def main(argv): a = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo() annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation() if len(argv) < 3: print "usage:", argv[0], "annotator record" sys.exit(1) = argv[1] a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_READ if wfdb.annopen(argv[2], a, 1) < 0: sys.exit(2) rrmax = 3 * wfdb.sampfreq(argv[2]) if rrmax <= 0: sys.exit(3) rrhist = [0] * int(rrmax+1) while 1: if not (wfdb.getann(0,annot) == 0 and not wfdb.wfdb_isqrs(annot.anntyp)): break t = annot.time while wfdb.getann(0, annot) == 0: if wfdb.wfdb_isqrs(annot.anntyp): rr = annot.time - t if rr > rrmax: rr = rrmax rrhist[rr] += 1 t = annot.time for rr in range(1, int(rrmax)): print '%(rr)4d %(time)s' % {'rr': rrhist[rr], 'time': wfdb.mstimstr(rr)} rr += 1 print '%(rr)4d %(time)s (or longer)' % {'rr': rrhist[rr], 'time': wfdb.mstimstr(rr)} wfdb.wfdbquit()
def main(argv): a = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo() annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation() if len(argv) < 3: print "usage:", argv[0], "annotator record" sys.exit(1) = argv[1] a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_READ wfdb.sampfreq(argv[2]) if wfdb.annopen(argv[2], a, 1) < 0: sys.exit(2) while wfdb.getann(0, annot) == 0: if annot.aux is not None: aux = annot.aux[1:] else: aux = "" print wfdb.timstr(-annot.time), "(" + str(annot.time) + ")", wfdb.annstr( annot.anntyp ), annot.subtyp, annot.chan, annot.num, aux wfdb.wfdbquit()
def setupWfdb(rec_name, annotator ): nsig = openWfdbSignal(rec_name); #Allocate memory for sig info array #we can use siarray to access WFDB_Siginfo structure siarray = wfdb.WFDB_SiginfoArray(nsig); #Allocate memory for data sdata = wfdb.WFDB_SampleArray(nsig); #Open WFDB record wfdb.isigopen(rec_name, siarray.cast(), nsig); #read annotations from file #WFDB_Anninfor() contains name and attributes of annotator .atr etc a = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo(); #WFDB_Annotation describes the attributes of signals #declare object in c : WFDB_Annotation annot; see below for declaring object in python annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation(); #read name and status of annotation file"atr";"ecg";"output_annotator"; a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_READ; freq=wfdb.sampfreq(rec_name); nsamp=siarray[0].nsamp; print ("sampling frequency is: " + str(freq)) init_time=wfdb.timstr(0); #print("strtim for starting value is: " + str(wfdb.strtim(init_time))); ##comment june 16 ###### print signal specification ##### record_info=wfdb.getinfo(rec_name) #print("getinfor is " + str(record_info)); # print("total num of samples: " + str(nsamp)); # print "Starting time of record is: "+ str(init_time); # print("sampling frequency is:"+ str(freq)); ########## READ ANNOTATION ################## if wfdb.annopen(rec_name, a, 1) < 0: print("cannot open aanopen"); exit(); return (nsamp, freq, annot, init_time,sdata);
def _set_attributes(self): #------------------------- if self._siginfo is None: return # wfdbname = wfdb.wfdbfile(None, None) # recname = wfdbname[:-4] if wfdbname.endswith('.hea') else wfdbname # if source.startswith('http://') or recname.startswith('ftp://'): # source = wfdbname # else: # recname = file_uri(recname) # source = file_uri(wfdbname) # if not uri: uri = recname ##logging.debug('rec: %s, source: %s', recname, source) self._framerate = wfdb.sampfreq(None)/wfdb.getspf() start = wfdb.mstimstr(0) if start[0] == '[': self.starttime = dateutil.parser.parse(start[1:-1], dayfirst=True) if self._siginfo[0].nsamp > 0: self.duration = self._siginfo[0].nsamp/float(self._framerate) ##duration = dateutil.parser.parse(wfdb.mstimstr(wfdb.strtim('e'))) ##print duration ## But has date... self._framesize = 0 self.data_signals = [ ] self.annotation_signals = [ ] self._offsets = [ ] offset = 0 for n in xrange(self._nsignals): if self._siginfo[n].desc != 'EDF Annotations': self.data_signals.append(n) self.add_signal(WFDBSignal(n, self, self._siginfo[n].units, metadata = { 'label': self._siginfo[n].desc, 'rate': self._framerate*self._siginfo[n].spf, } )) else: self.annotation_signals.append(n) self._framesize += self._siginfo[n].spf self._offsets.append((offset, self._framesize)) offset = self._framesize self._sigpoints = np.ones(self._framesize, 'bool') for n in xrange(self._nsignals): if n in self.annotation_signals: for i in xrange(*self._offsets[n]): self._sigpoints[i] = False
