Пример #1
    def store_results_from_queue(self, process_num):
		If we are using a result queue this function will process
			all pending results.

        # set up new db connection to the server
        from webxray.PostgreSQLDriver import PostgreSQLDriver
        server_sql_driver = PostgreSQLDriver('server_config')

        # time to sleep when queue is empty
        wait_time = 5

        # loop continues indefintely
        while True:
            result = server_sql_driver.get_result_from_queue()
            if not result:
                    f'\t[p.{process_num}]\t😴 Going to sleep for {wait_time} seconds to wait for more tasks.'

            # result is a dictionary object, unpack it
            result_id = result['result_id']
            client_id = result['client_id']
            client_ip = result['client_ip']
            mapped_db = result['mapped_db']
            target = result['target']
            task = result['task']

            # the task_result needs to be uncompressed
            task_result = json.loads(

            if self.debug:
                    f'\t[p.{process_num}]\t📥 Going to store result for {str(target)[:30]}'

            # store_result also handles task queue mangement
            store_result = self.store_result({
                'target': target,
                'task': task,
                'task_result': task_result,
                'client_id': client_id,
                'client_ip': client_ip,
                'db_name': mapped_db

            # we finished processing this result, remove it from result queue

            # FYI
            if store_result['success'] == True:
                print('\t[p.%s]\t👍 Success: %s' % (process_num, target[:50]))
                print('\t[p.%s]\t👎 Error: %s %s' %
                      (process_num, target[:50], store_result['result']))

        # techincally we never get here...
Пример #2
    def build_crawl_task_queue(self, params):
		Enter crawl tasks to the database after performing checks to 
			verify urls are valid.

        # these vars are specific to this function
        crawl_file_name = params['crawl_file_name']
        flush_crawl_task_queue = params['flush_crawl_task_queue']

        # only need this sql_driver to build the task list
        sql_driver = PostgreSQLDriver(self.db_name)

        # open list of pages
            crawl_list = json.load(
                open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +
                     '/../crawl_lists/' + crawl_file_name,
                f'Could not open {crawl_file_name}, is it correctly formatted and present in the ./crawl_lists directory?  Exiting.'

        # get rid of whatever is in there already
        if flush_crawl_task_queue:

        for count, url_list in enumerate(crawl_list):
            # first make sure the urls are valid, if we
            #	encounterd a non-valid url we trash the
            #	entire list
            url_list_valid = True

            # we keep our fixed urls here
            idna_url_list = []

            # look at each url
            for url in url_list:
                if self.utilities.is_url_valid(url) == False:
                        f'{url} is not valid from {url_list}, not entering crawl to queue'
                    url_list_valid = False

                # perform idna fix

            # we need to put the continue here for the outer loop
            if url_list_valid == False: continue

            # if we are allowing time series we see if page has been scanned in the
            #	specified interval, otherwise if we are *not* allowing a time series
            #	we skip anything already in the db
            if self.config['timeseries_enabled']:
                if sql_driver.crawl_exists(json.dumps(idna_url_list),
                    print(f'\t{count} | {url[:30]}... Scanned too recently.')
                if sql_driver.crawl_exists(json.dumps(idna_url_list)):
                    print(f'\t{count} | {url[:30]}... Exists in DB, skipping.')

            # we have a valid list, queue it up!
            if url_list_valid:
            print(f'\t{count} | {str(idna_url_list)[:30]}... Adding to queue.')

        # done
Пример #3
    def get_client_task(self, client_ip, client_id):
		We determine what the client should be doing when it
			sends us a 'READY' message.  If we find a task
			in our queue we sent it back, otherwise we send 'WAIT' 
			and the client will contact us again.

        # connect to appropriate db for this client, if none found
        #	return wait command
        if client_id in self.client_id_to_db:
            sql_driver = PostgreSQLDriver(self.client_id_to_db[client_id])
                'client_id not in client_id_to_db list, returning wait command'
            return {'task': 'wait'}

        # get config for this db
        config = sql_driver.get_config()

        # get client config
        client_config = {}
        for item in config:
            if 'client' in item:
                client_config[item] = config[item]

        # if we have items in task_queue we send them back, otherwise
        #	we sent a wait command
        if sql_driver.get_task_queue_length(
                max_attempts=config['max_attempts'], unlocked_only=True) != 0:
            # if this fails we wait
                target, task = sql_driver.get_task_from_queue(
                    max_attempts=config['max_attempts'], client_id=client_id)
                print('✋ Returning command to wait.')
                return {'task': 'wait'}

            if task == 'get_scan':
                print(f'👉 Returning command to scan {target}')
                return {
                    'task': 'get_scan',
                    'target': target,
                    'client_config': client_config
            elif task == 'get_crawl':
                print(f'👉 Returning command to crawl {target[:30]}...')
                return {
                    'task': 'get_crawl',
                    'target': json.loads(target),
                    'client_config': client_config
            elif task == 'get_policy':
                print(f'👉 Returning command to get_policy {target}')
                return {
                    'task': 'get_policy',
                    'target': target,
                    'client_config': client_config
            elif task == 'get_random_crawl':
                print(f'👉 Returning command to get_random_crawl {target}')
                return {
                    'task': 'get_random_crawl',
                    'target': target,
                    'client_config': client_config
            print('✋ Returning command to wait.')
            return {'task': 'wait'}
        del sql_driver
Пример #4
class OutputStore:
	This class receives data from the browser, processes it, and stores it in the db

	def __init__(self, db_name, db_engine):
		self.db_name	= db_name
		self.utilities	= Utilities()
		self.url_parser = ParseURL()
		self.debug		= False
		if db_engine == 'sqlite':
			from webxray.SQLiteDriver import SQLiteDriver
			self.sql_driver = SQLiteDriver(self.db_name)
		elif db_engine == 'postgres':
			from webxray.PostgreSQLDriver import PostgreSQLDriver
			self.sql_driver = PostgreSQLDriver(self.db_name)
			print('INVALID DB ENGINE FOR %s, QUITTING!' % db_engine)
		self.config 	= self.sql_driver.get_config()
	# __init__

	def close(self):
		Just to make sure we close the db connection.
	# close

	def store_scan(self, params):
		This function pre-processes data from the browser, inserts it into 
			database, and handles linking various entries across tables.

