def MKCOL(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE): """Create a new collection resource.""" self.dav__init(REQUEST, RESPONSE) if REQUEST.get('BODY', ''): raise UnsupportedMediaType, 'Unknown request body.' name=self.__name__ parent = self.__parent__ if hasattr(aq_base(parent), name): raise MethodNotAllowed, 'The name %s is in use.' % name if not isDavCollection(parent): raise Forbidden, 'Cannot create collection at this location.' ifhdr = REQUEST.get_header('If', '') if IWriteLock.providedBy(parent) and parent.wl_isLocked(): if ifhdr: parent.dav__simpleifhandler(REQUEST, RESPONSE, col=1) else: raise Locked elif ifhdr: # There was an If header, but the parent is not locked raise PreconditionFailed # Add hook for webdav/FTP MKCOL (Collector #2254) (needed for CMF) # parent.manage_addFolder(name) mkcol_handler = getattr(parent,'MKCOL_handler' ,parent.manage_addFolder) mkcol_handler(name) RESPONSE.setStatus(201) RESPONSE.setBody('') return RESPONSE
def apply(self, obj, token, sm, url=None, result=None, top=1): if result is None: result = StringIO() url = urlfix(url, 'DELETE') url = urlbase(url) iscol = isDavCollection(obj) errmsg = None parent = aq_parent(obj) islockable = IWriteLock.providedBy(obj) if parent and (not sm.checkPermission(delete_objects, parent)): # User doesn't have permission to delete this object errmsg = "403 Forbidden" elif islockable and obj.wl_isLocked(): if token and obj.wl_hasLock(token): # Object is locked, and the token matches (no error) errmsg = "" else: errmsg = "423 Locked" if errmsg: if top and (not iscol): if errmsg == "403 Forbidden": raise Forbidden() if errmsg == "423 Locked": raise Locked() elif not result.getvalue(): # We haven't had any errors yet, so our result is empty # and we need to set up the XML header result.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\n' \ '<d:multistatus xmlns:d="DAV:">\n') result.write('<d:response>\n <d:href>%s</d:href>\n' % url) result.write(' <d:status>HTTP/1.1 %s</d:status>\n' % errmsg) result.write('</d:response>\n') if iscol: for ob in obj.objectValues(): dflag = hasattr(ob,'_p_changed') and (ob._p_changed == None) if hasattr(ob, '__dav_resource__'): uri = urljoin(url, absattr(ob.getId())) self.apply(ob, token, sm, uri, result, top=0) if dflag: ob._p_deactivate() if not top: return result if result.getvalue(): # One or more subitems can't be delted, so close the multistatus # element result.write('</d:multistatus>\n') return result.getvalue()
def COPY(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE): """Create a duplicate of the source resource whose state and behavior match that of the source resource as closely as possible. Though we may later try to make a copy appear seamless across namespaces (e.g. from Zope to Apache), COPY is currently only supported within the Zope namespace.""" self.dav__init(REQUEST, RESPONSE) if not hasattr(aq_base(self), 'cb_isCopyable') or \ not self.cb_isCopyable(): raise MethodNotAllowed, 'This object may not be copied.' depth=REQUEST.get_header('Depth', 'infinity') if not depth in ('0', 'infinity'): raise BadRequest, 'Invalid Depth header.' dest=REQUEST.get_header('Destination', '') while dest and dest[-1]=='/': dest=dest[:-1] if not dest: raise BadRequest, 'Invalid Destination header.' try: path = REQUEST.physicalPathFromURL(dest) except ValueError: raise BadRequest, 'Invalid Destination header' name = path.pop() oflag=REQUEST.get_header('Overwrite', 'F').upper() if not oflag in ('T', 'F'): raise BadRequest, 'Invalid Overwrite header.' try: parent=self.restrictedTraverse(path) except ValueError: raise Conflict, 'Attempt to copy to an unknown namespace.' except NotFound: raise Conflict, 'Object ancestors must already exist.' except: t, v, tb=sys.exc_info() raise t, v if hasattr(parent, '__null_resource__'): raise Conflict, 'Object ancestors must already exist.' existing=hasattr(aq_base(parent), name) if existing and oflag=='F': raise PreconditionFailed, 'Destination resource exists.' try: parent._checkId(name, allow_dup=1) except: raise Forbidden, sys.exc_info()[1] try: parent._verifyObjectPaste(self) except Unauthorized: raise except: raise Forbidden, sys.exc_info()[1] # Now check locks. The If header on a copy only cares about the # lock on the destination, so we need