Пример #1
	def hit(self, attacker, defender, damage):
		if not self.checkuse(attacker):


		attacker.effect(0x3728, 10, 15)
		# Compile a list of targets
		targets = []
		center = attacker.pos
		chariter = wolfpack.charregion(center.x - 1, center.y - 1, center.x + 1, center.y + 1, center.map)
		char = chariter.first
		while char:
			if char != attacker and char != defender:
			char = chariter.next
		# Our own party
		party = attacker.party
		guild = attacker.guild
		weapon = attacker.getweapon()
		for target in targets:
			if not attacker.canreach(target, 1):
			if not target.dead and not target.invulnerable and (not party or party != target.party) and (not guild or target.guild != guild):
				if attacker.socket:
					attacker.socket.clilocmessage(1060161) # The whirling attack strikes a target!
				if defender.socket:
					defender.socket.clilocmessage(1060162) # You are struck by the whirling attack and take damage!
				combat.aos.hit(attacker, target, weapon, wolfpack.currenttime())
Пример #2
def splashdamage(attacker, effect, excludechar=None):
    (physical, cold, fire, poison, energy) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    if effect == SPLASHPHYSICAL:
        sound = 0x10e
        hue = 50
        physical = 100
    elif effect == SPLASHFIRE:
        sound = 0x11d
        hue = 1160
        fire = 100
    elif effect == SPLASHCOLD:
        sound = 0xfc
        hue = 2100
        cold = 100
    elif effect == SPLASHPOISON:
        sound = 0x205
        hue = 1166
        poison = 100
    elif effect == SPLASHENERGY:
        sound = 0x1f1
        hue = 120
        energy = 100
        raise RuntimeError, "Invalid effect passed to splashdamage: %s" % effect

    guild = attacker.guild  # Cache the guild
    party = attacker.guild  # Cache the party
    didsound = False  # Did we play a soundeffect yet?
     maxdamage) = properties.getdamage(attacker)  # Cache the min+maxdamage

    pos = attacker.pos
    chariterator = wolfpack.charregion(pos.x - 3, pos.y - 3, pos.x + 3,
                                       pos.y + 3, pos.map)
    target = chariterator.first
    while target:
        if attacker != target and excludechar != target and mayAreaHarm(
                attacker, target):
            tpos = target.pos

            # Calculate the real distance between the two characters
            distance = sqrt((pos.x - tpos.x) * (pos.x - tpos.x) +
                            (pos.y - tpos.y) * (pos.y - tpos.y))
            factor = min(1.0, (4 - distance) / 3)
            if factor > 0.0:
                damage = int(random.randint(mindamage, maxdamage) * factor)

                if damage > 0:
                    if not didsound:
                        didsound = True
                    target.effect(0x3779, 1, 15, hue)
                    energydamage(target, attacker, damage, physical, fire,
                                 cold, poison, energy, 0, DAMAGE_MAGICAL)

        target = chariterator.next
Пример #3
def splashdamage(attacker, effect):
	(physical, cold, fire, poison, energy) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
	if effect == SPLASHPHYSICAL:
		sound = 0x10e
		hue = 50
		physical = 100
	elif effect == SPLASHFIRE:
		sound = 0x11d
		hue = 1160
		fire = 100
	elif effect == SPLASHCOLD:
		sound = 0xfc
		hue = 2100
		cold = 100
	elif effect == SPLASHPOISON:
		sound = 0x205
		hue = 1166
		poison = 100
	elif effect == SPLASHENERGY:
		sound = 0x1f1
		hue = 120
		energy = 100
		raise RuntimeError, "Invalid effect passed to splashdamage: %s" % effect
	guild = attacker.guild # Cache the guild
	party = attacker.guild # Cache the party
	didsound = False # Did we play a soundeffect yet?
	(mindamage, maxdamage) = properties.getdamage(attacker) # Cache the min+maxdamage
	pos = attacker.pos
	chariterator = wolfpack.charregion(pos.x - 10, pos.y - 10, pos.x + 10, pos.y + 10, pos.map)
	target = chariterator.first
	while target:
		if attacker != target and (not party or party != target.party) and (not guild or guild != target.guild):
			if not target.dead and not target.invulnerable and not target.invisible and not target.hidden:
				tpos = target.pos

