Пример #1
def hit(attacker, defender, weapon, time):
	combat.utilities.playhitsound(attacker, defender)

	(mindamage, maxdamage) = properties.getdamage(attacker)

	damage = random.randint(mindamage, maxdamage)
	damage = scaledamage(attacker, damage)

	# Give the defender a chance to absorb damage
	damage = absorbdamage(defender, damage)

	# Get the damage distribution of the attackers weapon
	(physical, fire, cold, poison, energy) = damagetypes(attacker)
	energydamage(defender, attacker, damage, physical, fire, cold, poison, energy, 0, DAMAGE_PHYSICAL)

	# Wear out the weapon
	if weapon:
		# poisoning
		if weapon.hastag( 'poisoning_uses' ):
			poisoning.hitEffect( defender, weapon )
		# 4% chance for losing one hitpoint
		if 0.04 >= random.random():
			if weapon.health > 0:
				weapon.health -= 1
		if weapon.health <= 0:
			tobackpack(weapon, attacker)
			if attacker.socket:
Пример #2
def onShowStatus(char, packet):
    damagebonus = properties.fromchar(char, DAMAGEBONUS)

    # Get weapon properties if applicable
    (mindamage, maxdamage) = properties.getdamage(char)

    # Scale damage
    mindamage = int(combat.aos.scaledamage(char, mindamage, 0))
    maxdamage = int(combat.aos.scaledamage(char, maxdamage, 0))

    packet.setshort(62, properties.fromchar(
        char, RESISTANCE_PHYSICAL))  # Physical resistance
                                        RESISTANCE_FIRE))  # Fire Resistance
                                        RESISTANCE_COLD))  # Cold Resistance
    packet.setshort(74, properties.fromchar(
        char, RESISTANCE_POISON))  # Poison Resistance
    packet.setshort(76, properties.fromchar(
        char, RESISTANCE_ENERGY))  # Energy Resistance
    packet.setshort(78, properties.fromchar(char, LUCK))  # Luck
    packet.setshort(80, mindamage)  # Min. Damage
    packet.setshort(82, maxdamage)  # Max. Damage
    if char.hastag('tithing_points'):
        packet.setint(84, char.gettag('tithing_points'))  # Tithing Points
        packet.setint(84, 0)
Пример #3
def splashdamage(attacker, effect, excludechar=None):
    (physical, cold, fire, poison, energy) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    if effect == SPLASHPHYSICAL:
        sound = 0x10e
        hue = 50
        physical = 100
    elif effect == SPLASHFIRE:
        sound = 0x11d
        hue = 1160
        fire = 100
    elif effect == SPLASHCOLD:
        sound = 0xfc
        hue = 2100
        cold = 100
    elif effect == SPLASHPOISON:
        sound = 0x205
        hue = 1166
        poison = 100
    elif effect == SPLASHENERGY:
        sound = 0x1f1
        hue = 120
        energy = 100
        raise RuntimeError, "Invalid effect passed to splashdamage: %s" % effect

    guild = attacker.guild  # Cache the guild
    party = attacker.guild  # Cache the party
    didsound = False  # Did we play a soundeffect yet?
     maxdamage) = properties.getdamage(attacker)  # Cache the min+maxdamage

    pos = attacker.pos
    chariterator = wolfpack.charregion(pos.x - 3, pos.y - 3, pos.x + 3,
                                       pos.y + 3, pos.map)
    target = chariterator.first
    while target:
        if attacker != target and excludechar != target and mayAreaHarm(
                attacker, target):
            tpos = target.pos

