Пример #1
def create_alvar_marker_from_info(annotation_info, world, frame_id):
    ann = Annotation()
    ann.timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
    ann.id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
    ann.world = world
    ann.name = "marker " + str(annotation_info['name'])
    ann.type = 'ar_track_alvar_msgs/AlvarMarker'
    ann.shape = 0  # Cylinder
    ann.color.r = 1.0
    ann.color.g = 1.0
    ann.color.b = 1.0
    ann.color.a = 1.0
    ann.size.x = 0.18
    ann.size.y = 0.18
    ann.size.z = 0.01
    ann.pose.header.frame_id = frame_id
    ann.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    ann.pose.pose.pose.position.x = annotation_info['x']
    ann.pose.pose.pose.position.y = annotation_info['y']
    ann.pose.pose.pose.position.z = annotation_info['height']
    (ann.pose.pose.pose.orientation.x, ann.pose.pose.pose.orientation.y,
     ann.pose.pose.pose.orientation.z, ann.pose.pose.pose.orientation.w
     ) = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(
         radians(annotation_info['roll']), radians(annotation_info['pitch']),

    obj = ar_msgs.AlvarMarker()
    obj.id = int(annotation_info['name'])
    obj.confidence = 80
    obj.pose.header = ann.pose.header
    obj.pose.pose = ann.pose.pose.pose

    return ann, obj
Пример #2
def read(filename):
    yaml_data = None 
    with open(filename) as f:
       yaml_data = yaml.load(f)

    anns_list = []
    data_list = []

    for t in yaml_data:
        ann = Annotation()
        ann.timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
        ann.world_id = unique_id.toMsg(uuid.UUID('urn:uuid:' + world_id))
        ann.data_id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
        ann.id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
        ann.name = t['name']
        ann.type = 'yocs_msgs/Wall'
        for i in range(0, random.randint(0,11)):
        if 'prev_id' in vars():
        prev_id = ann.id
        ann.shape = 1 # CUBE
        ann.color.r = 0.8
        ann.color.g = 0.2
        ann.color.b = 0.2
        ann.color.a = 0.4
        ann.size.x = float(t['width'])
        ann.size.y = float(t['length'])
        ann.size.z = float(t['height'])
        ann.pose.header.frame_id = t['frame_id']
        ann.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        ann.pose.pose.pose = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message('geometry_msgs/Pose',t['pose'])
        # walls are assumed to lay on the floor, so z coordinate is zero;
        # but WCF assumes that the annotation pose is the center of the object
        ann.pose.pose.pose.position.z += ann.size.z/2.0


        object = Wall()
        object.name = t['name']
        object.length = float(t['length'])
        object.width  = float(t['width'])
        object.height = float(t['height'])
        object.pose.header.frame_id = t['frame_id']
        object.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        object.pose.pose.pose = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message('geometry_msgs/Pose',t['pose'])
        data = AnnotationData()
        data.id = ann.data_id
        data.data = pickle.dumps(object)
        print ann, object, data
    return anns_list, data_list
Пример #3
def read(file):
    yaml_data = None
    with open(file) as f:
        yaml_data = yaml.load(f)

    anns_list = []
    data_list = []

    for t in yaml_data:
        ann = Annotation()
        ann.timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
        ann.data_id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
        ann.id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
        ann.world = world
        ann.name = t['name']
        ann.type = 'yocs_msgs/Table'
        for i in range(0, random.randint(0, 11)):
            ann.keywords.append('kw' + str(random.randint(1, 11)))
        if 'prev_id' in vars():
        prev_id = ann.id
        ann.shape = 3  #CYLINDER
        ann.color.r = 0.2
        ann.color.g = 0.2
        ann.color.b = 0.8
        ann.color.a = 0.5
        ann.size.x = float(t['radius']) * 2
        ann.size.y = float(t['radius']) * 2
        ann.size.z = float(t['height'])
        ann.pose.header.frame_id = t['frame_id']
        ann.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        ann.pose.pose.pose = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message(
            'geometry_msgs/Pose', t['pose'])

