def download(self, url = '', nzb_id = ''): try: return self.urlopen(url, headers = {'User-Agent': Env.getIdentifier()}, show_error = False) except: log.error('Failed getting release from %s: %s', (self.getName(), traceback.format_exc())) return 'try_next'
def download(self, url = '', nzb_id = ''): host = urlparse(url).hostname if self.limits_reached.get(host): # Try again in 3 hours if self.limits_reached[host] > time.time() - 10800: return 'try_next' try: data = self.urlopen(url, show_error = False, headers = {'User-Agent': Env.getIdentifier()}) self.limits_reached[host] = False return data except HTTPError as e: sc = e.response.status_code if sc in [503, 429]: response = if sc == 429 or 'maximum api' in response or 'download limit' in response: if not self.limits_reached.get(host): log.error('Limit reached / to many requests for newznab provider: %s', host) self.limits_reached[host] = time.time() return 'try_next' log.error('Failed download from %s: %s', (host, traceback.format_exc())) return 'try_next'
def _searchOnHost(self, host, media, quality, results): query = self.buildUrl(media, host) url = '%s%s' % (self.getUrl(host['host']), query) nzbs = self.getRSSData(url, cache_timeout = 1800, headers = {'User-Agent': Env.getIdentifier()}) for nzb in nzbs: date = None spotter = None for item in nzb: if date and spotter: break if item.attrib.get('name') == 'usenetdate': date = item.attrib.get('value') break # Get the name of the person who posts the spot if item.attrib.get('name') == 'poster': if "" in item.attrib.get('value'): spotter = item.attrib.get('value').split("@")[0] continue if not date: date = self.getTextElement(nzb, 'pubDate') name = self.getTextElement(nzb, 'title') detail_url = self.getTextElement(nzb, 'guid') nzb_id = detail_url.split('/')[-1:].pop() if '://' not in detail_url: detail_url = (cleanHost(host['host']) + self.urls['detail']) % tryUrlencode(nzb_id) if not name: continue name_extra = '' if spotter: name_extra = spotter description = '' if "" in nzb_id: try: # Get details for extended description to retrieve passwords query = self.buildDetailsUrl(nzb_id, host['api_key']) url = '%s%s' % (self.getUrl(host['host']), query) nzb_details = self.getRSSData(url, cache_timeout = 1800, headers = {'User-Agent': Env.getIdentifier()})[0] description = self.getTextElement(nzb_details, 'description') # Extract a password from the description password ='(?:' + self.passwords_regex + ')(?: *)(?:\:|\=)(?: *)(.*?)\<br\>|\n|$', description, flags = re.I).group(1) if password: name += ' {{%s}}' % password.strip() except: log.debug('Error getting details of "%s": %s', (name, traceback.format_exc())) results.append({ 'id': nzb_id, 'provider_extra': urlparse(host['host']).hostname or host['host'], 'name': toUnicode(name), 'name_extra': name_extra, 'age': self.calculateAge(int(time.mktime(parse(date).timetuple()))), 'size': int(self.getElement(nzb, 'enclosure').attrib['length']) / 1024 / 1024, 'url': ((self.getUrl(host['host']) + self.urls['download']) % tryUrlencode(nzb_id)) + self.getApiExt(host), 'detail_url': detail_url, 'content': self.getTextElement(nzb, 'description'), 'description': description, 'score': host['extra_score'], })
def call(self, request_params, use_json = True, **kwargs): url = cleanHost(self.conf('host'), ssl = self.conf('ssl')) + 'api?' + tryUrlencode(mergeDicts(request_params, { 'apikey': self.conf('api_key'), 'output': 'json' })) data = self.urlopen(url, timeout = 60, show_error = False, headers = {'User-Agent': Env.getIdentifier()}, **kwargs) if use_json: d = json.loads(data) if d.get('error'): log.error('Error getting data from SABNZBd: %s', d.get('error')) return {} return d.get(request_params['mode']) or d else: return data