Пример #1
def idle_check():
    global idle_thread
    global last_time
    global last_autosave
    global afk_state
    current_time = int(win32api.GetTickCount() / 1000)
    last_input = int(win32api.GetLastInputInfo() / 1000.0)
    if isAFK(last_input):
        # Did the state switch from not afk to afk?
        if not afk_state:
            afk_state = True
            # Add the window usage time prior to state switch
            usage_time = max(last_input - last_time, 0)
            print("You've become afk after %d seconds" % (usage_time))
            updateLog(time_log, last_app, last_window, usage_time)
        # Did the state switch from afk to not afk?
        if afk_state:
            afk_state = False
            # Set the last_time pointer to the current time to "skip over" idle time
            last_time = current_time
            print("Welcome back!")
    # Autosave check
    if current_time - last_autosave > getSetting('autoSaveFrequencySeconds', 300):
        last_autosave = current_time 
    # Check if the date has changed and the time has exceeded a user-set threshold. This threshold ensures
    # that those who like to burn the midnight oil don't see their data reset before they go to sleep 
    if time.strftime('%d') != current_date and time.strftime('%X') > getSetting('dayResetTime', '00:00:00'):
    # Restart the timer for another update cycle
    idle_thread = threading.Timer(0.1, idle_check)
Пример #2
 def isIdle(self):
     if self.debug:
         return True
     current = (ctypes.c_ulong(win32api.GetTickCount()).value / 1000)
     idle = win32api.GetLastInputInfo() / 1000
     print("IDLE {} {}".format((current - idle), self.idle))
     return (current - idle) >= self.idle
Пример #3
def isAFK(last_input):
    # Does current window contain an afk-exluded keyword, like "YouTube"?
    for keyword in getSetting('afkExclude', []):
        if containsIgnoreCase(last_window, keyword):
            return False
    current_time = int(win32api.GetTickCount() / 1000)
    # Is the user afk?
    return current_time - last_input > getSetting("afkTimeoutSeconds", 120)
Пример #4
def onDateChange():
    global time_log
    global last_time
    global current_date
    # Save currently active window to log
    time_log = {}
    # Reset date, timer
    current_date = time.strftime('%d')
    last_time = int(win32api.GetTickCount() / 1000)
Пример #5
def callback(hWinEventHook, event, hwnd, idObject, idChild, dwEventThread, dwmsEventTime):
    global last_app
    global last_window
    global last_time
    length = user32.GetWindowTextLengthW(hwnd)
    buff = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(length + 1)
    status = user32.GetWindowTextW(hwnd, buff, length + 1)
    name = buff.value
    app_name = getAppName()
    if not afk_state and name != '' and name != last_window and name == win32gui.GetWindowText(win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()) and app_name not in getSetting("appExclude", {}):
        new_time = int(win32api.GetTickCount() / 1000)
        print(time.strftime('%X') + ' --> ' + name)
        # Update state variables
        last_app = app_name
        last_time = new_time
        last_window = name
        # TCL can't display emojis so we need to clean up the window name
        last_window = ''.join([letter for letter in name if ord(letter) < 65536])
Пример #6
def saveCurrentWindowToLog():
    global last_time
    if not afk_state:
        seconds = int(win32api.GetTickCount() / 1000) - last_time
        updateLog(time_log, last_app, last_window, seconds)
        last_time += seconds
Пример #7
# User settings
settings = {}

idle_thread = threading.Thread() # Thread to run the afk check
afk_state = False # Has the system not received an input for longer than the timeout?

# The day of the month at runtime start - used for end-of-day autosave
current_date = time.strftime('%d')

time_log = {} # The number of seconds spent on each window, using changes in window focus

# State variables
last_app = '' # The name of the application used prior to window switch
last_window = win32gui.GetWindowText(win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()) # The name of the recently unfocused window
last_time = int(win32api.GetTickCount() / 1000) # integer timestamp of the last change in focus
last_autosave = last_time

# The word(s) used to filter the table's contents
window_filter = ''

user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
ole32 = ctypes.windll.ole32


WinEventProcType = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(