Пример #1
def htmltables(tables):
    # use py-wikimarkup
    from wikimarkup.parser import Parser
    parser = Parser()
    for table in tables:
        tablelines = table.lines
        tablestring = '\n'.join(tablelines)
        tablestring = re.sub(r'[*][*](.*?)[*][*]', r'<b>\1</b>', tablestring)
        html = parser.parse(tablestring)
        html = html.replace('~', '<br/>')
        #html = adjust_html(html)
        table.html = html
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, wiki_hooks=False):
        self.parser = Parser()
        # Register default hooks
        self.parser.registerInternalLinkHook(None, self.hook_internal_link)
        self.parser.registerInternalLinkHook('Image', self.hook_image_tag)

        # The wiki has additional hooks not used elsewhere
        if wiki_hooks:
            self.parser.registerInternalLinkHook('Include', self.hook_include)
Пример #3
class WikiParser(object):
    Wrapper for wikimarkup. Adds Kitsune-specific callbacks and setup.

    def __init__(self, wiki_hooks=False):
        self.parser = Parser()
        # Register default hooks
        self.parser.registerInternalLinkHook(None, self.hook_internal_link)
        self.parser.registerInternalLinkHook('Image', self.hook_image_tag)

        # The wiki has additional hooks not used elsewhere
        if wiki_hooks:
            self.parser.registerInternalLinkHook('Include', self.hook_include)

    def parse(self, text, showToc=True):
        """Given wiki markup, return HTML."""
        return self.parser.parse(text, showToc, attributes=ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES)

    def hook_include(self, parser, space, title):
        """Returns the document's parsed content."""
        from wiki.models import Document
            return Document.objects.get(title=title).content_parsed
        except Document.DoesNotExist:
            return _lazy('The document "%s" does not exist.') % title

    def _getWikiLink(self, link):
        Checks the page exists, and returns its URL, or the URL to create it.
        return reverse('wiki.document',
                       kwargs={'document_slug': link.replace(' ', '+')})

    def hook_internal_link(self, parser, space, name):
        """Parses text and returns internal link."""
        link = name
        text = name

        # Split on pipe -- [[href|name]]
        separator = name.find('|')
        if separator != -1:
            link, text = link.split('|', 1)

        hash_pos = link.find('#')
        hash = ''
        if hash_pos != -1:
            link, hash = link.split('#', 1)

        # Sections use _, page names use +
        if hash != '':
            hash = '#' + hash.replace(' ', '_')

        # Links to this page can just contain href="#hash"
        if link == '' and hash != '':
            return u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (hash, text)

        link = self._getWikiLink(link)
        return u'<a href="%s%s">%s</a>' % (link, hash, text)

    def _getImagePath(self, link):
        """Returns an uploaded image's path for image paths in markup."""
        return settings.WIKI_UPLOAD_URL + urlquote(link)

    def _buildImageParams(self, items):
        Builds a list of items and return image-relevant parameters in a dict.
        params = {}
        # Empty items returns empty params
        if not items:
            return params

        for item in items:
            if item.find('=') != -1:
                param, value = item.split('=', 1)
                params[param] = value
                params[item] = True

        if 'page' in params and params['page'] is not True:
            params['link'] = self._getWikiLink(params['page'])

        # Validate params with limited # of values
        for param_allowed in IMAGE_PARAMS:
            if (param_allowed in params and
                not (params[param_allowed] in IMAGE_PARAMS[param_allowed])):
                del params[param_allowed]

        return params

    def hook_image_tag(self, parser, space, name):
        """Adds syntax for inserting images."""
        link = name
        caption = name
        params = {}

        # Parse the inner syntax, e.g. [[Image:src|option=val|caption]]
        separator = name.find('|')
        items = []
        if separator != -1:
            items = link.split('|')
            link = items[0]
            # If the last item contains '=', it's not a caption
            if items[-1].find('=') == -1:
                caption = items[-1]
                items = items[1:-1]
                caption = link
                items = items[1:]

        # parse the relevant items
        params = self._buildImageParams(items)
        img_path = self._getImagePath(link)

        template = jingo.env.get_template('wikiparser/hook_image.html')
        r_kwargs = {'img_path': img_path, 'caption': caption, 'params': params}
        return template.render(**r_kwargs)
Пример #4
from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import str
from wikimarkup.parser import Parser
import re
from wikitools import wiki, api

parser = Parser()

def galleryTagHook(parser_env, body, attributes={}):
    widths = attributes.get('widths')
    if widths:
        widths = re.sub('px', '', widths)
        gal_width = int(widths)
        gal_width = 155

    heights = attributes.get('heights')
    if heights:
        heights = re.sub('px', '', heights)
        def_image = int(heights)
        def_image = 120

    start_text = ''
    if attributes.get('mode', None) == 'packed':
        start_text = '<ul class="gallery mw-gallery-packed">'
        files = body.split('\n')
        for file in files:
            if file.strip() != '':
                res = file.split('|')