Пример #1
   idx   = diff.index(min(diff))
   return stepra[idx],ralabel[idx]
if __name__ == "__main__":
   arg = ReadCmd(spec)
   image      = arg.getstr('in',exist=True)
   rangex     = arg.getlistfloat('xrange',length=2)
   rangey     = arg.getlistfloat('yrange',length=2)
   tmplength  = arg.getfloat('length')
   tmpra      = arg.getlistfloat('ra',length=2)
   tmpdec     = arg.getlistfloat('dec',length=2)
   outfile    = arg.getstr('out',exist=False)

   import worldpos
   wcs = worldpos.wcs(image)
   if wcs.header['rot'] != 0:
      error('WIP cannot handle rotations!')
   if len(rangex) == 0:
      xmin = 0.5
      xmax = naxis1 + 0.5
      xmin = rangex[0] - 0.5
      xmax = rangex[1] + 0.5
   if len(rangey) == 0:
      ymin = 0.5
      ymax = naxis2 + 0.5
      ymin = rangey[0] - 0.5
      ymax = rangey[1] + 0.5
Пример #2
    return stepra[idx], ralabel[idx]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    arg = ReadCmd(spec)
    image = arg.getstr('in', exist=True)
    rangex = arg.getlistfloat('xrange', length=2)
    rangey = arg.getlistfloat('yrange', length=2)
    tmplength = arg.getfloat('length')
    tmpra = arg.getlistfloat('ra', length=2)
    tmpdec = arg.getlistfloat('dec', length=2)
    outfile = arg.getstr('out', exist=False)

    import worldpos
    wcs = worldpos.wcs(image)
    if wcs.header['rot'] != 0:
        error('WIP cannot handle rotations!')

    if len(rangex) == 0:
        xmin = 0.5
        xmax = naxis1 + 0.5
        xmin = rangex[0] - 0.5
        xmax = rangex[1] + 0.5
    if len(rangey) == 0:
        ymin = 0.5
        ymax = naxis2 + 0.5
        ymin = rangey[0] - 0.5
        ymax = rangey[1] + 0.5
Пример #3
# read CDELT from FITS header to pick an appropriate distance for scaling
fp = pyfits.open(image,mode='readonly')
if cdFlag is True:
   cdelt = abs(float(fp[ext].header['cd1_1'])) # cdelt in degrees
   cdelt = abs(float(fp[ext].header['cdelt2'])) # cdelt in degrees
scale = 5*cdelt

data0 = loadtxt(infile,usecols=cols,comments='#')
if len(data0.shape) == 1: # only 1 line in file, so upgrade to 2-d array b/c
   data0.shape = (1,data0.size) # numpy doesn't seem to do this by default
data0[:,3] = pi/180.*data0[:,3] # convert angles to radians

wcs = worldpos.wcs(image,ext=ext,cd=cdFlag)
data1 = wcs.sky2xy(data0[:,0],data0[:,1])
data0[:,1] = data0[:,1] + scale # move dec's north by length amounts
data2 = wcs.sky2xy(data0[:,0],data0[:,1])

# convert to numpy array with x,y in different columns
data1 = column_stack(data1)
data2 = column_stack(data2)

# make positions relative to initial position, so we can rotate around those 
# points.
data2 = data2 - data1

# rotate x,y
sintmp = sin(data0[:,3])
costmp = cos(data0[:,3])
Пример #4
fits_file = 'YOURFITS.fits'
out_file = 'cutout1.fits'

fits_data = pyfits.getdata(fits_file, 0)
header = pyfits.getheader(fits_file)
image_data = fits_data[0][0]

ID, RA, Dec = np.loadtxt('/INSERT/YOUR/DIRECTORY/WITH/coordinates.txt',
                         usecols=[0, 1, 2],
                         dtype=[('ID', '|S30'), ('RA', 'f8'), ('dec', 'f8')])
# Convert RA and Dec to x and y

wcs = worldpos.wcs(
    fits_file, ext=0, rot='CROTA2',
    cd=False)  # crota2 assumed to be zero (i.e. image has no rotation wrt sky)
x, y = wcs.sky2xy(RA, Dec)  # POS_X, POS_Y

# Pixel numbers
pixel_x = np.rint(x).astype(
)  # Rounding to the nearest integer, then ensuring type is changed from float to integer
pixel_y = np.rint(y).astype('i')

def cutout(file,