def setup(executable, target_dir, filename, source_url, options, setup_make=None, setup_premake=None): if executable: if not check_executable(executable): print '{e} not found'.format(e=executable) if not os.path.isdir(target_dir): print 'Downloading' if filename.endswith(".git"): command = 'git clone --depth 1 {u}'.format(u=source_url) print command subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True) else: urllib.urlretrieve(source_url, filename) extract_tar.extract(filename, '.') with cd(target_dir) as dir: if setup_make: setup_make(setup_premake, options) else: print 'No setup_make for {e}'.format(e=executable)
import os import sys import subprocess from with_cd import cd import p4_util import config if __name__ == '__main__': print __file__ print os.system('date') lxr = '/etc/lxr-2.0.3/lxr.conf' latest = p4_util.main() if latest in config.current_versions(lxr): print 'Config already processed' sys.exit(0) config.main(lxr,'/home/lxr/Perforce/main') with cd('/etc/lxr-2.0.3') as dir: command = './genxref --url=http://lxr/lxr --allversions' print command subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True) print os.system('date')
print 'Setup Perl File::MMagic module' setup_perl_mmagic() print 'Setup Perl libdbi-perl' setup_perl_libdbi() pwd = os.getcwd() print 'Run database setup script.' print 'Passwords required are as follows: postgres, postgres, postgres... when promted for the new password insert lxrpw' print 'Then the password required switches to lxrpw from the 2nd request after the mention of database' command = './' print command subprocess.check_call(command, shell=True) with cd(pwd) as dir: print os.getcwd() update_http_conf(apache_dir, 'httpd.conf') update_http_perl() check_apache_and_restart() print 'Setup p4' setup_p4() print 'Setup p4 clientspec' setup_p4_client(get_latest_changelist()) print 'Setup cron' setup_cron()