def convergence_plot_layout(figure: go.Figure) -> wcc.Graph: return wcc.Graph( config={"displayModeBar": False}, style={"height": "86vh"}, figure=figure, )
wcc.Graph( id="example-graph", figure={ "data": [ { "x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [4, 1, 2], "type": "bar", "name": "a", }, { "x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [2, 4, 5], "type": "bar", "name": "b", }, { "x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [1, 4, 5], "type": "bar", "name": "c", }, { "x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [2, 3, 5], "type": "bar", "name": "d", }, { "x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [2, 2, 5], "type": "bar", "name": "e", }, { "x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [2, 4, 6], "type": "bar", "name": "f", }, { "x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [2, 4, 1], "type": "bar", "name": "g", }, ], "layout": { "title": "Dash Data Visualization", "height": 1200 }, }, ),
def _render_chart( tornado_click_data_str: Union[str, None], high_low_storage: dict, plot_type: str, ensemble: str, response: str, source: str, *filters: Union[str, List[str]], ) -> Tuple[Union[wcc.Graph, html.Div], str]: if dash.callback_context.triggered is None: raise PreventUpdate tornado_click: Union[dict, None] = ( json.loads(tornado_click_data_str) if tornado_click_data_str else None ) ctx = dash.callback_context.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0] if tornado_click: if ( high_low_storage is not None and ctx == self.tornadoplot.high_low_storage_id ): # Tornado plot is updated without a click in the plot, updating reals: if tornado_click["sens_name"] in high_low_storage: tornado_click["real_low"] = high_low_storage[ tornado_click["sens_name"] ].get("real_low") tornado_click["real_high"] = high_low_storage[ tornado_click["sens_name"] ].get("real_high") else: # fallback in a case where chosen sens_name does not exist in updated # tornado plot. # (can this ever occur except when sens_name already is None?) tornado_click["sens_name"] = None tornado_click["real_low"] = [] tornado_click["real_high"] = [] # Filter data data = filter_dataframe( self.volumes, self.selectors, ensemble, source, filters ) # Volume title: volume_title = f"{volume_description(response)} [{volume_unit(response)}]" # Make Plotly figure layout = {} layout.update({"height": 600, "margin": {"l": 100, "b": 100}}) if plot_type == "Per realization": # One bar per realization layout.update( { "xaxis": {"title": "Realizations"}, "yaxis": {"title": volume_title}, } ) plot_data = data.groupby("REAL").sum().reset_index() if tornado_click: figure_data = [ { "y": plot_data[ plot_data["REAL"].isin(tornado_click["real_low"]) ][response], "x": plot_data[ plot_data["REAL"].isin(tornado_click["real_low"]) ]["REAL"], "tickformat": ".4s", "type": "bar", "showlegend": False, "name": "", }, { "y": plot_data[ plot_data["REAL"].isin(tornado_click["real_high"]) ][response], "x": plot_data[ plot_data["REAL"].isin(tornado_click["real_high"]) ]["REAL"], "tickformat": ".4s", "type": "bar", "showlegend": False, "name": "", }, { "y": plot_data[ ~plot_data["REAL"].isin( tornado_click["real_low"] + tornado_click["real_high"] ) ][response], "x": plot_data[ ~plot_data["REAL"].isin( tornado_click["real_low"] + tornado_click["real_high"] ) ]["REAL"], "tickformat": ".4s", "type": "bar", "marker": {"color": "grey"}, "showlegend": False, "name": "", }, ] else: figure_data = [ { "y": plot_data[response], "x": plot_data["REAL"], "tickformat": ".4s", "type": "bar", "marker": {"color": "grey"}, }, ] figure = wcc.Graph( config={"displayModeBar": False}, id=self.uuid("graph"), figure={ "data": figure_data, "layout": self.theme.create_themed_layout(layout), }, ) elif plot_type == "Per sensitivity case": # One box per sensitivity name layout.update( { "title": "Distribution for each sensitivity case", "yaxis": {"title": volume_title}, } ) figure = wcc.Graph( config={"displayModeBar": False}, id=self.uuid("graph"), figure={ "data": [ { "y": senscase_df.groupby("REAL") .sum() .reset_index()[response], "name": f"{sensname} ({senscase})", "type": "box", } for sensname, sensname_df in data.groupby(["SENSNAME"]) for senscase, senscase_df in sensname_df.groupby( ["SENSCASE"] ) ], "layout": self.theme.create_themed_layout(layout), }, ) elif plot_type == "Per sensitivity name": # One box per sensitivity name layout.update( { "title": "Distribution for each sensitivity name", "yaxis": {"title": volume_title}, } ) figure = wcc.Graph( config={"displayModeBar": False}, id=self.uuid("graph"), figure={ "data": [ { "y": sensname_df.groupby("REAL") .sum() .reset_index()[response], "name": f"{sensname}", "type": "box", } for sensname, sensname_df in data.groupby(["SENSNAME"]) ], "layout": self.theme.create_themed_layout(layout), }, ) else: # Should not occur unless plot_type options are changed figure = html.Div("Invalid plot type") return figure, volume_title
def _update_graph( ensembles: List[str], checklist_values: List[List[str]], sumvec: str, prod_after_date: Union[str, None], chart_selected: str, wells_selected: List[str], well_attr_selected: List[str], checklist_ids: List[Dict[str, str]], well_attr_ids: List[Dict[str, str]], current_fig_dict: dict, ) -> List[wcc.Graph]: # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """Updates the well overview graph with selected input (f.ex chart type)""" ctx = callback_context.triggered[0]["prop_id"].split(".")