				# Calculate the real distance between the two characters				
				distance = sqrt((pos.x - tpos.x) * (pos.x - tpos.x) + (pos.y - tpos.y) * (pos.y - tpos.y))
				factor = min(1.0, (11 - distance) / 10)
				if factor > 0.0:
					damage = int(random.randint(mindamage, maxdamage) * factor)
					if damage > 0:
						if not didsound:
							didsound = True
						target.effect(0x3779, 1, 15, hue)
						energydamage(target, attacker, damage, physical, fire, cold, poison, energy, 0, DAMAGE_MAGICAL)

		target = chariterator.next
Пример #4
    def hit(self, attacker, defender, damage):
        if not self.checkuse(attacker):


        if defender.dead or defender.pos.map == 0xFF:
            return  # Out of reach

        attacker.effect(0x3728, 10, 15)

        # Compile a list of targets
        targets = []
        center = attacker.pos
        chariter = wolfpack.charregion(center.x - 1, center.y - 1,
                                       center.x + 1, center.y + 1, center.map)
        char = chariter.first
        while char:
            if char != attacker and char != defender:
            char = chariter.next

        # Our own party
        party = attacker.party
        guild = attacker.guild
        weapon = attacker.getweapon()

        for target in targets:
            if not attacker.canreach(target, 1):

            if not target.dead and not target.invulnerable and not target.region.safe and (
                    not party
                    or party != target.party) and (not guild
                                                   or target.guild != guild):
                if attacker.socket:
                        1060161)  # The whirling attack strikes a target!
                if defender.socket:
                    )  # You are struck by the whirling attack and take damage!
                combat.aos.hit(attacker, target, weapon,
Пример #5
def trackWhatResponse( char, args, target ):
	# what the range, hypothesis : skill 100%==radius 50==the small map ingame
	rayon= char.skill[ TRACKING ]*50/1000
	#look around characters (not really a circle but nervermind)
	iterator = wolfpack.charregion(char.pos.x -rayon,char.pos.y-rayon,char.pos.x +rayon,char.pos.y+rayon,char.pos.map)
	# filter the list with the player's choice
	charcible = iterator.first
	while charcible:
		# NEVER track invisible staff members
		if not charcible.invisible and not charcible.dead:
			if target.button == 4 : #have to exit non-players and exit self
				if charcible.player and char.serial != charcible.serial :
			if target.button == 3 : #have to exit non-PNJ humans
				if charcible.bodytype==4 and charcible.npc:
			if target.button == 2 : #have to exit non-Monsters
				if charcible.bodytype==1 and charcible.npc:
			if target.button == 1 : #have to exit non-animals
				if charcible.bodytype==3 and charcible.npc:
		charcible = iterator.next
	#Answer to the player
	if liste==[]: #nothing to find
		if target.button == 4 or target.button == 3:
			char.socket.clilocmessage( 502995, '', GRAY )#502995 You see no evidence of people in the area.
		elif target.button == 1:
			char.socket.clilocmessage( 502991, '', GRAY )#502991 You see no evidence of animals in the area.
			char.socket.clilocmessage( 502993, '', GRAY )#502993 You see no evidence of creatures in the area.
	else: #list is not empty
		for charcible in liste:
			char.socket.sysmessage("%s %s"%(charcible.name,dircard(char.directionto(charcible))))
	#check skill
	success = char.checkskill( TRACKING, 0, 1000 )
	return True
Пример #6
def potionregion( cserial, iserial, bonus=0 ):
	char = wolfpack.findchar( cserial )
	item = wolfpack.finditem( iserial )
	if not item or not char:
		return False
	ppos = item.pos
	# Defaults
	outradius = 0
	potiontype = 11
	kegfill = 0
	iskeg = False

	potiontype = getPotionType( item )

	if not potiontype in [ 11, 12, 13 ]:
		potiontype = 11

	if potiontype == 11:
		outradius = 1
	elif potiontype == 12:
		outradius = 2
	elif potiontype == 13:
		outradius = randint( 2, 3 )
		outradius = 1

	# Potion Keg Radius Override!
	if isPotionkeg( item ):
		kegfill = int( item.gettag( 'kegfill' ) )
		if potiontype in [11, 12, 13] and kegfill >= 1:
			if kegfill == 100:
				outradius = 13
			elif kegfill >= 90:
				outradius = 12
			elif kegfill >= 80:
				outradius = 11
			elif kegfill >= 70:
				outradius = 10
			elif kegfill >= 60:
				outradius = 9
			elif kegfill >= 50:
				outradius = 8
			elif kegfill >= 40:
				outradius = 7
			elif kegfill >= 30:
				outradius = 6
				outradius = 5

	outradius = max( 1, outradius )