def main(argv): if len(argv) < 2: print "usage:", argv[0], "record" sys.exit(1) nsig = wfdb.isigopen(argv[1], None, 0) if nsig < 1: sys.exit(2) s = wfdb.WFDB_SiginfoArray(nsig) if wfdb.isigopen(argv[1], s.cast(), nsig) != nsig: sys.exit(2) print "Record", argv[1] print "Starting time:", wfdb.timstr(0) print "Sampling frequency: %(sf)g Hz" % {'sf': wfdb.sampfreq(argv[1])} print nsig, "signals" for i in range(0,nsig): print "Group %(g)d, Signal %(s)d:" % {'g': s[i].group, 's': i } print " File:", s[i].fname print " Description:", s[i].desc print " Gain:", if s[i].gain == 0.: print "uncalibrated; assume", wfdb.WFDB_DEFGAIN, else: print "%(gain)g" % {'gain': s[i].gain}, if s[i].units is not None: print "adu/" + s[i].units else: print "adu/mV" print " Initial value:", s[i].initval print " Storage format:", s[i].fmt print " I/O:", if s[i].bsize == 0: print "can be unbuffered" else: print str(s[i].bsize) + "-byte blocks" print " ADC resolution:", s[i].adcres, "bits" print " ADC zero:", s[i].adczero if s[i].nsamp > 0: print " Length:", wfdb.timstr(s[i].nsamp), \ "(" + str(s[i].nsamp) + " sample intervals)" print " Checksum:", s[i].cksum else: print " Length undefined" wfdb.wfdbquit()
def main(argv): time = maxslope = nslope = scmin = 0 a = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo() annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation() if len(argv) < 2: print "usage:", argv[0], "record [threshold]" sys.exit(1) = "qrs" a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_WRITE nsig = wfdb.isigopen(argv[1], None, 0) if nsig < 1: sys.exit(2) s = wfdb.WFDB_SiginfoArray(nsig) v = wfdb.WFDB_SampleArray(nsig) if wfdb.wfdbinit(argv[1], a, 1, s.cast(), nsig) != nsig: sys.exit(2) if wfdb.sampfreq(None) < 240. or wfdb.sampfreq(None) > 260.: wfdb.setifreq(250.) if len(argv) > 2: scmin = wfdb.muvadu(0, argv[2]) if scmin < 1: scmin = wfdb.muvadu(0, 1000) slopecrit = scmax = 10 * scmin ms160 = wfdb.strtim("0.16") ms200 = wfdb.strtim("0.2") s2 = wfdb.strtim("2") annot.subtyp = annot.chan = annot.num = 0 annot.aux = None wfdb.getvec(v.cast()) t9 = t8 = t7 = t6 = t5 = t4 = t3 = t2 = t1 = v[0] while 1: t0 = v[0] filter = t0 + 4*t1 + 6*t2 + 4*t3 + t4 - t5 - 4*t6 - 6*t7 - 4*t8 - t9 if time % s2 == 0: if nslope == 0: slopecrit -= slopecrit >> 4 if slopecrit < scmin: slopecrit = scmin elif nslope >= 5: slopecrit += slopecrit >> 4 if slopecrit > scmax: slopecrit = scmax if nslope == 0 and abs(filter) > slopecrit: nslope = 1 maxtime = ms160 if filter > 0: sign = 1 else: sign = -1 qtime = time if nslope != 0: if filter * sign < -slopecrit: sign = -sign nslope = nslope + 1 if nslope > 4: maxtime = ms200 else: maxtime = ms160 elif filter * sign > slopecrit and \ abs(filter) > maxslope: maxslope = abs(filter) if maxtime < 0: if 2 <= nslope and nslope <= 4: slopecrit += ((maxslope>>2) - slopecrit) >> 3 if slopecrit < scmin: slopecrit = scmin elif slopecrit > scmax: slopecrit = scmax annot.time = wfdb.strtim("i") - (time - qtime) - 4 annot.anntyp = wfdb.NORMAL wfdb.putann(0, annot) time = 0 elif nslope >= 5: annot.time = wfdb.strtim("i") - (time - qtime) - 4 annot.anntyp = wfdb.ARFCT wfdb.putann(0, annot) nslope = 0 maxtime = maxtime - 1 t9 = t8 t8 = t7 t7 = t6 t6 = t5 t5 = t4 t4 = t3 t3 = t2 t2 = t1 t1 = t0 time = time + 1 if not wfdb.getvec(v.cast()) > 0: break wfdb.wfdbquit()
