Пример #1
def start_service(listen_address: Optional[str] = None,
                  reload: Optional[bool] = False):  # pragma: no cover
    from uvicorn.main import run


    if listen_address is None:
        listen_address = ""

    host, port = listen_address.split(":")
    port = int(port)

    run(app="wetterdienst.ui.restapi:app", host=host, port=port, reload=reload)
Пример #2
def start_service(
    listen_address: Optional[str] = None, reload: Optional[bool] = False
):  # pragma: no cover
    This entrypoint will be used by `wetterdienst.cli`.


    if listen_address is None:
        listen_address = ""

    host, port = listen_address.split(":")
    port = int(port)
    app.server.run(host=host, port=port, debug=reload)
def main():
    """Run example."""
Пример #4
def main():
Пример #5
def run():
      wetterdienst dwd observation stations --parameter=<parameter> --resolution=<resolution> --period=<period> [--station=<station>] [--latitude=<latitude>] [--longitude=<longitude>] [--rank=<rank>] [--distance=<distance>] [--sql=<sql>] [--format=<format>] [--target=<target>]
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --parameter=<parameter> --resolution=<resolution> [--station=<station>] [--period=<period>] [--date=<date>] [--tidy] [--sql=<sql>] [--format=<format>] [--target=<target>]
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --parameter=<parameter> --resolution=<resolution> --latitude=<latitude> --longitude=<longitude> [--period=<period>] [--rank=<rank>] [--distance=<distance>] [--tidy] [--date=<date>] [--sql=<sql>] [--format=<format>] [--target=<target>]
      wetterdienst dwd forecast stations [--parameter=<parameter>] [--mosmix-type=<mosmix-type>] [--date=<date>] [--station=<station>] [--latitude=<latitude>] [--longitude=<longitude>] [--rank=<rank>] [--distance=<distance>] [--sql=<sql>] [--format=<format>] [--target=<target>]
      wetterdienst dwd forecast values --parameter=<parameter> [--mosmix-type=<mosmix-type>] --station=<station> [--date=<date>] [--tidy] [--sql=<sql>] [--format=<format>] [--target=<target>]
      wetterdienst dwd about [parameters] [resolutions] [periods]
      wetterdienst dwd about coverage [--parameter=<parameter>] [--resolution=<resolution>] [--period=<period>]
      wetterdienst dwd about fields --parameter=<parameter> --resolution=<resolution> --period=<period> [--language=<language>]
      wetterdienst radar stations [--odim-code=<odim-code>] [--wmo-code=<wmo-code>] [--country-name=<country-name>]
      wetterdienst dwd radar stations
      wetterdienst restapi [--listen=<listen>] [--reload]
      wetterdienst explorer [--listen=<listen>] [--reload]
      wetterdienst --version
      wetterdienst (-h | --help)

      --parameter=<parameter>       Parameter Set/Parameter, e.g. "kl" or "precipitation_height", etc.
      --resolution=<resolution>     Dataset resolution: "annual", "monthly", "daily", "hourly", "minute_10", "minute_1"
      --period=<period>             Dataset period: "historical", "recent", "now"
      --station=<station>           Comma-separated list of station identifiers
      --latitude=<latitude>         Latitude for filtering by geoposition.
      --longitude=<longitude>       Longitude for filtering by geoposition.
      --rank=<rank>                 Rank of nearby stations when filtering by geoposition.
      --distance=<distance>         Maximum distance in km when filtering by geoposition.
      --date=<date>                 Date for filtering data. Can be either a single date(time) or
                                    an ISO-8601 time interval, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_intervals.
      --mosmix-type=<mosmix-type>   type of mosmix, either 'small' or 'large'
      --sql=<sql>                   SQL query to apply to DataFrame.
      --format=<format>             Output format. [Default: json]
      --target=<target>             Output target for storing data into different data sinks.
      --language=<language>         Output language. [Default: en]
      --version                     Show version information
      --debug                       Enable debug messages
      --listen=<listen>             HTTP server listen address.
      --reload                      Run service and dynamically reload changed files
      -h --help                     Show this screen

    Examples requesting observation stations:

      # Get list of all stations for daily climate summary data in JSON format
      wetterdienst dwd observation stations --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent

      # Get list of all stations in CSV format
      wetterdienst dwd observation stations --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --format=csv

      # Get list of specific stations
      wetterdienst dwd observation stations --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --station=1,1048,4411

      # Get list of specific stations in GeoJSON format
      wetterdienst dwd observation stations --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --station=1,1048,4411 --format=geojson

