Пример #1
def update_project():
    Update Django project's files  on the remote host.
    It works by syncing contents of the project dir on the local machine
    with the corresponding one on the remote staging/production server(s).
    Therefore, to deploy a given version of the Django project, all you need 
    to do is to checkout the chosen version on the local machine before starting
    the deploy process.
    Notice that you can prevent some files from being synced to the server via the
    ``RSYNC_EXCLUDE`` config option.
    require('project_root', provided_by=('staging', 'production'))
    if env.environment == 'production':
        if not console.confirm(
                'Are you sure you want to deploy to the production server(s)?',
            abort('Production deployment aborted.')
    with hide('commands'):
        fastprint("Updating Django project files..." % env, show_prefix=True)
        # defaults rsync options:
        # -pthrvz
        # -p preserve permissions
        # -t preserve times
        # -h output numbers in a human-readable format
        # -r recurse into directories
        # -v increase verbosity
        # -z compress file data during the transfer
        extra_opts = '--omit-dir-times'
            local_dir=env.local_project_root + os.path.sep,
        fastprint(" done." % env, end='\n')
        fastprint("Updating settings & URLconfs modules..." % env,
        with lcd(os.path.join(env.local_project_root, env.project)):
            with cd(os.path.join(env.project_root, env.project)):
                # update Django settings module
                settings_file = 'settings_%(environment)s.py' % env
                put(settings_file, settings_file, mode=0644)
                # update Django main URLconf module
                urls_file = 'urls_%(environment)s.py' % env
                put(urls_file, urls_file, mode=0644)
        fastprint(" done." % env, end='\n')
        ##        fastprint("Updating WSGI script..." % env, show_prefix=True)
        ##        with lcd(os.path.join(env.local_repo_root, env.project)):
        ##            with cd(os.path.join(env.domain_root, 'private')):
        ##                source = '%(environment)s.wsgi' % env
        ##                dest = 'django.wsgi'
        ##                put(source, dest, mode=0644)
        fastprint(" done." % env, end='\n')
    # trigger code reloading
Пример #2
def update_project():
    Update Django project's files  on the remote host.
    It works by syncing contents of the project dir on the local machine
    with the corresponding one on the remote staging/production server(s).
    Therefore, to deploy a given version of the Django project, all you need 
    to do is to checkout the chosen version on the local machine before starting
    the deploy process.
    Notice that you can prevent some files from being synced to the server via the
    ``RSYNC_EXCLUDE`` config option.
    require('project_root', provided_by=('staging', 'production'))
    if env.environment == 'production':
        if not console.confirm('Are you sure you want to deploy to the production server(s)?',
            abort('Production deployment aborted.')
    with hide('commands'):         
        fastprint("Updating Django project files..." % env, show_prefix=True)
        # defaults rsync options:
        # -pthrvz
        # -p preserve permissions
        # -t preserve times
        # -h output numbers in a human-readable format
        # -r recurse into directories
        # -v increase verbosity
        # -z compress file data during the transfer
        extra_opts = '--omit-dir-times'
            remote_dir = env.project_root,
            local_dir = env.local_project_root + os.path.sep,
        fastprint(" done." % env, end='\n')
        fastprint("Updating settings & URLconfs modules..." % env, show_prefix=True)
        with lcd(os.path.join(env.local_project_root, env.project)):
            with cd(os.path.join(env.project_root, env.project)):
                # update Django settings module
                settings_file = 'settings_%(environment)s.py' % env
                put(settings_file, settings_file, mode=0644)
                # update Django main URLconf module
                urls_file = 'urls_%(environment)s.py' % env        
                put(urls_file, urls_file, mode=0644)
        fastprint(" done." % env, end='\n')
##        fastprint("Updating WSGI script..." % env, show_prefix=True)
##        with lcd(os.path.join(env.local_repo_root, env.project)):
##            with cd(os.path.join(env.domain_root, 'private')):
##                source = '%(environment)s.wsgi' % env
##                dest = 'django.wsgi'
##                put(source, dest, mode=0644)
        fastprint(" done." % env, end='\n')
    # trigger code reloading
Пример #3
def update():
    """Transfer application code to remote host"""
    require('project_root', 'code_root', provided_by=('staging', 'production'))
    if env.environment == 'production':
        if not console.confirm(
                'Are you sure you want to deploy to the production server(s)?',
            utils.abort('Production deployment aborted.')
    # defaults rsync options:
    # -pthrvz
    # -p preserve permissions
    # -t preserve times
    # -h output numbers in a human-readable format
    # -r recurse into directories
    # -v increase verbosity
    # -z compress file data during the transfer
    extra_opts = '--omit-dir-times'
        local_dir=env.local_project_root + os.path.sep,