to check out the destinations # lock status. ifhdr = REQUEST.get_header('If', '') if existing: # The destination itself exists, so we need to check its locks destob = aq_base(parent)._getOb(name) if IWriteLock.providedBy(destob) and destob.wl_isLocked(): if ifhdr: itrue = destob.dav__simpleifhandler( REQUEST, RESPONSE, 'COPY', refresh=1) if not itrue: raise PreconditonFailed else: raise Locked, 'Destination is locked.' elif IWriteLock.providedBy(parent) and parent.wl_isLocked(): if ifhdr: parent.dav__simpleifhandler(REQUEST, RESPONSE, 'COPY', refresh=1) else: raise Locked, 'Destination is locked.' self._notifyOfCopyTo(parent, op=0) ob = self._getCopy(parent) ob._setId(name) if depth=='0' and isDavCollection(ob): for id in ob.objectIds(): ob._delObject(id) notify(ObjectCopiedEvent(ob, self)) if existing: object=getattr(parent, name) self.dav__validate(object, 'DELETE', REQUEST) parent._delObject(name) parent._setObject(name, ob) ob = parent._getOb(name) ob._postCopy(parent, op=0) compatibilityCall('manage_afterClone', ob, ob) notify(ObjectClonedEvent(ob)) # We remove any locks from the copied object because webdav clients # don't track the lock status and the lock token for copied resources ob.wl_clearLocks() RESPONSE.setStatus(existing and 204 or 201) if not existing: RESPONSE.setHeader('Location', dest) RESPONSE.setBody('') return RESPONSE
def dav__resourcetype(self): vself=self.v_self() if isDavCollection(vself): return '<n:collection/>' return ''
def dav__resourcetype(self): vself=self.v_self() if (isDavCollection(vself) or getattr(aq_base(vself), 'isAnObjectManager', None)): return '<n:collection/>' return ''
def COPY(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE): """Create a duplicate of the source resource whose state and behavior match that of the source resource as closely as possible. Though we may later try to make a copy appear seamless across namespaces (e.g. from Zope to Apache), COPY is currently only supported within the Zope namespace.""" self.dav__init(REQUEST, RESPONSE) if not hasattr(aq_base(self), 'cb_isCopyable') or \ not self.cb_isCopyable(): raise MethodNotAllowed, 'This object may not be copied.' depth = REQUEST.get_header('Depth', 'infinity') if not depth in ('0', 'infinity'): raise BadRequest, 'Invalid Depth header.' dest = REQUEST.get_header('Destination', '') while dest and dest[-1] == '/': dest = dest[:-1] if not dest: raise BadRequest, 'Invalid Destination header.' try: path = REQUEST.physicalPathFromURL(dest) except ValueError: raise BadRequest, 'Invalid Destination header' name = path.pop() oflag = REQUEST.get_header('Overwrite', 'F').upper() if not oflag in ('T', 'F'): raise BadRequest, 'Invalid Overwrite header.' try: parent = self.restrictedTraverse(path) except ValueError: raise Conflict, 'Attempt to copy to an unknown namespace.' except NotFound: raise Conflict, 'Object ancestors must already exist.' except: t, v, tb = sys.exc_info() raise t, v if hasattr(parent, '__null_resource__'): raise Conflict, 'Object ancestors must already exist.' existing = hasattr(aq_base(parent), name) if existing and oflag == 'F': raise PreconditionFailed, 'Destination resource exists.' try: parent._checkId(name, allow_dup=1) except: raise Forbidden, sys.exc_info()[1] try: parent._verifyObjectPaste(self) except Unauthorized: raise except: raise Forbidden, sys.exc_info()[1] # Now check locks. The If header on a copy only cares about the # lock on the destination, so we need to check out the destinations # lock status. ifhdr = REQUEST.get_header('If', '') if existing: # The destination itself exists, so we need to check its locks destob = aq_base(parent)._getOb(name) if IWriteLock.providedBy(destob) and destob.wl_isLocked(): if ifhdr: itrue = destob.dav__simpleifhandler(REQUEST, RESPONSE, 'COPY', refresh=1) if not itrue: raise PreconditonFailed else: raise Locked, 'Destination is locked.' elif IWriteLock.providedBy(parent) and parent.wl_isLocked(): if ifhdr: parent.dav__simpleifhandler(REQUEST, RESPONSE, 'COPY', refresh=1) else: raise Locked, 'Destination is locked.' self._notifyOfCopyTo(parent, op=0) ob = self._getCopy(parent) ob._setId(name) if depth == '0' and isDavCollection(ob): for id in ob.objectIds(): ob._delObject(id) notify(ObjectCopiedEvent(ob, self)) if existing: object = getattr(parent, name) self.dav__validate(object, 'DELETE', REQUEST) parent._delObject(name) parent._setObject(name, ob) ob = parent._getOb(name) ob._postCopy(parent, op=0) compatibilityCall('manage_afterClone', ob, ob) notify(ObjectClonedEvent(ob)) # We remove any locks from the copied object because webdav clients # don't track the lock status and the lock token for copied resources ob.wl_clearLocks() RESPONSE.setStatus(existing and 204 or 201) if not existing: RESPONSE.setHeader('Location', dest) RESPONSE.setBody('') return RESPONSE