		# unpack params
		browser_output 	= params['browser_output']
		client_id 		= params['client_id']
		crawl_id 		= params['crawl_id']
		crawl_timestamp = params['crawl_timestamp']
		crawl_sequence	= params['crawl_sequence']

		# client_ip is optional
		if 'client_ip' in params:
			client_ip = params['client_ip']
			client_ip = None

		if self.debug: print('going to store scan %s' % browser_output['start_url'])

		# keep track of domains
		page_3p_cookie_domains 		= set()
		page_3p_dom_storage_domains = set()
		page_3p_request_domains 	= set()
		page_3p_response_domains 	= set()
		page_3p_websocket_domains 	= set()

		# convert from timestamp to datetime object that will go to the db
		accessed = datetime.fromtimestamp(browser_output['accessed'])

		# first make sure we don't have it already
		if self.sql_driver.page_exists(browser_output['start_url'],accessed): 
			return {'success': False, 'result': 'exists in db already'}

		# if we have no responses the page didn't load at all and we skip
		#	 unless we are using basic driver and then it's ok
		if len(browser_output['responses']) == 0 and browser_output['browser_type'] != 'basic':
			return {'success': False, 'result': 'no responses received'}

		# ignore any malformed unicode characters
		page_source = browser_output['page_source'].encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode()

		# store source
		if self.config['store_source']:
			if self.debug: print('going to store source %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
			page_source_md5 = self.store_file(page_source, False, 'page_source')
			page_source_md5 = None

		# store readability_html
		if self.config['store_page_text'] and browser_output['page_text']:
			if self.debug: print('going to store readability_html')
			# ignore any malformed unicode characters
			readability_html 		= browser_output['readability_html'].encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode().strip()
			readability_source_md5 	= self.store_file(readability_html, False, 'readability_html')

			# store_page_text handles some addition operations
			if self.debug: print('going to store page_text')
			page_text_id = self.store_page_text(readability_html,readability_source_md5)
			page_text_id 			= None

		# process info on the start_url domain
		if self.debug: print('going to parse start/final_url %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
		start_url = browser_output['start_url']
		start_url_domain_info = self.url_parser.get_parsed_domain_info(start_url)
		if start_url_domain_info['success'] == False:
			err_msg = 'unable to parse start_url_domain_info info for %s with error %s' % (browser_output['start_url'], start_url_domain_info['result'])
			if self.debug: print(err_msg)
				'client_id'		: client_id, 
				'target'		: start_url, 
				'task'			: 'output_store',
				'msg'			: err_msg
			return {'success': False, 'result': 'could not parse start_url'}
			# needed for comparisons later on
			start_url_domain = start_url_domain_info['result']['domain']

			# add start_url domain and get id
			start_url_domain_id = self.sql_driver.add_domain(start_url_domain_info['result'])

		# process info on the final_url domain
		# note: we use the final_url domain as the benchmark for determine 1p/3p
		final_url = browser_output['final_url']
		final_url_domain_info = self.url_parser.get_parsed_domain_info(final_url)
		if final_url_domain_info['success'] == False:
			err_msg = 'unable to parse final_url_domain_info info for %s with error %s' % (browser_output['final_url'], final_url_domain_info['result'])
			if self.debug: print(err_msg)
				'client_id'		: client_id, 
				'target'		: start_url, 
				'task'			: 'output_store',
				'msg'			: err_msg
			return {'success': False, 'result': 'could not parse final_url'}
			final_url_domain = final_url_domain_info['result']['domain']
			# self.sql_driver.add_domain both stores the new domain and returns its db row id
			# if it is already in db just return the existing id
			final_url_domain_id = self.sql_driver.add_domain(final_url_domain_info['result'])

		# check if the page has redirected to a new domain
		if start_url_domain != final_url_domain:
			page_domain_redirect = True
			page_domain_redirect = False

		# this is semi-redundant but ensures that any config changes made while
		#	a result is queued are followed
		if self.config['client_reject_redirects'] and page_domain_redirect:
			return {'success': False, 'result': 'rejecting redirect'}

		# if the final page is https (often after a redirect), mark it appropriately
		if browser_output['final_url'][:5] == 'https':
			page_is_ssl = True
			page_is_ssl = False

		# (optionally) process and store links, this allows us to go back later and do deeper scans
		#	as well as do more with policies
		# links starts as empty list
		links = []

		# keep track of link counts as helpful for filtering pages
		link_count_internal = 0
		link_count_external = 0

		if self.config['store_links']:

			if self.debug: print('going to process links %s' % browser_output['start_url'])

			# we use the list of policy_link_terms to flag that a link *might*
			# 	be for a policy, we check if it actually is policy in PolicyCollector.py
			policy_link_terms = self.utilities.get_policy_link_terms()

