Пример #1
def windprops(ua, va, lat, lon, exps=['All-Nat', 'SST-Nat']):
    from windspharm.standard import VectorWind

    def diverg(u, v, lat, lon):
        meshlon, meshlat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)
        phi = meshlat * np.pi / 180
        cs_phi = np.cos(phi)
        dphi = lat * np.pi / 180
        dtheta = lon * np.pi / 180
        a = 6.371e6

        v_y = np.gradient(v * cs_phi, dphi, axis=1) / (a * cs_phi)
        u_x = np.gradient(u, dtheta, axis=2) / (a * cs_phi)
        div = u_x + v_y
        return div

    u = ua[exps[0]]
    v = va[exps[0]]
    u_ghg = ua[exps[1]]
    v_ghg = va[exps[1]]

    div = diverg(u, v, lat, lon)
    div_ghg = diverg(u_ghg, v_ghg, lat, lon)

    u = np.transpose(u, (1, 2, 0))
    v = np.transpose(v, (1, 2, 0))
    u_ghg = np.transpose(u_ghg, (1, 2, 0))
    v_ghg = np.transpose(v_ghg, (1, 2, 0))

    w = VectorWind(u, v)
    w_ghg = VectorWind(u_ghg, v_ghg)
    vp = w.velocitypotential()
    vp_ghg = w_ghg.velocitypotential()

    vp = np.transpose(vp, (2, 0, 1))
    vp_ghg = np.transpose(vp_ghg, (2, 0, 1))

    delta_vp = vp_ghg - vp
    delta_div = div_ghg - div

    return div, delta_div, vp, delta_vp
def calc_quantity(uwnd, vwnd, quantity, lat_axis, lon_axis, axis_order):
    """Calculate a single wind quantity.

      uwnd (numpy.ndarray): Zonal wind
      vwnd (numpy.ndarray): Meridional wind
      quantity (str): Quantity to be calculated
      lat_axis (list): Latitude axis values
      lon_axis (list): Longitude axis values
      axis_order (str): e.g. tyx

      windsparm requires the input data to be on a global grid
        (due to the spherical harmonic representation used),
        latitude and longitude to be the leading axes and the
        latitude axis must go from 90 to -90. The cdms2 interface
        is supposed to adjust for these things but I've found that
        things come back upsidedown if the lat axis isn't right, so
        I've just used the standard interface here instead.


    check_global(lat_axis, lon_axis)

    # Make latitude and longitude the leading coordinates
    uwnd, uwnd_info = prep_data(numpy.array(uwnd), axis_order)
    vwnd, vwnd_info = prep_data(numpy.array(vwnd), axis_order)

    # Make sure latitude dimension is north-to-south
    lats, uwnd, vwnd = order_latdim(lat_axis, uwnd, vwnd)
    flip_lat = False if lats[0] == lat_axis[0] else True

    w = VectorWind(uwnd, vwnd)
    data_out = {}
    if quantity == 'rossbywavesource':
        eta = w.absolutevorticity()
        div = w.divergence()
        uchi, vchi = w.irrotationalcomponent()
        etax, etay = w.gradient(eta)

        data_out['rws1'] = (-eta * div) / (1.e-11)
        data_out['rws2'] = (-(uchi * etax + vchi * etay)) / (1.e-11)
        data_out['rws'] = data_out['rws1'] + data_out['rws2']

    elif quantity == 'magnitude':
        data_out['spd'] = w.magnitude()

    elif quantity == 'vorticity':
        data_out['vrt'] = w.vorticity()

    elif quantity == 'divergence':
        div = w.divergence()
        data_out['div'] = div / (1.e-6)

    elif quantity == 'absolutevorticity':
        avrt = w.absolutevorticity()
        data_out['avrt'] = avrt / (1.e-5)

    elif quantity == 'absolutevorticitygradient':
        avrt = w.absolutevorticity()
        ugrad, vgrad = w.gradient(avrt)
        avrtgrad = numpy.sqrt(numpy.square(ugrad) + numpy.square(vgrad))
        data_out['avrtgrad'] = avrtgrad / (1.e-5)

    elif quantity == 'planetaryvorticity':
        data_out['pvrt'] = w.planetaryvorticity()

    elif quantity == 'irrotationalcomponent':
        data_out['uchi'], data_out['vchi'] = w.irrotationalcomponent()

    elif quantity == 'nondivergentcomponent':
        data_out['upsi'], data_out['vpsi'] = w.nondivergentcomponent()

    elif quantity == 'streamfunction':
        sf = w.streamfunction()
        data_out['sf'] = sf / (1.e+6)

    elif quantity == 'velocitypotential':
        vp = w.velocitypotential()
        data_out['vp'] = vp / (1.e+6)

        sys.exit('Wind quantity not recognised')

    # Return data to its original shape
    for key in data_out.keys():
        data_out[key] = recover_structure(data_out[key], flip_lat, uwnd_info)

    return data_out
 f=Dataset(model, mode='r')
 uwnd = f.variables['ua'][0,0,:,:]
 vwnd = f.variables['va'][0,0,:,:]
 uwnd2 = np.array(uwnd)
 vwnd2 = np.array(vwnd)
 lons = f.variables['lon'][:]
 lats = f.variables['lat'][:]
 plots=plt.subplot(2,3, count+1)
 print count
 # velocity potential calculation - requires some data formatting using Windspharm's tools
 uwnd, uwnd_info = prep_data(uwnd, 'yx')
 vwnd, vwnd_info = prep_data(vwnd, 'yx')
 lats, uwnd, vwnd = order_latdim(lats, uwnd, vwnd)
 w = VectorWind(uwnd, vwnd, gridtype='gaussian')
 vp = w.velocitypotential()
 vp = recover_data(vp, uwnd_info)
 vp = vp*1e-06
 # divergence calculation
 divg = w.divergence()
 divg = recover_data(divg, uwnd_info)
 divg = divg*1e6
 #divergent wind compotnents calculation
 uchi,vchi = w.irrotationalcomponent()
 uchi = np.squeeze(uchi)
 vchi = np.squeeze(vchi)
 # print some data dimensions - useful for colourbar range etc
 print np.shape(lons)
 print np.shape(lats)
 print np.shape(uchi)
 print np.shape(vchi)