[0] settings = { checklist_id["charttype"]: checklist_values[i] for i, checklist_id in enumerate(checklist_ids) } well_attributes_selected: Dict[str, List[str]] = { well_attr_id["category"]: list(well_attr_selected[i]) for i, well_attr_id in enumerate(well_attr_ids) } # Make set of wells that match the well_attributes # Well attributes that does not exist in one ensemble will be ignored wellattr_filtered_wells: Set[str] = set() for _, ens_data_model in data_models.items(): wellattr_filtered_wells = wellattr_filtered_wells.union( ens_data_model.filter_on_well_attributes( well_attributes_selected)) # Take the intersection with wells_selected. # this way preserves the order in wells_selected and will not have duplicates filtered_wells = [ well for well in wells_selected if well in wellattr_filtered_wells ] # If the event is a plot settings event, then we only update the formatting # and not the figure data chart_selected_type = ChartType(chart_selected) if current_fig_dict is not None and is_plot_settings_event( ctx, get_uuid): fig_dict = format_well_overview_figure( go.Figure(current_fig_dict), chart_selected_type, settings[chart_selected_type.value], sumvec, prod_after_date, ) else: figure = WellOverviewFigure( ensembles, data_models, sumvec, datetime.datetime.strptime(prod_after_date, "%Y-%m-%d") if prod_after_date is not None else None, chart_selected_type, filtered_wells, theme, ) fig_dict = format_well_overview_figure( figure.figure, chart_selected_type, settings[chart_selected_type.value], sumvec, prod_after_date, ) return [ wcc.Graph( id=get_uuid(WellOverviewLayoutElements.GRAPH), style={"height": "87vh"}, figure=fig_dict, ) ]
def layout(self): return wcc.FlexBox( id=self.uuid("layout"), children=[ html.Div( style={"flex": 1}, children=[ html.Label(children=[ html.Span( "Ensemble:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}, ), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("ensemble"), options=[{ "label": i, "value": i } for i in self.ensembles], value=self.ensembles[0], multi=False, ), ], ), html.Label(children=[ html.Span("Plot type:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("plot_type"), options=[{ "label": i, "value": i } for i in [ "Fan chart", "Bar chart", "Line chart", ]], clearable=False, value="Fan chart", ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("select_stat"), style={"display": "none"}, children=[ html.Span("Select statistics:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), wcc.Select( id=self.uuid("stat_bars"), options=[{ "label": key, "value": value } for key, value in self.label_map.items() ], size=8, value=["count", "low_p90", "p50"], ), ], ), html.Label(children=[ html.Span("Sort by:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("sort_by"), options=[{ "label": key, "value": value } for key, value in self.label_map.items()], clearable=False, value="low_p90", ), ], ), dcc.RadioItems( id=self.uuid("ascending"), options=[ { "label": "Ascending", "value": True }, { "label": "Descending", "value": False }, ], value=True, labelStyle={"display": "inline-block"}, ), html.Label(children=[ html.Span( "Max number of wells in plot:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}, ), dcc.Slider( id=self.uuid("n_wells"), min=1, max=len(self.wells), value=min(10, len(self.wells)), marks={ 1: 1, len(self.wells): len(self.wells) }, ), ]), html.Label(children=[ html.Span("Wells:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), wcc.Select( id=self.uuid("wells"), options=[{ "label": i, "value": i } for i in self.wells], size=min([len(self.wells), 20]), value=self.wells, ), ], ), ], ), html.Div( style={"flex": 3}, children=[ html.Div( # style={"height": "300px"}, children=wcc.Graph(id=self.uuid("graph")), ), ], ), ], )
def grid_layout(self): """Layout for color and other settings""" return html.Div(children=[ html.Div( style=self.set_grid_layout("3fr 2fr"), children=[ html.Div(children=[ html.Label( style={ "font-weight": "bold", "textAlign": "center", }, children="Select grid parameter", ), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.ids("gridparameter"), options=[{ "label": name, "value": para } for name, para in zip(self.gridparanames, self.gridparafiles)], value=self.gridparafiles[0], clearable=False, ), ]), html.Div( style={"zIndex": 2000}, children=[ html.Label( style={ "font-weight": "bold", "textAlign": "center", }, children="Set colorscale", ), wcc.ColorScales( id=self.ids("color-scale"), colorscale=self.initial_colors, nSwatches=12, ), ], ), html.Div( style={ "marginRight": "50px", "marginTop": "20px", "marginLeft": "50px", "marginBottom": "0px", }, children=[ html.Label( style={ "font-weight": "bold", "textAlign": "center", }, children="Set color range", ), dcc.RangeSlider( id=self.ids("color-values"), tooltip={"always_visible": True}, ), ], ), html.Button(id=self.ids("color-range-btn"), children="Reset Range"), ], ), html.Div( style={"height": "800px"}, children=wcc.Graph(config={"displayModeBar": False}, id=self.ids("fence-view")), ), ])
def seismic_layout(self): """Layout for color and other settings""" return html.Div(children=[ wcc.FlexBox(children=[ html.Div(children=[ html.Label( style={ "font-weight": "bold", "textAlign": "center", }, children="Select seismic cube", ), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.ids("cube"), options=[{ "label": Path(cube).stem, "value": cube } for cube in self.segyfiles], value=self.segyfiles[0], clearable=False, ), ]), html.Div( style={"zIndex": 2000}, children=[ html.Label( style={ "font-weight": "bold", "textAlign": "center", }, children="Set colorscale", ), wcc.ColorScales( id=self.ids("color-scale"), colorscale=self.initial_colors, nSwatches=12, ), ], ), ]), wcc.FlexBox(children=[ html.Div( style={ "marginRight": "50px", "marginTop": "20px", "marginBottom": "0px", "flex": 1, }, children=[ html.Label( style={ "font-weight": "bold", "textAlign": "center", }, children="Set color range", ), dcc.RangeSlider( id=self.ids("color-values"), tooltip={"always_visible": True}, ), ], ), html.Div( style={"flex": 1}, children=html.Button(id=self.ids("color-range-btn"), children="Reset Range"), ), ], ), html.Div( style={"height": "800px"}, children=wcc.Graph(config={"displayModeBar": False}, id=self.ids("fence-view")), ), ])
def intersection_and_map_layout(get_uuid: Callable) -> html.Div: """Layout for the intersection graph and maps""" return html.Div(children=[ wcc.Frame( highlight=False, color="white", children=[ wcc.Graph( style={ "height": "48vh", "background-color": "white" }, id=get_uuid("intersection-graph"), ), ], ), wcc.Frame( id=get_uuid("maps-and-uncertainty-table-wrapper"), highlight=False, color="white", children=[ wcc.FlexBox( style={ "height": "40vh", "display": "flex" }, id=get_uuid("all-maps-wrapper"), children=[ html.Div( style={"flex": 1}, id=get_uuid("map-wrapper"), children=map_layout( uuid=get_uuid("map"), leaflet_id=get_uuid("leaflet-map1"), synced_uuids=[ get_uuid("leaflet-map2"), get_uuid("leaflet-map3"), ], draw_polyline=True, ), ), html.Div( style={"flex": 1}, children=map_layout( uuid=get_uuid("map2"), leaflet_id=get_uuid("leaflet-map2"), synced_uuids=[ get_uuid("leaflet-map1"), get_uuid("leaflet-map3"), ], ), ), html.Div( style={"flex": 1}, children=map_layout( uuid=get_uuid("map3"), leaflet_id=get_uuid("leaflet-map3"), synced_uuids=[ get_uuid("leaflet-map1"), get_uuid("leaflet-map2"), ], ), ), ], ), ], ), ], )