			# process links, duplicates get ignored by db
			for link in browser_output['all_links']:
				# skip if href not valid
				if not self.utilities.is_url_valid(link['href']): continue

				# unpack values and catch any unicode errors
				link_text = link['text'].encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode()
				link_url  = link['href'].encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode()

				# get rid of trailing # and /
				if link_url.strip()[-1:] == '#': link_url = link_url.strip()[:-1]
				if link_url.strip()[-1:] == '/': link_url = link_url.strip()[:-1]

				# sometimes the text will be a dict (very rarely)
				# 	so we convert to string
				link_text = str(link_text).strip()

				# clean up white space and remove line breaks
				link_text = re.sub('\n|\r|\t|\s+',' ',link_text.strip())
				link_url  = re.sub('\n|\r|\t|\s+',' ',link_url.strip())

				# catch nulls
				link_text = link_text.replace('\x00','NULL_REPLACED_FOR_PSQL')
				link_url  = link_url.replace('\x00','NULL_REPLACED_FOR_PSQL')

				# update counts
				if link['internal']:
					link_count_internal += 1
					link_count_external += 1

				# flag links that could be policies, default False
				link_is_policy = False

				# determine if a policy term appears in the link
				for policy_term in policy_link_terms:
					if policy_term in link_text.lower():
						link_is_policy = True

				link_domain_info = self.url_parser.get_parsed_domain_info(link_url)
				if link_domain_info['success'] == False:
					# don't bother with storing errors
					link_domain_id = None
					# self.sql_driver.add_domain both stores the new domain and returns its db row id
					# 	if it is already in db just return the existing id
					link_domain_id = self.sql_driver.add_domain(link_domain_info['result'])

					'url'			: link_url, 
					'text'			: link_text, 
					'is_internal'	: link['internal'], 
					'is_policy'		: link_is_policy, 
					'domain_id'		: link_domain_id

		# if we got the screen shot we get the hash and store it to the file table
		screen_shot_md5 = None
		if browser_output['screen_shot'] and self.config['store_screen_shot']:
			if self.debug: print('going to store screen shot %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
			# store file to get md5
			screen_shot_md5 = self.store_file(browser_output['screen_shot'],True,'screen_shot')

		# if we have timestamp it is also an 'accessed' field from
		#	a page load so we convert that as well
		if crawl_timestamp:
			crawl_timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(crawl_timestamp)

		# ignore any malformed unicode characters
		if browser_output['title']:
			browser_output['title'] = browser_output['title'].encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode()

		if browser_output['meta_desc']:
			browser_output['meta_desc'] = browser_output['meta_desc'].encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode()

		if browser_output['lang']:
			browser_output['lang'] = browser_output['lang'].encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode()

		# now we know link counts we can store the page
		if self.debug: print('going to store page %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
		page_id = self.sql_driver.add_page({
			'accessed'				: accessed,
			'browser_type'			: browser_output['browser_type'],
			'browser_version'		: browser_output['browser_version'],
			'browser_prewait'		: browser_output['prewait'],
			'browser_no_event_wait'	: browser_output['no_event_wait'],
			'browser_max_wait'		: browser_output['max_wait'],
			'page_load_strategy'	: browser_output['page_load_strategy'],
			'title'					: browser_output['title'],
			'meta_desc'				: browser_output['meta_desc'],
			'lang'					: browser_output['lang'],
			'start_url'				: browser_output['start_url'],
			'final_url'				: browser_output['final_url'],
			'is_ssl'				: page_is_ssl,
			'page_domain_redirect'	: page_domain_redirect,
			'link_count_internal'	: link_count_internal,
			'link_count_external'	: link_count_external,
			'load_time'				: browser_output['load_time'],
			'start_url_domain_id'	: start_url_domain_id,
			'final_url_domain_id'	: final_url_domain_id,
			'client_id'				: client_id,
			'client_timezone'		: browser_output['client_timezone'],
			'client_ip'				: client_ip,
			'page_text_id'			: page_text_id,
			'screen_shot_md5'		: screen_shot_md5,
			'page_source_md5'		: page_source_md5,
			'crawl_id'				: crawl_id,
			'crawl_timestamp'		: crawl_timestamp,
			'crawl_sequence'		: crawl_sequence

		if self.config['store_links']:
			if self.debug: print('going to store links %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
			for link in links:
				link_id = self.sql_driver.add_link(link)
				if link_id: self.sql_driver.join_link_to_page(page_id,link_id)

		if self.config['store_dom_storage']:
			if self.debug: print('going to process dom storage %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
			for dom_storage in browser_output['dom_storage']:
				# parse domain from the security_origin, which is equivalent to a url
				domain_info = self.url_parser.get_parsed_domain_info(dom_storage['security_origin'])
				if domain_info['success'] == False:
					err_msg = 'unable to parse domain info for %s with error %s' % (dom_storage['security_origin'], domain_info['result'])
					if self.debug: print(err_msg)
						'client_id'		: client_id, 
						'target'		: start_url, 
						'task'			: 'output_store',
						'msg'			: err_msg
					# self.sql_driver.add_domain both stores the new domain and returns its db row id
					# if it is already in db just return the existing id
					dom_storage['domain_id'] = self.sql_driver.add_domain(domain_info['result'])

				# mark if third-party storage
				if final_url_domain != domain_info['result']['domain']:
					dom_storage['is_3p'] = True
					dom_storage['is_3p'] = False

