Пример #1
class Share(ModelBase):

    __table__ = 'share_info'
    id = IntField("id")
    openid = StringField("openid")
    open_gid = StringField("open_gid")
    page = StringField("page")
    created = IntField("created", int(time.time() * 1000))
    times = IntField("times", 0)
    op = StringField("op")
    type = StringField("type", "group")

    def save(self):
        assert self.openid and self.open_gid
        self._data.pop('id', '')
        return self._save(self._data)

    def find_share_by_openid(self, page, count):
        assert self.openid
        condition = {'openid': self.openid, "type": self.type}
        return self._find(condition, page, count)

    def check_share_info(self):
        assert self.openid and self.open_gid and self.page
        condition = {
            'openid': self.openid,
            'open_gid': self.open_gid,
            'page': self.page,
            'op': self.op
        return self._find_one(condition)

    def inc_times(self):
        assert self.id
        return self._increase(self.id, 'times')
Пример #2
class HintHistory(ModelBase):

    __table__ = 'hint_history'
    __dbcon__ = POETRY_DB

    word = StringField("word", '')
    index = IntField("index", None)
    openid = StringField("openid", '')
    level = IntField("level", None)
    created = IntField("created", 0)

    def get_hint_data(self):
        assert self.openid and self.level
        cond = {"openid": self.openid, 'level': self.level}
        return self._find_mongo(cond)

    def save_hint_data(self):
        data = {}
        assert self.word and self.index is not None and self.openid \
            and self.level
        data['word'] = self.word
        data['openid'] = self.openid
        data['level'] = self.level
        data['index'] = self.index
        data['created'] = int(time.time() * 1000)
        return self._save(data)
Пример #3
class Tab(ModelBase):
    '''tab object'''
    __table__ = 'tab'

    id = IntField("id")
    created = IntField("created", int(time.time() * 1000))
    tab_icon = StringField("icon", '')
    enabled = IntField("enabled", 0)
    tab_name = StringField("name", '')
    tab_id = IntField("tab_id")

    def get_tab(self):
        condition = {'enabled': 1}
        return self._find(condition)
Пример #4
class User(ModelBase):
    '''user object'''
    __table__ = 'userinfo'

    id = IntField("id", 0)
    unionid = StringField("unionid", '')
    openid = StringField("openid", '')
    nickname = StringField("nickname", '')
    sex = IntField("sex", 0)
    headimgurl = StringField("headimgurl", '')
    language = StringField("language", 'zh_CN')
    country = StringField("country", '')
    province = StringField("province", '')
    city = StringField("city", '')
    created = IntField('created', int(time.time() * 1000))

    def find_by_openid(self):
        '''get user by user openid'''
        assert self.openid != ''
        return self._find_one({'openid': self.openid})

    def save_user(self):
        assert self.openid != ''
        self._data.pop("id", '')
        return self._save(self._data)

    def update_user(self, update_data):
        assert self.openid != '' and update_data
        condition = {'openid': self.openid}
        return self._update(condition, update_data)
Пример #5
class BaseMiniMessage(ModelBase):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(BaseMiniMessage, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    msg_id = StringField("MsgId")
    msg_type = StringField("MsgType")
    create_time = StringField("CreateTime")

    def get_common_data(self):
        return {
            "MsgId": self.msg_id,
            "MsgTyep": self.msg_type,
            "CreateTime": self.create_time
Пример #6
class Category(ModelBase):
    __table__ = 'category'
    __dbcon__ = MONGO_DB

    id = IntField("id", None)
    name = StringField("name", None)
    recommend = IntField("recommend", None)

    def find_category_by_ids(self, ids):
        if not isinstance(ids, list):
            ids = [ids]
        condition = {'id': {'$in': ids}}
        return self._find_mongo(condition)

    def all_category(self, page=1, count=50):
        condition = {}
        if self.recommend is not None:
            condition.update({'recommend': self.recommend})
        return self._find_mongo(condition, page, count)

    def find_category_by_id(self):
        assert self.id
        return self._find_one({"id": self.id})

    def save_category(self):
        data = {'id': self.id, 'name': self.name}
        if self.recommend:
            data.update({'recommend': 1})
        ori_data = self.find_category_by_id()
        if ori_data:
            return ori_data['_id']
        return self._save(data)
Пример #7
class TbkConfig(ModelBase):
    __table__ = 'tbk_config'
    __dbcon__ = MONGO_DB

    key = StringField("key")
    start = IntField("start")
    end = IntField("end")
    desc = StringField("desc")
    switch = IntField("switch")
    proxy_end = IntField("proxy_end")
    phone = StringField("phone", '')
    api_key = IntField("api_key")
    api_sec = StringField("api_sec")
    pid = StringField("pid")

    def get_config_data(self):
        assert self.key
        cond = {'key': self.key}
        return self._find_one(cond)
Пример #8
class TbkHotWord(ModelBase):