    with lcd(os.path.join(env.local_project_root, env.project)):
        with cd(env.code_root):
            # update Django settings module
            settings_file = 'settings_%(environment)s.py' % env
            put(settings_file, settings_file, mode=0644)
            # update Django main URLconf module
            urls_file = 'urls_%(environment)s.py' % env
            put(urls_file, urls_file, mode=0644)

    with lcd(os.path.join(env.local_project_root, 'apache')):
        with cd(os.path.join(env.project_root, 'apache')):
            source = '%(environment)s.wsgi' % env
            dest = 'django.wsgi'
            put(source, dest, mode=0644)

            source = 'httpd.conf.%(environment)s' % env
            dest = 'httpd.conf'
            put(source, dest, mode=0644)

            source = 'vhost.conf.%(environment)s' % env
            dest = 'vhost.conf'
            put(source, dest, mode=0644)

    with cd(env.code_root):
        sudo('chmod g+w .')

    # fixtures are copied from test_data into initial_data,
    # so that they are automatically imported by the syncdb command
    # add applications containing fixtures as needed to the list below
    apps_list = ('users', 'people', 'acts', 'votations', 'taxonomy',
    for app in apps_list:
        with lcd(
                os.path.join(env.local_project_root, 'open_municipio', app,
            with cd(
                    os.path.join(env.project_root, 'open_municipio', app,
                put('test_data.json', 'initial_data.json', mode=0644)

    # copy fixtures specific for the staging/production enviroment
    apps_list = ('om', )
    for app in apps_list:
        with lcd(
                os.path.join(env.local_project_root, 'open_municipio', app,
            with cd(
                    os.path.join(env.project_root, 'open_municipio', app,
                put('test_data_%(environment)s.json' % env,

    # trigger code reloading
Пример #4
def update():
    """Transfer application code to remote host"""
    require('project_root', 'code_root', provided_by=('staging', 'production'))
    if env.environment == 'production':
        if not console.confirm('Are you sure you want to deploy to the production server(s)?',
            utils.abort('Production deployment aborted.')
    # defaults rsync options:
    # -pthrvz
    # -p preserve permissions
    # -t preserve times
    # -h output numbers in a human-readable format
    # -r recurse into directories
    # -v increase verbosity
    # -z compress file data during the transfer
    extra_opts = '--omit-dir-times'
        remote_dir = env.project_root,
        local_dir = env.local_project_root + os.path.sep,
    with lcd(os.path.join(env.local_project_root, env.project)):
        with cd(env.code_root):
            # update Django settings module
            settings_file = 'settings_%(environment)s.py' % env
            put(settings_file, settings_file, mode=0644)
            # update Django main URLconf module
            urls_file = 'urls_%(environment)s.py' % env        
            put(urls_file, urls_file, mode=0644)

    with lcd(os.path.join(env.local_project_root, 'apache')):
        with cd(os.path.join(env.project_root, 'apache')):
            source = '%(environment)s.wsgi' % env
            dest = 'django.wsgi'
            put(source, dest, mode=0644)

            source = 'httpd.conf.%(environment)s' % env
            dest = 'httpd.conf'
            put(source, dest, mode=0644)

            source = 'vhost.conf.%(environment)s' % env
            dest = 'vhost.conf'
            put(source, dest, mode=0644)

    with cd(env.code_root):
        sudo('chmod g+w .')

    # fixtures are copied from test_data into initial_data,
    # so that they are automatically imported by the syncdb command
    # add applications containing fixtures as needed to the list below
    apps_list = ('users', 'people', 'acts', 'votations', 'taxonomy', 'newscache')
    for app in apps_list:
        with lcd(os.path.join(env.local_project_root, 'open_municipio', app, 'fixtures')):
            with cd(os.path.join(env.project_root, 'open_municipio', app, 'fixtures')):
                put('test_data.json', 'initial_data.json', mode=0644)

    # copy fixtures specific for the staging/production enviroment
    apps_list = ('om',)
    for app in apps_list:
        with lcd(os.path.join(env.local_project_root, 'open_municipio', app, 'fixtures')):
            with cd(os.path.join(env.project_root, 'open_municipio', app, 'fixtures')):
                put('test_data_%(environment)s.json' % env, 'initial_data.json', mode=0644)

    # trigger code reloading