Пример #1
def runSpecial(testNames, categoryName):
    """Run the tests named in testNamed assuming they are special tests. Each
    name should be a directory under firemarshal/test/ and should have a
    test.py script that will be run and indicates pass/fail via return code.
    The tests will be called as such: ./test.py pathToMarshalBin"""

    log = logging.getLogger()

    # Tuples of (testName, exception) for each failed test
    failures = []

    for tName in testNames:
        log.log(logging.INFO, "[{}] {}:".format(categoryName, tName))
        tPath = testDir / tName

            wlutil.run(["python3", tPath / "test.py", marshalBin], check=True)
        except sp.CalledProcessError as e:
            log.log(logging.INFO, "FAIL")
            failures.append(("[{}]: {}".format(categoryName, tName), e))

        log.log(logging.INFO, "PASS")

    return failures
Пример #2
def runTests(testNames, categoryName, marshalArgs=[], cmdArgs=[]):
    """Run the tests named in testNames. Logging will use categoryName to
    identify this set of tests. marshalArgs and cmdArgs are the arguments to
    pass to 'marshal' and 'marshal test', respectively."""
    log = logging.getLogger()

    # Tuples of (testName, exception) for each failed test
    failures = []

    for tName in testNames:
        log.log(logging.INFO, "[{}] {}:".format(categoryName, tName))
        tPath = testDir / (tName + ".yaml")

            # These log at level DEBUG (go to log file but not stdout)
            wlutil.run([marshalBin] + marshalArgs + ['clean', tPath],
            wlutil.run([marshalBin] + marshalArgs + ['test'] + cmdArgs +
        except sp.CalledProcessError as e:
            log.log(logging.INFO, "FAIL")
            failures.append(("[{}]: {}".format(categoryName, tName), e))

        log.log(logging.INFO, "PASS")

    return failures
Пример #3
    def buildBaseImage(self):
        """Ensures that the image file specified by baseConfig() exists and is up to date.

        This is called as a doit task.
            wlutil.checkSubmodule(br_dir / 'buildroot')

            # Buildroot complains about some common PERL configurations
            env = os.environ.copy()
            env.pop('PERL_MM_OPT', None)
            env = {**env, **self.opts['environment']}


            # This is unfortunate but buildroot can't remove things from the
            # image without rebuilding everything from scratch. It adds 20min
            # to the unit tests and anyone who builds a custom buildroot.
            wlutil.run(['make', 'clean'], cwd=br_dir / "buildroot", env=env)

            wlutil.run(['make'], cwd=br_dir / "buildroot", env=env)
            shutil.move(img_dir / 'rootfs.ext2', self.outputImg)

        except wlutil.SubmoduleError as e:
            return doit.exceptions.TaskFailed(e)
Пример #4
    def configure(self, env):
        """Construct the final buildroot configuration for this environment. After
        calling this, it is safe to call 'make' in the buildroot directory."""

        toolVer = wlutil.getToolVersions()
        # Contains options specific to the build environment (br is touchy about this stuff)
        toolKfrag = wlutil.getOpt('gen-dir') / 'brToolKfrag'
        with open(toolKfrag, 'w') as f:
            f.write("BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_" + toolVer['linuxMaj'] +
                    "_" + toolVer['linuxMin'] + "=y\n")
            f.write("BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_" + toolVer['linuxMaj'] +
                    "_" + toolVer['linuxMin'] + "=y\n")
            f.write('BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST="' + toolVer['linuxMaj'] +
                    "." + toolVer['linuxMin'] + '"\n')
            f.write('BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_' + toolVer['gcc'] + '=y\n')
            f.write('BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST="' + toolVer['gcc'] + '"\n')
            f.write('BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_' + toolVer['gcc'] + '=y\n')
            f.write('BR2_JLEVEL=' + str(os.cpu_count()) + '\n')