    __table__ = 'hot_words'
    __dbcon__ = MONGO_DB

    word = StringField("word")
    enabled = IntField("enabled", None)

    def all_hot_words(self):
        cond = {'enabled': 1 if self.enabled else 0}
        return self._find_mongo(cond)
Пример #9
class GridFormId(ModelBase):

    __table__ = "formid"
    __dbcon__ = MONGO_DB

    appid = StringField("appid", '')
    openid = StringField("openid", '')
    formid = StringField("formid", '')
    created = IntField("created", 0)

    def save(self):
        assert self.openid and self.formid
        data = {
            "openid": self.openid,
            "formid": self.formid,
            "created": int(time.time() * 1000),
            "appid": self.appid,
            "enabled": 1
        return self._save(data)

    def find_one(self):
        assert self.openid
        now = int(time.time() * 1000)
        start = (now - 7 * 86400 * 1000)
        condition = {
            "openid": self.openid,
            "created": {
                "$gte": start
            "enabled": 1
        # LOCK
        record = self._find_one(condition)
        if record:
        return record

    def disabled_form(self, _id):
        condition = {"_id": _id}
        return self._update(condition, {'enabled': 0})
Пример #10
class Goods(ModelBase):
    '''goods object'''
    __table__ = 'goods'

    id = IntField("id", None)
    name = StringField("name", None)
    description = StringField("description", None)
    price = IntField("price", None)
    feature = StringField("feature", None)
    sales = IntField("sales", None)
    enabled = IntField("enabled", None)
    count = IntField("count", 0)

    def find_by_id(self):
        """find goods by goods id"""
        assert self.id is not None
        return self._find_one({'id': self.id})

    def find_all(self):
        """get all goods"""
        return self._find({})
Пример #11
class TbkBanner(ModelBase):
    __table__ = 'banner'
    __dbcon__ = MONGO_DB

    image = StringField("img", '')
    url = StringField("url", '')
    open_type = StringField("open_type", '')
    enabled = IntField("enabled", 1)

    def get_banners(self, enabled=1):
        cond = {'enabled': enabled}
        banners = self._find_mongo(cond)
        result = []
        for banner in banners:
                "url": banner['url'],
                'open_type': banner['open_type'],
                'img': banner['img'],
                'id': str(banner['_id'])
        return result
Пример #12
class KeyWords(ModelBase):

    __table__ = 'keywords'
    __dbcon__ = MONGO_DB

    category_id = IntField("category_id")
    enabled = IntField("enabled", 1)
    word = StringField("word", '')

    def get_keywords(self, condition, page, count):
        condition.update({'enabled': self.enabled})
        return self._find_mongo(condition, page, count)
Пример #13
class Author(ModelBase):
    '''author object'''
    __table__ = 'authors'

    id = StringField("id")
    name = StringField("name", None)
    description = StringField("description", None)
    headimg = StringField("headimg", None)
    total = IntField("total", 0)
    created = IntField("created", int(time.time() * 1000))
    dynasty = StringField('dynasty', None)
    poetry_link = StringField("poetry_link", '')

    def find_author_by_name(self):
        '''find author object by author name'''
        assert self.name
        cond = {'name': self.name}
        return self._find_one(cond)

    def find_author_by_id(self):
        assert self.id
        return self._find_one({'id': self.id})

    def save_author(self):
        '''save author data'''
        assert self.name and self.description and self.total is not None\
            and self.dynasty
        self._data.pop("id", '')
        return self._save(self._data)

    def find_authors(self, condition, page, count):
        return self._find(condition, page=page, count=count)
Пример #14
class Order(ModelBase):
    '''order object'''
    __table__ = 'orders'