def layout(self) -> wcc.FlexBox: return wcc.FlexBox( id=self.uuid("layout"), children=[ html.Div( id=self.uuid("filters"), style={"flex": "1"}, children=[ html.Label( id=self.uuid("color_by_selector"), children=[ html.Span("Color by:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("color_by"), clearable=False, options=[{ "label": i.lower().capitalize(), "value": i, } for i in self.color_options], value=self.color_options[0], persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("ensemble_selector"), children=[ html.Span("Ensembles:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("ensemble"), clearable=False, multi=True, options=[{ "label": i, "value": i } for i in self.ensembles], value=self.ensembles, persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("phase_selector"), children=[ html.Span( "Phase:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}, ), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("phase"), clearable=False, options=[{ "label": f"{value.lower().capitalize()} ({info})", "value": value, } for value, info in self.phases.items()], multi=False, value=list(self.phases.keys())[0], persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("pvtnum_selector"), children=[ html.Span("Pvtnum:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("pvtnum"), clearable=False, multi=False, options=[{ "label": i, "value": i } for i in self.pvtnums], value=self.pvtnums[0], persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), ], ), html.Div( id=self.uuid("graphs"), style={"flex": "4"}, children=wcc.Graph(id=self.uuid("graph")), ), dcc.Store(id=self.uuid("init_callback"), storage_type="session", data=True), ], )
def parameter_response_view( get_uuid: Callable, parametermodel: ParametersModel, vectormodel: SimulationTimeSeriesModel, theme: WebvizConfigTheme, ) -> wcc.FlexBox: df = parametermodel.dataframe parameter_filter = ParameterFilter( uuid=get_uuid("parameter-filter"), dframe=df[df["ENSEMBLE"].isin(parametermodel.mc_ensembles)].copy(), reset_on_ensemble_update=True, ) return wcc.FlexBox( children=[ wcc.FlexColumn( flex=1, children=selector_view( get_uuid=get_uuid, parametermodel=parametermodel, vectormodel=vectormodel, theme=theme, ), ), wcc.FlexColumn( flex=4, children=wcc.FlexBox( children=[ wcc.FlexColumn( flex=2, children=[ wcc.Frame( style={"height": "38.5vh"}, color="white", highlight=False, children=timeseries_view(get_uuid=get_uuid), ), wcc.Frame( style={"height": "38.5vh"}, color="white", highlight=False, children=[ wcc.Graph( id=get_uuid("vector-vs-param-scatter"), config={"displayModeBar": False}, style={"height": "38vh"}, ) ], ), ], ), wcc.FlexColumn( flex=2, children=[ wcc.Frame( color="white", highlight=False, style={"height": "38.5vh"}, children=[ wcc.Graph( config={"displayModeBar": False}, style={"height": "38vh"}, id=get_uuid("vector-corr-graph"), ), ], ), wcc.Frame( color="white", highlight=False, style={"height": "38.5vh"}, children=[ wcc.Graph( config={"displayModeBar": False}, style={"height": "38vh"}, id=get_uuid("param-corr-graph"), ), ], ), ], ), wcc.FlexColumn( id=get_uuid("param-filter-wrapper"), style={"display": "none"}, flex=1, children=wcc.Frame( style={"height": "80vh"}, children=parameter_filter.layout, ), ), ], ), ), ], )
def layout(self): return wcc.FlexBox( id=self.ids("layout"), children=[ wcc.Frame( style={"flex": 1}, children=[ wcc.Selectors( label="Map settings", children=[ wcc.Dropdown( id=self.ids("surface"), label="Select surface", options=[{ "label": name, "value": path } for name, path in zip( self.surfacenames, self.surfacefiles)], value=self.surfacefiles[0], clearable=False, ), wcc.RadioItems( id=self.ids("surface-type"), options=[ { "label": "Display surface z-value", "value": "surface", }, { "label": "Display seismic attribute as z-value", "value": "attribute", }, ], value="surface", ), ], ), wcc.Selectors( label="Intersection settings", children=[ wcc.Dropdown( label="Select grid parameter", id=self.ids("gridparameter"), options=[{ "label": name, "value": para } for name, para in zip( self.gridparanames, self.gridparafiles) ], value=self.gridparafiles[0], clearable=False, ), wcc.Label(children="Set colorscale", ), wcc.ColorScales( id=self.ids("color-scale"), colorscale=self.initial_colors, nSwatches=12, ), wcc.RangeSlider( label="Set color range", id=self.ids("color-values"), tooltip={"always_visible": False}, ), html.Button( id=self.ids("color-range-btn"), children="Reset Range", ), ], ), ], ), wcc.Frame( highlight=False, style={ "height": "800px", "flex": 3, }, children=[ LeafletMap( id=self.ids("map-view"), autoScaleMap=True, minZoom=-19, updateMode="update", layers=[], drawTools={ "drawMarker": False, "drawPolygon": False, "drawPolyline": True, "position": "topright", }, mouseCoords={"position": "bottomright"}, colorBar={"position": "bottomleft"}, switch={ "value": False, "disabled": False, "label": "Hillshading", }, ), ], ), html.Div( style={ "flex": 3, "height": "800px" }, children=[ wcc.Graph(config={"displayModeBar": False}, id=self.ids("fence-view")), ], ), ], )
def layout(self) -> html.Div: return html.Div( style={ "marginLeft": "10px", "height": "90vh" }, children=[ html.Div(children=[ html.Label( "Tornado Plot", style={ "textAlign": "center", "font-weight": "bold", }, ), wcc.RadioItems( vertical=False, id=self.ids("plot-or-table"), options=[ { "label": "Show bars", "value": "bars" }, { "label": "Show table", "value": "table", }, ], value="bars", ), ], ), html.Div( style={ "overflowY": "auto", "height": "60vh" }, children=[ html.Div( id=self.ids("graph-wrapper"), style={}, children=wcc.Graph( id=self.ids("tornado-graph"), config={"displayModeBar": False}, ), ), html.Div( id=self.ids("table-wrapper"), style={"display": "none"}, children=dash_table.DataTable( id=self.ids("tornado-table"), style_cell={ "whiteSpace": "normal", "height": "auto", }, ), ), ], ), html.Hr(style={"marginTop": "10px"}), self.settings_layout, dcc.Store(id=self.ids("storage"), storage_type="session"), dcc.Store(id=self.ids("click-store"), storage_type="session"), dcc.Store(id=self.ids("high-low-storage"), storage_type="session"), dcc.Store(id=self.ids("client-height-pixels"), storage_type="session"), ], )