				# key to page
				dom_storage['page_id'] = page_id

				# replace null b/c postgres will die otherwise
				dom_storage['key']		= dom_storage['key'].replace('\x00','NULL_REPLACED_FOR_PSQL')
				dom_storage['value']	= dom_storage['value'].replace('\x00','NULL_REPLACED_FOR_PSQL')

				# there types of illegal utf-8 characters that psql doesn't like, eg trying to store
				#	'\uded5' gives this error when storing in psql: 
				#	'UnicodeEncodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't encode character '\uded5' in position 0: surrogates not allowed'
				# to overcome the above, we use python's backslashreplace to keep the original data in 
				#	a way that won't cause our queries to die
				# see https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#error-handlers
				dom_storage['key']		= dom_storage['key'].encode('utf-8','backslashreplace')
				dom_storage['value']	= dom_storage['value'].encode('utf-8','backslashreplace')

				# now that we've encoded with backslashes we decode to get the semi-original data
				dom_storage['key']		= dom_storage['key'].decode('utf-8')
				dom_storage['value']	= dom_storage['value'].decode('utf-8')

				# all done with this item

				# update domains
				if dom_storage['is_3p']:

		if self.debug: print('going to process load finish data %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
		load_finish_data = {}
		for load_finish_event in browser_output['load_finish_events']:
			load_finish_data[load_finish_event['request_id']] = load_finish_event['encoded_data_length']

		if self.debug: print('going to process response extra header data %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
		http_cookies = []
		internal_id_to_resp_ex_headers = {}
		for response_extra_header in browser_output['response_extra_headers']:
			response_extra_header['page_id'] 		= page_id
			response_extra_header['cookies_set']	= None
			# to check for domain leakage in headers we make a big string keyed to the internal id
			if response_extra_header['request_id'] not in internal_id_to_resp_ex_headers:
				internal_id_to_resp_ex_headers[response_extra_header['request_id']] = str(response_extra_header['headers'])
				internal_id_to_resp_ex_headers[response_extra_header['request_id']] += str(response_extra_header['headers'])

			for item in response_extra_header['headers']:
				if item.lower() == 'set-cookie':
					response_extra_header['cookies_set'] = response_extra_header['headers'][item]

					# when we add cookies later on we mark those that came from response headers,
					#	note we try/pass on this in case we can't parse
					for cookie in response_extra_header['cookies_set'].split('\n'):
						if 'domain' in cookie.lower():
								name = re.match('^(.+?)=',cookie)[0][:-1]
								domain = re.match('^.+domain=(.+?)(;|$)',cookie.lower())[1]
								if domain[0] == '.': domain = domain[1:]

			if self.config['store_response_xtra_headers']:

		response_received_req_ids = []
		if self.debug: print('going to process response data %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
		for response in browser_output['responses']:
			# defaut values that may get over-written
			response['file_md5'] 				= None
			response['is_data']  				= False
			response['is_3p'] 					= None
			response['is_ssl']					= None
			response['page_domain_in_headers'] 	= False

			# first handle non-http urls and optionally store content
			if re.match('^(data|about|chrome|blob|javascript).+', response['url']):
				if 'base64' in response['url'].lower() or 'image' in response['type'].lower():
					is_base64 = True
					is_base64 = False
				# store_file follows the config as far as actually storing the file goes 
				#	and will either return the md5 or None
				# make sure we're following our configuration
				if self.config['store_files'] and (self.config['store_base64'] or is_base64 == False):
					response['file_md5'] = self.store_file(response['url'],is_base64,response['type'])
					response['file_md5'] = None

				response['url']	      = None
				response['is_data']   = True
				response['domain_id'] = None
				# parse, store, and get id of domain; if fails skip
				domain_info = self.url_parser.get_parsed_domain_info(response['url'])
				if domain_info['success'] == False:
					err_msg = 'unable to parse domain info for %s with error %s' % (response['url'], domain_info['result'])
					if self.debug: print(err_msg)
						'client_id'		: client_id, 
						'target'		: start_url, 
						'task'			: 'output_store',
						'msg'			: err_msg
					response_domain = domain_info['result']['domain']
					response['domain_id'] = self.sql_driver.add_domain(domain_info['result'])

				# now add ip
				if response['remote_ip_address']:

				# mark third-party responses based on final_url domain
				if response_domain != final_url_domain:
					response['is_3p'] = True
					response['is_3p'] = False

				# determine if encrypted
				if response['url'][:5] == 'https' or response['url'][:3] == 'wss':
					response['is_ssl']  = True
					response['is_ssl']  = False

			# keep track of the request ids of each reponse to mark as received

			# we do no more processing at this point
			if not self.config['store_responses']:

			# lower case the type, simplifies db queries
			response['type'] = response['type'].lower()

			# store the security details if they exist
			if response['security_details'] and self.config['store_security_details']:
				response['security_details_id'] = self.sql_driver.add_security_details(response['security_details'])
				response['security_details_id'] = None

			# store the size of the request
			if response['request_id'] in load_finish_data:
				response['final_data_length'] = load_finish_data[response['request_id']]
				response['final_data_length'] = None

			# parse off args/etc

			# consider anything before the "?" to be the element_url
				response['base_url'] = re.search('^(.+?)\?.+$', response['url']).group(1)
				response['base_url'] = response['url']