    out_trade_no = StringField("out_trade_no", None)
    openid = StringField("openid", None)
    pay_type = StringField("pay_type", '')
    client_ip = StringField("client_ip", '')
    transaction_id = StringField("transaction_id", '')
    status = IntField("status", OrderStatus.NOTPAYED.value)
    total_fee = IntField("total_fee")
    body = StringField("body", '')
    update_time = IntField('update_time', int(time.time() * 1000))

    def save(self, commit=True):
        '''save order obj'''
        assert self.out_trade_no is not None and self.openid is not None \
            and self.total_fee is not None
        return self._save(self._data, commit)

    def update(self, update_data):
        assert self.out_trade_no
        condition = {'out_trade_no': self.out_trade_no}
        return self._update(condition, update_data)

    def find_one_order(self):
        assert self.out_trade_no
        condition = {'out_trade_no': self.out_trade_no}
        return self._find_one(condition)
Пример #15
class SearchKeyword(ModelBase):
    '''poetry object'''
    __table__ = 'search_keyword'

    id = IntField("id")
    keyword = StringField("keyword")
    created = IntField("created", int(time.time() * 1000))
    openid = StringField("openid", '')
    times = IntField('times', 0)

    def save(self):
        self._data.pop("id", '')
        return self._save(self._data)

    def check_search(self):
        assert self.keyword and self.openid
        condition = {"keyword": self.keyword, 'openid': self.openid}
        return self._find_one(condition)

    def inc_times(self):
        assert self.id
        return self._increase(self.id, 'times')
Пример #16
class FormId(ModelBase):
    '''user formid'''
    __table__ = 'formid'

    id = IntField("id")
    created = IntField("created", int(time.time() * 1000))
    openid = StringField("openid", '')
    enabled = IntField("enabled", 1)
    formid = StringField("formid", '')

    def save(self):
        assert self.openid and self.formid
        data = {}
        data['created'] = self.created
        data['openid'] = self.openid
        data['enabled'] = self.enabled
        data['formid'] = self.formid
        return self._save(data)

    def get_one_formid(self):
        assert self.openid
        condition = {'openid': self.openid, 'enabled': 1}
        record = self._find_one(condition)
        if not record:
            return None
        return record

    def disabled_formid(self, _id):
        condition = {'id': _id}
        return self._update(condition, {'enabled': 0})

    def get_sended_formids(self, page, count):
        condition = {'enabled': 1}
        group_by_fields = ['openid']
        ret_fields = ['openid', 'min(formid) as formid']
        return self._group_by(condition, group_by_fields, ret_fields, page,
Пример #17
class GridPoetry(ModelBase):
    '''poetry object'''
    __table__ = 'poetries'
    __dbcon__ = POETRY_DB

    answer = StringField("answer", '')
    author = StringField("author", '')
    dynasty = StringField("dynasty", '')
    enabled = IntField("enabled", 1)
    title = StringField("title", '')
    poetry = StringField("poetry", '')
    recited = IntField("recited", 1)
    level = IntField("level", 1)
    type = IntField("type", 1)

    def get_level_data(self):
        assert self.level
        cond = {
            'level': self.level,
            'enabled': self.enabled,
            'type': self.type
        return self._find_one(cond)
Пример #18
class MpUser(ModelBase):
    __table__ = 'userdata'
    __dbcon__ = MONGO_DB

    uid = StringField("uid", '')
    openid = StringField("openid", '')
    nickname = StringField("nickname", '')
    avatar = StringField("avatar", '')
    status = IntField("status", -1)
    login_time = IntField("login_time")

    def save_mpuser(self):
        assert self.uid and self.nickname and self.avatar and self.openid
        if self.get_user_by_openid():
            update_data = {
                'nickname': self.nickname,
                'avatar': self.avatar,
                'status': self.status,
                'uid': self.uid
            if self.status == 0:
                update_data.update({'login_time': time.time()})
            cond = {'openid': self.openid}
            ret = self._update(cond, update_data)
            ret = self._save(self._data)
        return ret

    def get_user_by_uid(self):
        assert self.uid
        cond = {'uid': self.uid}
        return self._find_one(cond)

    def get_user_by_openid(self):
        assert self.openid
        cond = {'openid': self.openid}
        return self._find_one(cond)
Пример #19
class Banner(ModelBase):
    '''poetry object'''
    __table__ = 'banner'