def main(argv): db_path = "/opt/physiobank/database" record = '' wfdb.setwfdb(db_path) # Parse the arguments try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hr:", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif opt == '-r': record = arg # Read the number of signals in the record nsig = wfdb.isigopen(record, None, 0) # Exit if the record is not found, or there are no signals if nsig < 1: usage() sys.exit(2) siarray = wfdb.WFDB_SiginfoArray(nsig) wfdb.isigopen(record, siarray, nsig) n = 0 v = wfdb.intArray(nsig) lf = bf_math.intArray(siarray[0].nsamp) global sld_samp global ln global y_axes global sr_ds global subplt sr = (int)(wfdb.sampfreq(record)) print "sr:",sr sr_ds = 50 # Loop over each sample and print the signal values. while wfdb.getvec(v) > 0: for i in range(0,1): lf[n] = v[i] n = n + 1 bf_math.filtering(lf,siarray[0].nsamp,sr) _nsamp = siarray[0].nsamp x_axes = xrange(_nsamp*sr_ds/sr) print "x_axes:", _nsamp*sr_ds/sr y_axes = [] for i in xrange(_nsamp): b, val = bf_math.down_sample(lf[i], sr, sr_ds) if (b): y_axes.append(val) print "y_axes:", len(y_axes) plt.figure(1) subplt = plt.subplot(111) ln, = plt.plot(xrange(0,5*sr_ds), y_axes[0:5*sr_ds] ) #plt.axis([-100, 100]) plt.ylim(-300,300) #subplt.autoscale_view(True,True,True) axcolor = 'lightgoldenrodyellow' axsamp = plt.axes([0.25, 0.15, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg=axcolor) sld_samp = Slider(axsamp, 'samp', 0.1, 33*60, valinit=1) sld_samp.on_changed(update) wfdb.wfdbquit()
physig0 = [] physig1 = [] #read annotations from file #WFDB_Anninfor() contains name and attributes of annotator .atr etc a = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo() #WFDB_Annotation describes the attributes of signals #declare object in c : WFDB_Annotation annot; see below for declaring object in python annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation() #read name and status of annotation file = annotation print a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_READ freq = wfdb.sampfreq(rec_name) nsamp = siarray[0].nsamp init_time = wfdb.timstr(0) print type(init_time) print("strtim for starting value is: " + str(wfdb.strtim(init_time))) print("total num of samples: " + str(nsamp)) print "Starting time of record is: " + str(init_time) print("sampling frequency is:" + str(freq)) def gettime(sample_num, freq, init_time): return float(sample_num) / float(freq) #sample interval
def main(argv): record = '' annotator = '' # parse the arguments try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hr:a:", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif opt == '-r': record = arg elif opt == '-a': annotator = arg if len(record) == 0 or len(annotator) == 0: usage() sys.exit(2) # set the sampling frequency sps = wfdb.sampfreq(record) if sps < 0: sps = wfdb.WFDB_DEFFREQ wfdb.setsampfreq(sps) # get a new anninfo object ai = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo() # set ai fields = annotator ai.stat = wfdb.WFDB_READ # open the annotation result = wfdb.annopen( record, ai, 1 ) if result < 0: usage() sys.exit(2) # get a new annotation object annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation() while wfdb.getann(0, annot) == 0: # remove first char from aux string, if there is one if annot.aux is not None: aux = annot.aux[1:] else: aux = "" print "%s\t%d\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s" % ( \ wfdb.mstimstr(-annot.time), \ annot.time, \ wfdb.annstr(annot.anntyp), annot.subtyp, annot.chan, \ annot.num, \ aux) wfdb.wfdbquit()
physig0=[]; physig1=[]; #read annotations from file #WFDB_Anninfor() contains name and attributes of annotator .atr etc a = wfdb.WFDB_Anninfo(); #WFDB_Annotation describes the attributes of signals #declare object in c : WFDB_Annotation annot; see below for declaring object in python annot = wfdb.WFDB_Annotation(); #read name and status of annotation file; print a.stat = wfdb.WFDB_READ; freq=wfdb.sampfreq(rec_name); nsamp=siarray[0].nsamp; init_time=wfdb.timstr(0); print type(init_time); print("strtim for starting value is: " + str(wfdb.strtim(init_time))); print("total num of samples: " + str(nsamp)); print "Starting time of record is: "+ str(init_time); print("sampling frequency is:"+ str(freq)); def gettime(sample_num, freq, init_time): return float(sample_num)/float(freq) #sample interval