def dav__resourcetype(self): vself = self.v_self() if isDavCollection(vself): return '<n:collection/>' return ''
def apply(self, obj, token, url=None, result=None, top=1): if result is None: result = StringIO() url = urlfix(url, 'UNLOCK') url = urlbase(url) iscol = isDavCollection(obj) if iscol and url[-1] != '/': url = url + '/' errmsg = None islockable = IWriteLock.providedBy(obj) if islockable: if obj.wl_hasLock(token): method = getattr(obj, 'wl_delLock') vld = getSecurityManager().validate(None,obj, 'wl_delLock',method) if vld: obj.wl_delLock(token) else: errmsg = "403 Forbidden" else: errmsg = '400 Bad Request' else: # Only set an error message if the command is being applied # to a top level object. Otherwise, we're descending a tree # which may contain many objects that don't implement locking, # so we just want to avoid them if top: errmsg = "405 Method Not Allowed" if errmsg: if top and (not iscol): # We don't need to raise multistatus errors if errmsg[:3] == '403': raise Forbidden else: raise PreconditionFailed elif not result.getvalue(): # We haven't had any errors yet, so our result is empty # and we need to set up the XML header result.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\n' \ '<d:multistatus xmlns:d="DAV:">\n') result.write('<d:response>\n <d:href>%s</d:href>\n' % url) result.write(' <d:status>HTTP/1.1 %s</d:status>\n' % errmsg) result.write('</d:response>\n') if iscol: for ob in obj.objectValues(): if hasattr(ob, '__dav_resource__') and \ IWriteLock.providedBy(ob): uri = urljoin(url, absattr(ob.getId())) self.apply(ob, token, uri, result, top=0) if not top: return result if result.getvalue(): # One or more subitems probably failed, so close the multistatus # element and clear out all succesful unlocks result.write('</d:multistatus>') transaction.abort() return result.getvalue()
def apply(self, obj, creator=None, depth='infinity', token=None, result=None, url=None, top=1): """ Apply, built for recursion (so that we may lock subitems of a collection if requested """ if result is None: result = StringIO() url = urlfix(self.request['URL'], 'LOCK') url = urlbase(url) iscol = isDavCollection(obj) if iscol and url[-1] != '/': url = url + '/' errmsg = None lock = None try: lock = LockItem(creator, self.owner, depth, self.timeout, self.type, self.scope, token) if token is None: token = lock.getLockToken() except ValueError: errmsg = "412 Precondition Failed" except: errmsg = "403 Forbidden" try: if not IWriteLock.providedBy(obj): if top: # This is the top level object in the apply, so we # do want an error errmsg = "405 Method Not Allowed" else: # We're in an infinity request and a subobject does # not support locking, so we'll just pass pass elif obj.wl_isLocked(): errmsg = "423 Locked" else: method = getattr(obj, 'wl_setLock') vld = getSecurityManager().validate(None, obj, 'wl_setLock', method) if vld and token and (lock is not None): obj.wl_setLock(token, lock) else: errmsg = "403 Forbidden" except: errmsg = "403 Forbidden" if errmsg: if top and ((depth in (0, '0')) or (not iscol)): # We don't need to raise multistatus errors raise errmsg[4:] elif not result.getvalue(): # We haven't had any errors yet, so our result is empty # and we need to set up the XML header result.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\n' \ '<d:multistatus xmlns:d="DAV:">\n') result.write('<d:response>\n <d:href>%s</d:href>\n' % url) result.write(' <d:status>HTTP/1.1 %s</d:status>\n' % errmsg) result.write('</d:response>\n') if depth == 'infinity' and iscol: for ob in obj.objectValues(): if hasattr(obj, '__dav_resource__'): uri = urljoin(url, absattr(ob.getId())) self.apply(ob, creator, depth, token, result, uri, top=0) if not top: return token, result if result.getvalue(): # One or more subitems probably failed, so close the multistatus # element and clear out all succesful locks result.write('</d:multistatus>') transaction.abort() # This *SHOULD* clear all succesful locks return token, result.getvalue()