            # Calculate the real distance between the two characters
            distance = sqrt((pos.x - tpos.x) * (pos.x - tpos.x) +
                            (pos.y - tpos.y) * (pos.y - tpos.y))
            factor = min(1.0, (4 - distance) / 3)
            if factor > 0.0:
                damage = int(random.randint(mindamage, maxdamage) * factor)

                if damage > 0:
                    if not didsound:
                        didsound = True
                    target.effect(0x3779, 1, 15, hue)
                    energydamage(target, attacker, damage, physical, fire,
                                 cold, poison, energy, 0, DAMAGE_MAGICAL)

        target = chariterator.next
Пример #4
def splashdamage(attacker, effect):
	(physical, cold, fire, poison, energy) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
	if effect == SPLASHPHYSICAL:
		sound = 0x10e
		hue = 50
		physical = 100
	elif effect == SPLASHFIRE:
		sound = 0x11d
		hue = 1160
		fire = 100
	elif effect == SPLASHCOLD:
		sound = 0xfc
		hue = 2100
		cold = 100
	elif effect == SPLASHPOISON:
		sound = 0x205
		hue = 1166
		poison = 100
	elif effect == SPLASHENERGY:
		sound = 0x1f1
		hue = 120
		energy = 100
		raise RuntimeError, "Invalid effect passed to splashdamage: %s" % effect
	guild = attacker.guild # Cache the guild
	party = attacker.guild # Cache the party
	didsound = False # Did we play a soundeffect yet?
	(mindamage, maxdamage) = properties.getdamage(attacker) # Cache the min+maxdamage
	pos = attacker.pos
	chariterator = wolfpack.charregion(pos.x - 10, pos.y - 10, pos.x + 10, pos.y + 10, pos.map)
	target = chariterator.first
	while target:
		if attacker != target and (not party or party != target.party) and (not guild or guild != target.guild):
			if not target.dead and not target.invulnerable and not target.invisible and not target.hidden:
				tpos = target.pos

				# Calculate the real distance between the two characters				
				distance = sqrt((pos.x - tpos.x) * (pos.x - tpos.x) + (pos.y - tpos.y) * (pos.y - tpos.y))
				factor = min(1.0, (11 - distance) / 10)
				if factor > 0.0:
					damage = int(random.randint(mindamage, maxdamage) * factor)
					if damage > 0:
						if not didsound:
							didsound = True
						target.effect(0x3779, 1, 15, hue)
						energydamage(target, attacker, damage, physical, fire, cold, poison, energy, 0, DAMAGE_MAGICAL)

		target = chariterator.next
Пример #5
def onShowStatus(char, packet):
	damagebonus = properties.fromchar(char, DAMAGEBONUS)

	# Get weapon properties if applicable
	(mindamage, maxdamage) = properties.getdamage(char)

	# Scale damage
	mindamage = int(combat.aos.scaledamage(char, mindamage, 0))
	maxdamage = int(combat.aos.scaledamage(char, maxdamage, 0))

	packet.setshort(62, properties.fromchar(char, RESISTANCE_PHYSICAL)) # Physical resistance
	packet.setshort(70, properties.fromchar(char, RESISTANCE_FIRE)) # Fire Resistance
	packet.setshort(72, properties.fromchar(char, RESISTANCE_COLD)) # Cold Resistance
	packet.setshort(74, properties.fromchar(char, RESISTANCE_POISON)) # Poison Resistance
	packet.setshort(76, properties.fromchar(char, RESISTANCE_ENERGY)) # Energy Resistance
	packet.setshort(78, 0) # Luck
	packet.setshort(80, mindamage) # Min. Damage
	packet.setshort(82, maxdamage) # Max. Damage
Пример #6
def hit(attacker, defender, weapon, time):
	combat.utilities.playhitsound(attacker, defender)

	(mindamage, maxdamage) = properties.getdamage(attacker)

	damage = random.randint(mindamage, maxdamage)
	damage = scaledamage(attacker, damage, checkability = True)

	# Slaying? (only against NPCs)
	if weapon and defender.npc and checkSlaying(weapon, defender):
		defender.effect(0x37B9, 5, 10)
		damage *= 2

	# Get the ability used by the attacker
	ability = getability(attacker)
	# Scale Damage using a weapons ability
	if ability:
		damage = ability.scaledamage(attacker, defender, damage)

