file = ['pressure.h5', 'octaveFilterSP/spl_octFilt_spectrum.h5'] #%% # generates and imports the HDF5 file containing the reformatted pressure time series and BPM spectral data. if h5_write: functions = [] for f in file: f1 = lambda a: wopwop.extract_wopwop_quant( case_directory=a, prefix=os.path.splitext(f)[0]) functions.append(f1) wopwop.apply_to_namelist(functions, cases_directory=cases_directory, cases='cases.nam') output = wopwop.import_from_namelist(file, cases_directory=cases_directory, cases='cases.nam') #%% # imports several performance quantities from the MainDict.h5 file. with h5py.File(os.path.join(cases_directory, 'MainDict.h5'), "r") as f: R = f[list(f.keys())[0]]['geomParams']['R'][()] T = f[list(f.keys())[1]]['T'][()] omega = f[list(f.keys())[1]]['omega'][()] #%% # Tip-Mach number M = np.array(omega) / 60 * 2 * np.pi**R / 340 # number of observers nObservers = np.shape(
mics = [12,-11] # Frequency resolution of spectra [Hz] df_exp = 2 # Axis limits specified as: [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax] axis_lim = [50, 1e3, 0, 60] # Starting time from which to compute the spectra start_t = 10 # End time to which to compute the spectra end_t = 15 #%% # imports reformatted data from wopwop in a dictionary pred = wopwop.import_from_namelist(file, cases_directory=pred_dir, cases='cases.nam') #%% # imports several performance quantities from the MainDict.h5 file. with h5py.File(os.path.join(pred_dir, 'MainDict.h5'), "r") as f: R = f[list(f.keys())[0]]['geomParams']['R'][()] th = f[list(f.keys())[0]]['loadParams']['th'][()] T = f[list(f.keys())[1]]['T'][()] omega = f[list(f.keys())[1]]['omega'][()] #%% micR = np.array([65.19,62.97,61.34,60.34,60.00,60.34,61.34,62.97,65.19,67.93,71.14,74.75]) # exp = exp * micR / micR[4] # Tip-Mach number M = np.array(omega)/60*2*np.pi**R/340
#%% form1a_LN = {} form1a_TN = {} # imports several performance quantities from the MainDict.h5 file. with h5py.File(os.path.join(dir,os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(dir))+'_form1a_LN_sdata.h5'),'r') as f: for k, dat in f.items(): form1a_LN = {**form1a_LN, **{k:dat[()]}} with h5py.File(os.path.join(dir,os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(dir))+'_form1a_TN_sdata.h5'),'r') as f: for k, dat in f.items(): form1a_TN = {**form1a_TN, **{k:dat[()]}} #%% # imports reformatted data from wopwop in a dictionary wopwop_dat = wopwop.import_from_namelist(file, cases_directory=dir, cases='cases.nam') #%% # imports several performance quantities from the MainDict.h5 file. with h5py.File(os.path.join(dir, 'MainDict.h5'), "r") as f: R = f[list(f.keys())[0]]['geomParams']['R'][()] th = f[list(f.keys())[0]]['loadParams']['th'][()] T = f[list(f.keys())[1]]['T'][()] omega = f[list(f.keys())[1]]['omega'][()] #%% # Tip-Mach number M = np.array(omega)/60*2*np.pi**R/340 # number of observers