	# Potion is thrown on the ground
	if not item.container:
		x1 = min( int( ppos.x - outradius ), int( ppos.x + outradius ) )
		x2 = max( int( ppos.x - outradius ), int( ppos.x + outradius ) )
		y1 = min( int( ppos.y - outradius ), int( ppos.y + outradius ) )
		y2 = max( int( ppos.y - outradius ), int( ppos.y + outradius ) )
		# Character Bombing
		damageregion = wolfpack.charregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, ppos.map )
		target = damageregion.first
		while target:
			if not target.ischar:
				target = damageregion.next
			if checkLoS( target, item, outradius ):
				potiondamage( cserial, target, iserial, bonus, potiontype )
				target = damageregion.next
				target = damageregion.next

		# Chain Reaction Bombing
		chainregion = wolfpack.itemregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, ppos.map )
		chainbomb = chainregion.first
		# Scan the region, build a list of explosives
		while chainbomb:
			chainpotiontimer( cserial, iserial, chainbomb.serial, outradius )
			chainbomb = chainregion.next
	# Potion is in a container
		x1 = min( int(char.pos.x - outradius), int(char.pos.x + outradius) )
		x2 = max( int(char.pos.x - outradius), int(char.pos.x + outradius) )
		y1 = min( int(char.pos.y - outradius), int(char.pos.y + outradius) )
		y2 = max( int(char.pos.y - outradius), int(char.pos.y + outradius) )
		# Area Bombing
		damageregion = wolfpack.charregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, char.pos.map )
		target = damageregion.first
		while target:
			if not target.ischar:
				target = damageregion.next
			if checkLoS( char, target, outradius ):
				potiondamage( cserial, target, iserial, bonus, potiontype )
				target = damageregion.next
				target = damageregion.next

		potion_chainlist = []
		# Chain Reaction Bombing
		chainregion = wolfpack.itemregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, char.pos.map )
		chainbomb = chainregion.first
		# Scan the region, build a list of explosives
		while chainbomb:
			chainpotiontimer( cserial, iserial, chainbomb.serial, outradius )
			chainbomb = chainregion.next
		return True
Пример #7
def potionregion( cserial, iserial, bonus=0 ):
	char = wolfpack.findchar( cserial )
	item = wolfpack.finditem( iserial )
	if not item or not char:
		return False
	ppos = item.pos
	# Defaults
	outradius = 0
	potiontype = 11
	kegfill = 0
	iskeg = False

	potiontype = getPotionType( item )

	if not potiontype in [ 11, 12, 13 ]:
		potiontype = 11

	if potiontype == 11:
		outradius = 1
	elif potiontype == 12:
		outradius = 2
	elif potiontype == 13:
		outradius = randint( 2, 3 )
		outradius = 1

	# Potion Keg Radius Override!
	if isPotionkeg( item ):
		kegfill = int( item.gettag( 'kegfill' ) )
		if potiontype in [11, 12, 13] and kegfill >= 1:
			if kegfill == 100:
				outradius = 13
			elif kegfill >= 90:
				outradius = 12
			elif kegfill >= 80:
				outradius = 11
			elif kegfill >= 70:
				outradius = 10
			elif kegfill >= 60:
				outradius = 9
			elif kegfill >= 50:
				outradius = 8
			elif kegfill >= 40:
				outradius = 7
			elif kegfill >= 30:
				outradius = 6
				outradius = 5

	outradius = max( 1, outradius )

	# Potion is thrown on the ground
	if not item.container:
		x1 = min( int( ppos.x - outradius ), int( ppos.x + outradius ) )
		x2 = max( int( ppos.x - outradius ), int( ppos.x + outradius ) )
		y1 = min( int( ppos.y - outradius ), int( ppos.y + outradius ) )
		y2 = max( int( ppos.y - outradius ), int( ppos.y + outradius ) )
		# Character Bombing
		damageregion = wolfpack.charregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, ppos.map )
		target = damageregion.first
		while target:
			if not target.ischar:
				target = damageregion.next
			if checkLoS( target, item, outradius ):
				potiondamage( cserial, target, iserial, bonus, potiontype )
				target = damageregion.next
				target = damageregion.next