        # Default Configuration (allows us to bump BR independently of our configs)
        defconfig = wlutil.getOpt('gen-dir') / 'brDefConfig'
        wlutil.run(['make', 'defconfig'], cwd=(br_dir / 'buildroot'), env=env)
        shutil.copy(br_dir / 'buildroot' / '.config', defconfig)

        kFrags = [defconfig, toolKfrag] + self.opts['configs']
        mergeScript = br_dir / 'merge_config.sh'
        wlutil.run([mergeScript] + kFrags, cwd=(br_dir / 'buildroot'), env=env)
Пример #5
    def buildBaseImage(self):
        log = logging.getLogger()
        rootfs_target = "rootfs.img"
        shutil.copy(os.path.join(br_dir, 'buildroot-config'),
                    os.path.join(br_dir, "buildroot/.config"))
        # log.debug(sp.check_output(['make'], cwd=os.path.join(br_dir, "buildroot")))

        # Buildroot complains about some common PERL configurations
        env = os.environ.copy()
        env.pop('PERL_MM_OPT', None)
        wlutil.run(['make'], cwd=os.path.join(br_dir, "buildroot"), env=env)
Пример #6
    def generateBootScriptOverlay(self, script, args):
        # How this works:
        # The fedora repo has a pre-built overlay with all the systemd paths
        # filled in and a custom boot target (firesim.target) that loads a
        # custom service (firesim.service) that runs a script (/init.sh). We
        # can change the default boot behavior by changing this script.
        scriptDst = os.path.join(overlay, 'etc/firesim/firesim.sh')
        if script != None:
            print("applying script: " + scriptDst)
            shutil.copy(script, scriptDst)
            # wlutil.run(['cp', script, scriptDst])
            wlutil.run(['rm', scriptDst])
            # Create a blank init script because overlays won't let us delete stuff
            # Alternatively: we could consider replacing the default.target
            # symlink to disable the firesim target entirely
            wlutil.run(['touch', scriptDst])

        wlutil.run(['chmod', '+x', scriptDst])

        # Create the service script
        if args is None:
            serviceScript = serviceTemplate.format(scriptName='firesim.sh',
            serviceScript = serviceTemplate.format(scriptName='firesim.sh',

        with open(os.path.join(overlay, 'etc/systemd/system/firesim.service'),
                  'w') as f:

        return overlay
Пример #7
def install(targetCfg, opts):
    log = logging.getLogger()

    if targetCfg['nodisk'] == False:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "nodisk builds are the only workload type supported by the install command"

    nodiskPath = str(targetCfg['bin']) + '-nodisk'
    outputPath = nodiskPath + '-flat'

    if targetCfg['firmware']['use-bbl'] == False:
            'riscv64-unknown-elf-objcopy', '-S', '-O', 'binary',
            '--change-addresses', '-0x80000000', nodiskPath, outputPath
        print("Copy BBL's flattened binary to " + outputPath)
            str(targetCfg['firmware']['bbl-src']) + '/build/bbl.bin',

    log.info("Workload flattened and \"installed\" to " + outputPath)
Пример #8
    def generateBootScriptOverlay(script, args):
        # How this works:
        # The buildroot repo has a pre-built overlay with a custom S99run
        # script that init will run last. This script will run the /firesim.sh
        # script at boot. We just overwrite this script.
        scriptDst = os.path.join(overlay, 'firesim.sh')
        if script != None:
            wlutil.run(['cp', script, scriptDst])
            wlutil.run(['rm', scriptDst])
            # Create a blank init script because overlays won't let us delete stuff
            # Alternatively: we could consider replacing the default.target
            # symlink to disable the firesim target entirely
            wlutil.run(['touch', scriptDst])
        wlutil.run(['chmod', '+x', scriptDst])

        with open(os.path.join(overlay, 'etc/init.d/S99run'), 'w') as f:
            if args == None:
        return overlay
Пример #9
 def buildBaseImage(self):
     wlutil.run(['make', "rootfs.img"], cwd=fed_dir)