	# Give the defender a chance to absorb damage
	damage = absorbdamage(defender, damage)
	# If the attack was parried, the ability was wasted
	if damage == 0 and ability:
		if attacker.socket:
			attacker.socket.clilocmessage(1061140) # Your attack was parried
		ability = None # Reset ability

	ignorephysical = False
	if ability:
		ignorephysical = ability.ignorephysical

	# Get the damage distribution of the attackers weapon
	(physical, fire, cold, poison, energy) = damagetypes(attacker)
	damagedone = energydamage(defender, attacker, damage, physical, fire, cold, poison, energy, 0, DAMAGE_PHYSICAL, ignorephysical=ignorephysical)

	# Wear out the weapon
	if weapon:
		# Leeching
		leech = properties.fromitem(weapon, LIFELEECH)
		if leech and leech > random.randint(0, 99) and attacker.maxhitpoints > attacker.hitpoints:
			amount = (damagedone * 30) / 100 # Leech 30% Health
			if amount > 0:
				attacker.hitpoints = min(attacker.maxhitpoints, attacker.hitpoints + amount)
		leech = properties.fromitem(weapon, STAMINALEECH)
		if leech and leech > random.randint(0, 99) and attacker.maxhitpoints > attacker.stamina:
			amount = (damagedone * 100) / 100 # Leech 100% Stamina
			if amount > 0:
				attacker.stamina = min(attacker.maxstamina, attacker.stamina + amount)

		leech = properties.fromitem(weapon, MANALEECH)
		if leech and leech > random.randint(0, 99) and attacker.maxmana > attacker.mana:
			amount = (damagedone * 40) / 100 # Leech 40% Mana
			if amount > 0:
				attacker.mana = min(attacker.maxmana, attacker.mana + amount)

		# Splash Damage
			effect = properties.fromitem(weapon, effectid)
			if effect and effect > random.randint(0, 99):
				splashdamage(attacker, effectid)
		# Hit Spell effects
		for (effectid, callback) in combat.hiteffects.EFFECTS.items():
			effect = properties.fromitem(weapon, effectid)
			if effect and effect > random.randint(0, 99):
				callback(attacker, defender)

		# poisoning doesn't work that way anymore
		#if weapon.hastag( 'poisoning_uses' ):
		#	poisoning.hitEffect( defender, weapon )
		# 4% chance for losing one hitpoint
		if 0.04 >= random.random():
			# If it's a self repairing item, grant health instead of reducing it
			selfrepair = properties.fromitem(weapon, SELFREPAIR)
			if selfrepair > 0 and weapon.health < weapon.maxhealth - 1:
				if selfrepair > random.randint(0, 9):
					weapon.health += 2
			elif weapon.health > 0:
				weapon.health -= 1
		if weapon.health <= 0:
			tobackpack(weapon, attacker)
			if attacker.socket:
	# Notify the weapon ability
	if ability:
		ability.hit(attacker, defender, damage)
Пример #7
def hit(attacker, defender, weapon, time):
    combat.utilities.playhitsound(attacker, defender)

    (mindamage, maxdamage) = properties.getdamage(attacker)

    damage = random.randint(mindamage, maxdamage)
    damage = scaledamage(attacker, damage, checkability=True)

    # Slaying? (only against NPCs)
    if weapon and defender.npc and checkSlaying(weapon, defender):
        defender.effect(0x37B9, 5, 10)
        damage *= 2