def layout(self): return wcc.FlexBox( id=self.uuid("layout"), children=[ # Hidden object dcc.Store(id=self.uuid("reset_flag")), # Control html.Div( id=self.uuid("control"), style={"flex": "1"}, children=[ html.Label( id=self.uuid("x_axis_selector"), style={ "display": "block" if self.plot_profile else "none" }, children=[ html.Span("X-axis", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("x_axis"), clearable=False, options=self.keywords_options, value=self.x_axis, optionHeight=60, ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("y_axis_selector"), style={ "display": "block" if self.plot_profile else "none" }, children=[ html.Span("Y-axis", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("y_axis"), multi=True, options=self.keywords_options, value=self.y_axis, optionHeight=60, ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("satnum_selector"), style={ "display": "block" if self.plot_krpc else "none" }, children=[ html.Span("SATNUM", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("satnum"), clearable=False, options=[{ "label": f"{val}", "value": val } for val in self.satnum_list], value=self.satnum_list[0], disabled=len(self.satnum_list) == 1, ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("fluid_selector"), style={ "display": "block" if self.plot_krpc else "none" }, children=[ html.Span("Type", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("type"), options=[{ "label": val, "value": val } for val in self.table_type], value=self.table_type[0], clearable=False, disabled=len(self.table_type) == 1, ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("visc1_input"), style={ "display": "block" if self.plot_krpc else "none" }, children=[ html.Span("Water/Gas Viscosity", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Input( id=self.uuid("visc1"), style={"width": "97%"}, value=1.0, type="number", debounce=True, placeholder="Water/Gas viscosity", ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("visc2_input"), style={ "display": "block" if self.plot_krpc else "none" }, children=[ html.Span("Oil Viscosity", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Input( id=self.uuid("visc2"), style={"width": "97%"}, value=1.0, type="number", debounce=True, placeholder="Oil Viscosity", ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("axis_selector"), style={ "display": "block" if self.plot_krpc else "none" }, children=[ html.Span("Rel. Perm Plot", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.RadioItems( id=self.uuid("axis"), options=[ { "label": "Linear", "value": "linear", }, { "label": "Semi-Log", "value": "log", }, ], value="linear", labelStyle={"display": "inline-block"}, ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("opacity_selector"), style={ "display": "block" if self.plot_ensembles else "none" }, children=[ html.Span("Opacity", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Slider( id=self.uuid("opacity"), min=0.0, max=1.0, value=0.3, step=0.1, marks={ val: { "label": f"{val:.1f}" } for val in [x * 0.2 for x in range(6)] }, ), ], ), html.Button("Clear selected", id=self.uuid("reset")), ], ), # Figures html.Div( id=self.uuid("plot"), style={"flex": "4"}, children=[wcc.Graph(id=self.uuid("figure"))], ), ], )
def property_delta_view(parent: "PropertyStatistics") -> wcc.FlexBox: table_surf_options = [{"label": "Table view", "value": "table"}] if parent.surface_folders is not None: table_surf_options.append({ "label": "Surface view (click on bar in chart)", "value": "surface" }) return wcc.FlexBox( style={"margin": "20px"}, children=[ html.Div(style={"flex": 1}, children=selector_view(parent=parent)), html.Div( style={ "flex": 4, "height": "80vh" }, className="framed", children=[ dcc.RadioItems( id=parent.uuid("delta-sort"), options=[ { "label": "Sort by Average", "value": "Avg" }, { "label": "Sort by Standard Deviation", "value": "Stddev" }, ], value="Avg", labelStyle={ "display": "inline-block", "margin": "5px", }, persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), wcc.Graph( id=parent.uuid("delta-bar-graph"), config={"displayModeBar": False}, style={"height": "75vh"}, ), ], ), html.Div( style={ "flex": 4, "height": "80vh" }, className="framed", children=[ dcc.RadioItems( id=parent.uuid("delta-switch-table-surface"), options=table_surf_options, value="table", labelStyle={ "display": "inline-block", "margin": "5px", }, persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), html.Div(id=parent.uuid("delta-table-surface-wrapper")), ], ), ], )
def cross_section_graph_layout(self) -> html.Div: return html.Div(children=[wcc.Graph(id=self.ids("xsec-view"), )])
def create_graph( data_frame: pd.DataFrame, color_by: str, colors: Dict[str, List[str]], phase: str, plot: str, plot_title: str, theme: dict, ) -> html.Div: return html.Div( style={ "min-width": "500px", "min-height": "400px", "text-align": "center", "padding": "2%", "flex": "1 1 46%", }, children=([ html.Span(plot_title, style={"font-weight": "bold"}), wcc.Graph( figure={ "layout": plot_layout( color_by, theme, fr"Pressure [{data_frame['PRESSURE_UNIT'].iloc[0]}]", fr"[{data_frame['VOLUMEFACTOR_UNIT'].iloc[0]}]", ), "data": create_traces( data_frame, color_by, colors, phase, "VOLUMEFACTOR", True, True, ), }), ] if plot == "fvf" else [ html.Span(plot_title, style={"font-weight": "bold"}), wcc.Graph( figure={ "layout": plot_layout( color_by, theme, fr"Pressure [{data_frame['PRESSURE_UNIT'].iloc[0]}]", fr"[{data_frame['VISCOSITY_UNIT'].iloc[0]}]", ), "data": create_traces( data_frame, color_by, colors, phase, "VISCOSITY", True, True, ), }), ] if plot == "viscosity" else [ html.Span(plot_title, style={"font-weight": "bold"}), wcc.Graph( figure={ "layout": plot_layout( color_by, theme, fr"Pressure [{data_frame['PRESSURE_UNIT'].iloc[0]}]", fr"[{data_frame['DENSITY_UNIT'].iloc[0]}]", ), "data": create_traces( data_frame, color_by, colors, phase, "DENSITY", True, True, ), }), ] if plot == "density" else [ html.Span(plot_title, style={"font-weight": "bold"}), wcc.Graph( figure={ "layout": plot_layout( color_by, theme, fr"Pressure [{data_frame['PRESSURE_UNIT'].iloc[0]}]", fr"[{data_frame['RATIO_UNIT'].iloc[0]}]", ), "data": create_traces( data_frame, color_by, colors, phase, "RATIO", False, True, True, ), }), ] if plot == "ratio" else []), )
