Пример #1
class CommitQueueFeeder(AbstractFeeder):
    queue_name = "commit-queue"

    def __init__(self, tool):
        AbstractFeeder.__init__(self, tool)
        self.committer_validator = CommitterValidator(self._tool)

    def feed(self):
        patches = self._validate_patches()
        patches = self._patches_with_acceptable_review_flag(patches)
        patches = sorted(patches, self._patch_cmp)

        high_priority_item_ids = [patch.id() for patch in patches if patch.is_rollout()]
        item_ids = [patch.id() for patch in patches if not patch.is_rollout()]

        _log.info("Feeding %s high priority items %s, regular items %s" % (self.queue_name, high_priority_item_ids, item_ids))
        self._tool.status_server.update_work_items(self.queue_name, high_priority_item_ids, item_ids)

    def _patches_for_bug(self, bug_id):
        return self._tool.bugs.fetch_bug(bug_id).commit_queued_patches(include_invalid=True)

    # Filters out patches with r? or r-, only r+ or no review are OK to land.
    def _patches_with_acceptable_review_flag(self, patches):
        return [patch for patch in patches if patch.review() in [None, '+']]

    def _validate_patches(self):
        # Not using BugzillaQueries.fetch_patches_from_commit_queue() so we can reject patches with invalid committers/reviewers.
        bug_ids = self._tool.bugs.queries.fetch_bug_ids_from_commit_queue()
        all_patches = sum([self._patches_for_bug(bug_id) for bug_id in bug_ids], [])
        return self.committer_validator.patches_after_rejecting_invalid_commiters_and_reviewers(all_patches)

    def _patch_cmp(self, a, b):
        return cmp(a.attach_date(), b.attach_date())
Пример #2
class CommitQueueFeeder(AbstractFeeder):
    queue_name = "commit-queue"

    def __init__(self, tool):
        AbstractFeeder.__init__(self, tool)
        self.committer_validator = CommitterValidator(self._tool.bugs)

    def _update_work_items(self, item_ids):
        # FIXME: This is the last use of update_work_items, the commit-queue
        # should move to feeding patches one at a time like the EWS does.
        self._tool.status_server.update_work_items(self.queue_name, item_ids)
        log("Feeding %s items %s" % (self.queue_name, item_ids))

    def feed(self):
        patches = self._validate_patches()
        patches = sorted(patches, self._patch_cmp)
        patch_ids = [patch.id() for patch in patches]

    def _patches_for_bug(self, bug_id):
        return self._tool.bugs.fetch_bug(bug_id).commit_queued_patches(include_invalid=True)

    def _validate_patches(self):
        # Not using BugzillaQueries.fetch_patches_from_commit_queue() so we can reject patches with invalid committers/reviewers.
        bug_ids = self._tool.bugs.queries.fetch_bug_ids_from_commit_queue()
        all_patches = sum([self._patches_for_bug(bug_id) for bug_id in bug_ids], [])
        return self.committer_validator.patches_after_rejecting_invalid_commiters_and_reviewers(all_patches)

    def _patch_cmp(self, a, b):
        # Sort first by is_rollout, then by attach_date.
        # Reversing the order so that is_rollout is first.
        rollout_cmp = cmp(b.is_rollout(), a.is_rollout())
        if rollout_cmp != 0:
            return rollout_cmp
        return cmp(a.attach_date(), b.attach_date())
Пример #3
class CommitQueueFeeder(AbstractFeeder):
    queue_name = "commit-queue"

    def __init__(self, tool):
        AbstractFeeder.__init__(self, tool)
        self.committer_validator = CommitterValidator(self._tool)

    def feed(self):
        patches = self._validate_patches()
        patches = self._patches_with_acceptable_review_flag(patches)
        patches = sorted(patches, key=lambda patch: patch.attach_date() or 0)

        high_priority_item_ids = [patch.id() for patch in patches if patch.is_rollout()]
        item_ids = [patch.id() for patch in patches if not patch.is_rollout()]

        _log.info("Feeding %s high priority items %s, regular items %s" % (self.queue_name, high_priority_item_ids, item_ids))
        self._tool.status_server.update_work_items(self.queue_name, high_priority_item_ids, item_ids)

    def _patches_for_bug(self, bug_id):
        return self._tool.bugs.fetch_bug(bug_id).commit_queued_patches(include_invalid=True)

    # Filters out patches with r? or r-, only r+ or no review are OK to land.
    def _patches_with_acceptable_review_flag(self, patches):
        return [patch for patch in patches if patch.review() in [None, '+']]

    def _validate_patches(self):
        # Not using BugzillaQueries.fetch_patches_from_commit_queue() so we can reject patches with invalid committers/reviewers.
        bug_ids = self._tool.bugs.queries.fetch_bug_ids_from_commit_queue()
        all_patches = sum([self._patches_for_bug(bug_id) for bug_id in bug_ids], [])
        return self.committer_validator.patches_after_rejecting_invalid_commiters_and_reviewers(all_patches)
Пример #4
class CommitQueueFeeder(AbstractFeeder):
    queue_name = "commit-queue"

    def __init__(self, tool):
        AbstractFeeder.__init__(self, tool)
        self.committer_validator = CommitterValidator(self._tool)

    def _update_work_items(self, item_ids):
        # FIXME: This is the last use of update_work_items, the commit-queue
        # should move to feeding patches one at a time like the EWS does.
        self._tool.status_server.update_work_items(self.queue_name, item_ids)
        _log.info("Feeding %s items %s" % (self.queue_name, item_ids))

    def feed(self):
        patches = self._validate_patches()
        patches = self._patches_with_acceptable_review_flag(patches)
        patches = sorted(patches, self._patch_cmp)
        patch_ids = [patch.id() for patch in patches]

    def _patches_for_bug(self, bug_id):
        return self._tool.bugs.fetch_bug(bug_id).commit_queued_patches(

    # Filters out patches with r? or r-, only r+ or no review are OK to land.
    def _patches_with_acceptable_review_flag(self, patches):
        return [patch for patch in patches if patch.review() in [None, '+']]

    def _validate_patches(self):
        # Not using BugzillaQueries.fetch_patches_from_commit_queue() so we can reject patches with invalid committers/reviewers.
        bug_ids = self._tool.bugs.queries.fetch_bug_ids_from_commit_queue()
        all_patches = sum(
            [self._patches_for_bug(bug_id) for bug_id in bug_ids], [])
        return self.committer_validator.patches_after_rejecting_invalid_commiters_and_reviewers(

    def _patch_cmp(self, a, b):
        # Sort first by is_rollout, then by attach_date.
        # Reversing the order so that is_rollout is first.
        rollout_cmp = cmp(b.is_rollout(), a.is_rollout())
        if rollout_cmp != 0:
            return rollout_cmp
        return cmp(a.attach_date(), b.attach_date())