    # Get the ability used by the attacker
    ability = getability(attacker)

    # Scale Damage using a weapons ability
    if ability:
        damage = ability.scaledamage(attacker, defender, damage)

    # Enemy of One (chivalry)
    if attacker.npc:
        if defender.player:
            if defender.hastag("enemyofonetype") and defender.gettag(
                    "enemyofonetype") != attacker.id:
                damage *= 2
    if defender.npc:  # only NPC
        if attacker.player:
            if attacker.hastag("waitingforenemy"):
                attacker.settag("enemyofonetype", defender.id)
            if attacker.hastag("enemyofonetype") and attacker.gettag(
                    "enemyofonetype") == defender.id:
                defender.effect(0x37B9, 10, 5)
                damage += scaledamage(attacker, 50)

    packInstinctBonus = GetPackInstinctBonus(attacker, defender)
    if packInstinctBonus:
        damage += scaledamage(attacker, packInstinctBonus)

    slayer = properties.fromitem(weapon, SLAYER)
    if slayer and slayer == "silver" and magic.necromancy.transformed(
            defender) and not defender.hasscript("magic.horrificbeast"):
        damage += scaledamage(
            attacker, 25
        )  # Every necromancer transformation other than horrific beast takes an additional 25% damage

    # Give the defender a chance to absorb damage
    damage = absorbdamage(defender, damage)
    blocked = damage <= 0

    # If the attack was parried, the ability was wasted
    if AGEOFSHADOWS and blocked:
        if attacker.socket:
            attacker.socket.clilocmessage(1061140)  # Your attack was parried

    ignorephysical = False
    if ability:
        ignorephysical = ability.ignorephysical

    # Get the damage distribution of the attackers weapon
    (physical, fire, cold, poison, energy) = damagetypes(attacker, defender)
    damagedone = energydamage(defender,

    # Wear out the weapon
    if weapon:
        # Leeching
        if not blocked:
            # Making default Leechs to prevent errors

            lifeleech = 0
            staminaleech = 0
            manaleech = 0

            leech = properties.fromitem(weapon, LIFELEECH)
            if leech and leech > random.randint(
                    0, 99) and attacker.maxhitpoints > attacker.hitpoints:
                lifeleech = (damagedone * 30) / 100  # Leech 30% Health

            leech = properties.fromitem(weapon, STAMINALEECH)
            if leech and leech > random.randint(
                    0, 99) and attacker.maxhitpoints > attacker.stamina:
                staminaleech = (damagedone * 100) / 100  # Leech 100% Stamina

            leech = properties.fromitem(weapon, MANALEECH)
            if leech and leech > random.randint(
                    0, 99) and attacker.maxmana > attacker.mana:
                manaleech = (damagedone * 40) / 100  # Leech 40% Mana

            # Now leech life, stamina and mana
            if lifeleech > 0:
                attacker.hitpoints = min(attacker.maxhitpoints,
                                         attacker.hitpoints + lifeleech)

            if staminaleech > 0:
                attacker.stamina = min(attacker.maxstamina,
                                       attacker.stamina + staminaleech)

            if manaleech > 0:
                attacker.mana = min(attacker.maxmana,
                                    attacker.mana + manaleech)

            # Poisoning (50% chance)
            if weapon.hastag('poisoning_uses'):
                poisoning_uses = int(weapon.gettag('poisoning_uses'))
                if poisoning_uses <= 0:
                    poisoning_uses -= 1
                    if poisoning_uses <= 0:
                        weapon.settag('poisoning_uses', poisoning_uses)

                    poisoning_strength = 0  # Assume lesser unless the tag tells so otherwise
                    if weapon.hastag('poisoning_strength'):
                        poisoning_strength = int(
                    if defender.hasscript(
                            "magic.evilomen") and poisoning_strength < 4:
                        poisoning_strength += 1
                    if random.random() >= 0.50:
                        if system.poison.poison(defender, poisoning_strength):
                            if attacker.socket:
                                    1008096, "", 0x3b2, 3, None, defender.name,
                                    False, False)
                            if defender.socket:
                                    1008097, "", 0x3b2, 3, None, attacker.name,
                                    False, True)

            # Splash Damage
            for effectid in [
                effect = properties.fromitem(weapon, effectid)
                if effect and effect > random.randint(0, 99):
                    splashdamage(attacker, effectid, excludechar=defender)