        # tables are assumed to lay on the floor, so z coordinate is zero;
        # but WCF assumes that the annotation pose is the center of the object
        ann.pose.pose.pose.position.z += ann.size.z / 2.0


        object = Table()
        object.name = t['name']
        object.radius = float(t['radius'])
        object.height = float(t['height'])
        object.pose.header.frame_id = t['frame_id']
        object.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        object.pose.pose.pose = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message(
            'geometry_msgs/Pose', t['pose'])
        data = AnnotationData()
        data.id = ann.data_id
        data.type = ann.type
        data.data = serialize_msg(object)


    return anns_list, data_list
Пример #4
def read(file):
    yaml_data = None 
    with open(file) as f:
       yaml_data = yaml.load(f)

    anns_list = []
    data_list = []

    for t in yaml_data:
        ann = Annotation()
        ann.timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
        ann.data_id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
        ann.id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
        ann.world = world
        ann.name = t['name']
        ann.type = 'yocs_msgs/Table'
        for i in range(0, random.randint(0,11)):
        if 'prev_id' in vars():
        prev_id = ann.id
        ann.shape = 3  #CYLINDER
        ann.color.r = 0.2
        ann.color.g = 0.2
        ann.color.b = 0.8
        ann.color.a = 0.5
        ann.size.x = float(t['radius'])*2
        ann.size.y = float(t['radius'])*2
        ann.size.z = float(t['height'])
        ann.pose.header.frame_id = t['frame_id']
        ann.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        ann.pose.pose.pose = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message('geometry_msgs/Pose',t['pose'])
        # tables are assumed to lay on the floor, so z coordinate is zero;
        # but WCF assumes that the annotation pose is the center of the object
        ann.pose.pose.pose.position.z += ann.size.z/2.0


        object = Table()
        object.name = t['name']
        object.radius = float(t['radius'])
        object.height = float(t['height'])
        object.pose.header.frame_id = t['frame_id']
        object.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        object.pose.pose.pose = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message('geometry_msgs/Pose',t['pose'])
        data = AnnotationData()
        data.id = ann.data_id
        data.type = ann.type
        data.data = serialize_msg(object)

    return anns_list, data_list
Пример #5
def read(file):
    yaml_data = None
    with open(file) as f:
        yaml_data = yaml.load(f)

    anns_list = []
    data_list = []

    for t in yaml_data:
        ann = Annotation()
        ann.timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
        ann.data_id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
        ann.id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
        ann.world = world
        ann.name = t['name']
        ann.type = 'ar_track_alvar_msgs/AlvarMarker'
        for i in range(0, random.randint(0, 11)):
            ann.keywords.append('kw' + str(random.randint(1, 11)))
        # if 'prev_id' in vars():
        #     ann.relationships.append(prev_id)
        # prev_id = ann.id
        ann.shape = 1  # CUBE
        ann.color.r = 1.0
        ann.color.g = 1.0
        ann.color.b = 1.0
        ann.color.a = 1.0
        ann.size.x = 0.18
        ann.size.y = 0.18
        ann.size.z = 0.01
        ann.pose.header.frame_id = t['frame_id']
        ann.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        ann.pose.pose.pose = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message(
            'geometry_msgs/Pose', t['pose'])


        object = AlvarMarker()
        object.id = t['id']
        object.confidence = t['confidence']
        object.pose.header.frame_id = t['frame_id']
        object.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        object.pose.pose = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message(
            'geometry_msgs/Pose', t['pose'])
        data = AnnotationData()
        data.id = ann.data_id
        data.type = ann.type
        data.data = serialize_msg(object)


    return anns_list, data_list
Пример #6
def read(filename):
    yaml_data = None 
    with open(filename) as f:
       yaml_data = yaml.load(f)

    anns_list = []
    data_list = []

    for t in yaml_data:
        ann = Annotation()
        ann.timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
        ann.world_id = unique_id.toMsg(uuid.UUID('urn:uuid:' + world_id))
        ann.data_id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
        ann.id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
        ann.name = t['name']
        ann.type = 'ar_track_alvar/AlvarMarker'
        for i in range(0, random.randint(0,11)):
        # if 'prev_id' in vars():
        #     ann.relationships.append(prev_id)
        # prev_id = ann.id
        ann.shape = 1 # CUBE
        ann.color.r = 1.0
        ann.color.g = 1.0
        ann.color.b = 1.0
        ann.color.a = 1.0
        ann.size.x = 0.18
        ann.size.y = 0.18
        ann.size.z = 0.01
        ann.pose.header.frame_id = t['frame_id']
        ann.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        ann.pose.pose.pose = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message('geometry_msgs/Pose',t['pose'])

