Пример #1
def _weichat_msg():
     c = httplib.HTTPSConnection("qyapi.weixin.qq.com")
     c.request("GET", "/cgi-bin/gettoken?corpid=wx416865667552f10b&corpsecret=60gcQRI8S-1hbMSvqf5CzBnYKBk1O3qOTmPw9Lk37Rxm6bFYifoyu4Me-P5sd53G")
     response = c.getresponse()
     print response.status, response.reason
     data = response.read()
     result = json.loads(data)
     token= result.get('access_token')
     print token
     #send message
     str_1 = '''{
    "touser": "******",
    "msgtype": "text",
    "agentid": 0,
    "text": {
        "content": "Thank you for you follow DSA Account, you will get the attendance message at 8pm."
#      url = "/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token="+token
#      c.request("POST",url ,str_1)
#      response = c.getresponse()
#      data = response.read()
     #print data
     print wechat_utils.validate_weichat_user('lxj',token)
Пример #2
def _weichat_msg():
    c = httplib.HTTPSConnection("qyapi.weixin.qq.com")
    response = c.getresponse()
    print response.status, response.reason
    data = response.read()
    result = json.loads(data)

    token = result.get('access_token')
    print token
    #send message

    str_1 = '''{
    "touser": "******",
    "msgtype": "text",
    "agentid": 0,
    "text": {
        "content": "Thank you for you follow DSA Account, you will get the attendance message at 8pm."
    #      url = "/cgi-bin/message/send?access_token="+token
    #      c.request("POST",url ,str_1)
    #      response = c.getresponse()
    #      data = response.read()
    #print data
    print wechat_utils.validate_weichat_user('lxj', token)
Пример #3
 def clean(self):
     cleaned_data = super(WechatEditForm, self).clean()
     shortname = cleaned_data.get("shortname")
     token = wechat_utils.get_weichat_token()
     if not wechat_utils.validate_weichat_user(shortname,token):
         #validate failed
         self.add_error('shortname','wechat validate error. Please ensure you have follow DSA account.')                                                            
Пример #4
 def clean(self):
     cleaned_data = super(WechatEditForm, self).clean()
     shortname = cleaned_data.get("shortname")
     token = wechat_utils.get_weichat_token()
     if not wechat_utils.validate_weichat_user(shortname, token):
         #validate failed
             'wechat validate error. Please ensure you have follow DSA account.'