    id = IntField("id")
    page_path = StringField('page_path')
    created = IntField("created", int(time.time() * 1000))
    banner_url = StringField("banner_url", '')
    enabled = IntField("enabled", 0)
    appid = StringField("appid", '')

    def get_banner(self, enabled=1, page=1, count=50):
        condition = {}
        if enabled is not None:
            condition.update({"enabled": enabled})
        return self._find(condition, page=page, count=count)

    def count(self):
        return self._count({})

    def get_banner_by_id(self):
        assert self.id
        return self._find_one({"id": self.id})

    def update_banner_by_id(self, data):
        assert self.id
        cond = {"id": self.id}
        return self._update(cond, data)

    def save_banner(self, data):
        return self._save(data)

    def delete_banner(self):
        assert self.id
        cond = {"id": self.id}
        return self._delete_(cond)
Пример #20
class NavDiandi(ModelBase):

    __table__ = 'diandi_user'
    __dbcon__ = MONGO_DB

    openid = StringField("openid", '')
    created = IntField("created", 0)

    def save(self):
        assert self.openid
        data = {"openid": self.openid, 'created': self.created}
        return self._save(data)

    def find_one(self):
        assert self.openid
        condition = {'openid': self.openid}
        return self._find_one(condition)
Пример #21
class SubCategory(ModelBase):
    __table__ = 'sub_category'
    __dbcon__ = MONGO_DB

    id = IntField("id", None)
    parent = IntField("parent")
    name = StringField("name", "")

    def find_one(self):
        assert self.id
        return self._find_one({'id': self.id})

    def save_category(self):
        assert self.id and self.parent is not None
        data = {'id': self.id, "name": self.name, 'parent': self.parent}
        ori_data = self.find_one()
        if ori_data:
            return ori_data['id']
        return self._save(data)
Пример #22
class TbkOrder(ModelBase):
    __table__ = 'orders'
    __dbcon__ = MONGO_DB

    order_id = IntField("order_id")   # 订单id
    goods_id = IntField("goods_id")   # 商品id
    count = IntField("count")         # 商品个数
    creatd = StringField("created", '')  # 同步订单的时间
    goods_title = StringField("title", '')  # 商品标题
    order_status = StringField("order_status", '')  # 订单状态
    paid_fee = FloatField("paid_fee", 0)        # 实际支付金额
    expect_fee = FloatField("expect_fee", 0)  # 效果预估,
    income_fee = FloatField("income_fee", 0)  # 实际结算金额
    income_time = StringField("income_time", '')   # 结算时间
    comm_rate = FloatField("comm_rate", 0)    # 佣金比例
    created_time = StringField("created_time", '')  # 订单创建时间
    pid = StringField("pid", '')              # 订单所属的pid
    uid = StringField("uid", '')              # 订单属于哪个用户
    status = IntField("status", 0)    # 订单在本系统中的状态,如是否累加到用户结算
Пример #23
class SentenceDaily(ModelBase):
    __table__ = 'sentence_daily'

    id = IntField("id")
    # the English content
    content_en = StringField('content_en', None)
    content_cn = StringField('content_cn', None)
    note = StringField('note', None)
    created = IntField("created", int(time.time() * 1000))
    banner = StringField("banner", '')
    tags = StringField("tags", None)
    likes = IntField("likes", 0)
    type = IntField('type', None)
    voice_url = StringField('voice_url', None)
    date_str = StringField('date_str', '')

    def save_data(self):
        assert self.content_en or self.content_cn
        return self._save(self._data)

    def _build_cond(self):
        cond = {}
        if self.id:
            cond['id'] = self.id
        if self.date_str:
            cond['date_str'] = self.date_str
        if self.type:
            cond['type'] = self.type
        return cond

    def get_one_sentence(self):
        cond = self._build_cond()
        return self._find_one(cond)

    def list_sentences(self, condition, page=1, count=20, sort={'likes': -1}):
        cond = self._build_cond()
        if condition:
        return self._find(cond, page, count, sort=sort)
Пример #24
class OrderDetail(ModelBase):
    '''order detail object'''
    __table__ = 'order_detail'
    __dbcon__ = None

    order_detail_id = IntField("order_detail_id")
    out_trade_no = StringField("out_trade_no")
    goods_id = IntField("goods_id")
    price = IntField("price")
    count = IntField("count")
    fee = IntField("fee")

