def test_agent_receives_correct_senses3(self): class AI: def __init__(self): self.received_senses = None def get_action(self, senses): self.received_senses = senses return 0 test_file = Path(__file__).parent / 'test_world.txt' with open(test_file, 'w') as file: file.write("000G\n") file.write("P000\n") file.write("W000\n") file.write("0000\n") try: AI_agent = AI() world = World(test_file, AI_agent) self.assertEqual(AI_agent.received_senses, [False, True, False, False, False]) finally: test_file.unlink()
def test_wumpus_screams_when_shot_with_arrow2(self): class AI: def __init__(self): self.move_count = 0 self.received_senses = None def get_action(self, senses): self.received_senses = senses if self.move_count == 0: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.TURNLEFT elif self.move_count == 1: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.SHOOT else: return 0 test_file = Path(__file__).parent / 'test_world.txt' with open(test_file, 'w') as file: file.write("0000\n") file.write("W000\n") file.write("0000\n") file.write("000G\n") try: AI_agent = AI() world = World(test_file, AI_agent) self.assertEqual(AI_agent.received_senses, [False, False, False, False, True]) finally: test_file.unlink()
def test_agent_receives_bump_when_walking_into_a_wall4(self): class AI: def __init__(self): self.move_count = 0 self.received_senses = None def get_action(self, senses): self.received_senses = senses if self.move_count == 0: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.TURNLEFT elif self.move_count < 5: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.FORWARD else: return 0 test_file = Path(__file__).parent / 'test_world.txt' with open(test_file, 'w') as file: file.write("000W\n") file.write("0000\n") file.write("0000\n") file.write("000G\n") try: AI_agent = AI() world = World(test_file, AI_agent) self.assertEqual(AI_agent.received_senses, [False, False, False, True, False]) finally: test_file.unlink()
def test_agent_moves_to_correct_location2(self): class AI: def __init__(self): self.move_count = 0 def get_action(self, senses): if self.move_count == 0: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.TURNLEFT elif self.move_count == 1: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.FORWARD else: return 0 test_file = Path(__file__).parent / 'test_world.txt' with open(test_file, 'w') as file: file.write("0000\n") file.write("0000\n") file.write("0000\n") file.write("0W0G\n") try: AI_agent = AI() world = World(test_file, AI_agent) self.assertEqual((world.agent.X, world.agent.Y), (0, 1)) self.assertEqual(world.agent.direction_index, 3) finally: test_file.unlink()
def test_agent_turns_correctly2(self): class AI: def __init__(self): self.move_count = 0 def get_action(self, senses): if self.move_count == 0: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.TURNRIGHT else: return 0 test_file = Path(__file__).parent / 'test_world.txt' with open(test_file, 'w') as file: file.write("0W0G\n") file.write("P000\n") file.write("0000\n") file.write("0000\n") try: AI_agent = AI() world = World(test_file, AI_agent) self.assertEqual(world.agent.direction_index, 1) finally: test_file.unlink()
def test_agent_senses_glitter_when_on_gold_tile(self): class AI: def __init__(self): self.received_senses = None self.move_count = 0 def get_action(self, senses): self.received_senses = senses if self.move_count == 0: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.FORWARD else: return 0 test_file = Path(__file__).parent / 'test_world.txt' with open(test_file, 'w') as file: file.write("0G0W\n") file.write("0000\n") file.write("0000\n") file.write("0000\n") try: AI_agent = AI() world = World(test_file, AI_agent) self.assertEqual(AI_agent.received_senses, [False, False, True, False, False]) finally: test_file.unlink()
def test_agent_can_grab_gold_and_exit(self): class AI: def __init__(self): self.move_count = 0 def get_action(self, senses): if self.move_count == 0: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.FORWARD elif self.move_count == 1: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.GRAB elif self.move_count == 2: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.TURNRIGHT elif self.move_count == 3: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.TURNRIGHT elif self.move_count == 4: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.FORWARD elif self.move_count == 5: self.move_count += 1 return ActionType.CLIMB else: return 0 test_file = Path(__file__).parent / 'test_world.txt' with open(test_file, 'w') as file: file.write("0G00\n") file.write("0000\n") file.write("0000\n") file.write("000W\n") try: AI_agent = AI() world = World(test_file, AI_agent) score = self.assertGreater(score, 900) finally: test_file.unlink()
def test_agent_dies_when_walking_into_wumpus(self): class AI: def get_action(self, senses): return ActionType.FORWARD test_file = Path(__file__).parent / 'test_world.txt' with open(test_file, 'w') as file: file.write("0W0G\n") file.write("0000\n") file.write("0000\n") file.write("0000\n") try: AI_agent = AI() world = World(test_file, AI_agent) score = self.assertLess(score, -1000) finally: test_file.unlink()