def main_layout( get_uuid: Callable, ensemble_names: List[str], vector_selector_data: list, vector_calculator_data: list, predefined_expressions: List[ExpressionInfo], custom_vector_definitions: dict, realizations: List[int], disable_resampling_dropdown: bool, selected_resampling_frequency: Frequency, selected_visualization: VisualizationOptions, ensembles_dates: List[datetime.datetime], selected_vectors: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> html.Div: return wcc.FlexBox( id=get_uuid(LayoutElements.TOUR_STEP_MAIN_LAYOUT), children=[ # Settings layout wcc.FlexColumn( id=get_uuid(LayoutElements.TOUR_STEP_SETTINGS_LAYOUT), children=wcc.Frame( style={"height": "90vh"}, children=__settings_layout( get_uuid=get_uuid, ensembles=ensemble_names, vector_selector_data=vector_selector_data, vector_calculator_data=vector_calculator_data, predefined_expressions=predefined_expressions, custom_vector_definitions=custom_vector_definitions, realizations=realizations, disable_resampling_dropdown=disable_resampling_dropdown, selected_resampling_frequency=selected_resampling_frequency, selected_visualization=selected_visualization, selected_vectors=selected_vectors, ensembles_dates=ensembles_dates, ), ), ), # Graph layout wcc.FlexColumn( flex=4, children=[ wcc.Frame( style={"height": "90vh"}, highlight=False, color="white", children=[ wcc.Graph( style={"height": "85vh"}, id=get_uuid(LayoutElements.GRAPH), ), dcc.Store( # NOTE:Used to trigger graph update callback if data has # changed, i.e. no change of regular INPUT html-elements id=get_uuid( LayoutElements.GRAPH_DATA_HAS_CHANGED_TRIGGER ), data=0, ), ], ) ], ), ], )
def layout(self) -> wcc.FlexBox: return wcc.FlexBox( id=self.uuid("layout"), children=[ wcc.Frame( style={ "flex": 1, "height": "45vh" }, children=[ wcc.Dropdown( label="Ensemble", id=self.uuid("ensemble"), options=[{ "label": i, "value": i } for i in self.ensembles], value=self.ensembles[0], clearable=False, multi=False, ), wcc.Dropdown( label="Plot type", id=self.uuid("plot_type"), options=[{ "label": i, "value": i } for i in [ "Fan chart", "Bar chart", "Line chart", ]], clearable=False, value="Fan chart", ), html.Div( id=self.uuid("select_stat"), style={"display": "none"}, children=[ wcc.SelectWithLabel( label="Select statistics", id=self.uuid("stat_bars"), options=[{ "label": key, "value": value } for key, value in self.label_map.items() ], size=8, value=["count", "low_p90", "p50"], ), ], ), wcc.Dropdown( label="Sort by", id=self.uuid("sort_by"), options=[{ "label": key, "value": value } for key, value in self.label_map.items()], clearable=False, value="low_p90", ), wcc.RadioItems( vertical=False, id=self.uuid("ascending"), options=[ { "label": "Ascending", "value": True }, { "label": "Descending", "value": False }, ], value=True, labelStyle={"display": "inline-block"}, ), wcc.Slider( label="Max number of wells in plot", id=self.uuid("n_wells"), min=1, max=len(self.wells), step=1, value=min(10, len(self.wells)), marks={ 1: 1, len(self.wells): len(self.wells) }, ), wcc.SelectWithLabel( label="Wells", id=self.uuid("wells"), options=[{ "label": i, "value": i } for i in self.wells], size=min([len(self.wells), 20]), value=self.wells, ), ], ), wcc.Frame( color="white", highlight=False, style={ "flex": 6, "height": "45vh" }, children=[ wcc.Graph(id=self.uuid("graph")), ], ), ], )
def layout(self): return wcc.FlexBox( id=self.uuid("layout"), children=[ html.Div( id=self.uuid("filters"), style={"flex": "1"}, children=[ html.Label( id=self.uuid("sataxis_selector"), children=[ html.Span( "Saturation axis:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}, ), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("sataxis"), clearable=False, options=[ { "label": i.lower().capitalize(), "value": i, } for i in self.sat_axes ], value=self.sat_axes[0], persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("color_by_selector"), children=[ html.Span("Color by:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("color_by"), clearable=False, options=[ { "label": i.lower().capitalize(), "value": i, } for i in self.color_options ], value=self.color_options[0], persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("ensemble_selector"), children=[ dcc.Store( id=self.uuid("stored_ensemble"), storage_type="session", data={}, ), html.Span("Ensembles:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("ensemble"), clearable=False, multi=True, options=[ {"label": i, "value": i} for i in self.ensembles ], value=self.ensembles[0], persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("curve_selector"), children=[ html.Span("Curves:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("curve"), clearable=False, multi=True, persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), dcc.Store( id=self.uuid("stored_satnum"), storage_type="session", data={}, ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("satnum_selector"), children=[ html.Span("Satnum:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.uuid("satnum"), clearable=False, multi=True, options=[ {"label": i, "value": i} for i in self.satnums ], value=self.satnums[0], persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("visualization_selector"), children=[ html.Span( "Visualization:", style={"font-weight": "bold"} ), dcc.RadioItems( id=self.uuid("visualization"), options=[ { "label": "Individual realizations", "value": "realizations", }, { "label": "Statistical