    def save(self, commit=True):
        '''save order detail'''
        assert self.out_trade_no is not None and self.price is not None and \
            self.count is not None and self.fee is not None
        if self.order_detail_id is None:
        return self._save(self._data, commit)

    def get_detail(self):
        assert self.out_trade_no
        condition = {'out_trade_no': self.out_trade_no}
        return self._find(condition)
Пример #25
class Sentence(ModelBase):
    __table__ = 'sentence'

    id = IntField("id")
    # source title
    title = StringField("title", None)
    # the sentence
    content = StringField('content', None)
    created = IntField("created", int(time.time() * 1000))
    banner = StringField("banner", '')
    tags = StringField("tags", None)
    author_id = StringField("author_id", None)
    author = StringField("author")
    poetry_id = IntField("poetry_id")
    likes = IntField("likes", 0)
    type = IntField("type", SentenceType.POETRY.value)

    def find_by_content(self):
        assert self.content
        return self._find_one({'content': self.content})

    def find_by_id(self):
        assert self.id
        return self._find_one({'id': self.id})

    def save(self):
        ori_content = self.find_by_content()
        if ori_content:
            return ori_content['id']
        self._data.pop("id", '')
        LOG.debug("save centence: %s", self.content)
        return self._save(self._data)

    def find_sentence_by_cond(self, condition, page, count):
        return self._find(condition, page, count, sort={"likes": -1})

    def update_sentence_by_id(self, data):
        assert self.id
        condition = {'id': self.id}
        return self._update(condition, data)
Пример #26
class UserBrowseHistory(ModelBase):
    __table__ = 'user_history'

    id = IntField('id')
    openid = StringField("openid")
    poetry_id = IntField("poetry_id")
    created = IntField("created", int(time.time() * 1000))
    # 0 --- browse  1--- like -1 --- dislike
    operation = IntField("operation", PoetryOp.BROWSE.value)
    times = IntField("times", 1)
    qrcode = StringField("qrcode", '')

    def check_browse(self):
        assert self.openid and self.poetry_id
        condition = {'openid': self.openid, 'poetry_id': self.poetry_id}
        return self._find_one(condition)

    def save(self):
        self._data.pop("id", '')
        return self._save(self._data)

    def inc_times(self):
        assert self.id
        return self._increase(self.id, 'times')

    def user_operation(self, op_code):
        assert self.openid and self.poetry_id
        condition = {'openid': self.openid, 'poetry_id': self.poetry_id}
        update_data = {'operation': op_code}
        return self._update(condition, update_data)

    def get_user_history(self, page, count):
        assert self.openid
        condition = {'openid': self.openid}
        return self._find(condition, page, count, {'created': -1})

    def get_user_like(self, page, count):
        assert self.openid
        condition = {'openid': self.openid, 'operation': PoetryOp.LIKE.value}
        return self._find(condition, page, count, {'created': -1})

    def update_qrcode(self, qrcode_url):
        assert self.id or (self.openid and self.poetry_id)
        if self.id:
            condition = {'id': self.id}
            condition = {'openid': self.openid, 'poetry_id': self.poetry_id}
        update_data = {'qrcode': qrcode_url}
        return self._update(condition, update_data)

    def is_browsed(self, openid, poetry_id):
        cond = {'openid': openid, 'poetry_id': poetry_id}
        return self._find_one(cond)

    def get_today_history(self):
        today = datetime.now()
        today = datetime(today.year, today.month, today.day)
        stamp = time.mktime(today.timetuple()) * 1000
        cond = {'openid': self.openid, 'created': {'>=': stamp}}
        return self._find_one(cond)

    def get_sended_users(self, page, count):
        group_by_fields = ['openid']
        select_fields = ['openid', 'count(poetry_id) as recited', 'poetry_id']
        return self._group_by({}, group_by_fields, select_fields, page, count)
Пример #27
class TbkGoods(ModelBase):
    __table__ = 'goods'
    __dbcon__ = MONGO_DB