        object = AlvarMarker()
        object.id = t['id']
        object.confidence = t['confidence']
        object.pose.header.frame_id = t['frame_id']
        object.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        object.pose.pose = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message('geometry_msgs/Pose',t['pose'])
        data = AnnotationData()
        data.id = ann.data_id
        data.data = pickle.dumps(object)
        print ann, object, data
    return anns_list, data_list
Пример #7
def create_waypoint_from_info(annotation_info, world, frame_id):
    ann = Annotation()
    ann.timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
    ann.id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
    ann.world = world
    ann.name = annotation_info['name']
    ann.type = 'yocs_msgs/Waypoint'
    ann.shape = 3  # Arrow
    ann.color.r = 0.2
    ann.color.g = 0.2
    ann.color.b = 0.8
    ann.color.a = 0.5
    ann.size.x = float(annotation_info['radius']) * 2
    ann.size.y = float(annotation_info['radius']) * 2
    ann.size.z = float(annotation_info['height'])
    ann.pose.header.frame_id = frame_id
    ann.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    ann.pose.pose.pose.position.x = annotation_info['x']
    ann.pose.pose.pose.position.y = annotation_info['y']
    ann.pose.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0  #annotation_info['height']
    (ann.pose.pose.pose.orientation.x, ann.pose.pose.pose.orientation.y,
     ann.pose.pose.pose.orientation.z, ann.pose.pose.pose.orientation.w
     ) = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(
         radians(annotation_info['roll']), radians(annotation_info['pitch']),

    obj = yocs_msgs.Waypoint()
    obj.name = annotation_info['name']
    obj.header.frame_id = frame_id
    obj.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    obj.pose.position.x = annotation_info['x']
    obj.pose.position.y = annotation_info['y']
    obj.pose.position.z = 0.0
    (obj.pose.orientation.x, obj.pose.orientation.y, obj.pose.orientation.z,
     obj.pose.orientation.w) = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(
         radians(annotation_info['roll']), radians(annotation_info['pitch']),

    # waypoints are assumed to lay on the floor, so z coordinate is zero;
    # but WCF assumes that the annotation pose is the center of the object
    ann.pose.pose.pose.position.z += ann.size.z / 2.0

    return ann, obj
Пример #8
def read(file):
    Parse a yaml file containing a single map message
    @param file Target file path
    yaml_data = None
    with open(file) as f:
        yaml_data = yaml.load(f)

    ann = Annotation()
    ann.timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
    ann.data_id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
    ann.id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
    ann.world = world
    ann.name = map_name
    ann.type = 'nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid'
    ann.shape = 1  # CUBE
    ann.color.r = 0.2
    ann.color.g = 0.2
    ann.color.b = 0.2
    ann.color.a = 0.01
    ann.size.x = yaml_data['info']['width'] * yaml_data['info']['resolution']
    ann.size.y = yaml_data['info']['height'] * yaml_data['info']['resolution']
    ann.size.z = 0.000001
    ann.pose.header.frame_id = '/map'
    ann.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    ann.pose.pose.pose = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message(
        'geometry_msgs/Pose', yaml_data['info']['origin'])

    object = OccupancyGrid()
    genpy.message.fill_message_args(object, yaml_data)
    map = AnnotationData()
    map.id = ann.data_id
    map.type = ann.type
    map.data = serialize_msg(object)

    return [ann], [
    ]  # return as lists, as is what expects save_annotations_data service
Пример #9
def read(filename):
    Parse a yaml file containing a single map message
    @param filename Target file path
    yaml_data = None 
    with open(filename) as f:
       yaml_data = yaml.load(f)
    ann = Annotation()
    ann.timestamp = rospy.Time.now()
    ann.world_id = unique_id.toMsg(uuid.UUID('urn:uuid:' + world_id))
    ann.data_id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
    ann.id = unique_id.toMsg(unique_id.fromRandom())
    ann.name = map_name
    ann.type = 'nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid'
    ann.shape = 1 # CUBE
    ann.color.r = 0.2
    ann.color.g = 0.2
    ann.color.b = 0.2
    ann.color.a = 1.0
    ann.size.x = yaml_data['info']['width'] * yaml_data['info']['resolution']
    ann.size.y = yaml_data['info']['height'] * yaml_data['info']['resolution']
    ann.size.z = 0.000001
    ann.pose.header.frame_id = '/map'
    ann.pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    ann.pose.pose.pose = message_converter.convert_dictionary_to_ros_message('geometry_msgs/Pose',

    object = OccupancyGrid()
    genpy.message.fill_message_args(object, yaml_data)
    map = AnnotationData()
    map.id = ann.data_id
    map.data = pickle.dumps(object)
    print ann
    return [ann], [map]  # return as lists, as is what expects save_annotations_data service