fanchart", "value": "statistics", }, ], value="statistics", persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), html.Label( id=self.uuid("linlog_selector"), children=[ html.Span("Y-axis:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.RadioItems( id=self.uuid("linlog"), options=[ { "label": "Linear", "value": "linear", }, { "label": "Log", "value": "log", }, ], value="linear", labelStyle={"display": "inline-block"}, persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), html.Label( style={"display": "block"} if self.scal is not None else {"display": "none"}, id=self.uuid("scal_selector"), children=[ html.Span( "SCAL recommendation:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}, ), dcc.Checklist( id=self.uuid("scal"), options=[ { "label": "Show SCAL", "value": "show_scal", }, ], value=["show_scal"] if self.scal is not None else [], persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), ], ), html.Div( style={"flex": "4"}, children=wcc.Graph(id=self.uuid("graph")) ), ], )
def _update_graph(input_filter_obs, input_filter_param, choiceplot): """Renders KS matrix (how much a parameter is changed from prior to posterior""" active_info = read_csv( get_path(self.input_dir / "active_obs_info.csv"), index_col=0 ) joint_ks = read_csv( get_path(self.input_dir / "ks.csv"), index_col=0 ).replace(np.nan, 0.0) input_filter_obs = _set_inputfilter(input_filter_obs) input_filter_param = _set_inputfilter(input_filter_param) listtoplot = _get_listtoplot(joint_ks, choiceplot) joint_ks_sorted = joint_ks.filter(items=listtoplot).sort_index(axis=1) xx_data = list( joint_ks_sorted.filter(like=input_filter_obs, axis=1).columns ) yy_data = list( joint_ks_sorted.filter(like=input_filter_param, axis=0).index ) zz_data = _get_zzdata(joint_ks_sorted, yy_data, xx_data, active_info) if not xx_data or not yy_data: raise PreventUpdate yall_obs_data = list( joint_ks_sorted.filter(like=input_filter_param, axis=0).index ) zall_obs_data = joint_ks.loc[yall_obs_data, ["All_obs"]].to_numpy() return wcc.Graph( id=self.uuid("heatmap_id"), figure={ "data": [ go.Heatmap( x=xx_data, y=yy_data, z=zz_data, type="heatmap", colorscale="YlGnBu", zmin=0, zmax=1, hoverinfo="text", text=_hovertext_list( xx_data, yy_data, zz_data, active_info ), ), go.Heatmap( x=["All_obs"], y=yall_obs_data, z=zall_obs_data, type="heatmap", colorscale="YlGnBu", zmin=0, zmax=1, hoverinfo="text", text=_hovertext_list( ["All_obs"], yall_obs_data, zall_obs_data, active_info ), xaxis="x2", ), ], "layout": self.theme.create_themed_layout( { "title": "KS Matrix (degree of parameter change prior to posterior)", "xaxis": { "title": "Observations", "ticks": "", "domain": [0.0, 0.9], "showticklabels": True, "tickangle": 30, "automargin": True, }, "yaxis": { "title": "Parameters", "ticks": "", "showticklabels": True, "tickangle": -30, "automargin": True, }, "xaxis2": {"ticks": "", "domain": [0.95, 1.0]}, "plot_bgcolor": "grey", } ), }, style={"height": 750}, clickData={"points": [{"x": xx_data[0], "y": yy_data[0]}]}, )
def layout(self): return wcc.FlexBox( id=self.uuid("layout"), children=[ html.Div( style={"flex": 1}, children=[ self.delta_layout, html.Div( id=self.uuid("vectors"), style={"marginTop": "25px"}, children=[ html.Span("Time series:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( style={ "marginTop": "5px", "marginBottom": "5px", "fontSize": ".95em", }, optionHeight=55, id=self.uuid("vector1"), clearable=False, multi=False, options=self.dropdown_options, value=self.plot_options.get( "vector1", self.smry_cols[0]), ), dcc.Dropdown( style={ "marginBottom": "5px", "fontSize": ".95em" }, optionHeight=55, id=self.uuid("vector2"), clearable=True, multi=False, placeholder="Add additional series", options=self.dropdown_options, value=self.plot_options.get( "vector2", None), ), dcc.Dropdown( style={"fontSize": ".95em"}, optionHeight=55, id=self.uuid("vector3"), clearable=True, multi=False, placeholder="Add additional series", options=self.dropdown_options, value=self.plot_options.get( "vector3", None), ), ], ), html.Div( id=self.uuid("visualization"), style={"marginTop": "25px"}, children=[ html.Span("Visualization:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.RadioItems( id=self.uuid("statistics"), options=[ { "label": "Individual realizations", "value": "realizations", }, { "label": "Statistical fanchart", "value": "statistics", }, { "label": "Statistical fanchart and histogram", "value": "statistics_hist", }, ], value=self.plot_options.get( "visualization", "statistics"), ), ], ), ], ), html.Div( style={"flex": 3}, children=[ html.Div( style={"height": "300px"}, children=wcc.Graph(id=self.uuid("graph"), ), ), dcc.Store( id=self.uuid("date"), data=json.dumps(self.plot_options.get( "date", None)), ), ], ), ], )
def _display_click_data(celldata, hist_display): """render a histogram of parameters distribution prior/posterior or an average delta map prior-posterior.""" obs = celldata["points"][0]["x"] param = celldata["points"][0]["y"] active_info = read_csv( get_path(self.input_dir / "active_obs_info.csv"), index_col=0 ) if "FIELD" in param: fieldparam = param.replace("FIELD_", "") mygrid_ok_short = read_csv( get_path( Path(str(self.input_dir).replace("scalar_", "field_")) / f"delta_field{fieldparam}.csv" ) ) maxinput = mygrid_ok_short.filter(like="Mean_").max(axis=1) deltadata = "Mean_D_" + obs return wcc.Graph( id="2Dmap_avgdelta", figure=px.scatter( mygrid_ok_short, x="X_UTME", y="Y_UTMN", color=deltadata, range_color=[0, maxinput.max()], color_continuous_scale="Rainbow", opacity=0.9, title=f"Mean_delta_posterior-prior {obs}, {param}", hover_data=[ "X_UTME", "Y_UTMN", "Z_TVDSS", "IX", "JY", deltadata, ], height=750, ), ) post_df = read_csv(get_path(self.input_dir / f"{obs}.csv")) prior_df = read_csv(get_path(self.input_dir / "prior.csv")) if "TRANS" in hist_display: paraml = [ele for ele in prior_df.keys() if f"_{param}" in ele] if paraml != []: param = paraml[0] fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=prior_df[param], name="prior", nbinsx=10)) fig.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=post_df[param], name="update", nbinsx=10)) fig.update_layout( self.theme.create_themed_layout( { "title": ( "Parameter distribution for observation " f"{obs} ({['ratio', obs]})" ), "bargap": 0.2, "bargroupgap": 0.1, "xaxis": {"title": param}, } ) ) return wcc.Graph(id="lineplots", style={"height": 750}, figure=fig)