			# attempt to parse off the extension
				response['extension'] = re.search('\.([0-9A-Za-z]+)$', response['base_url']).group(1).lower()
				response['extension'] = None
			# First see if this request_id is present in response_bodies, and if
			#	the entry is not None, then we store it to the db if config says to.
			if response['request_id'] in browser_output['response_bodies']:
				if browser_output['response_bodies'][response['request_id']]:
					# make sure we're following our configuration
					is_base64 = browser_output['response_bodies'][response['request_id']]['is_base64']
					if self.config['store_files'] and (self.config['store_base64'] or is_base64 == False):
						response['file_md5'] = self.store_file(
						response['file_md5'] = None

			# link to page
			response['page_id'] = page_id

			# parse data headers, accounts for upper/lower case variations (eg 'set-cookie', 'Set-Cookie')
			response['content_type'] = None
			response['cookies_set'] = None
			for item in response['response_headers']:
				if item.lower() == 'content-type':
					response['content_type'] = response['response_headers'][item]
				if item.lower() == 'set-cookie':
					response['cookies_set']  = response['response_headers'][item]

			# if we have request_headers look for cookies sent
			response['cookies_sent']  = None
			if response['request_headers']:
				for item in response['request_headers']:
					if item.lower() == 'cookie':
						response['cookies_sent']  = response['request_headers'][item]

			# parse referer header
			response['referer'] = None
			for item in response['response_headers']:
				if item.lower() == 'referer':
					response['referer'] = response['response_headers'][item]

			# check if domain leaked in referer
			if response['request_id'] in internal_id_to_resp_ex_headers:
				if final_url_domain in internal_id_to_resp_ex_headers[response['request_id']]:
					response['page_domain_in_headers'] = True

			# convert from timestamp to datetime object that will go to the db
			response['timestamp'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(response['timestamp'])

			# store

			# update domains
			if response['is_3p']:

		if self.debug: print('going to process request extra headers data %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
		internal_id_to_req_ex_headers = {}
		for request_extra_header in browser_output['request_extra_headers']:
			request_extra_header['page_id'] 		= page_id
			request_extra_header['cookies_sent']	= None

			# to check for domain leakage in headers we make a big string keyed to the internal id
			if request_extra_header['request_id'] not in internal_id_to_req_ex_headers:
				internal_id_to_req_ex_headers[request_extra_header['request_id']] = str(request_extra_header['headers'])
				internal_id_to_req_ex_headers[request_extra_header['request_id']] += str(request_extra_header['headers'])
			for item in request_extra_header['headers']:
				if item.lower() == 'cookie':
					request_extra_header['cookies_sent'] = request_extra_header['headers'][item]
			if self.config['store_request_xtra_headers']:

		if self.config['store_requests']:
			if self.debug: print('going to process request data %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
			for request in browser_output['requests']:
				# defaut values that may get over-written
				request['file_md5'] 				= None
				request['is_data']  				= False
				request['is_3p'] 					= None
				request['is_ssl']					= None
				request['page_domain_in_headers'] 	= False

				# first handle non-http urls and optionally store content
				if re.match('^(data|about|chrome|blob|javascript).+', request['url']):
					if 'base64' in request['url'].lower() or 'image' in request['url'].lower():
						is_base64 = True
						is_base64 = False
					# store_file follows the config as far as actually storing the file goes 
					#	and will either return the md5 or None
					# make sure we're following our configuration
					if self.config['store_files'] and (self.config['store_base64'] or is_base64 == False):
						request['file_md5'] = self.store_file(request['url'],is_base64,request['type'])
						request['file_md5'] = None

					request['url']	     = None
					request['is_data']   = True
					request['domain_id'] = None
					# parse, store, and get id of domain; if fails skip
					domain_info = self.url_parser.get_parsed_domain_info(request['url'])
					if domain_info['success'] == False:
						err_msg = 'unable to parse domain info for %s with error %s' % (request['url'], domain_info['result'])
						if self.debug: print(err_msg)
							'client_id'		: client_id, 
							'target'		: start_url, 
							'task'			: 'output_store',
							'msg'			: err_msg
						request_domain = domain_info['result']['domain']
						request['domain_id'] = self.sql_driver.add_domain(domain_info['result'])

					# mark third-party requests based on final_url domain
					if request_domain != final_url_domain:
						request['is_3p'] = True
						request['is_3p'] = False

					# determine if encrypted
					if request['url'][:5] == 'https' or request['url'][:3] == 'wss':
						request['is_ssl']  = True
						request['is_ssl']  = False

				# replace null b/c postgres will die otherwise
				if request['post_data']:
					request['post_data'] = request['post_data'].replace('\x00','NULL_REPLACED_FOR_PSQL')

				# consider anything after the "?" to be the GET data
					get_string = re.search('^.+\?(.+)$', request['url']).group(1)
					get_string = get_string.replace('\x00','NULL_REPLACED_FOR_PSQL')
					get_data = {}
					for key_val in get_string.split('&'):
						get_data[key_val.split('=')[0]] = key_val.split('=')[1]
					request['get_data'] = json.dumps(get_data)
					request['get_data'] = None

				# mark if response received
				if request['request_id'] in response_received_req_ids:
					request['response_received'] = True
					request['response_received'] = None

				# mark if the loading finished
				if request['request_id'] in load_finish_data:
					request['load_finished'] = True
					request['load_finished'] = None

				# lower case the type, simplifies db queries
				if request['type']: request['type'] = request['type'].lower()

				# parse off args/etc

				# consider anything before the "?" to be the element_url
					request['base_url'] = re.search('^(.+?)\?.+$', request['url']).group(1)
					request['base_url'] = request['url']

