def post_tweet(access_token): client = WeiboClient(access_token) files = {'pic': open('水墨荷花.png', 'rb')} result ="statuses/share.json", data={"status": "测试一下,看看发送成功了嘛"}, files=files) print("发送结果:", result) files.close()
def postweibo(): # send a test weibo. the posted text will truncated and add a tail time = '%s automatically update. ' % # status = request.args.get('t', time) if 'access_token' in session and request.method == 'POST': # text = request.form['text'] text = request.get_json().get('text') text = text[:200] # key = request.form['key'] key = request.get_json().get('key') _ = ts.update(text) _ = ts.update(key) # ecr = puer.encrypt(key, text) token = request.get_json().get('token') if not token: return jsonify({'error': 'token missing'}) # if len(ecr) > 122: # ecr = ecr[:122] tail = ' #<%s' % key # must has this end sentpost = '%s %s' % (text, tail) client = WeiboClient(token) result ="statuses/share.json", data={"status":sentpost, "access_token":session['access_token']}) # result ='', data={"status":"test article test article"}) return jsonify(result) elif 'access_token' in session and request.method == 'GET': return ''' <h2>加密并分享至微博</h2> <a>密码1-8常用汉字,正文不超过128字偶数汉字,非汉字会被丢弃</a> <form method="post"> <p><textarea cols=40 rows=10 name=text value='Limit 128 Char' style="background-color:BFCEDC"></textarea> <p><input type=text name=key value='密码'> <p><input type=submit value=ENCRYPTWB> </form> ''' else: return redirect(CAclient.authorize_url)
def postweibo(): # send a test weibo. the posted text will truncated and add a tail time = '%s automatically update. ' % # status = request.args.get('t', time) if 'access_token' in session and request.method == 'POST': text = request.form['text'] text = text[:200] key = request.form['key'] _ = ts.update(text) _ = ts.update(key) chars = ts.filterchars(text) keychar = ts.filterchars(key) ecr = ts.encryptext(chars, keychar) if len(ecr) > 122: ecr = ecr[:122] tail = ' 密码:%s' % keychar # must has this end sentpost = '%s %s' % (ecr, tail) client = WeiboClient(session['access_token']) result ="statuses/share.json", data={"status":sentpost, "access_token":session['access_token']}) # result ='', data={"status":"test article test article"}) return jsonify(result) elif 'access_token' in session and request.method == 'GET': return ''' <h2>加密并分享至微博</h2> <a>密码1-8常用汉字,正文不超过128字偶数汉字,非汉字会被丢弃</a> <form method="post"> <p><textarea cols=40 rows=10 name=text value='Limit 128 Char' style="background-color:BFCEDC"></textarea> <p><input type=text name=key value='密码'> <p><input type=submit value=ENCRYPTWB> </form> ''' else: return redirect(url_for('login'))
class WeiboRequestTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ """ def setUp(self): """ :return: """ self.token = "1qaz3edc" self.client = WeiboClient(self.token) def test_weibo_request(self): """ :return: """ body = """ {"next_cursor": 4098746105417334, "hasvisible": false, "uve_blank": -1, "statuses": ["4098748692646689", "4098748689403910", "4098748688918202", "4098747640117551", "4098747434341769", "4098747430814353", "4098747430145399", "4098747052681634", "4098746357066702", "4098746322855226", "4098746297959121", "4098746251989195", "4098746226771596", "4098746205413046", "4098746180805829", "4098746175979920", "4098746172045575", "4098746172045403", "4098746160243131", "4098746139219122"], "ad": [], "advertises": [], "interval": 0, "previous_cursor": 0, "total_number": 1322} """ httpretty.register_uri( httpretty.GET, "", body=body, status=200, content_type='text/json') self.assertDictEqual( self.client.get("statuses/friends_timeline/ids.json"), json.loads(body)) def test_weibo_post(self): """ :return: """ body = """ { "attitudes_count": 0, "biz_feature": 0, "comments_count": 0, "created_at": "Thu Apr 20 23:18:30 +0800 2017", "darwin_tags": [], "favorited": false, "geo": null, "gif_ids": null, "hasActionTypeCard": 0, "hot_weibo_tags": [], "id": 4098749565013950, "idstr": "4098749565013950", "in_reply_to_screen_name": "", "in_reply_to_status_id": "", "in_reply_to_user_id": "", "isLongText": false, "is_show_bulletin": 2, "mid": "4098749565013950", "mlevel": 0, "pic_urls": [], "positive_recom_flag": 0, "reposts_count": 0, "source": "<a href='' rel='nofollow'>app</a>", "source_allowclick": 0, "source_type": 1, "text": "haha", "textLength": 4, "text_tag_tips": [], "truncated": false, "user": { "allow_all_act_msg": false, "allow_all_comment": true, "avatar_hd": "", "avatar_large": "", "bi_followers_count": 9, "block_app": 0, "block_word": 0, "city": "2", "class": 1, "created_at": "Tue Dec 07 21:44:06 +0800 2010", "credit_score": 80, "description": "", "domain": "nooper", "favourites_count": 3, "follow_me": false, "followers_count": 48, "following": false, "friends_count": 140, "gender": "m", "geo_enabled": true, "id": 1885772381, "idstr": "1885772381", "insecurity": { "sexual_content": false }, "lang": "zh-cn", "online_status": 0, "pagefriends_count": 0, "profile_image_url": "", "profile_url": "nooper", "province": "11", "ptype": 0, "remark": "", "screen_name": "nooper", "star": 0, "statuses_count": 168, "urank": 13, "url": "", "user_ability": 0, "verified": false, "verified_reason": "", "verified_reason_url": "", "verified_source": "", "verified_source_url": "", "verified_trade": "", "verified_type": -1, "weihao": "" }, "userType": 590081, "visible": { "list_id": 0, "type": 0 } } """ httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.POST, "", body=body, status=200, content_type='text/json') self.assertDictEqual("statuses/update.json"), json.loads(body)) def test_weibo_api_error(self): """ :return: """ body = """ { "request": "/statuses/home_timeline.json", "error_code": "20502", "error": "Need you follow uid." } """ httpretty.register_uri( httpretty.GET, "", body=body, status=200, content_type='text/json') self.assertRaises(WeiboAPIError, self.client.get, "statuses/home_timeline.json")