def update_crossplot(df: pd.DataFrame, sizeby: str, colorby: str) -> List[wcc.Graph]: sim_range = find_sim_range(df) sizeref, cmin, cmax = size_color_settings(df, sizeby, colorby) figures = [] for _ens, ensdf in df.groupby("ENSEMBLE"): dframe = ( ensdf.groupby(["WELL", "DATE", "ZONE", "TVD"]).mean().reset_index().copy() ) trace = { "x": dframe["OBSERVED"], "y": dframe["SIMULATED"], "type": "scatter", "mode": "markers", "hovertext": [ f"Well: {well}" f"<br>Zone: {zone}" f"<br>Pressure observation: {obs:.2f}" f"<br>Mean simulated pressure: {pressure:.2f}" f"<br>Mean misfit: {misfit:.2f}" f"<br>Stddev pressure: {stddev:.2f}" for well, zone, obs, stddev, misfit, pressure in zip( dframe["WELL"], dframe["ZONE"], dframe["OBSERVED"], dframe["STDDEV"], dframe["DIFF"], dframe["SIMULATED"], ) ], "hoverinfo": "text", "marker": { "size": dframe[sizeby], "sizeref": 2.0 * sizeref / (30.0**2), "sizemode": "area", "sizemin": 6, "color": dframe[colorby], "cmin": cmin, "cmax": cmax, "colorscale": [[0, "#2584DE"], [1, "#E50000"]], "colorbar": {"x": 1.05}, "showscale": True, }, } layout = { "height": 400, "title": { "text": _ens, "y": 0.95, "x": 0.15, "xanchor": "center", "yanchor": "top", }, "margin": {"l": 100, "r": 0, "b": 50, "t": 30}, "showlegend": False, "xaxis": { "range": sim_range, "title": "Pressure Observation", "showticklabels": True, }, "yaxis": {"range": sim_range, "title": "Simulated mean pressure"}, "shapes": [ { "type": "line", "x0": sim_range[0], "y0": sim_range[0], "x1": sim_range[1], "y1": sim_range[1], "line": { "color": "#007079", "width": 2, }, } ], } figures.append(wcc.Graph(figure={"data": [trace], "layout": layout})) return figures
def layout(self): return html.Div([ html.Div( style={"marginLeft": "10px"}, children=[ html.Label( "Tornado Plot", style={ "textAlign": "center", "font-weight": "bold" }, ), html.Div( style=self.set_grid_layout("1fr 1fr"), children=[ html.Label("Reference:"), html.Label("Scale:"), ], ), html.Div( style=self.set_grid_layout("1fr 1fr"), children=[ dcc.Dropdown( id=self.ids("reference"), options=[{ "label": r, "value": r } for r in self.sensnames], value=self.initial_reference, clearable=False, persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.ids("scale"), options=[{ "label": r, "value": r } for r in ["Percentage", "Absolute"]], value="Percentage", clearable=False, persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), dcc.Checklist( id=self.ids("cut-by-ref"), options=[ { "label": "Cut by reference", "value": "Cut by reference", }, ], value=[], persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), html.Details( open=False, children=[ html.Summary("Filter"), wcc.Select( id=self.ids("sens_filter"), options=[{ "label": i, "value": i } for i in self.sensnames], value=self.sensnames, multi=True, size=min(10, len(self.sensnames)), persistence=True, persistence_type="session", ), ], ), html.Button( style={ "position": "relative", "top": "-50%", "fontSize": "10px", }, id=self.ids("reset"), children="Clear selected", ), wcc.Graph( id=self.ids("tornado-graph"), config={"displayModeBar": False}, ), dcc.Store(id=self.ids("storage"), storage_type="session"), dcc.Store(id=self.ids("click-store"), storage_type="session"), dcc.Store(id=self.ids("high-low-storage"), storage_type="session"), ], ) ])
def parameter_response_view( get_uuid: Callable, parametermodel: ParametersModel, parameterfilter_layout: html.Div, vectormodel: SimulationTimeSeriesModel, theme: WebvizConfigTheme, ) -> wcc.FlexBox: return wcc.FlexBox(children=[ wcc.FlexColumn( flex=1, children=selector_view( get_uuid=get_uuid, parametermodel=parametermodel, vectormodel=vectormodel, theme=theme, ), ), wcc.FlexColumn( flex=4, children=wcc.FlexBox(children=[ wcc.FlexColumn( flex=2, children=[ wcc.Frame( style={"height": "38.5vh"}, color="white", highlight=False, children=timeseries_view(get_uuid=get_uuid), ), wcc.Frame( style={"height": "38.5vh"}, color="white", highlight=False, children=[ wcc.Graph( id=get_uuid("vector-vs-param-scatter"), config={"displayModeBar": False}, style={"height": "38vh"}, ) ], ), ], ), wcc.FlexColumn( flex=2, children=[ wcc.Frame( color="white", highlight=False, style={"height": "38.5vh"}, children=[ wcc.Graph( config={"displayModeBar": False}, style={"height": "38vh"}, id=get_uuid("vector-corr-graph"), ), ], ), wcc.Frame( color="white", highlight=False, style={"height": "38.5vh"}, children=[ wcc.Graph( config={"displayModeBar": False}, style={"height": "38vh"}, id=get_uuid("param-corr-graph"), ), ], ), ], ), wcc.FlexColumn( id=get_uuid("param-filter-wrapper"), style={"display": "none"}, flex=1, children=wcc.Frame( style={"height": "80vh"}, children=parameterfilter_layout, ), ), ], ), ), ], )
def layout(self): tabs_styles = {"height": "44px", "width": "100%"} tab_style = { "borderBottom": "1px solid #d6d6d6", "padding": "6px", "fontWeight": "bold", } tab_selected_style = { "borderTop": "1px solid #d6d6d6", "borderBottom": "1px solid #d6d6d6", "backgroundColor": "#007079", "color": "white", "padding": "6px", } return dcc.Tabs( style=tabs_styles, children=[ dcc.Tab( label="RFT Map", style=tab_style, selected_style=tab_selected_style, children=[ html.Div(children=[ wcc.FlexBox(children=[ html.Div( style={"flex": 1}, children=self.map_plot_selectors, ), html.Div( style={"flex": 1}, children=self.formation_plot_selectors, ), ]), wcc.FlexBox(children=[ wcc.Graph( style={"flex": 1}, id=self.uuid("map"), ), wcc.Graph( style={"flex": 1}, id=self.uuid("graph"), figure={ "layout": { "height": 800, "margin": { "t": 50 }, "xaxis": { "showgrid": False }, "yaxis": { "showgrid": False }, } }, ), ]), ]) ], ), dcc.Tab( label="RFT misfit per real", style=tab_style, selected_style=tab_selected_style, children=[ wcc.FlexBox(children=[ html.Div( style={"flex": 1}, children=self.filter_layout("misfitplot"), ), html.Div( style={"flex": 4}, id=self.uuid("misfit-graph-wrapper"), ), ]) ], ), dcc.Tab( label="RFT crossplot - sim vs obs", style=tab_style, selected_style=tab_selected_style, children=[ wcc.FlexBox(children=[ html.Div( style={"flex": 1}, children=self.filter_layout("crossplot") + self.size_color_layout(), ), html.Div( style={"flex": 4}, children=[ html.Div(id=self.uuid( "crossplot-graph-wrapper")), ], ), ], ), ], ), dcc.Tab( label="RFT misfit per observation", style=tab_style, selected_style=tab_selected_style, children=[ wcc.FlexBox(children=[ html.Div( style={"flex": 1}, children=self.filter_layout("errorplot"), ), html.Div( style={"flex": 4}, children=wcc.Graph( id=self.uuid("errorplot-graph")), ), ], ), ], ), ], )