def apply(self, obj): url=urlfix(self.request['URL'], 'PROPPATCH') if isDavCollection(obj): url=url+'/' result=StringIO() errors=[] result.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n' \ '<d:multistatus xmlns:d="DAV:">\n' \ '<d:response>\n' \ '<d:href>%s</d:href>\n' % quote(url)) propsets=obj.propertysheets for value in self.values: status='200 OK' if len(value) > 2: name, ns, val, md=value propset=propsets.get(ns, None) if propset is None: propsets.manage_addPropertySheet('', ns) propset=propsets.get(ns) if propset.hasProperty(name): try: propset._updateProperty(name, val, meta=md) except: errors.append(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) status='409 Conflict' else: try: propset._setProperty(name, val, meta=md) except: errors.append(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) status='409 Conflict' else: name, ns=value propset=propsets.get(ns, None) if propset is None or not propset.hasProperty(name): # removing a non-existing property is not an error! # according to RFC 2518 status='200 OK' else: try: propset._delProperty(name) except: errors.append('%s cannot be deleted.' % name) status='409 Conflict' result.write('<d:propstat xmlns:n="%s">\n' \ ' <d:prop>\n' \ ' <n:%s/>\n' \ ' </d:prop>\n' \ ' <d:status>HTTP/1.1 %s</d:status>\n' \ '</d:propstat>\n' % (ns, name, status)) errmsg='\n'.join(errors) or 'The operation succeded.' result.write('<d:responsedescription>\n' \ '%s\n' \ '</d:responsedescription>\n' \ '</d:response>\n' \ '</d:multistatus>' % errmsg) result=result.getvalue() if not errors: return result # This is lame, but I cant find a way to keep ZPublisher # from sticking a traceback into my xml response :( transaction.abort() result=result.replace( '200 OK', '424 Failed Dependency') return result
def apply(self, obj, url=None, depth=0, result=None, top=1): if result is None: result=StringIO() depth=self.depth url=urlfix(self.request['URL'], 'PROPFIND') url=urlbase(url) result.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n' \ '<d:multistatus xmlns:d="DAV:">\n') iscol=isDavCollection(obj) if iscol and url[-1] != '/': url=url+'/' result.write('<d:response>\n<d:href>%s</d:href>\n' % safe_quote(url)) if hasattr(aq_base(obj), 'propertysheets'): propsets=obj.propertysheets.values() obsheets=obj.propertysheets else: davprops=DAVProps(obj) propsets=(davprops,) obsheets={'DAV:': davprops} if self.allprop: stats=[] for ps in propsets: if hasattr(aq_base(ps), 'dav__allprop'): stats.append(ps.dav__allprop()) stats=''.join(stats) or '<d:status>200 OK</d:status>\n' result.write(stats) elif self.propname: stats=[] for ps in propsets: if hasattr(aq_base(ps), 'dav__propnames'): stats.append(ps.dav__propnames()) stats=''.join(stats) or '<d:status>200 OK</d:status>\n' result.write(stats) elif self.propnames: rdict={} for name, ns in self.propnames: ps=obsheets.get(ns, None) if ps is not None and hasattr(aq_base(ps), 'dav__propstat'): stat=ps.dav__propstat(name, rdict) else: prop='<n:%s xmlns:n="%s"/>' % (name, ns) code='404 Not Found' if not rdict.has_key(code): rdict[code]=[prop] else: rdict[code].append(prop) keys=rdict.keys() keys.sort() for key in keys: result.write('<d:propstat>\n' \ ' <d:prop>\n' \ ) map(result.write, rdict[key]) result.write(' </d:prop>\n' \ ' <d:status>HTTP/1.1 %s</d:status>\n' \ '</d:propstat>\n' % key ) else: raise BadRequest, 'Invalid request' result.write('</d:response>\n') if depth in ('1', 'infinity') and iscol: for ob in obj.listDAVObjects(): if hasattr(ob,"meta_type"): if ob.meta_type=="Broken Because Product is Gone": continue dflag=hasattr(ob, '_p_changed') and (ob._p_changed == None) if hasattr(ob, '__locknull_resource__'): # Do nothing, a null resource shouldn't show up to DAV if dflag: ob._p_deactivate() elif hasattr(ob, '__dav_resource__'): uri = urljoin(url, absattr(ob.getId())) depth = depth=='infinity' and depth or 0 self.apply(ob, uri, depth, result, top=0) if dflag: ob._p_deactivate() if not top: return result result.write('</d:multistatus>') return result.getvalue()