		# Chain Reaction Bombing
		chainregion = wolfpack.itemregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, ppos.map )
		chainbomb = chainregion.first
		# Scan the region, build a list of explosives
		while chainbomb:
			chainpotiontimer( cserial, iserial, chainbomb.serial, outradius )
			chainbomb = chainregion.next
	# Potion is in a container
		x1 = min( int(char.pos.x - outradius), int(char.pos.x + outradius) )
		x2 = max( int(char.pos.x - outradius), int(char.pos.x + outradius) )
		y1 = min( int(char.pos.y - outradius), int(char.pos.y + outradius) )
		y2 = max( int(char.pos.y - outradius), int(char.pos.y + outradius) )
		# Area Bombing
		damageregion = wolfpack.charregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, char.pos.map )
		target = damageregion.first
		while target:
			if not target.ischar:
				target = damageregion.next
			if checkLoS( char, target, outradius ):
				potiondamage( cserial, target, iserial, bonus, potiontype )
				target = damageregion.next
				target = damageregion.next

		potion_chainlist = []
		# Chain Reaction Bombing
		chainregion = wolfpack.itemregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, char.pos.map )
		chainbomb = chainregion.first
		# Scan the region, build a list of explosives
		while chainbomb:
			chainpotiontimer( cserial, iserial, chainbomb.serial, outradius )
			chainbomb = chainregion.next
		return True
Пример #8
def potionregion( args ):
	char = args[0]
	potion = args[1]
	bonus = args[2]
	if potion.gettag('potiontype') == 11:
		outradius = 1
	elif potion.gettag('potiontype') == 12:
		outradius = 2
	elif potion.gettag('potiontype') == 13:
		outradius = randint(2,3)
		outradius = 1
	# Potion Keg Radius Override!
	if potion.hastag('kegfill') and potion.hastag('potiontype'):
		if potion.gettag('potiontype') in [11, 12, 13] and potion.gettag('kegfill') >= 1:
			kegfill = potion.gettag('kegfill')
			if kegfill == 100:
				outradius = 13
			elif kegfill >= 90:
				outradius = 12
			elif kegfill >= 80:
				outradius = 11
			elif kegfill >= 70:
				outradius = 10
			elif kegfill >= 60:
				outradius = 9
			elif kegfill >= 50:
				outradius = 8
			elif kegfill >= 40:
				outradius = 7
			elif kegfill >= 30:
				outradius = 6
				outradius = 5
	# Potion thrown on the ground
	if not potion.container:
		x1 = int(potion.pos.x - outradius)
		y1 = int(potion.pos.y - outradius)
		x2 = int(potion.pos.x + outradius)
		y2 = int(potion.pos.y + outradius)
		damageregion = wolfpack.charregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, potion.pos.map )
		# Character Bombing
		target = damageregion.first
		while target:
			if checkLoS( target, potion, outradius ):
				potiondamage(char, target, potion, bonus)
				target = damageregion.next
				target = damageregion.next

		# Chain Reaction Bombing
		chainregion = wolfpack.itemregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, potion.pos.map )
		chainbomb= chainregion.first
		while chainbomb:
			if checkLoS( potion, chainbomb, outradius ) and not chainbomb.hastag('exploding'):
				if chainbomb.baseid in explodables:
					chainbomb.settag('exploding', 'true')
					chainbomb.addtimer( randint(1000, 2250), "potions.potioncountdown", [char.serial, 0, chainbomb.amount] )
					chainbomb = chainregion.next
				# Potion Kegs
				elif (chainbomb.hastag('kegfill') and chainbomb.hastag('potiontype')) and ( chainbomb.gettag('potiontype') in [11, 12, 13] and chainbomb.gettag('kegfill') >= 1 ):
					chainbomb.settag('exploding', 'true')
					chainbomb.addtimer( randint(1000, 2250), "potions.potioncountdown", [char.serial, 11, chainbomb.gettag('kegfill') ] )
					chainbomb = chainregion.next
					chainbomb = chainregion.next
				chainbomb = chainregion.next
	# Potion is in a container
		x1 = int(char.pos.x - outradius)
		y1 = int(char.pos.y - outradius)
		x2 = int(char.pos.x + outradius)
		y2 = int(char.pos.y + outradius)
		damageregion = wolfpack.charregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, char.pos.map )
		# Area Bombing
		target = damageregion.first
		while target:
			if checkLoS( char, target, outradius ):
				potiondamage(char, target, potion, bonus)
				target = damageregion.next
				target = damageregion.next