				# attempt to parse off the extension
					request['extension'] = re.search('\.([0-9A-Za-z]+)$', request['base_url']).group(1).lower()
					request['extension'] = None

				# link to page
				request['page_id'] = page_id

				# parse referer header
				request['referer'] = None
				for item in request['headers']:
					if item.lower() == 'referer':
						request['referer'] 	 = request['headers'][item]

				# check if domain leaked in headers
				if request['request_id'] in internal_id_to_req_ex_headers:
					if final_url_domain in internal_id_to_req_ex_headers[request['request_id']]:
						request['page_domain_in_headers'] = True

				# convert from timestamp to datetime object that will go to the db
				request['timestamp'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(request['timestamp'])

				# all done

				# update domains
				if request['is_3p']:

		if self.config['store_websockets']:
			if self.debug: print('going to process websocket data %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
			ws_id_map = {}
			for websocket in browser_output['websockets']:
				domain_info = self.url_parser.get_parsed_domain_info(websocket['url'])
				if domain_info['success'] == False:
					err_msg = 'unable to parse domain info for %s with error %s' % (websocket['url'], domain_info['result'])
					if self.debug: print(err_msg)
						'client_id'		: client_id, 
						'target'		: start_url, 
						'task'			: 'output_store',
						'msg'			: err_msg
					# self.sql_driver.add_domain both stores the new domain and returns its db row id
					# if it is already in db just return the existing id
					websocket['domain_id'] = self.sql_driver.add_domain(domain_info['result'])

				# mark if third-party connection
				if final_url_domain != domain_info['result']['domain']:
					websocket['is_3p'] = True
					websocket['is_3p'] = False

				websocket['page_id'] = page_id
				this_websocket_id = self.sql_driver.add_websocket(websocket)

				# update domains
				if websocket['is_3p']:

				if websocket['request_id'] not in ws_id_map:
					ws_id_map[websocket['request_id']] = this_websocket_id

		if self.config['store_websockets'] and self.config['store_websocket_events']:
			for websocket_event in browser_output['websocket_events']:
				websocket_event['page_id'] = page_id
				if websocket_event['request_id'] in ws_id_map:
					websocket_event['websocket_id'] = ws_id_map[websocket_event['request_id']]
					websocket_event['websocket_id'] = None

				# convert from timestamp to datetime object that will go to the db
				websocket_event['timestamp'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(websocket_event['timestamp'])


		if self.config['store_event_source_msgs']:
			if self.debug: print('going to process event source data %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
			for event_source_msg in browser_output['event_source_msgs']:
				event_source_msg['page_id'] = page_id

				# convert from timestamp to datetime object that will go to the db
				event_source_msg['timestamp'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(event_source_msg['timestamp'])


		if self.config['store_cookies']:
			if self.debug: print('going to process cookies %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
			for cookie in browser_output['cookies']:
				# get the ip, fqdn, domain, pubsuffix, and tld
				# we need the domain to figure out if cookies/elements are third-party
				# note:
				#	url_parser fails on non-http, we should fix this, right now a lame hack is to prepend http://

				# parse domain from the security_origin, which is equivalent to a url
				domain_info = self.url_parser.get_parsed_domain_info('http://'+cookie['domain'])

				if domain_info['success'] == False:
					err_msg = 'unable to parse domain info for %s with error %s' % (cookie['domain'], domain_info['result'])
					if self.debug: print(err_msg)
						'client_id'		: client_id, 
						'target'		: start_url, 
						'task'			: 'output_store',
						'msg'			: err_msg
					# self.sql_driver.add_domain both stores the new domain and returns its db row id
					# if it is already in db just return the existing id
					cookie['domain_id'] = self.sql_driver.add_domain(domain_info['result'])

				# mark if third-party cookie
				if final_url_domain != domain_info['result']['domain']:
					cookie['is_3p'] = True
					cookie['is_3p'] = False

				# key to page
				cookie['page_id'] = page_id

				# fix var names
				cookie['http_only'] = cookie['httpOnly']

				# attempt to convert cookie expiry from timestamp to datetime object, note we 
				#	need try/except as python datetime object cannot have year > 9999 and some 
				#	cookies do that
				cookie['expires_timestamp'] = None
				if cookie['expires']: 
						cookie['expires_timestamp'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(cookie['expires'])

				# this is optional, do fall-back
				if 'sameSite' in cookie:
					cookie['same_site'] = cookie['sameSite']
					cookie['same_site'] = None

				# see if this cookie was set via http response
				if cookie['domain'][0] == '.': 
					cookie_tuple = (cookie['domain'][1:],cookie['name'])
					cookie_tuple = (cookie['domain'],cookie['name'])
				if cookie_tuple in http_cookies:
					cookie['is_set_by_response'] = True
					cookie['is_set_by_response'] = False

				# all done with this cookie

				# update domains
				if cookie['is_3p']:

		if self.debug: print('done storing scan %s' % browser_output['start_url'])
		return {
			'success'						: True,
			'page_id'						: page_id,
			'page_3p_request_domains'		: page_3p_request_domains,
			'page_3p_response_domains'		: page_3p_response_domains,
			'page_3p_websocket_domains'		: page_3p_websocket_domains,
			'page_3p_dom_storage_domains'	: page_3p_dom_storage_domains,
			'page_3p_cookie_domains'		: page_3p_cookie_domains
	# store_scan

	def store_file(self,body,is_base64,type):
		Hashes and stores file, returns file_md5.