    Examples requesting observation values:

      # Get daily climate summary data for specific stations
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent

      # Get daily climate summary data for specific stations in CSV format
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent

      # Get daily climate summary data for specific stations in tidy format
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --tidy

      # Limit output to specific date
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --date=2020-05-01

      # Limit output to specified date range in ISO-8601 time interval format
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --date=2020-05-01/2020-05-05

      # The real power horse: Acquire data across historical+recent data sets
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --date=1969-01-01/2020-06-11

      # Acquire monthly data for 2020-05
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=monthly --date=2020-05

      # Acquire monthly data from 2017-01 to 2019-12
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=monthly --date=2017-01/2019-12

      # Acquire annual data for 2019
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=annual --date=2019

      # Acquire annual data from 2010 to 2020
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=annual --date=2010/2020

      # Acquire hourly data
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=air_temperature --resolution=hourly --period=recent --date=2020-06-15T12

    Examples requesting forecast stations:

      wetterdienst dwd forecast stations

    Examples requesting forecast values:

      wetterdienst dwd forecast values --parameter=ttt,ff --station=65510

    Examples using geospatial features:

      # Acquire stations and readings by geoposition, request specific number of nearby stations.
      wetterdienst dwd observation stations --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --lat=49.9195 --lon=8.9671 --rank=5
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --lat=49.9195 --lon=8.9671 --rank=5 --date=2020-06-30

      # Acquire stations and readings by geoposition, request stations within specific distance.
      wetterdienst dwd observation stations --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --lat=49.9195 --lon=8.9671 --distance=25
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --lat=49.9195 --lon=8.9671 --distance=25 --date=2020-06-30

    Examples using SQL filtering:

      # Find stations by state.
      wetterdienst dwd observation stations --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --sql="SELECT * FROM data WHERE state='Sachsen'"

      # Find stations by name (LIKE query).
      wetterdienst dwd observation stations --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --sql="SELECT * FROM data WHERE lower(station_name) LIKE lower('%dresden%')"

      # Find stations by name (regexp query).
      wetterdienst dwd observation stations --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --sql="SELECT * FROM data WHERE regexp_matches(lower(station_name), lower('.*dresden.*'))"

      # Filter measurements: Display daily climate observation readings where the maximum temperature is below two degrees celsius.
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --sql="SELECT * FROM data WHERE temperature_air_max_200 < 2.0;"

      # Filter measurements: Same as above, but use tidy format.
      # FIXME: Currently, this does not work, see https://github.com/earthobservations/wetterdienst/issues/377.
      wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --sql="SELECT * FROM data WHERE parameter='temperature_air_max_200' AND value < 2.0;" --tidy

    Examples for inquiring metadata:

      # Display list of available parameters (air_temperature, precipitation, pressure, ...)
      wetterdienst dwd about parameters

      # Display list of available resolutions (10_minutes, hourly, daily, ...)
      wetterdienst dwd about resolutions

      # Display list of available periods (historical, recent, now)
      wetterdienst dwd about periods

      # Display coverage/correlation between parameters, resolutions and periods.
      # This can answer questions like ...
      wetterdienst dwd about coverage

      # Tell me all periods and resolutions available for 'air_temperature'.
      wetterdienst dwd about coverage --parameter=air_temperature

      # Tell me all parameters available for 'daily' resolution.
      wetterdienst dwd about coverage --resolution=daily

    Examples for exporting data to files:

      # Export list of stations into spreadsheet
      wetterdienst dwd observations stations --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --target=file://stations.xlsx

      # Shortcut command for fetching readings
      alias fetch="wetterdienst dwd observations values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent"

      # Export readings into spreadsheet (Excel-compatible)
      fetch --target="file://observations.xlsx"

      # Export readings into Parquet format and display head of Parquet file
      fetch --target="file://observations.parquet"

      # Check Parquet file
      parquet-tools schema observations.parquet
      parquet-tools head observations.parquet

      # Export readings into Zarr format
      fetch --target="file://observations.zarr"

    Examples for exporting data to databases:

      # Shortcut command for fetching readings
      alias fetch="wetterdienst dwd observation values --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent"

      # Store readings to DuckDB
      fetch --target="duckdb:///dwd.duckdb?table=weather"

      # Store readings to InfluxDB
      fetch --target="influxdb://localhost/?database=dwd&table=weather"

      # Store readings to CrateDB
      fetch --target="crate://localhost/?database=dwd&table=weather"

    Invoke the HTTP REST API service:

      # Start service on standard port, listening on http://localhost:7890.
      wetterdienst restapi

      # Start service on standard port and watch filesystem changes.
      # This is suitable for development.
      wetterdienst restapi --reload

      # Start service on public interface and specific port.
      wetterdienst restapi --listen=

    Invoke the Wetterdienst Explorer UI service:

      # Start service on standard port, listening on http://localhost:7891.
      wetterdienst explorer

      # Start service on standard port and watch filesystem changes.
      # This is suitable for development.
      wetterdienst explorer --reload

      # Start service on public interface and specific port.
      wetterdienst explorer --listen=

    appname = f"{__appname__} {__version__}"

    # Read command line options.
    options = normalize_options(docopt(run.__doc__, version=appname))

    # Setup logging.
    debug = options.get("debug")

    log_level = logging.INFO

    if debug:  # pragma: no cover
        log_level = logging.DEBUG


    # Run HTTP service.
    if options.restapi:  # pragma: no cover
        listen_address = options.listen
        log.info(f"Starting {appname}")
        log.info(f"Starting HTTP web service on http://{listen_address}")
        from wetterdienst.ui.restapi import start_service

        start_service(listen_address, reload=options.reload)

    # Run UI service.
    if options.explorer:  # pragma: no cover
        listen_address = options.listen
        log.info(f"Starting {appname}")
        log.info(f"Starting UI web service on http://{listen_address}")
        from wetterdienst.ui.explorer.app import start_service

        start_service(listen_address, reload=options.reload)

    # Handle radar data inquiry. Currently, "stations only".
    if options.radar:
        if options.dwd:
            data = DwdRadarSites().all()
            if options.odim_code:
                data = OperaRadarSites().by_odimcode(options.odim_code)
            elif options.wmo_code:
                data = OperaRadarSites().by_wmocode(options.wmo_code)
            elif options.country_name:
                data = OperaRadarSites().by_countryname(options.country_name)
                data = OperaRadarSites().all()

        output = json.dumps(data, indent=4)

    # Output domain information.
    if options.about:

    # Sanity checks.
    if (options["values"] or options.forecast) and options.format == "geojson":
        raise KeyError("GeoJSON format only available for stations output")

    # Acquire station list, also used for readings if required.
    # Filtering applied for distance (a.k.a. nearby) and pre-selected stations
    stations = None
    if options.observation:
        stations = DwdObservationRequest(
    elif options.forecast:
        stations = DwdMosmixRequest(

    if options.latitude and options.longitude:
        if options.rank:
            stations = stations.filter_by_rank(
        elif options.distance:
            stations = stations.filter_by_distance(
            raise DocoptExit(
                "Geospatial queries need either --rank or --distance")
        results = stations

    elif options.station:
        results = stations.filter_by_station_id(read_list(options.station))

        results = stations.all()

    df = pd.DataFrame()

    if options.stations:

    elif options["values"]:
            # TODO: Add stream-based processing here.
            results = results.values.all()
        except ValueError as ex:

    df = results.df

    if df.empty:
        log.error("No data available for given constraints")

    # Filter readings by datetime expression.
    if options["values"] and options.date:

    # Apply filtering by SQL.
    if options.sql:
        if options.tidy:
            log.error("Combining SQL filtering with tidy format not possible")

        log.info(f"Filtering with SQL: {options.sql}")

    # Emit to data sink, e.g. write to database.
    if options.target:

    # Render to output format.
        if options.format == "json":
            output = results.to_json()
        elif options.format == "csv":
            output = results.to_csv()
        elif options.format == "geojson":
            output = results.to_geojson()
            raise KeyError("Unknown output format")

    except KeyError as ex:
            f'{ex}. Output format must be one of "json", "geojson", "csv".')