		# Chain Reaction Bombing
		chainregion = wolfpack.itemregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, char.pos.map )
		chainbomb = chainregion.first
		while chainbomb:
			if checkLoS( char, chainbomb, outradius ) and not chainbomb.hastag('exploding'):
				if chainbomb.baseid in explodables:
					chainbomb.settag('exploding', 'true')
					chainbomb.addtimer( randint(1000, 2250), "potions.potioncountdown", [char.serial, 0, chainbomb.amount] )
					chainbomb = chainregion.next
				elif ( chainbomb.hastag('kegfill') and chainbomb.hastag('potiontype') ) and ( chainbomb.gettag('potiontype') in [11, 12, 13] and chainbomb.gettag('kegfill') >= 1 ):
					chainbomb.settag('exploding', 'true')
					chainbomb.addtimer( randint(1000, 2250), "potions.potioncountdown", [char.serial, 11, chainbomb.gettag('kegfill') ] )
					chainbomb = chainregion.next
					chainbomb = chainregion.next
				chainbomb = chainregion.next
			# Potion Kegs
Пример #9
def potionregion( char, potion, bonus=0 ):
	if potion.gettag('potiontype') == 11:
		outradius = 1
	elif potion.gettag('potiontype') == 12:
		outradius = 2
	elif potion.gettag('potiontype') == 13:
		outradius = randint(2,3)
		outradius = 1
	# Potion Keg Radius Override!
	if potion.hastag('kegfill') and potion.hastag('potiontype'):
		if potion.gettag('potiontype') in [11, 12, 13] and potion.gettag('kegfill') >= 1:
			kegfill = potion.gettag('kegfill')
			if kegfill == 100:
				outradius = 13
			elif kegfill >= 90:
				outradius = 12
			elif kegfill >= 80:
				outradius = 11
			elif kegfill >= 70:
				outradius = 10
			elif kegfill >= 60:
				outradius = 9
			elif kegfill >= 50:
				outradius = 8
			elif kegfill >= 40:
				outradius = 7
			elif kegfill >= 30:
				outradius = 6
				outradius = 5

	outradius = max( 1, outradius )
	# Potion is thrown on the ground
	if not potion.container:
		x1 = min( int(potion.pos.x - outradius), int(potion.pos.x + outradius) )
		x2 = max( int(potion.pos.x - outradius), int(potion.pos.x + outradius) )
		y1 = min( int(potion.pos.y - outradius), int(potion.pos.y + outradius) )
		y2 = max( int(potion.pos.y - outradius), int(potion.pos.y + outradius) )
		# Character Bombing
		damageregion = wolfpack.charregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, potion.pos.map )
		target = damageregion.first
		while target:
			if not target.ischar:
				target = damageregion.next
			if checkLoS( target, potion, outradius ):
				potiondamage( char, target, potion, bonus )
				target = damageregion.next
				target = damageregion.next

		# Chain Reaction Bombing
		chainregion = wolfpack.itemregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, potion.pos.map )
		chainbomb = chainregion.first
		# Scan the region, build a list of explosives
		while chainbomb:
			chainpotiontimer( char, potion, chainbomb, outradius )
			chainbomb = chainregion.next
	# Potion is in a container
		x1 = min( int(char.pos.x - outradius), int(char.pos.x + outradius) )
		x2 = max( int(char.pos.x - outradius), int(char.pos.x + outradius) )
		y1 = min( int(char.pos.y - outradius), int(char.pos.y + outradius) )
		y2 = max( int(char.pos.y - outradius), int(char.pos.y + outradius) )
		# Area Bombing
		damageregion = wolfpack.charregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, potion.pos.map )
		target = damageregion.first
		while target:
			if not target.ischar:
				target = damageregion.next
			if checkLoS( char, target, outradius ):
				potiondamage( char, target, potion, bonus )
				target = damageregion.next
				target = damageregion.next

		potion_chainlist = []
		# Chain Reaction Bombing
		chainregion = wolfpack.itemregion( x1, y1, x2, y2, char.pos.map )
		chainbomb = chainregion.first
		# Scan the region, build a list of explosives
		while chainbomb:
			chainpotiontimer( char, potion, chainbomb, outradius )
			chainbomb = chainregion.next