    coupon_total_count = IntField("coupon_total_count", 0)
    coupon_info = StringField("coupon_info", '')
    is_tmall = IntField("is_tmall", 0)
    end = StringField("end", '')
    start = StringField("start", '')
    created = IntField("created", int(time.time() * 1000))
    small_images = ListField("small_images", [])
    sales = IntField("sales", 0)
    num_id = IntField("num_id", 0)
    coupon_id = StringField("coupon_id", '')
    coupon_start = IntField("coupon_start", 0)
    coupon_share_url = StringField("coupon_share_url", '')
    price = FloatField("price")
    coupon_amount = IntField("coupon_amount")
    category_id = IntField("category_id")
    category_name = StringField("category_name")
    commssion_rate = FloatField("commssion_rate")
    pic_url = StringField("pic_url")
    title = StringField("title")
    coupon_remain = IntField("coupon_remain")
    update_time = IntField("update_time", int(time.time() * 1000))
    coupon_expire = IntField("coupon_expire", 0)
    similar_goods = ListField("similar_goods", [])
    source = StringField("source", "")
    coupon_fee = FloatField("coupon_fee", 0)
    sub_category_id = IntField("sub_category_id")
    sub_category_name = StringField("sub_category_name", '')
    mid = IntField("mid", 0)

    def find_goods_by_id(self):
        cond = {'num_id': self.num_id}
        return self._find_one(cond)

    def update(self, update_data):
        assert self.num_id
        cond = {"num_id": self.num_id}
        return self._update(cond, update_data)

    def delete(self):
        assert self.num_id
        return self._delete({'num_id': self.num_id})

    def disabled_goods_by_id(self):
        assert self.num_id
        cond = {'num_id': self.num_id}
        update_data = {'coupon_expire': 1}
        LOG.info("disabled goods: %s", self.num_id)
        return self._delete(cond)

    def check_save(self):
        coupon_amount = float(self.coupon_amount)
        price = float(self.price)
        coupon_fee = price - coupon_amount
        if coupon_fee <= 0:
            return False
        if coupon_amount / coupon_fee >= 0.1:
            return True
        return False

    def find_goods_by_cond(self, condition, page, count, fields=[]):
        return self._find_mongo(condition, page, count, fields)

    def count(self, condition):
        return self._count(condition)

    def save(self):
        assert self.num_id and self.coupon_total_count is not None and self.price and\
            self.title and self.coupon_amount is not None
        old_goods = self.find_goods_by_id()
        if old_goods:
            ret = old_goods['_id']
            update_data = self._get_update_data(old_goods)
                'update_time': int(time.time() * 1000),
                'coupon_expire': 0
            ret = self.update(update_data)
            LOG.info("update goods: %s, data: %s, ret: %s", self.num_id,
                     update_data, ret)
            ret = self._save(self._data)
            LOG.info("save goods: %s, id: %s", ret, self.num_id)
        return str(ret)

    def _get_update_data(self, old_data):
        change_keys = ("coupon_total_count", "coupon_info", "is_tmall", "end",
                       "start", "sales", "coupon_id", "coupon_start",
                       "coupon_share_url", "price", "coupon_amount",
                       "category_id", "category_name", "commssion_rate",
                       "title", "coupon_remain", "sub_category_id")
        update_data = {}
        for key in change_keys:
            old_value = old_data.get(key)
            new_value = getattr(self, key)
            if new_value and old_value != new_value:
                update_data[key] = new_value
        return update_data
Пример #28
class TbkMenuConfig(ModelBase):
    __table__ = 'tabs'
    __dbcon__ = MONGO_DB

    id = IntField("id")
    name = StringField("name")
    enabled = IntField("enabled")
    icon = StringField("icon")
    parent = IntField("parent")
    type = StringField("type")
    sort_tabs = ListField("sort_tabs")

    def get_parent_tab(self, parent_id=None, enabled=1):
        cond = {'enabled': enabled, 'parent': 0}
        if parent_id:
            cond.update({'_id': parent_id})
        return self._find_mongo(cond)

    def get_one_menu(self, mid):
        cond = {'_id': mid}
        return self._find_one(cond)

    def get_sort_tabs(self):
        sort_tabs = self.__dbcon__.find("sort_tabs", {}, count=100)
        sort_tab_dict = {}
        for tab in sort_tabs:
            _id = tab['_id']
            name = tab['name']
            sort_tab_dict[_id] = {'id': _id, "name": name}
        return sort_tab_dict

    def get_cond_tabs(self):
        cond_tabs = self.__dbcon__.find("cond_tabs", {})
        cond_tab_dict = {}
        for tab in cond_tabs:
            _id = tab['_id']
            name = tab['name']
            params = tab['params']
            tmp = {'id': _id, 'name': name, 'params': params}
            cond_tab_dict[_id] = tmp
        return cond_tab_dict