def correlation_view(get_uuid: Callable) -> wcc.Graph: return wcc.Graph( style={"height": "78vh"}, id=get_uuid("property-response-correlation-graph"), )
def layout(self): return wcc.FlexBox( id=self.uuid("layout"), children=[ wcc.Frame( id=self.uuid("filters"), style={ "flex": "1", "height": "90vh" }, children=[ wcc.Selectors( label="Selectors", children=[ wcc.Dropdown( label="Saturation axis", id=self.uuid("sataxis"), clearable=False, options=[{ "label": i.lower().capitalize(), "value": i, } for i in self.sat_axes], value=self.sat_axes[0], ), wcc.Dropdown( label="Color by", id=self.uuid("color_by"), clearable=False, options=[{ "label": i.lower().capitalize(), "value": i, } for i in self.color_options], value=self.color_options[0], ), dcc.Store( id=self.uuid("stored_ensemble"), storage_type="session", data={}, ), wcc.Dropdown( label="Ensembles", id=self.uuid("ensemble"), clearable=False, multi=True, options=[{ "label": i, "value": i } for i in self.ensembles], value=self.ensembles[0], ), wcc.Dropdown( label="Curves", id=self.uuid("curve"), clearable=False, multi=True, ), dcc.Store( id=self.uuid("stored_satnum"), storage_type="session", data={}, ), wcc.Dropdown( label="Satnum", id=self.uuid("satnum"), clearable=False, multi=True, options=[{ "label": i, "value": i } for i in self.satnums], value=self.satnums[0], ), ], ), wcc.Selectors( label="Visualization", children=[ wcc.RadioItems( label="Line traces", id=self.uuid("visualization"), className="block-options", options=[ { "label": "Individual realizations", "value": "realizations", }, { "label": "Statistical fanchart", "value": "statistics", }, ], value="statistics", ), wcc.RadioItems( label="Y-axis", id=self.uuid("linlog"), className="block-options", options=[ { "label": "Linear", "value": "linear", }, { "label": "Log", "value": "log", }, ], value="linear", ), ], ), wcc.Selectors( style={"display": "block"} if self.scal is not None else {"display": "none"}, id=self.uuid("scal_selector"), label="SCAL recommendation", children=[ wcc.Checklist( id=self.uuid("scal"), options=[ { "label": "Show SCAL", "value": "show_scal", }, ], value=["show_scal"] if self.scal is not None else [], ), ], ), ], ), wcc.Frame( color="white", highlight=False, style={ "flex": "4", "height": "90vh" }, children=wcc.Graph(style={"height": "88vh"}, id=self.uuid("graph")), ), ], )
def layout(self): return html.Div([ html.Div( style=Intersect.LAYOUT_STYLE, children=[ html.Div([ html.P("Well:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.well_list_id, options=[{ "label": PurePath(well).stem, "value": well } for well in self.well_names], value=self.well_names[0], clearable=False, ), html.P("Realization:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.real_list_id, options=[{ "label": r, "value": p } for p, r in self.realizations.items()], value=list(self.realizations.keys())[0], multi=True, placeholder="All realizations", ), html.P("Surfaces:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}), dcc.Dropdown( id=self.surf_list_id, options=[{ "label": r, "value": r } for r in self.surface_names], value=self.surface_names[0], multi=True, placeholder="All surfaces", ), html.Div( style=Intersect.TABLE_STYLE, children=[ DataTable( id=self.table_id, columns=[{ "name": i, "id": i } for i in [ "Name", "TVDmin", "TVDmean", "TVDmax", "TVDstddev", ]], ) ], ), ]), html.Div( style={"height": "80vh"}, children=[ wcc.Graph(style={"height": "80vh"}, id=self.intersection_id), html.Div( style=Intersect.FENCE_OPTION_STYLE, children=[ html.P( "Start depth:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}, ), html.P( "Graph zoom level:", style={"font-weight": "bold"}, ), dcc.Input( style={"overflow": "auto"}, id=self.well_tvd_id, type="number", value=0, ), dcc.RadioItems( id=self.zoom_state_id, options=[{ "label": k, "value": v } for k, v in { "Keep on new data": True, "Reset on new data": False, }.items()], value=True, ), ], ), ], ), ], ) ])
def layout(self) -> wcc.Tabs: return wcc.Tabs(children=[ wcc.Tab( label="RFT Map", children=[ wcc.FlexBox(children=[ wcc.Frame( style={ "flex": 1, "height": "87vh" }, children=[ self.map_plot_selectors, self.formation_plot_selectors, ], ), wcc.Frame( style={ "flex": 3, "height": "87vh" }, color="white", highlight=False, children=wcc.Graph(id=self.uuid("map"), ), ), wcc.Frame( style={ "flex": 3, "height": "87vh" }, color="white", highlight=False, children=wcc.Graph( id=self.uuid("graph"), figure={ "layout": { "height": 800, "margin": { "t": 50 }, "xaxis": { "showgrid": False }, "yaxis": { "showgrid": False }, } }, ), ), ]) ], ), wcc.Tab( label="RFT misfit per real", children=[ wcc.FlexBox(children=[ wcc.Frame( style={ "flex": 1, "height": "87vh" }, children=self.filter_layout("misfitplot"), ), wcc.Frame( style={ "flex": 6, "height": "87vh" }, color="white", highlight=False, id=self.uuid("misfit-graph-wrapper"), children=[], ), ]) ], ), wcc.Tab( label="RFT crossplot - sim vs obs", children=[ wcc.FlexBox(children=[ wcc.Frame( style={ "flex": 1, "height": "87vh" }, children=[ self.filter_layout("crossplot"), self.size_color_layout(), ], ), wcc.Frame( style={ "flex": 6, "height": "87vh" }, color="white", highlight=False, children=[ html.Div( id=self.uuid("crossplot-graph-wrapper")), ], ), ], ), ], ), wcc.Tab( label="RFT misfit per observation", children=[ wcc.FlexBox(children=[ wcc.Frame( style={ "flex": 1, "height": "87vh" }, children=self.filter_layout("errorplot"), ), wcc.Frame( color="white", highlight=False, style={ "flex": 6, "height": "87vh" }, children=wcc.Graph( style={"height": "84vh"}, id=self.uuid("errorplot-graph"), ), ), ], ), ], ), ], )