            # Hit Spell effects
            for (effectid, callback) in combat.hiteffects.EFFECTS.items():
                effect = properties.fromitem(weapon, effectid)
                if effect and effect > random.randint(0, 99):
                    callback(attacker, defender)

        # Slime or Toxic Elemental, 4% chance for losing one hitpoint
        if weapon.maxhealth > 0 and (
            (weapon.getintproperty('range', 1) <= 1 and
             (defender.id == 51 or defender.id == 158))
                or 0.04 >= random.random()):
            if (weapon.getintproperty('range', 1) <= 1
                    and (defender.id == 51 or defender.id == 158)):
                attacker.message(500263, '')  # *Acid blood scars your weapon!*

            # If it's a self repairing item, grant health instead of reducing it
            selfrepair = properties.fromitem(weapon, SELFREPAIR)
            if AGEOFSHADOWS and selfrepair > 0:
                if selfrepair > random.randint(0, 9):
                    weapon.health += 2
                if weapon.health > 0:
                    weapon.health -= 1
                elif weapon.maxhealth > 1:
                    weapon.maxhealth -= 1
                                     '')  # Your equipment is severely damaged.
                if weapon:

        #if weapon.health <= 0:
        #	tobackpack(weapon, attacker)
        #	weapon.update()
        #	if attacker.socket:
        #		attacker.socket.clilocmessage(500645)

    # Notify the weapon ability
    if not blocked and ability:
        ability.hit(attacker, defender, damage)
Пример #8
def hit(attacker, defender, weapon, time):
	combat.utilities.playhitsound(attacker, defender)

	(mindamage, maxdamage) = properties.getdamage(attacker)

	damage = random.randint(mindamage, maxdamage)
	damage = scaledamage(attacker, damage, checkability = True)

	# Slaying? (only against NPCs)
	if weapon and defender.npc and checkSlaying(weapon, defender):
		defender.effect(0x37B9, 5, 10)
		damage *= 2

	# Get the ability used by the attacker
	ability = getability(attacker)
	# Scale Damage using a weapons ability
	if ability:
		damage = ability.scaledamage(attacker, defender, damage)

	# Enemy of One (chivalry)
	if attacker.npc:
		if defender.player:
			if defender.hastag( "enemyofonetype" ) and defender.gettag( "enemyofonetype" ) != attacker.id:
				damage *= 2
	if defender.npc: # only NPC
		if attacker.player:
			if attacker.hastag( "waitingforenemy" ):
				attacker.settag( "enemyofonetype", defender.id )
				attacker.deltag( "waitingforenemy" )
			if attacker.hastag( "enemyofonetype" ) and attacker.gettag( "enemyofonetype" ) == defender.id:
				defender.effect( 0x37B9, 10, 5 )
				damage += scaledamage(attacker, 50 )

	packInstinctBonus = GetPackInstinctBonus( attacker, defender )
	if packInstinctBonus:
		damage += scaledamage(attacker, packInstinctBonus)

	slayer = properties.fromitem(weapon, SLAYER)
	if slayer and slayer == "silver" and magic.necromancy.transformed(defender) and not defender.hasscript("magic.horrificbeast"):
		damage += scaledamage(attacker, 25 ) # Every necromancer transformation other than horrific beast takes an additional 25% damage

	# Give the defender a chance to absorb damage
	damage = absorbdamage(defender, damage)
	blocked = damage <= 0

	# If the attack was parried, the ability was wasted
	if AGEOFSHADOWS and blocked:
		if attacker.socket:
			attacker.socket.clilocmessage(1061140) # Your attack was parried

	ignorephysical = False
	if ability:
		ignorephysical = ability.ignorephysical

	# Get the damage distribution of the attackers weapon
	(physical, fire, cold, poison, energy) = damagetypes(attacker, defender)
	damagedone = energydamage(defender, attacker, damage, physical, fire, cold, poison, energy, 0, DAMAGE_PHYSICAL, ignorephysical=ignorephysical)