    def _ship_sort_tab(self, sort_ids, sort_tab_dict):
        data = []
        for sort_id in sort_ids:
            sort_config = sort_tab_dict.get(sort_id)
            if not sort_config:
        return data

    def get_sub_menu(self, parent=None):
        if parent:
            cond = {'parent': parent}
            cond = {'parent': {'$ne': 0}}
        cond.update({'enabled': 1})
        cats = self._find_mongo(cond, count=100)
        result_dict = {}
        for cat in cats:
            parent = cat['parent']
            tmp = {'id': cat['_id'], 'name': cat['name'], 'icon': cat['icon']}
            result_dict.setdefault(parent, [])
        return result_dict

    def get_config_tabs(self, enabled=1):
        result = {}
        sort_tab_dict = self.get_sort_tabs()
        cond_tab_dict = self.get_cond_tabs()
        parent_tabs = self.get_parent_tab()
        sub_cat = self.get_sub_menu()
        for tab in parent_tabs:
            _type = tab.get("type", '')
            if not _type:
            result.setdefault(_type, [])
            tmp = {"name": tab['name'], 'id': tab['_id'], 'icon': tab['icon']}
            sort_tab = self._ship_sort_tab(tab.get('sort_tabs', []),
            cond_tab = self._ship_sort_tab(tab.get("cond_tabs", []),
            _id = tab['_id']
            cats = sub_cat.get(_id, [])
                'parent': tmp,
                'tabs': sort_tab,
                'cats': cats,
                'condition': cond_tab
        for _type, data in result.items():
            data.sort(key=lambda x: x['parent']['id'])
        return result
Пример #29
class Poetry(ModelBase):
    '''poetry object'''
    __table__ = 'poetry'

    id = IntField("id")
    title = StringField("title", None)
    content = StringField('content', None)
    created = IntField("created", int(time.time() * 1000))
    banner = StringField("banner", '')
    tags = StringField("tags", None)
    author_id = StringField("author_id", None)
    dynasty = StringField("dynasty")
    author = StringField("author")
    translate = StringField("translate")
    shangxi = StringField("shangxi")
    likes = IntField("likes")
    plink = StringField("plink")

    def save(self):
        self._data.pop("id", '')
        return self._save(self._data)

    def increase(self, count):
        assert self.id
        return self._increase(self.id, 'likes', count)

    def find_poetry(self, condition, page, count, sort=None):
        return self._find(condition, page=page, count=count, sort=sort)

    def count(self, condition):
        return self._count(condition)

    def find_poetry_by_id(self):
        assert self.id
        return self._find_one({'id': self.id})

    def find_poetry_by_title(self):
        assert self.title
        return self._find_one({'title': self.title})

    def find_poetry_by_author_id(self, page, count):
        assert self.author_id
        return self._find({'author_id': self.author_id}, page, count)

    def check_duplicate(self):
        assert self.title and self.author and self.content
        condition = {
            'title': self.title,
            'author': self.author,
            'content': self.content
        return self._find_one(condition)

    def find_poetry_by_ids(self):
        assert self.id
        return self._find({'id': self.id})

    def search(self, page, count):
        assert self.author or self.content
        condition = {}
        # if self.author:
        #     condition.update({'author': self.author})
        # if self.content:
        condition.update({'content': self.content})
        # condition.update({'search_op': 'or'})
        fields = [
            'id', 'title', 'content', 'author', 'dynasty', 'likes', 'banner'
        return self._search(condition, page, count, fields)

    def search_fulltext(self, page, count, fields=None):
        assert self.content
        return self._search_fulltext(self.content, page, count, fields)

    def search_widget(self, page, count, fields=[], sort=None):
        assert self.content
        return self._search_widget(self.content, page, count, fields, sort)

    def random_get(self, page, count):
        fields = [
            'id', 'title', 'content', 'banner', 'author', 'dynasty', 'likes'
        return self._rand_get(fields, page, count)

    def update_poetry_by_id(self, update_data):
        assert self.id
        condition = {'id': self.id}
        return self._update(condition, update_data)
Пример #30
class ImageMessage(BaseMessage):

    content = StringField("content")
    height = StringField("height")
    width = StringField("width")