		# in theory we shouldn't get here if it is base64, so this is a fail-safe check
		if not self.config['store_base64']:
			if is_base64 or type.lower()=='image':
				return None

		# note hash is on original data, which we modify to remove \x00 before we store
		file_md5 = hashlib.md5(body.encode()).hexdigest()

		# store to db, note query will be ignored on conflict
		#	but since we calculate the md5 as above that is fine
			'md5'		: file_md5,
			'body'		: body.replace('\x00','NULL_REPLACED_FOR_PSQL'),
			'type'		: type.lower(),
			'is_base64'	: is_base64

		return file_md5
	# store_file

	def store_policy(self, browser_output, client_id, client_ip=None):
		We attempt to figure out if the text provided is a policy, if so
			we store it to the database.

		# keep values in a dict here
		policy = {}

		# attempt to get_policy was a success, extract data from
		#	dict, since postgres cannot handle '\x00' we convert to 
		#	string for several fields and use .replace('\x00',' ') to 
		# 	clean the input
		policy['client_id']			= client_id
		policy['client_ip']			= client_ip
		policy['browser_type']		= browser_output['browser_type']
		policy['browser_version']	= browser_output['browser_version']
		policy['browser_prewait']	= browser_output['prewait']
		policy['start_url']			= browser_output['start_url']
		policy['final_url']			= browser_output['final_url']
		policy['title']				= browser_output['title']
		policy['meta_desc']			= browser_output['meta_desc']
		policy['lang']				= browser_output['lang']
		policy['fk_score']			= None
		policy['fre_score']			= None
		policy['word_count']		= None
		policy['type']				= None
		policy['match_term']		= None
		policy['match_text']		= None
		policy['match_text_type']	= None
		policy['confidence']		= None
		policy['page_text_id']		= None
		policy['page_source_md5']	= None

		# if readability failed we bail
		if not browser_output['readability_html'] or not browser_output['page_text']:
			return {
				'success'	: False,
				'result'	: 'No readability result'

		# ignore any malformed unicode characters
		readability_html 	= browser_output['readability_html'].encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode().strip()
		page_text 			= browser_output['page_text'].encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode().strip()
		page_source 		= browser_output['page_source'].encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode()

		# bail on empty text
		if len(page_text) == 0:
			return {
				'success'	: False,
				'result'	: 'Empty page text'

		# load the source into lxml so we can do additional processing, 
		#	if we fail we bail
			lxml_doc = lxml.html.fromstring(readability_html)
			return ({
				'success': False,
				'result': 'Could not parse readability_html with lxml'

		# if the text is less than 500 words we ignore it
		if len(page_text.split(' ')) < 500:
			return {
				'success'	: False,
				'result'	: 'Page text < 500 words'

		# once we have the text we figure out if it is 
		#	a policy, start false, override on match
		is_policy = False

		# first look for matches on page title
		# 	we give this confidence of 100 as it is
		#	definitely a match
		if policy['title']:
			policy_type_result = self.determine_policy_type_from_text(policy['title'])
			if policy_type_result['success'] == True:
				is_policy 		= True
				policy['type']				= policy_type_result['result']['policy_type']
				policy['match_term']		= policy_type_result['result']['match_term']
				policy['match_text']		= policy_type_result['result']['match_text']
				policy['match_text_type']	= 'title'
				policy['confidence']		= 100

		# deep checks may generate false positives so
		#	they have confidence of 0 until they can
		#	be verified, note we may do this here
		#	or later on
		deep_checks = True
		if deep_checks:
			policy['confidence'] = 0
			# convert the url path to a sentence by replacing
			#	common delimiters with spaces and attempt matches	
			if self.debug: print('going to do checks on url path')
			if not is_policy:
				url_path_string = re.sub('[-|_|/|\.]',' ',urlsplit(policy['start_url']).path)
				if len(url_path_string) > 0:
					policy_type_result = self.determine_policy_type_from_text(url_path_string)
					if policy_type_result['success'] == True:
						is_policy 					= True
						policy['type']				= policy_type_result['result']['policy_type']
						policy['match_term']		= policy_type_result['result']['match_term']
						policy['match_text']		= policy_type_result['result']['match_text']
						policy['match_text_type']	= 'url_path'

			if self.debug: print('going to do checks on meta desc')
			if not is_policy and policy['meta_desc']:
				policy_type_result = self.determine_policy_type_from_text(policy['meta_desc'])
				if policy_type_result['success'] == True:
					is_policy 					= True
					policy['type']				= policy_type_result['result']['policy_type']
					policy['match_term']		= policy_type_result['result']['match_term']
					policy['match_text']		= policy_type_result['result']['match_text']
					policy['match_text_type']	= 'meta_desc'

			# iterate over all types of heading tags to extract text 
			#	and check for policy matches.  note we go in order of
			#	importance (eg h1->h7->span,etc)
			if self.debug: print('going to do checks on heading tags')
			if not is_policy:
				for tag_type in ['h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6','h7','span','strong','em']:
					if is_policy: break
					tags = lxml_doc.cssselect(tag_type)
					if len(tags) > 0:
						for tag in tags:
							tag_text = tag.text_content()
							# if it is > 15 words it is likely not a heading
							if len(tag_text.split(' ')) > 15: break
							policy_type_result = self.determine_policy_type_from_text(tag_text)
							if policy_type_result['success'] == True:
								is_policy 					= True
								policy['type']				= policy_type_result['result']['policy_type']
								policy['match_term']		= policy_type_result['result']['match_term']
								policy['match_text']		= policy_type_result['result']['match_text']
								policy['match_text_type']	= tag_type

