y coordinates
        x_web = x_full_scale_web - (y_prime / y_full_scale *
                                    y_full_scale_web) + x_offset_web
        y_web = x_prime / x_full_scale * x_full_scale_web + y_offset_web

        return (x_web, y_web)

    def all_records_received(self, records):
        print "all records received"
        records_with_shelf_coords = self.map_camera_coords_to_shelf_coords(
        print records_with_shelf_coords
        print "all records received"
        for shelf in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']:
            for camera_id, camera_data in enumerate(records[shelf]):
                print shelf, camera_id, camera_data
                self.add_to_inventory(shelf, camera_id, camera_data)

        #print records

    def add_to_inventory(self, shelf_id, camera_id, camera_data):

        for (i, data) in camera_data.iteritems():
            productname = data['class']
            product_confidence_threshold = self.product_specific_confidence_thresholds[

            if data['score'] < product_confidence_threshold: continue
            print "adding data..."
                x_local = float(data['x']) + data['w'] / 2
                y_local = float(data['y']) + data['h'] / 2

                print "map from camera coords to shelf coords"
                x_global, y_global = self.map_camera_coords_to_shelf_coords(
                    shelf_id, camera_id, x_local, y_local)

                    "type": self.label_lookup[data['class']],
                    "shelf": shelf_id,
                    "x": x_global,
                    "y": y_global,
                    "camera": camera_id,
                    "duplicate": False,
                    "score": data['score']
            except Exception as e:
                print "exception in Main.add_to_inventory", e

    def filter_duplicates(self):
        return  # until mapping of camera coords to shelf coords is complete
        # tag duplicates
        overlap_threshold = 100
        for product_outer in self.inventory:
            for product_inner in self.inventory:
                if product_outer['camera'] == product_inner[
                        'camera']:  # there will be no duplicates from the same camera
                distance = math.sqrt(
                    math.pow((product_outer['x'] - product_inner['x']), 2) +
                    math.pow((product_outer['x'] - product_inner['x']), 2))
                if distance < overlap_threshold:
                    if product_inner['score'] < product_outer['score']:
                        product_inner['duplicate'] = True
                        product_outer['duplicate'] = True
        # filter out duplicates
        new_inventory = []
        for product in self.inventory:
            if not product['duplicate']:
        self.inventory = new_inventory

    def client_monitor_add_to_queue(self, hostname, git_pull_date,
        self.client_monitor_server.add_to_queue(hostname, git_pull_date,

    def door_open_event_handler(self):
        print "Main.door_open_event_handler"

    def door_close_event_handler(self):
        print "Main.door_close_event_handler"

        # clear inventory (will be populated after classification)
        self.inventory = []

        timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%m-%S")
        # tell camera units to captures images at each light level
        for light_level_sequence_position in range(3):

        # tell camera units to parse images and send back the data

        # pause while conductor waits for captures, then start classification
        print "waiting for captures... "

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # TODO: After the demo, put this back in. For now, we'll have watson clients
        # on each of the pi zeros

        #print "begin classification process"
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

        #if len(self.inventory) == 0:
        #    print "empty... add dummy beer"
        #    self.inventory.append({"type":1,"shelf":"A","x":10,"y":10})

        print "update web interface"

        #for item in self.inventory:
        #    self.web_interface.send_report(item)

        print "done updating"

        print "took inventory:"
        print self.inventory

    def classify_images(self, threshold=0.6):
        # for convenience
        classifier = self.classifier
        #images = self.images
        inventory = self.inventory

        # if the best guess falls below this threshold, assume no match
        confidence_threshold = threshold

        print "Main.classify_images images.cropped_captures", images.cropped_captures
        # start tensorflow session, necessary to run classifier
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            for i, cropped_capture in enumerate(images.cropped_captures):

                # report progress every ten images
                if (i % 10) == 0:
                    print 'processing %dth image' % i

                # crop image and encode as jpeg (classifier expects jpeg)
                print "cropping..."
                x, y, w, h = cropped_capture["bounds"]
                img_crop = images.captures[cropped_capture["img_index"]][y:y +
                                                                         x:x +
                img_jpg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', img_crop)[1].tobytes()
                print "cropped image, w,h = ", w, h

                # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                # TODO: remove this later -- this is just so we can see what's going on

                # create filename from img data
                filename = cropped_capture["shelf_id"]+cropped_capture["camera_id"]+\
                    "_" + str(x) + "_" + str(y) + ".jpg"
                filepath = "/home/pi/supercooler/ParsedCaptures/" + filename

                # write to file
                with open(filepath, 'wb') as f:
                # ---------------------------------------------------------------------

                # get a list of guesses w/ confidence in this format:
                # guesses = [(best guess, confidence), (next guess, confidence), ...]
                print "running classifier..."
                guesses = classifier.guess_image(sess, img_jpg)
                best_guess, confidence = guesses[0]

                # print result from classifier
                print guesses

                # if we beat the threshold, then update the inventory accordingly
                if confidence > confidence_threshold:
                        "type": self.label_lookup[best_guess],
                        "shelf": cropped_capture["shelf_id"],
                        "x": x + w / 2,
                        "y": y + h / 2,

                # TODO: move the temp sensing out of guess_image and into here

    def test_classification(self):

        # read in a test image for parsing/classification
        with open("/home/pi/supercooler/Roles/conductor/test_img.png",
                  "rb") as f:
            img = base64.b64encode(f.read())

        # clear inventory (will be populated after classification)
        self.inventory = []

        # an example payload -- this is what the camera units send over
        payload = {
            "camera_id": "A02",
            "light_level": 2,
            "image": img,
            "bounds": [(0, 0, 100, 200), (250, 250, 200, 100),
                       (0, 200, 150, 150)]

        images.receive_image_data(payload)  # store image data from payload

        self.classify_images(threshold=0.1)  # classify images

    def get_raw_images(self):
        timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%m-%S")
        # tell camera units to captures images at each light level
        for light_level_sequence_position in range(3):

        # tell camera units to parse images and send back the data