class VisualCompassDummyHandler(): """ Implements a ROS independent handler for a Visual Compass worker. """ def __init__(self): dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) relative_path = "../config/config.yaml" config_path = os.path.join(dirname, relative_path) with open(config_path, 'r') as stream: config = yaml.load(stream) source = config['dummy_handler_input'] if isinstance(source, string): root_folder = os.curdir source = root_folder + source self.video_getter = Videocv(source) = VisualCompass(config) self.loop(config) def debug_image_callback(self, debug_image): """ param debug_image: shows this debug image """ cv2.imshow("Video", debug_image) def data_callback(self, angle, confidence): """ Get the data call back of the visual compass param angle: angle calculated by the visual compass param confidence: confidence of that angle """ print("Angle: {} | Confidence: {}".format(angle, confidence)) def loop(self, config): """ Processes stuff, feeds the compass with images, and sets the map param config: config dict """ side = 0 while True: image = self.video_getter.frame k = cv2.waitKey(1) #TODO remove #self.debug_image_callback(image) sides = config['compass_multiple_map_image_count'] if config[ 'compass_type'] == 'multiple' else 2 if side < sides: self.debug_image_callback(image) # Wurde SPACE gedrueckt if k % 256 == 32: angle = float(side) / sides * math.pi * 2, image) side += 1 else:, resultCB=self.data_callback, debugCB=self.debug_image_callback) # Abbrechen mit ESC if k % 256 == 27 or 0xFF == ord('q') or self.video_getter.ended: break self.video_getter.stop() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
class VisualCompassSetup(): # type: () -> None """ TODO docs Subscribes to raw image Trigger: 'trigger_visual_compass'-trigger Gets triggered e.i. while looking at a goal side Returns side """ def __init__(self): # type: () -> None """ Initiate VisualCompassHandler return: None """ # Init ROS package rospack = rospkg.RosPack() self.package_path = rospack.get_path('bitbots_visual_compass') rospy.init_node('bitbots_visual_compass_setup') rospy.loginfo('Initializing visual compass setup') self.bridge = CvBridge() self.config = {} self.image_msg = None self.compass = None self.hostname = socket.gethostname() # TODO: docs self.base_frame = 'base_footprint' self.camera_frame = 'camera_optical_frame' self.tf_buffer = tf2.Buffer(cache_time=rospy.Duration(50)) self.listener = tf2.TransformListener(self.tf_buffer) self.pub_head_mode = rospy.Publisher('head_mode', HeadMode, queue_size=1) # Register VisualCompassConfig server for dynamic reconfigure and set callback Server(VisualCompassConfig, self.dynamic_reconfigure_callback) rospy.logwarn("------------------------------------------------") rospy.logwarn("|| WARNING ||") rospy.logwarn("||Please remove the LAN cable from the Robot, ||") rospy.logwarn("||after pressing 'YES' you have 10 Seconds ||") rospy.logwarn("||until the head moves OVER the LAN port!!! ||") rospy.logwarn("------------------------------------------------\n\n") try: input = raw_input except NameError: pass accept = input("Do you REALLY want to start? (YES/n)") if accept == "YES": rospy.logwarn("REMOVE THE LAN CABLE NOW!!!!!") rospy.sleep(10) head_mode = HeadMode() head_mode.headMode = 10 self.pub_head_mode.publish(head_mode) rospy.loginfo("Head mode has been set!") rospy.spin() else: rospy.signal_shutdown( "You aborted the process! Shuting down correctly.") def dynamic_reconfigure_callback(self, config, level): # type: (dict, TODO) -> None """ TODO docs """ self.compass = VisualCompass(config) if self.changed_config_param(config, 'compass_type') or \ self.changed_config_param(config, 'compass_matcher') or \ self.changed_config_param(config, 'compass_multiple_ground_truth_images_count'): self.ground_truth_images_count = 0 self.processed_set_all_ground_truth_images = False rospy.loginfo( 'Loaded configuration: compass type: %(type)s | matcher type: %(matcher)s | ground truth images: %(ground_truth_count)d' % { 'type': config['compass_type'], 'matcher': config['compass_matcher'], 'ground_truth_count': config['compass_multiple_ground_truth_images_count'] }) # Subscribe to Image-message if self.changed_config_param(config, 'img_msg_topic') or \ self.changed_config_param(config, 'img_msg_queue_size'): if hasattr(self, 'sub_image_msg'): self.sub_image_msg.unregister() self.sub_image_msg = rospy.Subscriber( config['img_msg_topic'], Image, self.image_callback, queue_size=config['img_msg_queue_size'], tcp_nodelay=True, buff_size=60000000) # # Register message server to call set truth callback if self.changed_config_param(config, 'ground_truth_trigger_topic') or \ self.changed_config_param(config, 'ground_truth_trigger_queue_size'): if