	# Wear out the weapon
	if weapon:
		# Leeching
		if not blocked:
			# Making default Leechs to prevent errors

			lifeleech = 0
			staminaleech = 0
			manaleech = 0

			leech = properties.fromitem(weapon, LIFELEECH)
			if leech and leech > random.randint(0, 99) and attacker.maxhitpoints > attacker.hitpoints:
				lifeleech = (damagedone * 30) / 100 # Leech 30% Health

			leech = properties.fromitem(weapon, STAMINALEECH)
			if leech and leech > random.randint(0, 99) and attacker.maxhitpoints > attacker.stamina:
				staminaleech = (damagedone * 100) / 100 # Leech 100% Stamina

			leech = properties.fromitem(weapon, MANALEECH)
			if leech and leech > random.randint(0, 99) and attacker.maxmana > attacker.mana:
				manaleech = (damagedone * 40) / 100 # Leech 40% Mana

			# Now leech life, stamina and mana
			if lifeleech > 0:
				attacker.hitpoints = min(attacker.maxhitpoints, attacker.hitpoints + lifeleech)

			if staminaleech > 0:
				attacker.stamina = min(attacker.maxstamina, attacker.stamina + staminaleech)

			if manaleech > 0:
				attacker.mana = min(attacker.maxmana, attacker.mana + manaleech)

			# Poisoning (50% chance)
			if weapon.hastag('poisoning_uses'):
				poisoning_uses = int(weapon.gettag('poisoning_uses'))
				if poisoning_uses <= 0:
					poisoning_uses -= 1
					if poisoning_uses <= 0:
						weapon.settag('poisoning_uses', poisoning_uses)

					poisoning_strength = 0 # Assume lesser unless the tag tells so otherwise
					if weapon.hastag('poisoning_strength'):
						poisoning_strength = int(weapon.gettag('poisoning_strength'))
					if defender.hasscript("magic.evilomen") and poisoning_strength < 4:
						poisoning_strength += 1
					if random.random() >= 0.50:
						if system.poison.poison(defender, poisoning_strength):
							if attacker.socket:
								attacker.socket.clilocmessage(1008096, "", 0x3b2, 3, None, defender.name, False, False)
							if defender.socket:
								attacker.socket.clilocmessage(1008097, "", 0x3b2, 3, None, attacker.name, False, True)

			# Splash Damage
				effect = properties.fromitem(weapon, effectid)
				if effect and effect > random.randint(0, 99):
					splashdamage(attacker, effectid, excludechar = defender)

			# Hit Spell effects
			for (effectid, callback) in combat.hiteffects.EFFECTS.items():
				effect = properties.fromitem(weapon, effectid)
				if effect and effect > random.randint(0, 99):
					callback(attacker, defender)

		# Slime or Toxic Elemental, 4% chance for losing one hitpoint
		if weapon.maxhealth > 0 and ( (weapon.getintproperty( 'range', 1 ) <= 1 and (defender.id == 51 or defender.id == 158)) or 0.04 >= random.random() ):
			if (weapon.getintproperty( 'range', 1 ) <= 1 and (defender.id == 51 or defender.id == 158)):
				attacker.message( 500263, '' ) # *Acid blood scars your weapon!*

			# If it's a self repairing item, grant health instead of reducing it
			selfrepair = properties.fromitem(weapon, SELFREPAIR)
			if AGEOFSHADOWS and selfrepair > 0:
				if selfrepair > random.randint(0, 9):
					weapon.health += 2
				if weapon.health > 0:
					weapon.health -= 1
				elif weapon.maxhealth > 1:
					weapon.maxhealth -= 1
					attacker.message( 1061121, '' ) # Your equipment is severely damaged.
				if weapon:

		#if weapon.health <= 0:
		#	tobackpack(weapon, attacker)
		#	weapon.update()
		#	if attacker.socket:
		#		attacker.socket.clilocmessage(500645)

	# Notify the weapon ability
	if not blocked and ability:
		ability.hit(attacker, defender, damage)