Пример #1
def main():
    # get command line arguments
    slam_data_filepath = sys.argv[1]
    smarthome_data_filepath = sys.argv[2]
    sensor_map_filepath = sys.argv[3]
    config_filepath = sys.argv[4]

    # load the config
    config = Config(config_filepath)

    ### get all the things to plot
    # get slam map
    slam_map = SlamMap(slam_data_filepath, config)

    # get heatmap
    heatmap = StaticHeatmap(sensor_map_filepath, smarthome_data_filepath, config)
    heatmap.set_offset(slam_map.origin[0], slam_map.origin[1])

    # get path map
    path_map = PathMap(heatmap)

    # get the weighted average
    weighted_average = WeightedAverage(heatmap)

    # get the reachability map
    reachability_map = ReachabilityMap(slam_map)

    ### plot all the things to plot
    # plot the path map
    path_array = path_map.get_as_array()
    #plt.imshow(np.transpose(path_array), cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest')

    # plot the heatmap
    heatmap = heatmap.get_heatmap_array()
    plt.imshow(np.transpose(heatmap), cmap=get_custom_colormap_blue(), interpolation='nearest')

    # plot the slam map
    plt.imshow(np.transpose(slam_map.map), cmap=get_custom_colormap_green(), interpolation='nearest')

    # plot the weighted average
    average_point = weighted_average.get_weighted_average_point()
    #plt.plot(average_point[0], average_point[1], 'go')

    # plot the reachability map
    #plt.imshow(np.transpose(reachability_map.map), cmap=get_custom_colormap_blue(), interpolation='nearest')

    # flip y axis
    axis = plt.gca()

Пример #2
class BasePlacer:
    """ Finds where the robot should be placed based on our metrics

    Loads up the heatmap, slam map, path map, and weighted average.
    Then uses each of these metrics to find the best point by finding
    a weighted value for every point on the map.

    def __init__(self, slam_data_filepath, sensor_list_filepath,
                 smarthome_data_filepath, config):
        # variables
        self.map = None
        self.slam_weight = 1.0
        self.wa_weight = 0.1
        self.path_weight = 1500.0

        # load slam map
        self.slam_map = slam_map = SlamMap(slam_data_filepath, config)

        # load reachability map
        self.reachability_map = reachability_map = ReachabilityMap(slam_map)

        # load heatmap
        self.static_heatmap = static_heatmap = StaticHeatmap(
            sensor_list_filepath, smarthome_data_filepath, config)
        static_heatmap.set_offset(slam_map.origin[0], slam_map.origin[1])

        # load path map
        self.path_map_array = PathMap(self.static_heatmap).get_as_array()

        # load weighted average
        self.weighted_average = WeightedAverage(static_heatmap)
        self.average_point = self.weighted_average.get_weighted_average_point()


    def _build_map(self):

        # find the value of each point
        placement_map = np.zeros_like(self.static_heatmap.get_heatmap_array())

        for i in range(placement_map.shape[0]):
            for j in range(placement_map.shape[1]):
                # find the value of a given location
                placement_map[i, j] = self.find_value(i, j)

        # rescale to between zero and 1
        # note that all values in the map are less than zero
        amin = np.amin(placement_map)
        placement_map = np.subtract(placement_map, amin)
        amax = np.amax(placement_map)
        placement_map = np.true_divide(placement_map, amax)

        # apply reachability mask
        placement_map = self.apply_reachability_mask(placement_map)

        self.map = placement_map

    def apply_reachability_mask(self, placement_map):
        reachability_map = self.reachability_map.map

        masked_map = np.zeros_like(reachability_map, dtype="float")

        for i in range(reachability_map.shape[0]):
            for j in range(reachability_map.shape[1]):
                # skip values outside the placement map
                if i >= placement_map.shape[0] or j >= placement_map.shape[1]:

                if reachability_map[i, j] > 0:
                    masked_map[i, j] = placement_map[i, j]

        return masked_map

    def find_value(self, i, j):
        find the placement value at the given array location


        # get weighted average value
        p1 = (i, j)
        p2 = self.average_point
        wa_value = -(get_point_distance(p1, p2)**2) * self.wa_weight

        # get path map value
        path_value = -self.path_map_array[i, j] * self.path_weight

        return wa_value + path_value

    def get_best_point(self):
        """ get the location of the best point

            tuple (x, y) - indecies of the best scoring map location
        max_value = 0.0  # minimum value of the map is 0.0
        best_point = (-1, -1)

        for i in range(self.map.shape[0]):
            for j in range(self.map.shape[1]):
                if self.map[i, j] > max_value:
                    max_value = self.map[i, j]
                    best_point = (i, j)

        return best_point

    def display_as_heatmap(self):
        best_point = self.get_best_point()

        # display
        plt.imshow(np.transpose(self.map), cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest')
        plt.plot(best_point[0], best_point[1], 'go')

        axis = plt.gca()

    def display_top(self, top_percent=0.1):
        top_map = np.copy(self.map)

        minimum = np.amin(top_map)
        maximum = np.amax(top_map)

        value_range = maximum - minimum
        cutoff = maximum - value_range * top_percent

        # clip any values below the desired percentage
        full = np.full_like(top_map, cutoff)
        top_map = np.maximum(top_map, full)
        top_map = np.subtract(top_map, full)

        # scale to between 0 and 1
        amax = np.amax(top_map)
        top_map = np.true_divide(top_map, amax)

        plt.imshow(np.transpose(top_map), cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest')

        axis = plt.gca()