		# if it is a policy we do additional processing
		#	before storing in db, otherwise we fail
		#	gracefully
		if is_policy:
			if self.debug: print('going to store readability_html')
			readability_source_md5 = self.store_file(readability_html, False, 'readability_html')

			if self.debug: print('going to store page_text')

			# store_page_text handles some addition operations
			if self.debug: print('going to store page_text')
			policy['page_text_id'] = self.store_page_text(readability_html, readability_source_md5)

			if self.debug: print(f"page_text_id is {policy['page_text_id']}")

			if self.debug: print('going to store page_source')
			policy['page_source_md5'] 	= self.store_file(page_source, False, 'page_source')

			if self.debug: print('going to do reading ease scores')
			# get readability scores, scores below zero are
			#	invalid so we null them
			policy['fre_score'] = textstat.flesch_reading_ease(page_text)
			if policy['fre_score'] <= 0:
				policy['fre_score'] = None

			policy['fk_score']  = textstat.flesch_kincaid_grade(page_text)
			if policy['fk_score'] <= 0:
				policy['fk_score'] = None

			if self.debug: print('going to store policy')
			# add to db and get id for this policy
			policy_id  = self.sql_driver.add_policy(policy)

			if self.debug: print('going to link policy to pages')
			# attach policy to all links with this url, not we can filter
			#	do only do internal links
			for page_id, crawl_id in self.sql_driver.get_page_ids_from_link_url(policy['start_url'],internal_links_only=True):

			if self.debug: 
				print(f'\t� Success: {policy["start_url"]}')
			return {'success': True}
			if self.debug: 
				print(f'\t👎 Fail: {policy["start_url"]}')
			return {
				'success': False,
				'result': 'Not policy'
	# store_policy

	def determine_policy_type_from_text(self, text):
		Determine if a given text fragment indicates
			a given type of policy.

		Returns dict.


		# clear whitespace
		text = re.sub('\s+',' ',text)

		# retrieve values from policy_terms.json
		policy_verification_terms = self.utilities.get_policy_verification_terms()

		policy_type_keys = []
		for key in policy_verification_terms:

		# randomize the order we do our checks

		# look for matches against verification terms
		for policy_type in policy_type_keys:
			for term in policy_verification_terms[policy_type]:
				if term in text.lower():
						'success': True,
						'result' :{
							'policy_type':	policy_type,
							'match_term':	term,
							'match_text':	text

		# no match
		return ({'success': False})
	# determine_policy_type_from_text

	def store_page_text(self,readability_html,readability_source_md5):
		# the actual 'page_text' output from readability doesn't properly seperate words
		#	that use markup as a space.  eg '<h3>this</h3><p>that</p>' becomes 'thisthat'
		#	whereas 'this that' is what a user would see in the browser
		# to overcome the above issue we have to manually strip out html and do some 
		#	cleaning of our own.
		page_text = re.sub('<!--.+-->',' ', readability_html)
		page_text = re.sub('<svg.+</svg>',' ', page_text)
		page_text = re.sub('<.+?>', ' ', page_text)
		page_text = re.sub('[\n|\r]', ' ', page_text)
		page_text = re.sub('\s+', ' ', page_text)
		page_text = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD',html.unescape(page_text.strip()))

		# postgres can't handle nulls
		page_text = page_text.replace('\x00','NULL_REPLACED_FOR_PSQL')

		# return the id
		return self.sql_driver.add_page_text({
			'text'						: page_text.replace('\x00',' '),
			'word_count'				: len(page_text.split()),
			'readability_source_md5' 	: readability_source_md5
Пример #5
    def store_result(self, data):
		We've gotten data from a client, attempt to store it.

        # unpack params
        client_id = data['client_id']
        client_ip = data['client_ip']
        success = data['success']
        task = data['task']
        task_result = data['task_result']

        # we only load the json string if it is
        #	not a crawl
        if task != 'get_crawl':
            target = json.loads(data['target'])
            target = data['target']

        # get db connection from config
        mapped_db = self.client_id_to_db[client_id]

        # create db connection
        if client_id in self.client_id_to_db:
            sql_driver = PostgreSQLDriver(mapped_db)
            return 'FAIL: client_id not in client_id_to_db list'

        # get config for this db
        config = sql_driver.get_config()

        # if we're not expecting this result we ignore it
        if not sql_driver.is_task_in_queue({'task': task, 'target': target}):
            return 'FAIL: task not in queue, ignoring'

        # if browser failed we increment attempts and log the error
        if success == False:
            print(f'👎 Error for {target}: %s' % {task_result})

            # for times we don't want to retry, such as a rejected
            #	redirect or network resolution failure, this could be expanded
            fail_cases = [
                'reached fail limit', 'rejecting redirect',
                'did not find enough internal links'

            if task_result in fail_cases or 'ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED' in task_result:
                sql_driver.set_task_as_failed(target, task)
                sql_driver.unlock_task_in_queue(target, task)

                'client_id': client_id,
                'target': target,
                'task': task,
                'msg': task_result
            del sql_driver
            return 'FAIL'

        # we only need to put the result in the queue, allows
        #	us to respond to clients faster and keep the results
        #	compressed
            'client_id': client_id,
            'client_ip': client_ip,
            'mapped_db': mapped_db,
            'target': target,
            'task': task,
            'task_result': task_result

        # close out db connection and send back our response
        del sql_driver
        return 'OK'