Пример #6
def run():
      wetterdienst dwd observations stations --parameter=<parameter> --resolution=<resolution> --period=<period> [--station=<station>] [--latitude=<latitude>] [--longitude=<longitude>] [--number=<number>] [--distance=<distance>] [--sql=<sql>] [--format=<format>]
      wetterdienst dwd observations readings --parameter=<parameter> --resolution=<resolution> --station=<station> [--period=<period>] [--date=<date>] [--tidy] [--sql=<sql>] [--format=<format>] [--target=<target>]
      wetterdienst dwd observations readings --parameter=<parameter> --resolution=<resolution> --latitude=<latitude> --longitude=<longitude> [--period=<period>] [--number=<number>] [--distance=<distance>] [--tidy] [--date=<date>] [--sql=<sql>] [--format=<format>] [--target=<target>]
      wetterdienst dwd forecasts stations [--date=<date>] [--station=<station>] [--latitude=<latitude>] [--longitude=<longitude>] [--number=<number>] [--distance=<distance>] [--sql=<sql>] [--format=<format>]
      wetterdienst dwd forecasts readings --mosmix-type=<mosmix-type> --station=<station> [--parameter=<parameter>] [--date=<date>] [--tidy] [--sql=<sql>] [--format=<format>] [--target=<target>]
      wetterdienst dwd about [parameters] [resolutions] [periods]
      wetterdienst dwd about coverage [--parameter=<parameter>] [--resolution=<resolution>] [--period=<period>]
      wetterdienst dwd about fields --parameter=<parameter> --resolution=<resolution> --period=<period> [--language=<language>]
      wetterdienst service [--listen=<listen>]
      wetterdienst --version
      wetterdienst (-h | --help)

      --parameter=<parameter>       Parameter Set/Parameter, e.g. "kl" or "precipitation_height", etc.
      --resolution=<resolution>     Dataset resolution: "annual", "monthly", "daily", "hourly", "minute_10", "minute_1"
      --period=<period>             Dataset period: "historical", "recent", "now"
      --station=<station>           Comma-separated list of station identifiers
      --latitude=<latitude>         Latitude for filtering by geoposition.
      --longitude=<longitude>       Longitude for filtering by geoposition.
      --number=<number>             Number of nearby stations when filtering by geoposition.
      --distance=<distance>         Maximum distance in km when filtering by geoposition.
      --date=<date>                 Date for filtering data. Can be either a single date(time) or
                                    an ISO-8601 time interval, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_intervals.
      --mosmix-type=<mosmix-type>   type of mosmix, either 'small' or 'large'
      --sql=<sql>                   SQL query to apply to DataFrame.
      --format=<format>             Output format. [Default: json]
      --target=<target>             Output target for storing data into different data sinks.
      --language=<language>         Output language. [Default: en]
      --version                     Show version information
      --debug                       Enable debug messages
      --listen=<listen>             HTTP server listen address. [Default: localhost:7890]
      -h --help                     Show this screen

    Examples requesting stations:

      # Get list of all stations for daily climate summary data in JSON format
      wetterdienst dwd stations --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent

      # Get list of all stations in CSV format
      wetterdienst dwd stations --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --format=csv

      # Get list of specific stations
      wetterdienst dwd stations --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --station=1,1048,4411

      # Get list of specific stations in GeoJSON format
      wetterdienst dwd stations --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --station=1,1048,4411 --format=geojson

    Examples requesting readings:

      # Get daily climate summary data for specific stations
      wetterdienst dwd readings --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent

      # Optionally save/restore to/from disk in order to avoid asking upstream servers each time
      wetterdienst dwd readings --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent

      # Limit output to specific date
      wetterdienst dwd readings --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --date=2020-05-01

      # Limit output to specified date range in ISO-8601 time interval format
      wetterdienst dwd readings --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --date=2020-05-01/2020-05-05

      # The real power horse: Acquire data across historical+recent data sets
      wetterdienst dwd readings --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=historical,recent --date=1969-01-01/2020-06-11

      # Acquire monthly data for 2020-05
      wetterdienst dwd readings --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=monthly --period=recent,historical --date=2020-05

      # Acquire monthly data from 2017-01 to 2019-12
      wetterdienst dwd readings --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=monthly --period=recent,historical --date=2017-01/2019-12

      # Acquire annual data for 2019
      wetterdienst dwd readings --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=annual --period=recent,historical --date=2019

      # Acquire annual data from 2010 to 2020
      wetterdienst dwd readings --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=annual --period=recent,historical --date=2010/2020

      # Acquire hourly data
      wetterdienst dwd readings --station=1048,4411 --parameter=air_temperature --resolution=hourly --period=recent --date=2020-06-15T12

    Examples using geospatial features:

      # Acquire stations and readings by geoposition, request specific number of nearby stations.
      wetterdienst dwd stations --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --lat=49.9195 --lon=8.9671 --num=5
      wetterdienst dwd readings --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --lat=49.9195 --lon=8.9671 --num=5 --date=2020-06-30

      # Acquire stations and readings by geoposition, request stations within specific radius.
      wetterdienst dwd stations --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --lat=49.9195 --lon=8.9671 --distance=25
      wetterdienst dwd readings --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --lat=49.9195 --lon=8.9671 --distance=25 --date=2020-06-30