hasattr(self, 'sub_trigger_set_ground_truth'): self.sub_image_msg.unregister() self.sub_trigger_set_ground_truth = rospy.Subscriber( config['ground_truth_trigger_topic'], Header, self.set_truth_callback, queue_size=config['ground_truth_trigger_queue_size']) self.config = config self.check_ground_truth_images_count() return self.config def set_truth_callback(self, request): if self.image_msg: # TODO: check timestamps orientation = self.tf_buffer.lookup_transform( self.base_frame, self.camera_frame, self.image_msg.header.stamp, timeout=rospy.Duration(0.5)).transform.rotation yaw_angle = (euler_from_quaternion( (orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z, orientation.w))[2] + 0.5 * math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(self.image_msg, 'bgr8') self.compass.set_truth(yaw_angle, image) self.ground_truth_images_count += 1 self.check_ground_truth_images_count() else: rospy.logwarn('No image received yet.') def image_callback(self, image_msg): # type: (Image) -> None """ TODO docs """ # Drops old images # TODO: fix # image_age = rospy.get_rostime() - image_msg.header.stamp # if image_age.to_sec() > 0.1: # print("Visual Compass: Dropped Image-message") # TODO debug printer # return self.image_msg = image_msg def check_ground_truth_images_count(self): # type: () -> None """ TODO docs """ config_ground_truth_images_count = self.config[ 'compass_multiple_ground_truth_images_count'] if self.ground_truth_images_count != config_ground_truth_images_count: rospy.loginfo( 'Visual compass: %(var)d of %(config)d ground truth images set. More images are needed.' % { 'var': self.ground_truth_images_count, 'config': config_ground_truth_images_count }) self.processed_set_all_ground_truth_images = False else: if not (self.processed_set_all_ground_truth_images): rospy.loginfo( 'Visual compass: All ground truth images have been processed.' ) self.save_ground_truth(self.config['ground_truth_file_path']) self.processed_set_all_ground_truth_images = True def save_ground_truth(self, ground_truth_file_path): # type (str) -> None """ TODO docs """ converter = KeyPointConverter() # get keypoints features = self.compass.get_ground_truth_features() # convert keypoints to basic values keypoints = features[0] keypoint_values = [converter.key_point2values(kp) for kp in keypoints] descriptors = features[1] meta = { 'field': self.config['ground_truth_field'], 'date':, 'device': self.hostname, 'compass_type': self.config['compass_type'], 'compass_matcher': self.config['compass_matcher'], 'compass_multiple_ground_truth_images_count': self.config['compass_multiple_ground_truth_images_count'], 'keypoint_count': len(keypoint_values), 'descriptor_count': len(descriptors) } dump_features = { 'keypoint_values': keypoint_values, 'descriptors': descriptors, 'meta': meta } # generate file path file_path = self.package_path + ground_truth_file_path # warn, if file does exist allready if path.isfile(file_path): rospy.logwarn( 'Ground truth file at: %(path)s does ALLREADY EXIST. This will be overwritten.' % {'path': file_path}) # save keypoints in pickle file with open(file_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(dump_features, f) info_str = "\n\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + \ "\tSaved ground truth file at: %(path)s\n" % {'path': file_path} + \ "\tRUN the following command on your system (NOT THE ROBOT) to save the ground truth file in your current directory:\n" + \ "\n\tscp bitbots@%(host)s:%(path)s .\n" % {'path': file_path, 'host': self.hostname} + \ "\t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" rospy.loginfo(info_str) # shutdown setup process rospy.signal_shutdown('Visual compass setup finished cleanly.') def changed_config_param(self, config, param_name): # type: (dict, str) -> bool """ TODO """ return param_name not in self.config or config[ param_name] != self.config[param_name]
class MultipleEvaluator(object): def __init__(self, dimensions, angle_steps): self.dimensions = dimensions self.angle_steps = angle_steps dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) relative_config_path = "../config/config.yaml" config_path = os.path.join(dirname, relative_config_path) with open(config_path, 'r') as stream: config = yaml.load(stream) relative_data_path = config['evaluation_data'] self.data_path = os.path.join(dirname, relative_data_path) self.visualization_path = os.path.join(dirname, config["visualization"]) self.loader = DataLoader(self.data_path, self.dimensions, self.angle_steps) self.sample_count = 2 if config['compass_type'] == 'binary' else config[ 'compass_multiple_map_image_count'] = VisualCompass(config) def show_img(self, image): cv2.imshow("Record", image) k = cv2.waitKey(1) def evaluate(self): self.set_truth() self.evaluate_all_images() def