Пример #1
def execute_diary_task(dbo, username, tasktype, taskid, linkid, selecteddate):
    Runs a diary task
    tasktype: ANIMAL or PERSON
    taskid: The ID of the diarytaskhead record to run
    linkid: The ID of the animal or person to run against
    selecteddate: If the task has any detail records with a pivot of 0, the date to supply (as python date)
    def fix(s):
        return s.replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")
    rollingdate = i18n.now(dbo.timezone) 
    dtd = db.query(dbo, "SELECT * FROM diarytaskdetail WHERE DiaryTaskHeadID = %d ORDER BY ID" % int(taskid))
    tags = {}
    linktype = ANIMAL
    if tasktype == "ANIMAL": 
        linktype = ANIMAL
        tags = wordprocessor.animal_tags(dbo, animal.get_animal(dbo, int(linkid)))
    elif tasktype == "PERSON": 
        linktype = PERSON
        tags = wordprocessor.person_tags(dbo, person.get_person(dbo, int(linkid)))
    for d in dtd:
        if d["DAYPIVOT"] == 9999: 
            rollingdate = selecteddate
            rollingdate = i18n.add_days(rollingdate, int(d["DAYPIVOT"]))
        insert_diary(dbo, username, linktype, int(linkid), rollingdate, \
            d["WHOFOR"], \
            wordprocessor.substitute_tags(fix(d["SUBJECT"]), tags, True), \
            wordprocessor.substitute_tags(fix(d["NOTE"]), tags, True))
Пример #2
def execute_diary_task(dbo, username, tasktype, taskid, linkid, selecteddate):
    Runs a diary task
    tasktype: ANIMAL or PERSON
    taskid: The ID of the diarytaskhead record to run
    linkid: The ID of the animal or person to run against
    selecteddate: If the task has any detail records with a pivot of 0, the date to supply (as python date)
    def fix(s):
        return s.replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;")

    rollingdate = dbo.today()
    dtd = dbo.query(
        "SELECT * FROM diarytaskdetail WHERE DiaryTaskHeadID = ? ORDER BY OrderIndex",
    tags = {}
    linktype = ANIMAL
    if tasktype == "ANIMAL":
        linktype = ANIMAL
        tags = wordprocessor.animal_tags(dbo,
                                         animal.get_animal(dbo, int(linkid)))
    elif tasktype == "PERSON":
        linktype = PERSON
        tags = wordprocessor.person_tags(dbo,
                                         person.get_person(dbo, int(linkid)))
    for d in dtd:
        if d["DAYPIVOT"] == 9999:
            rollingdate = selecteddate
            rollingdate = i18n.add_days(rollingdate, int(d["DAYPIVOT"]))
        insert_diary(dbo, username, linktype, int(linkid), rollingdate, \
            d["WHOFOR"], \
            wordprocessor.substitute_tags(fix(d["SUBJECT"]), tags, True), \
            wordprocessor.substitute_tags(fix(d["NOTE"]), tags, True))
Пример #3
def animals_to_page(dbo,
    """ Returns a page of animals.
    animals: A resultset containing animal records
    style: The HTML publishing template to use
    speciesid: 0 for all species, or a specific one
    animaltypeid: 0 for all animal types or a specific one
    locationid: 0 for all internal locations or a specific one
    # Get the specified template
    head, body, foot = template.get_html_template(dbo, style)
    if head == "":
        head, body, foot = get_animal_view_template(dbo)
    # Substitute the header and footer tags
    org_tags = wordprocessor.org_tags(dbo, "system")
    head = wordprocessor.substitute_tags(head, org_tags, True, "$$", "$$")
    foot = wordprocessor.substitute_tags(foot, org_tags, True, "$$", "$$")
    # Run through each animal and generate body sections
    bodies = []
    for a in animals:
        if speciesid > 0 and a.SPECIESID != speciesid: continue
        if animaltypeid > 0 and a.ANIMALTYPEID != animaltypeid: continue
        if locationid > 0 and a.SHELTERLOCATION != locationid: continue
        # Translate website media name to the service call for images
        if smcom.active():
            a.WEBSITEMEDIANAME = "%s?account=%s&method=animal_image&animalid=%d" % (
                SERVICE_URL, dbo.database, a.ID)
            a.WEBSITEMEDIANAME = "%s?method=animal_image&animalid=%d" % (
                SERVICE_URL, a.ID)
        # Generate tags for this row
        tags = wordprocessor.animal_tags_publisher(dbo, a)
        tags = wordprocessor.append_tags(tags, org_tags)
        # Add extra tags for websitemedianame2-4 if they exist
        if a.WEBSITEIMAGECOUNT > 1:
            tags["WEBMEDIAFILENAME2"] = "%s&seq=2" % a.WEBSITEMEDIANAME
        if a.WEBSITEIMAGECOUNT > 2:
            tags["WEBMEDIAFILENAME3"] = "%s&seq=3" % a.WEBSITEMEDIANAME
        if a.WEBSITEIMAGECOUNT > 3:
            tags["WEBMEDIAFILENAME4"] = "%s&seq=4" % a.WEBSITEMEDIANAME
        # Set the description
        if configuration.publisher_use_comments(dbo):
        # Add extra publishing text, preserving the line endings
        notes = utils.nulltostr(a.WEBSITEMEDIANOTES)
        notes += configuration.third_party_publisher_sig(dbo).replace(
            "\n", "<br/>")
        tags["WEBMEDIANOTES"] = notes
            wordprocessor.substitute_tags(body, tags, True, "$$", "$$"))
    return "%s\n%s\n%s" % (head, "\n".join(bodies), foot)
Пример #4
 def substituteBodyTags(self, searchin, a):
     Substitutes any tags in the body for animal data
     tags = wordprocessor.animal_tags_publisher(self.dbo, a)
     tags["TotalAnimals"] = str(self.totalAnimals)
     tags["IMAGE"] = str(a["WEBSITEMEDIANAME"])
     # Note: WEBSITEMEDIANOTES becomes ANIMALCOMMENTS in get_animal_data when publisher_use_comments is on
     notes = utils.nulltostr(a["WEBSITEMEDIANOTES"])
     # Add any extra text
     notes += configuration.third_party_publisher_sig(self.dbo)
     # Preserve line endings in the bio
     notes = notes.replace("\n", "**le**")
     tags["WEBMEDIANOTES"] = notes
     output = wordprocessor.substitute_tags(searchin, tags, True, "$$",
     output = output.replace("**le**", "<br />")
     return output
Пример #5
def get_animal_view(dbo, animalid):
    """ Constructs the animal view page to the template. """
    a = dbo.first_row(
    # If the animal is not adoptable, bail out
    if a is None:
        raise utils.ASMPermissionError("animal is not adoptable (None)")
    if not is_animal_adoptable(dbo, a):
        raise utils.ASMPermissionError("animal is not adoptable (False)")
    # If the option is on, use animal comments as the notes
    if configuration.publisher_use_comments(dbo):
    head, body, foot = get_animal_view_template(dbo)
    if head == "":
        head = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>$$SHELTERCODE$$ - $$ANIMALNAME$$</title></head>\n<body>"
        body = "<h2>$$SHELTERCODE$$ - $$ANIMALNAME$$</h2><p><img src='$$WEBMEDIAFILENAME$$'/></p><p>$$WEBMEDIANOTES$$</p>"
        foot = "</body>\n</html>"
    if smcom.active():
        a.WEBSITEMEDIANAME = "%s?account=%s&method=animal_image&animalid=%d" % (
            SERVICE_URL, dbo.database, animalid)
        a.WEBSITEMEDIANAME = "%s?method=animal_image&animalid=%d" % (
            SERVICE_URL, animalid)
    s = head + body + foot
    tags = wordprocessor.animal_tags_publisher(dbo, a)
    tags = wordprocessor.append_tags(tags,
                                     wordprocessor.org_tags(dbo, "system"))
    # Add extra tags for websitemedianame2-10 if they exist
    for x in range(2, 11):
        if a.WEBSITEIMAGECOUNT > x - 1:
            tags["WEBMEDIAFILENAME%d" %
                 x] = "%s&seq=%d" % (a.WEBSITEMEDIANAME, x)
    # Add extra publishing text, preserving the line endings
    notes = utils.nulltostr(a.WEBSITEMEDIANOTES)
    notes += configuration.third_party_publisher_sig(dbo)
    notes = notes.replace("\n", "**le**")
    tags["WEBMEDIANOTES"] = notes
    tags["WEBSITEMEDIANOTES"] = notes
    s = wordprocessor.substitute_tags(s, tags, True, "$$", "$$")
    s = s.replace("**le**", "<br />")
    return s
Пример #6
    if page_name != "":
        post_to = page_id