    Examples using SQL filtering:

      # Find stations by state.
      wetterdienst dwd stations --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --sql="SELECT * FROM data WHERE state='Sachsen'"

      # Find stations by name (LIKE query).
      wetterdienst dwd stations --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --sql="SELECT * FROM data WHERE lower(station_name) LIKE lower('%dresden%')"

      # Find stations by name (regexp query).
      wetterdienst dwd stations --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --sql="SELECT * FROM data WHERE regexp_matches(lower(station_name), lower('.*dresden.*'))"

      # Filter measurements: Display daily climate observation readings where the maximum temperature is below two degrees.
      wetterdienst dwd readings --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --sql="SELECT * FROM data WHERE element='temperature_air_max_200' AND value < 2.0;"

    Examples for inquiring metadata:

      # Display list of available parameters (air_temperature, precipitation, pressure, ...)
      wetterdienst dwd about parameters

      # Display list of available resolutions (10_minutes, hourly, daily, ...)
      wetterdienst dwd about resolutions

      # Display list of available periods (historical, recent, now)
      wetterdienst dwd about periods

      # Display coverage/correlation between parameters, resolutions and periods.
      # This can answer questions like ...
      wetterdienst dwd about coverage

      # Tell me all periods and resolutions available for 'air_temperature'.
      wetterdienst dwd about coverage --parameter=air_temperature

      # Tell me all parameters available for 'daily' resolution.
      wetterdienst dwd about coverage --resolution=daily

    Examples for exporting data to databases:

      # Shortcut command for fetching readings from DWD
      alias fetch="wetterdienst dwd readings --station=1048,4411 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent"

      # Store readings to DuckDB
      fetch --target="duckdb://database=dwd.duckdb&table=weather"

      # Store readings to InfluxDB
      fetch --target="influxdb://localhost/?database=dwd&table=weather"

      # Store readings to CrateDB
      fetch --target="crate://localhost/?database=dwd&table=weather"

    Run as HTTP service:

      wetterdienst dwd service
      wetterdienst dwd service --listen=


    appname = f"{__appname__} {__version__}"

    # Read command line options.
    options = normalize_options(docopt(run.__doc__, version=appname))

    # Setup logging.
    debug = options.get("debug")

    log_level = logging.INFO

    if debug:  # pragma: no cover
        log_level = logging.DEBUG


    # Run service.
    if options.service:  # pragma: no cover
        listen_address = options.listen
        log.info(f"Starting {appname}")
        log.info(f"Starting web service on {listen_address}")
        from wetterdienst.service import start_service


    # Output domain information.
    if options.about:

    # Sanity checks.
    if (options.readings or options.forecasts) and options.format == "geojson":
        raise KeyError("GeoJSON format only available for stations output")

    # Acquire station list, also used for readings if required.
    # Filtering applied for distance (a.k.a. nearby) and pre-selected stations
    df = get_stations(options)

    if options.stations and df.empty:
        log.error("No data available for given constraints")

    # Acquire observations.
    if options.readings:
        # Use list of station identifiers.
        if options.station:
            station_ids = read_list(options.station)
        elif options.latitude and options.longitude:
                station_ids = df.STATION_ID.unique()
            except AttributeError:
                station_ids = df.WMO_ID.unique()
            raise KeyError(
                "Either --station or --latitude, --longitude required")

        # Funnel all parameters to the workhorse.
        if options.observations:
            readings = DWDObservationData(
        elif options.forecasts:
            readings = DWDMosmixData(

        # Collect data and merge together.
            df = readings.all()
        except ValueError as ex:

    # Sanity checks.
    if df.empty:
        log.error("No data available")

    # Filter readings by datetime expression.
    if options.readings and options.date:
        resolution = None
        if options.observations:
            resolution = readings.resolution

        df = df.dwd.filter_by_date(options.date, resolution)

    # Make column names lowercase.
    df = df.dwd.lower()

    # Apply filtering by SQL.
    if options.sql:
        log.info(f"Filtering with SQL: {options.sql}")
        df = df.io.sql(options.sql)

    # Emit to data sink, e.g. write to database.
    if options.target:
        log.info(f"Writing data to target {options.target}")

    # Render to output format.
        output = df.dwd.format(options.format)
    except KeyError as ex:
            f'{ex}. Output format must be one of "json", "geojson", "csv", "excel".'