set_truth(self): for i in range(self.sample_count): angle = float(i) / self.sample_count * math.radians(360) angle = (angle + math.radians(90)) % math.radians(360) image = self.loader.get_image(4, 3, angle), image) self.show_img(image) cv2.destroyAllWindows() def evaluate_all_images(self): for i in range(16): plt.figure(i) self.evaluate_direction(math.pi / 8 * i, None) print(i) print("done") filename = "" + str(i) + ".png" plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.visualization_path, filename)) def debug_image_callback(self, debug_image): return self.show_img(debug_image) time.sleep(0.5) def evaluate_direction(self, step, ax): ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) U = np.zeros(self.dimensions) V = np.zeros(self.dimensions) C = np.zeros(self.dimensions) for i in range(self.dimensions[0]): for j in range(self.dimensions[1]): image = self.loader.get_image(i, j, step) angle, confidence = z = np.exp(1j * angle) U[i, j] = np.real(z) * confidence V[i, j] = np.imag(z) * confidence C[i, j] = confidence normalizer = colors.Normalize(0, 1) quiver = ax.quiver(U, V, C, pivot='mid', scale_units='xy', scale=1, norm=normalizer) # Q = ax.quiver(U, V, C, pivot='mid') ax.axis('equal') ax.axis('off') plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.imshow(self.loader.get_image(4, 3, step))
class BinaryEvaluator(object): def __init__(self, dimensions, angle_steps): self.dimensions = dimensions self.angle_steps = angle_steps dirname = os.path.dirname(__file__) relative_config_path = "../config/config.yaml" config_path = os.path.join(dirname, relative_config_path) with open(config_path, 'r') as stream: config = yaml.load(stream) relative_data_path = config['evaluation_data'] self.data_path = os.path.join(dirname, relative_data_path) self.loader = DataLoader(self.data_path, self.dimensions, self.angle_steps) config['compass_type'] = 'multiple' self.sample_count = 2 if config['compass_type'] == 'binary' else config['compass_multiple_ground_truth_images_count'] = VisualCompass(config) def show_img(self, image): cv2.imshow("Record", image) k = cv2.waitKey(1) def evaluate(self): self.setTruth() self.evaluateAllImages() def setTruth(self): for i in range(self.sample_count): angle = float(i) / self.sample_count * math.radians(360) image = self.loader.get_image(4, 3, self.float_mod(angle + math.radians(90), math.radians(360))), image) self.show_img(image) time.sleep(0.5) cv2.destroyAllWindows() def debug_image_callback(self, debug_image): return self.show_img(debug_image) time.sleep(0.5) def evaluateAllImages(self): confidences = list() fail = 0.0 unsave = 0.5 confidence_threshold = 0.4 for row in range(self.dimensions[0]): confidences.append(list()) for checkpoint in range(self.dimensions[1]): confidences[row].append(list()) fails = list() for angle in [4,12]: #,12]:# range(self.angle_steps): image = self.loader.get_image(row, checkpoint, float(angle) / 16 * 2 * math.pi) # self.show_img(image) ground_truth = float(angle - 4)/16*2*math.pi compass_result =, debugCB=self.debug_image_callback) confidence = compass_result[1] fail_val = 0.0 if (abs(ground_truth - compass_result[0]) > 0.0001 and compass_result[1] > confidence_threshold): print("Bad detection", compass_result[0], ground_truth) fail += 1 fail_val = 1.0 if compass_result[1] <= confidence_threshold: if abs(ground_truth - compass_result[0]) > 0.0001: print("Filtered false positive") # self.show_img(image) unsave += 1 print("Confidence too low. Value: {}".format(confidence)) confidence = 0.0 confidences[row][checkpoint].append(confidence) fails.append(fail_val) for fail_obj in fails: confidences[row][checkpoint].append(fail_obj) count = (self.dimensions[0] * self.dimensions[1]) * 2 plt.title('Binary evaluation') plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.title('Confidence values torwards goal 1') self.plot_confidence(confidences,0) plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.title('Confidence values torwards goal 2') self.plot_confidence(confidences,1) plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.title('False positives torwards goal 1') self.plot_confidence(confidences,2) plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.title('False positives torwards goal 2') self.plot_confidence(confidences,3) print("Fail {}%".format(fail/count*100)) print("Unsave {}%".format(unsave/count*100)) def plot_confidence(self, confidences, side): a = np.zeros((10, 7)) for row_index, row in enumerate(confidences): for checkpoint_index, checkpoint in enumerate(row): a[row_index, checkpoint_index] = float(checkpoint[side]) plt.imshow(a, cmap='hot', interpolation='nearest') def float_mod(self, number, modulo): return number - modulo * math.floor(number / modulo)