Пример #1
def getMatches(query):
    username_match_ids = []
    name_match_ids = []
    # This is required since we are not pushing data to trinity until we have a resume
    # TODO: Push Name + Social Details as plain text, even if there is no resume.
    # This is also required for better RELEVANCE
    if not re.match("((^.*[\s]+(and|not)[\s]+.*$)|(^.*?[\(\)]+.*$))", query, re.IGNORECASE):
        keyword_list = re.compile("[,\s]+").split(query)
        username_matches = models.User.objects.filter(
            account__username=keyword_list[0], account__account_state="A"
        name_matches = models.User.objects.filter(name__icontains=keyword_list[0], account__account_state="A").values(

        username_match_ids = [dict.values()[0] for dict in username_matches]
        name_match_ids = [dict.values()[0] for dict in name_matches]

    # limit name matches to 5
    name_match_ids = name_match_ids[:5]

    # resume-search on TRINITY
    resume_match_ids = []
    query = replaceSpecialKeyWords(query)
    data = trinity_client.getQueryResults(
        "filecontents:(" + query + ')<queryParams><sort field="last_access_time" order="DESC" /></queryParams>',
    if data:
        fts_reply = data.split(",")
        resume_match_ids = map(lambda s: string.atoi(s), fts_reply)

    return dataplus.getMergedList(username_match_ids, name_match_ids, resume_match_ids)[:200]
Пример #2
def getMatches(keywords):    
    jobids = []
    data = trinity_client.getQueryResults('job_search', 'filecontents:(' + keywords + ')<queryParams><sort field="last_updated_on" order="DESC" /></queryParams>')
    if data:
        js_reply = data.split(',')
        jobids += map(lambda s:string.atoi(s), js_reply)

    return jobids
Пример #3
def getMatchesEx(query):
    # resume-search on TRINITY
    resume_match_ids = []
    query = replaceSpecialKeyWords(query)
    data = trinity_client.getQueryResults(
        "resume_search", query + '<queryParams><sort field="resume_update_time" order="DESC" /></queryParams>'
    if data:
        fts_reply = data.split(",")
        resume_match_ids = map(lambda s: string.atoi(s), fts_reply)

    return resume_match_ids