    # Grab the animal details
    a = animal.get_animal(dbo, utils.cint(oauth_state[1:]))

    # Bail out if we have a problem
    if a is None:
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(
            "Facebook response did not contain a valid animal ID (got %s)" %

    # Generate the body of the post from our facebook template
    tags = wordprocessor.animal_tags(dbo, a)
    template = configuration.facebook_template(dbo)
    posttext = wordprocessor.substitute_tags(template, tags, False, "$$", "$$")

    # Post on the wall

        l = dbo.locale
        fb_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/%s/photos?access_token=%s" % (
            post_to, access_token)
            "FB posting photo and text '%s' to '%s' at %s" %
            (posttext, page_name, fb_url), "social.post_animal_facebook", dbo)
        imagedata = dbfs.get_string(dbo, a["WEBSITEMEDIANAME"])
        req, hdr, response = utils.post_multipart(
            (("message", utils.decode_html(posttext).encode("utf-8")), ),
            (("source", "pic.jpg", imagedata), ))
Пример #7
    # If we're posting as us, but to a page, post to the page
    # but stick with the user's access_token
    if page_name != "":
        post_to = page_id

    # Grab the animal details
    a = animal.get_animal(dbo, utils.cint(oauth_state[1:]))

    # Bail out if we have a problem
    if a is None: 
        raise utils.ASMValidationError("Facebook response did not contain a valid animal ID (got %s)" % oauth_state[1:])

    # Generate the body of the post from our facebook template
    tags = wordprocessor.animal_tags(dbo, a)
    template = configuration.facebook_template(dbo)
    posttext = wordprocessor.substitute_tags(template, tags, False, "$$", "$$")

    # Post on the wall

        l = dbo.locale
        fb_url = "https://graph.facebook.com/%s/photos?access_token=%s" % (post_to, access_token)
        al.debug("FB posting photo and text '%s' to '%s' at %s" % (posttext, page_name, fb_url), "social.post_animal_facebook", dbo)
        imagedata = dbfs.get_string(dbo, a["WEBSITEMEDIANAME"])
        req, hdr, response = utils.post_multipart(fb_url, ( ("message", utils.decode_html(posttext).encode("utf-8")),), ( ("source", "pic.jpg", imagedata), ))
        al.debug("FB response: %s" % response, "social.post_animal_facebook", dbo)

        # If the option is on and all was ok, make a note in the log
        if configuration.facebook_log(dbo):
            al.debug("FB writing entry to animal log: %s %s" % (a["SHELTERCODE"], a["ANIMALNAME"]), "social.post_animal_facebook", dbo)
            log.add_log(dbo, user, log.ANIMAL, utils.cint(oauth_state[1:]), configuration.facebook_log_type(dbo),